教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:c1bcb).zip

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Module 4 Travel Its Bens first trip to Beijing and he is very excited. He came to Beijing by this morning nowHe is going to. this evening They will to on Friday morning in the afternoon tomorrow morning will They are going to Ben will buy some Ben will home . on Saturday Childrens Day is coming. WeChat Ben Hello, everyone. I would like to take a different trip in the Childrens Day holiday. Can you give me some advice(建建议 )? WeChatBen Is Huadu beautiful? Lets know more about Huadu ! WeChatBen Huadu is very beautiful! I cant wait to travel to Huadu! Can you show me some places? Hongshan V_llage Its the most beautiful village in Guangzhou. i Yusheng Horse Farm B_sun Parko Furong Zhang Huadu Lake F_ _m_ _ Residence of Hong Xiuquan o r e r learn something about Hong Xiuquan Hongshan Village Yusheng Horse FarmBosun Furong Zhang Huadu Lake Former Residence of Hong Xiuquan Bosun Furong Zhang Hongshan Village Former Residence of Hong Xiuquan Huadu Lake Yusheng Horse Farm I will/plan to go to/am going to _ _ Bosunby DiDi I will get the fresh air there. I will enjoy the local food. It is a beautiful village. I am going to take photos. Where will we go in the Childrens Day holiday ? We will go to_. Hongshan Village I plan to go fishing. I am going to have a barbecue. It will be very exciting. I will climb mountains. Where are we going to? We are going to_. Furong Zhang I am going to pick fruits. I plan to fly a kite. I will feed the silkworms. I will go boating. Where will we go? We will go to_. Bosun silkworms go camping go fishing go swimming go boating go fishing pick fruits climb mountains fly kites ride a bike take photos take a walk have a picnic haveabarbecue ride horses enjoy the local food feed the silkworms Hongshan Village Furong ZhangHuadu Lake Former Residence of Hong Xiuquan Yusheng Horse Farm Bosun I will /am going to _ at _. I will email to Ben. I will talk about An invitation Ben Dear Ben, Huadu is a beautiful place. I would like to invite you to take a trip to Huadu in the Childrens Day holiday. You can stay at my home. Here is a three-day travel plan for you. On June 1st, we will take a walk around Huadu Lake . Its near my home so we can go there on foot. In the evening, we will enjoy the local food in the Food Street. On June 2nd,we plan to drive to Yusheng Horse Farm.We are going to ride horses and have a barbecue. Then we will go camping under the stars. On June 3rd, we are going to Furong Zhang by DiDi.We will go fishing and climb mountains. We will also have a barbecue in the evening. I am sure we will have a good time together. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, Anita Reading tip: underline the key words about the plan ride horses 1.Huadu Lake Furong Zhang climb mountains 1.take a walk around the lake by car Lets read and find the answers. have a barbecue in the evening 2.the Food Street 2. enjoy the local food go camping under the stars WeChat Ben It is exciting, but I will go back home on the afternoon of June 3rd . So can you make a new plan for me? Make a new travel plan for Ben. I can make a new plan for Ben. Its Bens first trip to Huadu. I think he will be very excited. LetsLets write.write. Dear Ben, Huadu is a beautiful place. I would like to invite you to take a trip to Huadu in Childrens Day holiday. Here is a plan for you. The first day, we plan to go to .We are going to _.We will go there _. The second day, we plan to go to . We can go there . We will _ . The third day, we are going to by _. .We will . Then we will say goodbye in the afternoon. I am sure we will have a good time together. Look forward to seeing you. Yours, _ Lets show. Homework: 1.Introduce the interesting places in Huadu to your family or friends in English. (向家人或朋友介向家人或朋友介议 花都美景花都美景) 2.Make a plan for your Childrens Day holiday. (议 自己制定六一假期自己制定六一假期议 划划) 附表 1: 教学设计表 一、基本信息一、基本信息 学校 课名 Unit 8 A trip to Huadu 教师姓名 学科(版 本) 教科版章节 Module4 Travel 课时第 3 课时年级五年级 二、教学目标二、教学目标 目标 1:能够听说读写花都景点名称以及活动的短语: (1)景点名称:Hongshan Village, Huadu Lake, Bosun, Yusheng Horse farm, Former Residence of HongXiuquan,Furong Zhang. (2)短语:have a barbicue, enjoy the local food, feed the silkworms 目标 2:能够熟练运用 be going towillplan to 句型谈论旅游安排。 目标 3:能够读懂并理解与课文难度相当的文本。 目标 4:能根据给出的文本范例,写一封邀请他人来花都旅游的邀请函。 目标 5:了解花都的旅游景点并教育学生热爱家乡。 三、学习者分析三、学习者分析 1、学生在本学期前八个单元已经学习了一般将来时 Be going to 与 will 表达形式。 2、在第七、八单元的课文学习中已经掌握了核心词汇和句型,并能运用 what,when,who,where,how 等要素进行谈论旅游这一话题。 3、学生对花都景点比较熟悉。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 1、能听说读写相关的花都景点英文表达与活动短语。 2、能熟练运用 be going towill 的句型进行旅游安排。 3、通过制定旅游计划能够学会合理安排计划。 4、能根据给出的范文,写一封邀请他人来花都旅游的邀请函。 五、教学设计五、教学设计 教学环 节 起止时间 ( ”- ” ) 环节目标教学内容学生活动 媒体作 用及分 析 I.Warming up 025”- 157” 让学生尽快进入 学习氛围,巩固 课文。 1.Recite Unit8 Recite Unit8:Bens first trip to Beijing 使用 PPT 制作 unit8 课文的 时间轴和关键 活动短语等, 让学生借助 PPT 背诵课文。 216”- 250” 2、进入 A trip to Huadu 的主 题学习。 2.创设微信聊 天情境引入本 课内容。 2、引导学生发微 信邀请 Ben 来花 都游玩。 通过 PPT 来呈 现微信截图, 贴近生活,引 起学生的兴趣。 252”- 300” 3.Present the title: A trip to Huadu 3、理解本课的主 题。 310”- 507” 4、让学生从 视觉上熟悉 花都的各个 景点,为下 一步学习做 铺垫。 4、播放花都 景点视频 4、观看花都景点 视频。 剪辑视频 软件,让 学生观看 视频,更 进一步了 解花都, 激发学生 学习的兴 趣。 530”- 902” 5、学习景点: Hongshan Village,Yush eng Horse 5、学生学习: Hongshan Village,Yusheng Horse PPT 呈 现图片, 直观。 Farm,Huadu Lake, Bosun, Former Residence of Hongxiuquan, Furongzhang Farm,Huadu Lake, Bosun, Former Residence of Hongxiuquan, Furongzhang 906”- 944” 6、齐读, 巩固新知。 6、齐读景点 单词。 6、学生齐读单词。 945”- 1055 7、检验学 生掌握新知 情况。 7、呈现图片, 读景点单词。 7、学生单独读单 词。 1056”- 1313” 8、熟悉花 都景点,为 写作做铺垫。 8、呈现花都 地图,引导学 生谈论去景点 的交通工具。 学生运用以下句 型操练交通工具: I will go to by I am going to by I plan to go to by PPT 呈 现图片 和句子, 示范。 1315”- 1721” 9、熟悉花 都景点,为 写作做铺垫。 读句子,猜景 点并呈现新的 活动短语: have a barbecur, pick fruit, feed the silkworm. 通过以下句型,学 习并操练新活动短 语: We will We are going to We plan to PPT 呈 现图片 和句子 提示。 II.Prensen tation & practice 1726”- 2045” 10、熟练运 用 I willam going to 10、活动短语 及景点在句子 中的操练:I willam going toat 等句型。 I will go there by If you take a trip to Huadu,where will you go?What will you do? 2048”- 2112” 11、复习一 般将来时的 特殊疑问句, 发散学生的 思维。 11、利用 Childrens Day,引导学生 关注 Travel plan 需要考 虑的问题。 学生提问: What? Where? How? When? PPT 呈 现图片, 引发学 生思考。 2113”- 2917” 12、让学生 通过阅读文 本、表格练 习来理解邀 请信内容并 掌握阅读技 巧。 12、读邀请信, 小组完成关于 plan 的表格, 并在文中划出 有关信息。 阅读邀请信,完 成表格练习。 PPT 呈 现邀请 信进行 阅读。 2919”- 3555” 13、为写邀 请信进行铺 垫。 13、为 Ben 制 定一个新计划 并进行汇报。 学生知道 Ben 三 天的旅游计划。 投影仪 呈现学 生作品, 直观。 3610”- 4007” 14、书面输出。14、在范文的帮助 下,仿写邀请信。 写邀请信。 III. Develop ment 4009”- 4300” 15、检测学生 所学的效果。 15、展示邀请信。 展示邀请信,学生进行 评价。 投影仪呈现学 生作品,直观。 六、教学流程图六、教学流程图 A trip to Huadu Warming upRecite Unit 8 Prensentation & practice Spot nouns learning Hongshan Village, Yusheng Horse Farm, Huadu Lake, Bosun, Former Residence of Hongxiuquan, Furongzhang Sentence training I will go to by I am going to by I plan to go to by We will We are going to We plan to Development Read and write Travel Plan 附表 2: 教学反思表 学校花都区新华街云山学校田美校区 课名 Module 4 Travel A trip to Huadu 教师盛丽辉 学科英语年级五年级 1.应用了哪种新媒体和新技术的哪些功能,效果如何? 应用了 PPT、剪辑的视频以及投影仪。PPT 能起到提示强调的作用,能将很多内容精 简呈现。视频起到了辅助作用,效果很好,引起了学生的关注和好奇。投影仪起到 一个直观和真实的作用,增强了过程的可信度,将学生的范文示范到全班,培养了 学生的自信心。 2.在教学活动应用新媒体新技术的关键事件(起止时间(如:520-1040) ,时 间 3-8 分钟左右,每节课 2-3 段),引起了哪些反思(如教学策略与方法的实施、教 学重难点的解决、师生深层次互动,生成性的问题解决等) 。 在第三部分的 2113”-2917”中,利用写邮件的画面,呈现阅读文本内容,让学生独自完成 阅读练习,对于学困生和学习能力一般的学生,有点难度。如果老师可以提前写好这封邮件, 用真的邮箱打开,更具有真实性,然后改成四人小组来完成阅读练习表格,并在文本中呈现答 案,可能更能调动学生的积极性。 3.新技术应用于教学的创新点及效果思考(教学组织创新、教学设计创新等)。 本课时只结合了 PPT、视频和投影仪的媒体用于辅助教学。在英语课堂上,还 可以使用到录音等媒体帮助呈现教学内容,让学生多听多说。 4.对新技术的教学适用性的思考及对其有关功能改进的建议或意见。 希望能有机会运用到电子白板,因为相比较于传统的教学模式,电子白板可以 多方位多形式地展示教学内容,引发学生的积极参与,更好地促进生生之间、师生 之间的互动与协作。 注:字数 800-1000 字。
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