教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Let's read-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e04bf).doc

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教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Let's read-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e04bf).doc_第1页
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1、1 Unit12 Lets read Grade 授课年级 Grade5 五年级 Teacher 执教教师 Teaching Contents (教学内容教学内容) Module6 Unit12 I have a short cut Prior Knowledge ( 已有知识已有知识) Students know some names of places and how to ask and answer the directions Students have some English reading and writing skills. Students know how to wor

2、k in pairs and groups. Teaching Aims (教学目标)(教学目标) 单元目标单元目标 本课时的目标本课时的目标 Aims for language 1)Help students to understand the passage in the textbook 2)Help students to read the passage and find out the important information 3)Help students to finish a form about the passage make a short cutabout a pl

3、ace 4)Help students to make a short cut about a place in pairs Aims for ability maintain 1)To train the studentsability of reading a passage 2)To develop studentsability of making a dialogue about askingand answering directions 3)To improve studentss reading and peaking English. 4)To develop student

4、sability of finding important information Aims for emotion cultivate 1) Encourage students to express and help others to find a short cut 2) Encourage students to build confidence of speaking English 3)Arouse the childrens interests in reading Difficulties ( 难点难点 ) To help the students to understand

5、 the expressing of asking and answering the directions How to read a passage fully To help students to write down the important information Teaching Aids ( 教学辅助教学辅助) Real objects, wordsand sentencescards, picture cards, PPT file and so on Procedures ( 教学过程教学过程 ) Teachers 教师活动教师活动Students 学生活动学生活动 Pu

6、rpose 教学目的教学目的 Prelude ( 热身热身 ) 1. Play a song.1. Sing the song. 全班齐唱英文歌。这首歌旋 律优美、节奏明快。而且配 以活泼可爱的形体动作,所 Module6 Unit 12I have a short cut 教案设计教案设计 2 以这首歌能激起学生的热 情,在边演边唱的“热身” 中,学生不但复习了前面的 内容,还把注意力从课前的 休息转移到课堂的教学中 来。 Lead in ( 导入导入 ) 1. Play a song 2. Ask students to find out a pencil 3. Give a questi

7、on 1.Sing the song together 2. Looking for the pencil 3. Guess the question 1.通过方位介词歌曲复习 方位词,为下面环节铺垫。 2.学生通过寻找铅笔,巩固 了方位介词,并引出课文重 点地点。 3.通过猜测引出文章主人 公。 Presentation (文章呈现文章呈现 和学习和学习 ) 1.Encourage students to listen and read thepassage three times 2.provide different questions in different times 1.List

8、en and read the passage three times 2.Readandanswer different questions 1.引导学生分段阅读,针对 每段提出不同的问题。 2.培养学生学会阅读和找 重点句子的能力。 Practising (重点知识学(重点知识学 习)习) 1.Provide some pictures of words, phrases and sentences 2.Provide some simple maps and encourage ask and answer the directions in small groups 1.Learnin

9、g and playing 2.Pairswork:Askand answer 1.通过肢体和游戏学习重 点单词、短语和句子,为 下面的问和答铺垫。 2.小组活动问路和指路,加 深学生对问路和指路的 清晰表达。 Production (知识输出)(知识输出) 1.Provide the map of Johns 2.Provide the map of Joans 3.Provide a form about Jonn and Joan 1.Studentsfindoutand express Johns and Joans ways to the cinema. 2.Finish the f

10、orm about JohnsandJoans directions. 1 1.通过地图复述两个主人公 所选择不同的路线。 2.鼓励学生复述不同的路 线,引导学注意图与文章的 结合,直观的地图划线加深 了学生对文章的理解,有益 于文章的输出。 3.鼓励学生完成表格,检验 学生对文章的掌握程度。 3 Expansion and consolidation (扩展和巩扩展和巩 固固) 1.Provideamapofacity, encourage students to find out the short cut 2.Pair work: Ask and answer the ways to a

11、 place in the short cut 1.Students look at the map and find out the short cut. 2.Students make a new dialogueabout directions 1. 鼓励学生学会观察地图 和找出捷径,并乐于与 其他学生分享自己找到 的捷径。 2. 鼓励 2 人一组创编对 话,扩展和巩固了前面 和本课的学习。 Homework (作业布置)(作业布置) 1.Listen to Lets read three times. 2.Do the exercises on page 70. 3. Prepare the lesson for page71. 1.All the students should finish the first and the third homework. 2.Somestudentscan choosethesecond homework. 分层次布置作业。作业布置 有听读和口头表达, 也有 难度较高的练习。全部学生 要完成必选的听读和口头 作业,学有余力的学生还可 选有难度的练习来巩固所 学知识。


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