教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 7 We will go by train-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:a0326).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 4 Travel Period 1 Lets chat: Bike, bike, ride a bike. Car, car, drive a car. Taxi, taxi, take a taxi. Bus, bus, take a bus. Train, train, go by train. Plane, plane, go by plane. Ship, ship, go by ship. Foot, foot, go on foot. We can travel around the world. June 1stJuly 18thJanuary 31stOctober 3rdMay 1stMay 1st 分两大组比赛,日期出现在哪一组的跑分两大组比赛,日期出现在哪一组的跑 道上,请该组快速起立并读出该日期。道上,请该组快速起立并读出该日期。 February 28thApril 4th Group 1Group 2 Lets play a game! August 17thAugust 17th January 31stMay 1st July 18th August 17th June 1stFebruary 15th April 5th October 3rd Holidays Holidays are very exciting! exciting an exciting cat an exciting man What are you going to do for May Day? I am going to _. Lets play a choosing game! I am going to _. What are you going to do? I am going to _. You want to do many things in your holidays. But I want to go travelling. Travel Lets make a travel plan ! Where When What How travel plan Where will you go? I will go to Shenzhen Hainan Hangzho u Hong Kong When will you leave? I will leave on leave How will you go there? I will go there by bikeby underground by car by bus by ship by plane by taxi by train on foot What will you do? I will Do you want to know my travel plan? FangfangFangfang I will come here to make my travel plan for May Day. 芳芳旅行社芳芳旅行社 I will go to Shenzhen. I will leave on April 30th . 292930301 I will come back on May 1st . I will go by train. I will visit Window of the World. I will take photos there. And I will go to Happy Valley. valleyvalley I will play exciting games there. Where When How What My travel plan shenzhen On _. April 30th? By _. Where When What How Travel Plan Talk about your travel plan. Ben is talking about his travel plan with his classmates, too. Where When What How Ben s travel plan What about Bens travel plan? Lets watch and finish the exercise 1: Choose the right answer. C C B B A 1、Where is Ben going for his holiday? Ben is going to _. A Beijing B Shanghai C Shenzhen 2、What will Ben do?Ben will _. A go to Happy Valley B visit Window of the World C Both A and B 3、How will Ben go? He will go by _. A bus B train C plane 4、When will Ben leave? He will leave _. A on October 1st B on October 2nd 5、When will Ben come back home?On _. A October 4th B October 3rd Lets read! Janet: Do you have any plans for the holiday? Ben: Yes. I will go travelling with my family. We are going to Shenzhen. Xiaoling: How will you go there? Ben: We will go there by train. We will leave on October 2nd . I cant wait. Janet: Its very exciting. What will you do in Shenzhen? Ben: Wellwe are going to visit Window of the World, of course. And I want to go to Happy Valley, too. Janet: When will you come back home? Ben: We will come back home on October 4th . Lets recite! Lets retell! Bens travelling plan _ is going to _ for his holiday. He will go with _. He will leave _. He will _ by _. In Shenzhen, he will _ and _. Then he _ on _. Ben Shen zhen his family train Oct. 2nd Oct. 4th visit go to A: Where will you go for the holiday? B: I _ with _. A: Thats good. How will you go there? B: I/We _. A: What will you do? B: I/We will _. A: When will you leave? B: I/We _. Lets make a survey: (Exercise 2) There is a saying goes: reading makes a wise man; travelling makes a broad- minded man. 今天是芳芳旅行社公司成立今天是芳芳旅行社公司成立2 周年,为了纪念她的成立,周年,为了纪念她的成立, 公司将推出六大景点公司将推出六大景点 最低折扣供您选择,心动不如最低折扣供您选择,心动不如 行动,赶快制定出您的行动,赶快制定出您的 旅游计划来芳芳旅行社报名吧!旅游计划来芳芳旅行社报名吧! Famous placesThing we can do Tian Ya Hai Jiao(天涯海角) go swimming Wuzhi Mountains(五指山)go mountain climbing Hainan Island Famous placesThing we can do Disneylandplay exciting games Ocean(海洋) Parkwatch the animals Hong Kong Famous placesThing we can do the Great Wall(长城)take photos Tiananmen(天安门)see Chairman Mao Wangfujing Street(王府井大街)go shopping Beijing Hangzhou Famous placesThing we can do West Lake(西湖)take a walk Hangzhou Zoosee animals Famous placesThing we can do Shangri-la(香格里拉)ride a horse erhai(洱海)go boating Yunnan Famous placesThing we can do Centre Park(中央公园) go shopping Yabuli Ski Resort(亚布力滑雪 场) go skiing make a snowman Harbin Lets write. 温馨提示:温馨提示: 1、注意书写整洁美观;、注意书写整洁美观; 2、时态、时态:要用一般将来时;要用一般将来时; 3、单词拼写和句子结构是否正确;、单词拼写和句子结构是否正确; 4、注意大小写和标点符号。、注意大小写和标点符号。 Homework 必做:Finish your writing and share with your parents or your friends. 完成练习纸旅游计划的写作与家人或 朋友分享。 选做:Surf the net and gather more travel information, and then share with your friends. 上网搜集更多的旅游信息并分享给自己的朋友。 Unit 7 We will go by train. Lets talk 教学设计 一、学情分析:一、学情分析: 五年级学生在二年级口语课本里学习过交通工具的表达,并经过三四年级的学习,有一定的英语学习基础及能力。所以,在课堂 中,除了给予学生生动的学习氛围(游戏,竞赛)外也应注重培养孩子听、说、读、写的能力,教授其处理文本的技巧方法,并在课 堂中渗透相应的文化知识,进一步提高学生英语学科核心素养。 二、教材分析:二、教材分析: 本节课是 Module 4 Unit 7 的第一课时,Lets talk 部分,话题是 Travel。学生在本册 U4 Have a good time in Hainan 中接触过这个 话题,并在前 4 课中已经学习一般将来时 be going to 及 will 的句型表达方法。本课时的主要学习任务是学生能围绕 Travel 这个话题, 复习已学知识,学习新的交通工具、地点,及掌握巩固 Where、How、When、What 四种句型的问答,在此基础上理解课文大意,最 后达到能够连贯谈论旅行计划的目标。所以在教学中应努力给学生创设生动且较真实的情景,以旅游话题进一步拓展孩子的视野,激 发孩子对英语学习的兴趣,大胆地展现自己。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 1)词汇:by, train,taxi, leave, exciting, valley, island, 2) 句型: Where will you go? I will go to . . How will you go there? I will go there by . . What will you do ? I will . . When will you leave? I will leave on . . 2、语言技能目标: 1). 能在情景中理解对话内容。 2). 能在话题教学模式下运用所学句型连贯说话。 3. 学习策略目标: 1). 学习迁移策略,提高学生学习效率。 2). 情景性学习策略。 3). 任务型学习。 4、情感态度目标: 通过本课学习,能积极参与课堂教活动,能运用英语进行口语交际,增强学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心。 5、文化意识目标: 通过不同景点的介绍,让学生学会表达旅游计划,同时也学会欣赏各地美景。 四、教学重难点:四、教学重难点: 1、将来时 will 在句式中的运用。 2、运用句型在话题中进行连贯说话。 3、掌握 what、where、how、when 四种问句及回答。 五、教学过程:五、教学过程: Lets talk: Steps Teachers Activities Purpose Warm up 1.1. GreetingGreeting . . 2.2. LetsLets chant.chant. 3.3. PlayPlay a a game.game. 利用游戏复习日期的表达,日期都是假期,引出利用游戏复习日期的表达,日期都是假期,引出 holidayholiday,利用句子,利用句子 “Holiday“Holiday isis veryvery exciting.”exciting.” 呈现新词:呈现新词:excitingexciting。 4.4. FreeFree talktalk andand playplay a a choosingchoosing game.game. 围绕问题围绕问题“What“What areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo forfor thethe MayMay DayDay holidayholiday?” 让孩子谈论他们在快到来的五一假期将会做的事情,复习让孩子谈论他们在快到来的五一假期将会做的事情,复习 I I amam goinggoing toto dodo及有关活动的动词词组。及有关活动的动词词组。 5.5. 引出课题:引出课题:“travel”“travel” 。 以小诗以及游戏活跃课堂气以小诗以及游戏活跃课堂气 氛,复习旧知,为之后的学习做氛,复习旧知,为之后的学习做 铺垫。铺垫。 Pre-task 1.1. SetSet a a situationsituation 创设情境:创设情境: T:T: Children,Children, MayMay DayDay isis coming,coming, whatwhat willwill youyou do?do? MaybeMaybe youyou willwill gogo travelling,travelling, right?right? DoDo youyou lovelove travelling?travelling? WhoWho lovesloves travelling?travelling? I I thinkthink mostmost ofof youyou likelike travelling.travelling. Wow,Wow, I I likelike travelling,travelling, too.too. I I thinkthink travellingtravelling isis veryvery 1 1、利用即将到来的五一假期设计、利用即将到来的五一假期设计 情景,同时激活学生原有的知识情景,同时激活学生原有的知识 储备,为下面的连贯说话做准备。储备,为下面的连贯说话做准备。 exciting.exciting. SoSo WhichWhich citycity dodo youyou wantwant toto go?go? 2.2. 引导学生引导学生 makemake a a traveltravel planplan,呈现问句:,呈现问句: WhereWhere areare youyou goinggoing? HowHow willwill youyou gogo therethere? WhatWhat willwill youyou dodo? WhenWhen willwill youyou leaveleave? 3.3. 创设情境创设情境: : 那你们想知道那你们想知道 MissMiss WuWu 的五一假期旅游计划吗?的五一假期旅游计划吗?MissMiss WuWu 去朋友去朋友 FangfangFangfang traveltravel agencyagency 报了一个旅行团,让孩子们了解老师五报了一个旅行团,让孩子们了解老师五 一假期准备去哪里旅游。一假期准备去哪里旅游。 Look!Look! ThisThis isis mymy friendsfriends TravelTravel Agency!Agency! TodayToday I I willwill comecome toto herher traveltravel agency,agency, ImIm soso happy.happy. DoDo youyou wantwant toto knowknow mymy traveltravel plan?plan? 2 2、以自然、简单的情景渗透,让、以自然、简单的情景渗透,让 学生在较真实的情景中体验语言。学生在较真实的情景中体验语言。 3 3、通过游戏加强对句型的掌握,、通过游戏加强对句型的掌握, 让学生在学中玩,在玩中学习并让学生在学中玩,在玩中学习并 掌握本课的重点句型的问答。掌握本课的重点句型的问答。 While-task 创设情境:创设情境: BenBen 也为他的假期制定了旅行计划,他正在与同学谈论他的旅行计划,也为他的假期制定了旅行计划,他正在与同学谈论他的旅行计划, 让我们也一起看看吧。让我们也一起看看吧。 1 1、 看金太阳视频,初步感知课文。看金太阳视频,初步感知课文。 2 2、 课文学习:阅读文章找出关键信息点,完成课文学习:阅读文章找出关键信息点,完成 WorksheetWorksheet exercise1exercise1。 3 3、学生跟读对话,分角色朗读课文。、学生跟读对话,分角色朗读课文。 4 4、用表格引导学生尝试复述、用表格引导学生尝试复述 BenBen 的旅行计划。的旅行计划。 1.1. 自然过渡到课文的学习;自然过渡到课文的学习; 2.2. 从机械操练中培养学生读书的从机械操练中培养学生读书的 能力与习惯;设计有趣的小组合能力与习惯;设计有趣的小组合 作学习让学生能综合运用语言知作学习让学生能综合运用语言知 识点。识点。 Post-task 1 1、指导学生们在表格上写下自己的旅行计划。、指导学生们在表格上写下自己的旅行计划。 2 2、MakeMake a a survey.survey. 学生需用以下问句调查别的同学的旅行计划。学生需用以下问句调查别的同学的旅行计划。 师师- -生示范,生生示范,生- -生操练。生操练。 A:A: WhereWhere _?_? B:B: _._. A:A: ThatsThats good.good. HowHow _?_? B:B: _._. A:A: WhatWhat _?_? 1.1.引导孩子在情境下用学过的句引导孩子在情境下用学过的句 型连贯说话。型连贯说话。 2.2.用调查的方式帮助孩子梳理这用调查的方式帮助孩子梳理这 节课的重点句子及回答。节课的重点句子及回答。 B:B: _._. A:A: WhenWhen _?_? B:B: _._. 3 3、ChooseChoose 1-21-2 studentsstudents toto present.present. 上台展示的孩子需要讲自己的旅行计划和他上台展示的孩子需要讲自己的旅行计划和他/ /她调查的其中一位同学的旅她调查的其中一位同学的旅 行计划。行计划。 4 4、Sum-upSum-up:ReadingReading makesmakes a a wisewise man;man; travellingtravelling makesmakes a a broad-broad- mindedminded man.man. 3.3.回顾并小结本课的学习情况。回顾并小结本课的学习情况。 Homework 必做:必做:FinishFinish youryour writingwriting ofof thethe worksheetworksheet andand shareshare withwith youryour parentsparents oror youryour friends.friends. 选做:选做:SurfSurf thethe InternetInternet andand gathergather moremore traveltravel information,information, andand thenthen shareshare withwith youryour friends.friends. Board writing: Unit 7 We will go by train Where will you go? I will go to . . How will you go there? I will go there by . . What will you do ? I will . . When will you leave? I will leave on . . Where How When What Travel
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