教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx

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教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx_第1页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx_第2页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx_第3页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx_第4页
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教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:41102).docx_第5页
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1、1 / 9 五年级下册 Module4 Travel Unit 7 We will go by train 第一课时教学设计 【教学内容分析】 Module4 的话题是 Travel,Module4 是本册教材学习一般将来时的第 2 个 module,在本 册 Module2 学生已经学过一般将来时的陈述句。也是第 2 个描述旅游计划的 Unit,Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan,学生也学习过关于旅行话题的课文。本节课是 Unit7 的第一课时,教学 内容是 Lets talk,学习重点是在 Unit4 的基础上进一步运用一般将来时描述旅游计划,并重点 学习一般

2、将来时的四个特殊问句。 【教学对象分析】 五年级孩子已有较好的语言基础, 对“旅游”这个贴近生活的话题也比较感兴趣。 通过前面 涉及将来时和“旅游”的有关单元的学习, 大多数孩子已积累了描述旅游计划所需的词汇和句型。 因此,可充分利用学生已有的语言积累和日常生活体验创设教学情境和设计教学活动,滚动 新旧知识,培养学生对语言知识的综合运用能力。 【教学目标】 (一)语言能力目标 1.能听、 说、 读以下单词: by, train, taxi, underground, on foot, Hong Kong, valley, island, exciting, leave; 2.能听、说、读以下词

3、组:by train, by taxi, by underground, on foot,Hong Kong, Happy Valley, Window of the World; 3.掌握重点学习一般将来时的特殊疑问句,如: -How will you go there? I will go there by train /by taxi/by underground/ on foot. What will you do.? 2 / 9 I will. Where will you go? I will go to. When will you ? I will .on. (二)学习能力目标

4、 1. 能在听的过程中提取关键信息完成练习; 2. 能根据教师提供的语言框架,运用相关的语言知识进行连贯表达。 3. 能积极思考问题并参与课堂活动。 (三)思维品质目标 1. 能调动思维灵活度,有效利用和迁移知识; 2. 能通过板书内容、关键词信息等获取、扩充知识,梳理逻辑关系。 (四)文化品格目标 能感悟旅游使人放松、快乐及增长见识,激发热爱生活的情感。 【教学重点】 1.理解课文并流利地朗读出来。 2.掌握一般将来时的特殊问句及回答。 3.运用本课句型制定自己的旅游计划。 【教学难点】 1.掌握一般将来时的特殊问句及回答。 2.运用本课句型制定自己的旅游计划。 【教学准备】 3 / 9 1

5、.准备有关教具; 2.制作课堂教学 PPT。 【课时安排】 period 1 第一课时 【教学过程】 Step 1: Warm-up 1.Lets chant. 2.Lets sing:唱英文歌 Lets Travel 3.Greetings. 4.Free talk: Just now we sang a song and read a chant. What are they about? Its about travelling and the ways we go travelling. 设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,轻松、自然导入本节课的话题。 Step2: Presentation 1.

6、 Present and read the title: Unit 7 We will go by train How will we travel? We will travel by train/ by taxi/ underground/on foot(PPT) Learn: by train/ taxi/ undergroundon foot 设计意图:通过课题的介绍引出其他交通出行方式,解决关于交通出行的新单词和短语,为 后面讨论 How 引导的一般将来时的回答铺垫。 2. There are many ways to travel. If we travel to other pl

7、aces. PPT:we will travel by(看图补充句子) 3.Look at this picture, where is it? Its Wuhan. How will you go to Wuhan? 4 / 9 I will go there by train. 板书句型并带读。 3. Pratise the dialogue in two. 4.You all like travelling. But when can we go travel? Look at the calendar, our holiday is coming. (出示 五一假期的日历)From M

8、ay 1st to May 4th, we have a four-day holiday. We can go travelling. Now we can make our travel plan. In this lesson, we will talk about 4 travel plans. 课件出示: Classmates travel planMiss Chens travel planBens travel planyour travel plan 设计意图:通过“五一”假期创设情境,并提出本课时的四个学习任务。 5. Lets go to the first part. S

9、ome of your classmates have their plans for this holiday. Lets watch and listen .(看同学介绍在“五一”的活动) Learn: valleyHappy ValleyWindow of the WorldHong Kongislandexciting 设计意图:通过观看同学在“五一”假期旅游计划的图片和介绍,学习本课新单词,并为学生下一 步学习 Where 和 What 将来时特殊问句提供铺垫。 6. Wow, their travel plans are wonderful. Miss Chen has a tra

10、vel plan, too. Do you want to know? Lets go to the second part.About my travel plan,do you have any questions to ask me? I will tell you. 设计意图: 引导学生进入第二个任务.让学生提出关于 Travel plan 的问题, 初步说出 what,where, how,when 的问句 7. You have many questions, now Listen to my plan and finish EX1, you will know the answe

11、rs: 听老师的“五一”出行计划并完成练习。 I have a travel plan for this May Day holiday. I will go to Hainan Island by plane with my family. I will leave on May 1st. I will swim in the sea with the fish and play on the beach. On May 4th, I will fly back to Guangzhou. Thats very exciting. I cant wait. (B)1. Where will

12、Miss Chen go? A. ShenzhenB. Hainan IslandC. Hong Kong (C)2. Who will Miss Chen go with? A. She will go with her parents. 5 / 9 B. She will go with her friend. C. She will go with her family. (C)3. What will Miss Chen do? A. She will swim with the fish. B. She will play on the beach. C. Both A and B.

13、 (A)4. How will Miss Chen go there? A. She will go there by plane. B. She will go there by train. C. She will go there by boat. ( C) 5. When will Miss Chen come back home? She will come back home on May 1st. B. She will come back home on May 3rd. She will come back home on May 4th. 7Check the answer

14、s. 设计意图:通过听力练习,在听力练习中提取 travel plan 构成的关键信息,强化 what when where how 引导的一般将来时问句和答句。 Step 3: Practice 1.Do you like my plan? Ben also has a plan for his holiday. Lets watch the video and answer the questions.听两次。 (C)Where is Ben going?A. He will visit Window of the World and go to Happy Valley. (D)How

15、will he go there?B. He will come back home on May 4th. (A)What will he do there?C. He is going to Shenzhen. (B)When will he come back home?D. He will go there by train. 3. Check the answers. 6 / 9 设计意图: 让学生初步感知课文内容,并带着任务观看视频,会更容易了解 Ben 一家的出行计 划,帮助学生后面的背诵课文。 4. Lets review Bens plan.(贴 BEN 头像在黑板)。 Th

16、is is Bens Travel plan. Lets ask and answer together.边说边板书答句在黑板上。 设计意图:通过回顾 Ben 的旅游计划,总结 travel plan 的内容,让学生进一步明确 what when where how 引导的一般将来时问句和答句的搭配。板书为学生后面谈论自己的旅游计划提供语 言框架。 5. Lets read :带读、齐读、小组读。 设计意图:让学生用正确的语音语调读课文。 6.Lets recite: 同位练习看提示词背诵课文。4 人小组。 设计意图:加强孩子的语言表达能力,通过背诵进一步掌握和记忆课文内容。 7.Lets s

17、um up : 总结并读板书内容。 总结 travel plan 的几大要素。 设计意图:帮助学生梳理 travel plan 的内容和结构,通过板书帮助学生构建语言框架。 Step 4: Development 1. You read three travel plans. Do you want to travel on May Day. Its the time for you to make your own travel plan.Lets go to part 4. I have a dialogue for you. 老师先示范。 Lets talk: 小组对话,讨论一下自己的旅

18、游计划。 Lets write: Please write down your plan. 设计意图:拓展学生对自己希望的假期计划,运用本节课学习的重点句型。 2. The more we travel, the more we see and learn。 Step 5: Homework 1.Copy new words and make sentences. 2.Read & recite the dialogue. 7 / 9 3.Watch the micro lesson and finish the exercise. 板书设计: Unit7 We will go by trai

19、n Where will you go?by train/taxi/underground Travel Plan What will you do?on foot How will you go there?Window of the World When will you ?Happy Valley exciting island Hong Kong leave Worksheet 8 / 9 Class _Name _Number _ 一、听短文并选择正确答案。 ()1. Where will Miss Chen go? A. ShenzhenB. Hainan IslandC. Hon

20、g Kong ()2. Who will Miss Chen go with? A. She will go with her parents. B. She will go with her friend. C. She will go with her family. ()3. What will Miss Chen do? A. She will swim with the fish. B. She will play on the beach. C. Both A and B. ()4. How will Miss Chen go there? A. She will go there

21、 by plane. B. She will go there by train. C. She will go there by boat. () 5. When will Miss Chen come back home? A. She will come back home on May 1st. B. She will come back home on May 3rd. B. She will come back home on May 4th. 二、看视频,选择问题的正确答句,并把字母编号写在括号里。 9 / 9 ()Where is Ben going?A. He will vi

22、sit Window of the World and go to Happy Valley. ()How will he go there?B. He will come back home on May 4th. ()What will he do there?C. He is going to Shenzhen. ()When will he come back home?D. He will go there by train. 三、两人一组,说说你的假期旅游计划。 A: Where will you go for May Day holiday? B: I will go to _ with my _. A: Thats cool. How will you go there? B: I will go there _. A: What will you do in _? B: I will _. A: When will you leave? B: I will leave on_. A: When will you come back home? B: I will come back home on_.


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