教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:430ab).docx

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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:430ab).docx_第1页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:430ab).docx_第2页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:430ab).docx_第3页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 6 See you at the party-Let's read-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:430ab).docx_第5页
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1、Title 题目题目 Unit6 See you at the party Lets read Date 日期日期 Teacher 执教执教 Module/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module3 Invitations Period 课时课时 1st Type of lesson 课型课型 新授课 本课设计特点本课设计特点 1、运用信息差策略,创设真实语言环境。 本文首先呈现一封信息不完整的邀请函,让学生对信息不完整的邀请函提出问题。再通过阅读重新编写的对话, 查找邀请函所需的信息。最后学生根据收集到的信息,小组合作,形成信息完整的邀请函。创设真实语境,进行自 下而上(bottom

2、up)的体验式学习。 2、运用思维导图,训练学生思维。 运用 4W1H 构建思维导图,逐步呈现信息完整的邀请函架构。训练学生的逻辑思维和发散性思维,培养学生构建 书写短文的逻辑性。为理解文章以及接下来的短文书写打下基础。 Teaching Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1. Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 1) 学生能听、读、说、理解下列新单词:invitespecialsurprisebeginarrivecall 2)学生能理解和运用以下重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气:. plan to . Id like to invite you to .

3、3)学生能理解并流利朗读本文。 2. Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: 1)学生能在情境中理解、正确运用句型。 2)学生能在思维导图的引导下,理解邀请函的结构,并作排序组成一封信息完整的邀请函。 3)学生能借助思维导图,复述课文。 3.Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 1)学生能对英语课堂活动感兴趣,自主参与各种活动; 4. Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: 1)学生能进行小组合作,与他人交流; 2)学生能通过思维导图,学习理解邀请函的各要素,并复述课文。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点: 1、新单词的理解和上口。 2、在思维导图的引导下,能知道

4、写邀请函的要素。 3、理解并流利朗读课文。 教学难点: 1、长句 We hope that all her friends and classmates will come together and have fun on this special day. 的上口。 2、在思维导图的引导下,能知道写邀请函的要素。 教学媒体教学媒体自制课件,worksheet(课后延续性作业) 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 I. Warming up& Revision 1. free talk: Mikes birthday is on June 11t

5、h. Xiaoling and Ben went to Mikes birthday on Thursday. They had fun. Lets go and see what happened at the party. 2. Ask the question: What do you often do at the party? 1 .Free talk Leading in and warming up. 2. Review the phrases about the activities they learnt. 导入情景,复习旧知。 II. Presentation &Pract

6、ice 1.Ask some questions: Time flies. Its November. Isthereanythingimportantthis month? 2. Ask the Ss to read a dialogue betweenXiaolingand Jiamin. 6. Answer the question, and knowthedateofAnns birthday. And learn the new word“special” 2. Ss get some information aboutthetextfromthe dialogue. 1)Read

7、the dialogue. 2)Learnthenewword “surprise”“arrive” 3) Practice reading the long sentence: I hope that / all 导入课文 通过阅读对话,了解课文信息,增加 语言重现性。学习新单词,练习上口 长句。 3. Use the 4W mind map to analyze the text, make the Ss know What we need to write while we are writing an invitation. 1) Show an invitation which is

8、 not contain the whole information. 2) Use the 4W mind map to analyze the text. her friends and classmates / will come together / and have fun / on this special day. 3. Use the 4W mind map to analyze the text, Ss know What they need to write while they are writing an invitation. 1) Read the invitati

9、on. 2) Accordingtothe4W question, with the help of the 通过阅读信息不完整的邀请函,运用 4W 问题以及提示单的帮助下,理清 文章思路以及邀请函必须要素,解决 难点。 3) Ask Ss to make the invitation perfect. tips bag, make the invitation clearandcontainthe necessary information. 3)Practice reading the long sentence again. III. Consolidation &Development

10、 1. Ask the Ss to read and do some exercises and make a report. 2. Ask the Ss to design a funny activity to make an invitation. 1.Readanddosome exercises. 2. Fill the words in the invitation. 3. design a funny activity to make an invitation with the help of mind map. 通过几个练习,进一步熟悉课文,复 述课文。 通过设计活动,并构思

11、邀请函,达到 运用本课语言知识的目的。 IV. Conclusion & Homework Sum up:写邀请函的格式与要素。 homework: 1Copy the new words and read the text. 2 Design a funny activity and prepare to write an invitation to your classmate. Designing on the board: 板书板书 Unit 6 See you at the party. Dear_, Id like to invite you to_.Day: Shall we meet at_at_?Date: If you are coming, please call me,OK? Special Yours,_. Surprise arrive What: Who: Where: When


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