教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30052).doc

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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30052).doc_第1页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:30052).doc_第3页
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1、课题Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? 课时第一课时第一课时 学科英语年级五年级备课老师 学习目标1、 能正确朗读本课的单词 2、 理解并掌握 Would you like to .的句型及应答。 3、 句型:. plan to . Id like to invite you to . What time should we go/ Where should we meet? Lets meet .(时间、 地点) 4、能流利朗读本课的对话 学习重难点1、 “四会”掌握本课的单词 2、能运用 Would you like to .的句型及应答。 教学准备录

2、音机、录音带、头饰、投影。 预习内容1、认读单词。2、读本课对话,了解大意。 教学过程 教学步骤师生活动设计意图 (课前预习) 导入新课 公布目标 (预习检查) 自学指导 自主学习 展示点评 一、1、揭题引入: Lets chant 二、出示学习目标 Lets chant What day is it today? Its Whats the date today? Its 3. What are you doing tomorrow? 三、检查预习情况 1、检查学习单词情况 (1) 、抽读(点评) (2) 、指导书写 四、指导学习过程 1. 询问学生 What are you doing t

3、his weekend,并 跟学生简单解释口语中可以用进行时表示将来。 2. (出示 Would you like .?句型并用它对野餐的计划 进行提问,由此导入本课生词。) (1)To predict with the new vocabulary, the title and the pictures in the dialogue. (2) To skim the meaning of the whole passage. (3) To scan the three childrens plans this Saturday in 引入,激发 学生兴趣 通过导合、 导练、 导展、 导评,

4、让学 生了解句子 大意。 检测反馈 总结拓展 the dialogue. (4) To read aloud the new words and phrasal verbs on the date for the plans. (5) To practise the sentences for invitation Id like to invite you to . What time should we go?/ Where should we meet? Lets meet .(时间、地点) (6) High light it and some more practice. (7) Wr

5、ite down the important sentences and put it into the profile. (8) To skim the meaning of the whole passage. Go over the key sentences yesterday. To scan the three childrens plans in the dialogue. (9) Set a purpose for listening to the dialogue: The children are talking about their pans. Lets listen

6、and find out what they like doing. 6. 引导学生反问老师 What are you doing this weekend? 老师出示自己周末的安排, 目的是帮助学生理解和学 习 nothing 这个新单词。 从谈论师生的周末计划转入课文学习。 点击喇叭按钮链接课文的录音, 让学生先听觉感知语 篇并完成连线练习。 有必要的话可以让学生先看问题, 然后带着问题再去 听对话。 Lets read after the tape: 点击新单词进入单词学习页面。 如果想节省时间,也可以跳过单词学习页面,直接通 过 phonics 教授单词。 Lets talk in p

7、airs: 同位操练,巩固句型的运用,同时学习词条里面新单 词 五、总结:如何邀请别人参加预定计划的日常用语。 六、 布置作业: 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2.、看图和词条,仿照课文编写一段邀请和应邀的对 话。 板书设计Module 3 Invitations Unit 5Would you like to go with us? Would you like to .- Yes, Id love to. . plan to . Id like to invite you to . What time should we go? Where should we meet? Lets meet .(时间、地点) 我的反思很多学生对野餐计划都很感兴趣,他们对计划里的时间,地点, 人物都制定得很清晰。 在学习如何邀请别人参加预设计划的日常用 语中,大部分同学都很积极热情。就是日期的用语表达上,个别同 学还没熟练的掌握好。需加强练习,巩固。


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