教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b117c).zip

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教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing Class_Name_Mark _ After this lesson, you can learn: 1. Words and Phrases: by, train, leave, exciting, valley, island 2. Sentences: Where are you going(will) on your holiday? What are you going to(will) do? How are you going to(will) get there? When/What time are you going to(will) leave? I am going to./I will. Are you going.? -Yes, I am./ No , I am not. 3. Dialogue 1. Complete the mind map and share with your partners. Task1 Lets talk Guide Travel plan 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 Language points Its Bens first trip to He is going He will He can 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 1. Lets learn the text. I. Listen to the dialogue. II. Read the dialogue for 3 times suggested. III. Underline the key sentences and the new words. IV. Answer the questions. (1) Where will Ben go? _ (2) Ben will visit some places in Beijing. Where is Ben Going to visit? _ (3) Read and match. Task2 Lets learn now tomorrow morning in the afternoon 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 V. Read the dialogue to your partner. 2. Lets learn the new words (1) Watch and read after Micro video. (2) Spell and remember the words. trip excited hotel underground around lake street (can cant ) on Friday morning 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 3. Learn the difficult points. 1. be going to 和和 will 的区别的区别 英文导语:The difference between “be going to” and “will” is as following: be going to refers to both subjective and objective indication that it will happen while will often refers to the intention that has not been planned and appears temporarily, and it is often accompanied by the speakers subjective will or refers to the inevitable occurrence in the future. 2. 序数词序数词+trip to. 英文导语:The structure “Ordinal number + trip to.” means someone when to some places some number of times. 3. 疑问词(疑问词(who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +其他其他 英文导语: “Question words (who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +.” is a sentence pattern that uses special interrogative words to ask questions about the will of people, places, specific contents, ways and time when they are engaged in a specific activity. be going to 既可指主观打算也可指客观迹象表明将要发生;will 往往指没 有经过计划,临时出现的意图,常伴有说话者的主观意愿或指将来必然发 生的事。 例:It is going to rain tomorrow. We are going to have an English test tomorrow morning. It will be a rainy day tomorrow. I will help Tom with his homework. Its Bens first trip to Beijing and he is very excited. 在这个句子中,在这个句子中,“序数词序数词+trip to”表示表示“第几次去某地第几次去某地” 例:例:This is my tenth trip to London. I feel so bored. Who would you like to trave with? “疑问词(疑问词(who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +其他其他”,这,这 是用特殊疑问词提问意愿的句型,可提问在从事某一具体活动时对人物、是用特殊疑问词提问意愿的句型,可提问在从事某一具体活动时对人物、 地点,具体内容,方式和时间的意愿。地点,具体内容,方式和时间的意愿。 例:例:Who would you like to have dinner with? -My parents. 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 4. around 的用法的用法 英文导语: “Around” is a preposition, and it is similar to the meaning of surrounding. 说明:说明:该任务的主要任务是通过自然拼读、词语联想等多种策略,让学生学会 单词的拼读、记忆和书写。设计活动和教学时,要特别注重引导学生自主、合 作发现规律。 around 是介词,意思是是介词,意思是“围绕围绕”。Take a walk around the lake 绕着湖散步。绕着湖散步。 例:例:The children often run around the playground in the morning. 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 1. Lets chant Travel, travel, go, go , go ; By train, by plane, we like both. Travel, travel, go, go , go ; By car, by bike, we like so. Travel, travel, go, go , go ; By ship, by boat, Lets go. 2.Lets retell. Task3 Lets play 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 1.Do the exercise and check. I. Fill in the blanks. (选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检测单词或词组的(选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检测单词或词组的 拼写,即时反馈拼写,即时反馈) 1.Tiananmen sq_are 2.The Summer P_l_ce 3.The Gr_ _t Wall 4.Wangfujing Str_ _t 5. h_t_l6. _ndergr_ _d 7. l_k_8. str_ _t9. tr_ p II. Look at the pictures and fill the blanks. Task4 Lets check 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 1. The man goes to work on f_. 2. My mother will go to the shopping center by u_. 3. The young man is very e_ because he is a father now. 4. Why is the dog running a_ the tree? 5. There is an old man on the b_. III. Choose the right answers. 1. My father goes to school on _. (feet) 2. Its my _ (two) trip to Hongkong. 3. The bag is very old because it is _ (Jiamin) first bag. 4. She will come back home on June _. (21) 5. _ (do) Ben have any plans for the holiday? 2. Today I have learned: 3 new words: _ _ _ 2 new sentences: _ 教科版五年级下册教科版五年级下册 Module 4 _ 1 question: _ 义务义务教育教科教育教科书书 英英语语 五年五年级级下册下册 Module 4 Travel Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing 自主学自主学习习教学案教学案 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 本模块的话题是 Travel,主要是谈论旅游,主要学习如何用英语谈论旅游的计划(如时间、 交通工具、地点和活动内容),以及一般将来时的特殊疑问句的运用。Unit 7 We will go by train 是几个小朋友以对话的形式在谈论假期旅行计划。主要是掌握“Do you have any plans for? ”及以“Where/ How/ When/ What”引导的一般将来时特殊疑问句的运用。 特点:对话 情景性比较强。Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing 主要是学习旅游的小短文。通过短文进一步 描绘到北京旅行的计划及过程,包括什么时候去,去哪里,如何去自己的目的地及去到目的 地后将做些什么事情等信息。语言的重点是一般将来时及描绘旅行的方式。特点:篇幅长, 长句多,偏重文化介绍,信息含量大。在导学案中,共需要完成 4 个 Tasks。老师通过引导 学生先自主学习,掌握学习的基本方法和基本知识,然后老师再组织互动课堂,通过互动活 动,小组活动引导学生进行协同学习和互助学习,提供一个沉浸式感知体验、探究和协同创 新的学与教互动课堂教学环境,通过场景化运用知识,让学生进行知识重构,提高学生运用 知识的能力,从而达到教学目标。 二、教学对象分析:二、教学对象分析: 五年级的学生已有三年学英语的基础,积累了一定的词汇量,加上学生对“旅行”的话题 也倍感兴趣。特别是 UNIT8 中的“trip to Beijing”同学们都会有一定的认识,甚至部分学生可 能去过北京旅游。他们知道北京的著名旅游景点,还有出行的交通方式,但不能用英语表达。 因此老师要充分地利用图片来创设各种的情景来让学生更好地学习掌握,让学生更好地掌握 本模块的句子及单词。同时在本单元之前学生学习过将来时和描绘旅游计划,为本单元的学 习提供了基础。I-seed 互动探究教学平台里有生动有趣的知识点播、习题里巩固知识的听力、 吸引学生眼球的单词学习及课文。有了 I-seed 互动探究教学平台之后,农村的学生,家里没 有资源,老师可以利用早读,午读或晚托时间,让学生小组内自学单词、课文,和跟读微课 的内容。我还会选择学生感兴趣的微课通过微信推送给学生, 让有条件的学生每早一读, 形成读的习惯, 学生可以选择在家进行,也可以选择在校早读进行,激发学生对读的兴趣, 提高阅读理解能力。 三、语言知识和技能:三、语言知识和技能: 1、学生能够了解北京这个旅游城市相关的著名景点,如:Tiananmen, Great Wall, Summer Palace, Wangfujing Street 2、学生能听说读单词及词组:(1)三会或四会单词: trip, excited, hotel, palace, around, lake, street, underground; (2)词组:on foot, the Great Wall, palace, the Summer Palace, take a walk; 3、正确理解与运用句型: 学生回忆以前学过有关旅游话题的知识,知识用一般将来时 描述旅行计划及过程。 1)Who will go? 2)How will he go (there)? 3)When will he .? 4)Where will he(she)? 5)What will he(she)do? 4、学生能流利朗读课文,理解课文。 四、教学四、教学过过程:程: 【导语导语】 同学们,通过这一课的学习,你将学会以下语言知识和技能: 1. 学生能够了解北京这个旅游城市相关的著名景点,如:Tiananmen , Great Wall. Summer palace. Wangfujing Street. 2. 学生能听说读单词:trip, excited, hotel, palace, around, lake, street, underground; 能听 说读词组:the Great Wall, the Summer Palace、walk around、take a walk、on foot 3. 学生回忆以前学过有关旅游话题的知识,知道用一般将来时来描述旅行计划及过 程。 4. 学生能流利朗读课文,理解课文。 Task: (任务驱动任务驱动) Today our task is how to describe a persons trip. Youll do the following tasks. 【Task 1】Lets say. I. Sing a song: Lets travel 2. Free talk:You have learned something about travel plans before. 【问题导向问题导向】Do you have any travel plans? How to make a travel plan? Where will you go? How will you go? And what are you going to do there? When you write a travel plan, you must use these important words. 板书出示:板书出示: II.Can you share with your partner?(可以去寻找自己朋友进行分享)(可以去寻找自己朋友进行分享) Complete the mind map. (根据课文内容,简单谈一个(根据课文内容,简单谈一个 Ben 去的地方及他所做的事情。去的地方及他所做的事情。 可以利用微信扫描展示)可以利用微信扫描展示) Language points Its Bens first trip to (Beijing) He is going (Tiananmen) / the Great Wall. He will (take photos )/ take photos there. He can (go there on foot)/ drive to the Great Wall 说明:说明:该任务用于唤醒学生对于主题/话题的经验,或者引导学生开展前置性学习了解主题/ 话题的背景性知识。学生可以在课堂上自主、讨论完成,也可以教师布置学生课前完成。 3.小组评价、老师评价。小组评价、老师评价。 (请小组长或记录员打分)(请小组长或记录员打分) 【Task2】Lets read. 1. Lets learn the text P44 Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing? Question: Where is Bens first trip? Where will Ben go in Beijing? Can you get some information about .? I. Listen to the dialogue.(听录音一次)(听录音一次) II. Read the text for 3 times suggested. (跟录音读一次)(跟录音读一次) III. Underline the key sentences and the new words.(组内边读边画重点词句)(组内边读边画重点词句) IV. Answer the questions. (1)Where will Ben go? _ (2) Ben will visit some places in Beijing. Where is Ben Going to visit? _ (参考答案:)(参考答案:) (1)Ben will go to Beijing. (2)Ben is going to visit the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and Wangfujing Street. (3)Read and match. now tomorrow morning V. Read the dialogue to your partners.(1、组内分角色读;、组内分角色读;2、全班读;、全班读;3、请小组汇报读)、请小组汇报读) 说明:说明:该任务通过让学生多遍听读课文,目的是让学生在课文所提供的语境中整体感知语言, 设计活动和教学时可根据实际教学主题,明确听读的次数以及后续活动,如同伴互读、小组 串读、分角色共读等。 Question: Can you remember the new words? 2. Lets learn the new words I. Watch the video and learn the words. New words: trip, excited, hotel, underground, around, lake, street Phrases: the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, take a walk, drive to, take some photos, around the lake, on Friday morning, in Wangfujing Street, by underground, fly back home, buy clothes for parents, have dinner together II. Spell the words in pairs.(1、全班读;、全班读;2、小组读;、小组读;3、汇报读)、汇报读) Question: Can you say some more words? 学生可以补充更多的关于旅游活动和旅游景点的词汇。学生可以补充更多的关于旅游活动和旅游景点的词汇。 3. Lets learn the difficult points.(让学生边听边画关键信息)(让学生边听边画关键信息) (1)be going to 和和 will 的区别的区别 英文导语:The difference between “be going to” and “will” is as following: be going to refers to both subjective and objective indication that it will happen while will often refers to the intention that has not been planned and appears temporarily, and it is often accompanied by the speakers subjective will or refers to the inevitable occurrence in the future. (2)序数词)序数词+trip to. 英文导语:The structure “Ordinal number + trip to.” means someone when to some places some number of times. (3)疑问词()疑问词(who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +其他其他 in the afternoon on Friday morning be going to 既可指主观打算也可指客观迹象表明将要发生;will 往往指没 有经过计划,临时出现的意图,常伴有说话者的主观意愿或指将来必然发 生的事。 例:It is going to rain tomorrow. We are going to have an English test tomorrow morning. It will be a rainy day tomorrow. I will help Tom with his homework. Its Bens first trip to Beijing and he is very excited. 在在这这个句子中,个句子中, “序数序数词词+trip to”表示表示“第几次去某地第几次去某地” 例:例:This is my tenth trip to London. I feel so bored. Who would you like to trave with? “疑疑问词问词(who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +其他其他”,这这 是用特殊疑是用特殊疑问词问词提提问问意愿的句型,可提意愿的句型,可提问问在从事某一具体活在从事某一具体活动时对动时对人物、人物、 地点,具体内容,方式和地点,具体内容,方式和时间时间的意愿。的意愿。 例:例:Who would you like to have dinner with? -My parents. 英文导语: “Question words (who, where, what, how, when)+would you like to +.” is a sentence pattern that uses special interrogative words to ask questions about the will of people, places, specific contents, ways and time when they are engaged in a specific activity. (4)around 的用法的用法 英文导语: “Around” is a preposition, and it is similar to the meaning of surrounding. 说明:说明:该任务的主要任务是通过自然拼读、词语联想等多种策略,让学生学会单词的拼读、 记忆和书写。设计活动和教学时,要特别注重引导学生自主、合作发现规律。 【Task3】Lets play. Question: Now, can you read these sentences? I. Lets chant. II. Retell the text.(根据表格内容,复述(根据表格内容,复述 Ben 的行程)的行程) (When) Ben is going to (Where). He will _(What). He can go there_(How). around 是介词,意思是是介词,意思是“围绕围绕”。Take a walk around the lake 绕着湖散步。绕着湖散步。 例:例:The children often run around the playground in the morning. 【Task4】Lets check. (通过评价或数据反馈来观察学生完成的情况)(通过评价或数据反馈来观察学生完成的情况) Question: How do you learn? Lets check. I. Fill in the blanks. (选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈(选择正确的字母或字母组合填空,检测单词或词组的拼写,即时反馈) 1.Tiananmen sq_are2.The Summer P_l_ce3.The Gr_ _t Wall 4.Wangfujing Str_ _t 5. h_t_l 6. _ndergr_ _d 7. l_k_8. str_ _t9. tr_ p 答案:答案: 1. Square 2.Palace 3.Great 4.Street 5. Hotel 6. underground 7. lake 8. street 9. trip 知识点:知识点:单词单词或或词组词组的拼写的拼写 难度:适中难度:适中 II. Look at the pictures and fill the blanks. 1. The man goes to work on f_. 2. My mother will go to the shopping center by u_. 3. The young man is very e_ because he is a father now. 4. Why is the dog running a_ the tree? 5. There is an old man on the b_. 答案:答案:1. foot2. underground 3.excited4.around5.beach 知识点:知识点:单词或词组的拼写单词或词组的拼写, 图文匹配,以及句子的理解图文匹配,以及句子的理解 难度:适中难度:适中 III. Choose the right answers. 1. My father goes to school on _. (feet) 2. Its my _ (two) trip to Hongkong. 3. The bag is very old because it is _ (Jiamin) first bag. 4. She will come back home on June _. (21) 5. _ (do) Ben have any plans for the holiday? 答案:答案:1. foot,2. second,3. Jiamins 4. 21st5. Does 知识点:核心句型的理解知识点:核心句型的理解 难度:适中难度:适中 Check the answers. (即时反馈)(即时反馈) I can get_(score: 4/5) Question: What do you learn? Do you have any questions? Self- Assessment(自我评价、反思整节课的表现)(自我评价、反思整节课的表现) Today I have learned: 3 new words: 1._ 2._ 3._ 2 new sentences: 1. _ 2. _ 1 question: _ 说明:说明:该活动是即时反馈练习,引导学生检查自主学习的效果,帮助教师了解学生和预设互 动探究环节的教学。 五、五、Homework: 1、 听课文录音,熟读 U8 的课文并背诵。 2、完成活动手册U8 相关练习。 3、预习 Story time Did you know 的内容。 4、小组内完成互动探索环节的相关练习。 (自行设计练习) 板书设计:板书设计: Module 4 Travel Unit 8 Bens first trip to Beijing Bens first trip He is going to Tiananmen. on foot Drive to the Great Wall. take photos They are going to the Summer Palace. Take a walk around the lake Buy some Chinese clothes in Wangfujing Street By underground
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