教科版(广州)五下Module 4 Travel-Unit 8 Ben’s first trip to Beijing-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:e025d).zip

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    • 杜杏萍 The chatterbox turtle(一师一优课)
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丽声妙想英语故事第五级 五年级英语绘本阅读课五年级英语绘本阅读课 1. is 2. are 3. come 4. live 5. ask 6. see 7. say 8. fly 9. carry 1. was 2. were 3. came 4. lived 5. asked 6. saw 7. said 8. flew 9. carried 1. rush(跑过去) 2. laugh(笑) 3. grin up(咧嘴笑) 4. bet(打赌) 5. fall(掉下) 6. shout(喊叫) 7. remember(记得) 8. hold(拿着) 9. find (发现) 1. rushed 2. laughed 3. grinned up 4. bet 5. fell 6. shouted 7. remembered 8. held 9. found Do you have a good friend? Do you like someone that talk a lot? Cynthia Rider 著 Andrea Pertrlik 绘 The story is about_. a turtle and two geese What do you want to know about the book? a muddy pool a muddy pool drink Lots of animals came to the pool to _. Turtle lived in _ “Turtle is a big chatterbox.” Do they like Turtle? S#* %SSS* *#% #S#* %SSS *#% S#*%S SS*# % #*% SSS* # Turtle loved to talk to the animals. One day, Turtle saw _ by the pool. two geese What are you doing here? What did he think about? We are on our way home. We live far, far away on_.a beautiful blue lake Turtle wished to go to the_, but he cant_. lake fly The geese said they would _ him to the lake, but he mustnt _. carry talk P10 P13 How did the geese carry the turtle? Task 1: Read P10-P13 and answer the question. beak The geese held the _ in their_. stick beaks How did the geese carry the turtle? Hold on this with your mouth. And remember! You must not talk. Not a word, or you will fall. Turtle put the stick in his mouth and the two geese flew up, up into the sky. Im flying! What fun! happy excited Then turtle put the _ in his _. stick mouth Can he talk? 1. What will they see? 2. Will turtle talk? P14 P21 As they fly in the sky, what will happen? Task 2: Read P14-P21 and finish the form in a group. (自主阅读 P14P21,并小组分任务完成表格。) What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Parrots.The asked turtle. Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed. I bet you cant keep your mouth closed. You cant stop talking. 1 12 23 3 4 4 Look! Where are you going, Turtle? What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Two parrots Look! Where are you going, turtle? They asked turtle. No. As they flew over the trees, two parrots saw them. Turtle wanted to shout back at them. Just in time, he remembered not to talk. pa w What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Monkeys You do look silly. They waved their paws and shouted. No. The monkey saw Turtle, too. They waved their paws at him. Turtle wanted to shout , but in time, he remembered not to talk. You do look silly. What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did the turtle talk? Snake laughed . Snake. Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed. I bet you cant keep your mouth closed. You cant stop talking. Yes. He shouted “Yes, Ican.” “Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed”, laughed Snake “I bet you cant keep your mouth closed .You cant stop talking.” Turtle_. fell down The animals rushed to see if he was all right. Turtle grinned up at them. You were right. I cant stop talking. But now Ive been flying. Ive got even more to talk about. What did he feel ? Happy. Proud.(自豪的) Contented.(心满意足的) Task 3:Shadow reading. Task 4: 1、根据故事的发展,把setting, rising action, climax, falling action, ending的贴纸贴在故事地图上。 2. Try to retell the story.(根据故事地图,复述故 事的重点情节) Task 5: Talk about the main characters.(谈论角色) I think Turtle is _, because _. I think the geese are_, because_. Task 6: Try to give the a book a title. I would like to give the book a title like this :_ The story is about_. My favourite part is Page(页)_, because_ _. I like/dont like_(Turtle/geese/snake/monkeys/parrots), because_. From the story, I learn_. Task 7: Summarize the story. Homework 1.Read the story emotionally. 有感情地朗读绘本故事。 2. Make a reading card. 3.(选做)续写故事。 1 _绘本阅读研学案绘本阅读研学案 Name: Class: 课前研学:课前研学: 【Task 1】写出下列动词的过去式写出下列动词的过去式 1.is _ 2.are_ 3. come _ 4. live_ 5.ask_ 6. see_ 7. say_ 8. fly_ 9. carry_ 10.rush(跑过去)_ 11laugh(笑)_ 12.grin up(咧嘴笑)_ 13 bet(打赌)_ 14.fall(掉下)_ 15.shout(大声喊) _ 16.remember(记得)_ 17hold (拿着)_ 18.find(找到)_ 课中研学:课中研学: 【Task 1】Read P10-P13 and answer the question. (自读(自读 P6P9 并回答问题)并回答问题) Q1: How did the geese carry the turtle? The geese held the _ in their_. Then the turtle put the stick in his_. 【Task 2】Read P14-P24 and finish the form.(自主阅读自主阅读 P14P24,并小组分任务完成表格。,并小组分任务完成表格。) 1 2 3 4 What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did the turtle talk? Parrots.They asked turtle. Monkeys. Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed. I bet you cant keep your mouth closed. You cant stop talking. 2 【Task 5】What do you think of Turtle? (选择一个角色进行评价) I think Turtle is_, because _. I think the geese are _, because _. These words may help you: confident 自信的自信的 brave 勇敢的勇敢的 arrogant 自大的自大的 contented 知足的知足的 clever 聪明的聪明的 smart 精明的精明的 honest 诚实的诚实的 friendly,nice,kind 友好的友好的 helpful 乐于助人的乐于助人的 funny 有趣的有趣的 silly 愚蠢的愚蠢的 persistent 坚持不懈的坚持不懈的 optimistic 乐观的乐观的 【Task 6】Try to give the a book a title.(给故事起个题目) I would like to give the book a title like this:_ 【Task 7】Summarizer. Summarize the story.(概括故事) The story is about_. My favourite part is Page(页)_, because_ _. I like/dont like_(Turtle/geese/snake/monkeys/parrots,), because_. From the story, I learn_. 1 丽声妙想故事系列分级阅读第五级 The Chatterbox Turtle 绘本阅读教学设计绘本阅读教学设计 课型:绘本阅读课课型:绘本阅读课 使用对象:五年级使用对象:五年级 教学内容:教学内容: The Chatterbox Turtle 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课内容 The Chatterbox Turtle 选自丽声秒想故事系列的五级绘本。故事的内容主要讲述一只 话痨乌龟特别喜欢说话,有一天,两只大雁说可以带他飞到美丽的湖泊去。乌龟很想去,但他 不会飞。大雁说,可以衔着一根木棍的两段,让乌龟用嘴叼住木棍的中间。这样就可以带着乌 龟飞了,但他绝对不能开口说话。可是,这么爱说话的乌龟,大雁到底能不能带他飞到美丽的 湖泊呢?鹦鹉和猴子大声喊水龟,水龟没有说话。但是当蛇嘲笑水龟时,水龟忘记了不能说话, 他一张嘴,就掉到了地上。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本班的学生经过几年的英语学习,学会了大部分的 sight words,同时也系统学习过 phonics,具备一定的拼读能力。而且他们有一定的 SSR 阅读基础,具备独立英语阅读的能力 和技巧,但缺乏对文本进行深度思考的能力。因此,本课通过评价故事人物和以阅读圈中 summarizer 这一角色的训练,培养学生基于文本进行分析推理评价和联想的能力。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 基于英语学科核心素养和英语学习活动观的理念,本节课的目标设定如下: 1. 能通过图片环游,在图片的引导下用自己的语言预测故事的发展。 2. 能根据故事地图口头概括复述故事的主要情节。 3. 根据故事中主要角色的表情、语言和动作,分析和评价它们的特点和行为。 4. 能通过对故事的理解,给故事起名字。 5. 能运用 Reading Circles 里的 Summarizer 的角色提取相关信息,发展阅读技能,为阅读圈的 建立做铺垫。 2 6. 在自主与合作学习过程中,倾听他人观点,礼貌得体地表达个人意见,用英语进行交流表 达。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)重点: 1. 理解绘本故事情节发展,了解故事的开端,发展,结局。 2. 运用 Reading Circles 里的 Summarizer 的角色提取相关信息。 3对故事的角色进行分析和评价。 (二)难点: 1. 对故事的角色进行分析和评价。 2. 根据故事地图进行复述。 五、教学理念及策略五、教学理念及策略 1. 图片环游,问题链设计,让学生在对文本的猜测与验证中,更好地与绘本故事产生链接, 在积极互动中产生共鸣。 2. 在“研学后教”升级版的教学理念下,发挥小组合作学习的有效性。通过小组合作学习, 创设使用语言交流的环境,体现语言的工具性。 3. 运用阅读圈中的 summarizer 角色,归纳故事的主要内容,谈论喜欢的部分和角色,把课堂 还给学生,培养学生的批判性思;并让他们去自主探究,分享提高。 4. 运用英语学习活动观的理念,在主题意义的引领下,语篇为依托,整合地发展语言、文化 和思维,思维发展从学习理解到应用实践,再到迁移创新。 5. 运用有趣而富有育人意义的绘本故事加大学生的语言输入量,运用 Within the story, Beyond the story, About the story 层次剖析故事,培养了学生的阅读技能和思维能力,培养迁移、归纳、 演绎、猜测、推理等思维能力。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 I. Pre-reading (1) Routine. 检查学生完成前置作业情况。 【设计意图:课堂常规检查课前作业,集中学词,解决生词的音和形。 】 3 (2) Free talk. Questions: 1.Do you have a good friend? 2. Whats her/ his advantage(优点) and disadvantage(缺点)? 3. If someone talks a lot, what do you feel? 【设计意图:通过师生对话,激活学生与话题相关的语言和知识经验,激发学习兴趣,为后面 进入阅读提供心理准备。 】 II. While reading (1)Talk about the cover. PPT 呈现封面,教师引导学生观察封面, 引发学生思考。过程中,引导学生主动发问。教 师事先把故事的题目盖住,设置悬念,让学生猜这本书的题目,然后给出学生任务,读完绘本 后,让学生根据自己的理解给故事起一个名字。 Questions: 1. Look at the picture, what can you see? 2. What do you want to know about this book? 3. Whats the title of the book? After reading, name the book. 【设计意图:通过引导学生观察故事封面来培养学生的阅读习惯。教师把题目盖住,设置悬念, 让学生根据封面的图片进行猜测,并让学生带着这个疑问开始阅读,激发学生对绘本的好奇心。 在交流过程中,提出开放性问题,启发学生基于封面信息进行思考想象。通过主动发问,激发 学生阅读故事的兴趣,为阅读故事做准备。 】 (2)Shared reading: Picture tour2 -9 页页 1 P2: 教师带领学生通过关注图片的细节,关注乌龟和其他动物的表情,引出故事的第 一个情景并学习新单词 muddy pool;从观察乌龟和其他动物的表情学习 chatterbox, 并知道这是 一只话痨青蛙,其他动物都感到厌烦。 Questions: Who came to the pool? Why did they come here? What did the animals think of Turtle? 2P3 P4: 有一天两只大雁来到这里休息和喝水,乌龟主动上去搭讪,然后得知大雁正 4 在回家的路上,正赶往一个美丽的湖泊. 2图片环游 P6-P9,利用图片结合,引导学生关注乌龟想去湖畔的心情。 【设计意图:通过挖空,让学生补充信息,主动参与故事情节的发展建构。 】 (3) Independent reading 独立阅读故事独立阅读故事 10-13 页页。 1. 提出疑问,自主阅读。承接上一部分的内容,教师提出问题:乌龟想去湖泊,可是他 不能飞,那么大雁想出什么方法带他去呢?学生带着问题自读 10-1310-13 页页, ,完成研学任务完成研学任务 TaskTask 1.1. Q1: How did the geese carry the turtle? The geese held the _ in their_. Then turtle put the _ in his _. 2. 学生读完后,教师再通过图片环游和提问的形式,验证信息,引导学生对故事内容的理解, 并有步骤地构建故事地图。 【设计意图:学生通过独立阅读 P10-P13. 通过任务,检测学生对于绘本故事的理解,训练学 生寻找细节信息的阅读技能。培养学生从故事情节出发进行联想,自主阅读故事,找出答案。 】 (4) Independent reading 独立阅读故事独立阅读故事 14-21 页。页。 1.根据故事的发展,进入到本故事的高潮,乌龟飞上天空了,可是它能坚持不说话吗?他 能成功到达湖泊吗?引导学生猜测故事的发展可能性,然后给出任务,让学生自读 14-24 页, 然后小组合作完成 Task 2. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did the turtle talk? 2.2. 学生读完后,教师再通过图片环游和提问的形式,验证信息,引导学生对故事内容的理解, 并有步骤地共建故事地图。 【设计意图:小组合作完成任务,利用表格的形式让学生获取相关信息,同时帮助学生对故 事内容的理解;学生用自己的语言猜其他动物对乌龟说的话和乌龟给出的反应,以 speech bubble 引导学生大胆猜测和模仿故事中角色说话的语气,从而理解他们对乌龟的看法和嘲笑, 5 提升故事的趣味感,激发学生的阅读兴趣;思维训练问题贯穿每个情景,学生根据故事的文本 和情节,去谈论角色的感受,表达自己的看法。 】 (5) Shared reading 共读故事共读故事 22-24 页页 1.利用图片环游的形式了解故事的结局。 2.根据乌龟的反应和说的话,理解乌龟的想法和他的心情。 Questions: What did the animals do? How did turtle feel? (6) Shadow reading 播放录音,同步朗读播放录音,同步朗读. 【设计意图:让学生再次整体阅读故事,利于对故事的完整感知。模仿正确的语音语调,提高 朗读的流畅度。 】 III.III. Post reading (1) Retell the story.(复述故事复述故事) 教师通过板书引导学生一起梳理故事的脉络,学生口头复述故事。 【设计意图:通过故事地图,梳理、概括故事的整体脉络,强化对整个故事的理解。口头复 述,促进内化,进一步提升他们的语言表达能力。 】 (2)Talk about the characters.(人物分析人物分析) Questions: What do you think of the characters? Why do you think so? 【设计意图:通过对故事人物进行评价的任务,促使学生再一次阅读绘本,激发学生主动进行 深度思考,基于文本进行分析推理评价,培养学生的逻辑思维和发散思维能力。 】 (3)Name the story. (给故事命名给故事命名) 根据对故事的理解和对故事里主要角色的分析,让学生发挥主动性,给故事起名字。 【设计意图:由于从开头开始,教师是把故事的名字盖住的,设置悬念。读完故事后,让学生 带入作者的角色给故事起名字,可以激发学生主动思考,培养学生的创新思维能力。 】 (4)Summarize the story.(概括故事)(概括故事) 【设计意图:整理故事的作者、插图者等信息,归纳故事的主要内容,表达对故事中角色的看 法,谈论喜欢的情节,总结习得的道理。 】 七七Self-assessment 自我评价自我评价 6 请根据自己的表现在相应的栏内打“”。 八八Homework: 1. Read the story aloud. 有感情地朗读绘本故事。 2. Make a reading card. 3.(选做)续写故事。 附件一:板书设计附件一:板书设计 附件二:附件二: 绘本文本绘本文本 自我评价 小组评价评价 项目ExcellentGoodOKExcellentGoodOK 学习态度 课堂表现 参与讨论 学习效果 7 8 9 10 丽声妙想英语故事第五级 五年级英语绘本阅读课 执教者:番禺区东怡小学 杜杏萍 1. is 2. are 3. come 4. live 5. ask 6. see 7. say 8. fly 9. carry 1. was 2. were 3. came 4. lived 5. asked 6. saw 7. said 8. flew 9. carried 1. rush(跑过去) 2. laugh(笑) 3. grin up(咧嘴笑) 4. bet(打赌) 5. fall(掉下) 6. shout(喊叫) 7. remember(记得) 8. hold(拿着) 9. find (发现) 1. rushed 2. laughed 3. grinned up 4. bet 5. fell 6. shouted 7. remembered 8. held 9. found Do you have a good friend? Do you like someone that talk a lot? Cynthia Rider 著 Andrea Pertrlik 绘 The story is about_. a turtle and two geese What do you want to know about the book? a muddy pool a muddy pool drink Lots of animals came to the pool to _. Turtle lived in _ “Turtle is a big chatterbox.” Do they like Turtle? S#*% SSS*# % #S#* %SSS* #% S#*%SS S*#% #*%S SS*# Turtle loved to talk to the animals. One day, Turtle saw _ by the pool. two geese What are you doing here? What did he think about? We are on our way home. We live far, far away on_.a beautiful blue lake Turtle wished to go to the_, but he cant_. lake fly The geese said they would _ him to the lake, but he mustnt _. carry talk P10 P13P10 P13 How did the geese carry the turtle? Task 1: Read P10-P13 and answer the question. beak The geese held the _ in their_. stick beaks How did the geese carry the turtle? Hold on this with your mouth. And remember! You must not talk. Not a word, or you will fall. Turtle put the stick in his mouth and the two geese flew up, up into the sky. Im flying! What fun! happy excited Then turtle put the _ in his _. stick mouth Can he talk? 1. What will they see? 2. Will turtle talk? P14 P21P14 P21 As they fly in the sky, what will happen?As they fly in the sky, what will happen? Task 2: Read P14-P21 and finish the form in a group. ( 自主阅读P14P21,并小组分任务完成表格。) What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Parrots.The asked turtle. Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed. I bet you cant keep your mouth closed. You cant stop talking. 123 4 Look! Where are you going, Turtle? What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Two parrots Look! Where are you going, turtle? They asked turtle. No. As they flew over the trees, two parrots saw them. Turtle wanted to shout back at them. Just in time, he remembered not to talk. paw What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did turtle talk? Monkeys You do look silly. They waved their paws and shouted. No. The monkey saw Turtle, too. They waved their paws at him. Turtle wanted to shout , but in time, he remembered not to talk. You do look silly. What animals did they see? What did the animals do? What did the animals say? Did the turtle talk? Snake laughed . Snake. Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed. I bet you cant keep your mouth closed. You cant stop talking. Yes. He shouted “Yes, Ican.” “Look! Turtle has to keep his mouth closed”, laughed Snake “I bet you cant keep your mouth closed .You cant stop talking.” Turtle_. fell down The animals rushed to see if he was all right. Turtle grinned up at them. You were right. I cant stop talking. But now Ive been flying. Ive got even more to talk about. What did he feel ? Happy. Proud.(自豪的) Contented.(心满意足的) Task 3:Shadow reading. Task 4: 1、根据故事的发展,把setting, rising action, climax, falling action, ending的贴纸贴在故事地图上。 2. Try to retell the story.(根据故事地图,复述故 事的重点情节) Task 5: Talk about the main characters.(谈论角色) I think Turtle is _, because _. I think the geese are_, because_. Task 6: Try to give the a book a title. I would like to give the book a title like this :_ The story is about_. My favourite part is Page(页)_, because_ _. I like/dont like_(Turtle/geese/snake/monkeys/parrots), because_. From the story, I learn_. Task 7: Summarize the story. Homework 1. Read the story emotionally. 有感情地朗读绘本故事。 2. Make a reading card. 3.(选做)续写故事。
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