教科版(广州)五下Module 5 Safety-Unit 10 How to stay safe-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:1033d).zip

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Unit 10 Story time 班级 姓名 学号 1. Tick the rules in the video. ( ) Dont be late for school. ( ) Dont talk loudly. ( ) Dont run on stairs. ( ) Dont eat or drink at school ( ) Dont litter at the park. ( ) Do keep the park clean. ( ) Dont play games. ( ) Dont climb the trees. ( ) Dont tease the animals. ( ) Dont play phones in the street. ( ) Dont touch a fan. ( ) Dont go near the water. Any more rules you can get from the video? 2. Lets choose T or F. ( ) Aki eats a banana at the zoo. ( ) Aki wants to climb into the cage to play with the monkey. ( ) Jiamin and Aki are going to feed the monkey. ( ) Aki shouldnt climb the fence at the zoo. ( )Aki always keeps the rules at the zoo. 3. Lets write a public notice. Unit 10 How to stay safe What rules do they keep? What rules do they break? 01 Aki is very excited. He is going to a zoo. Jiamin invites Aki to the zoo together. 01 Aki. Look at the sign. You mustnt feed the animals at the zoo. 02 Ill just give him one banana. banana peel Hey, thats not very nice. Im going to teach you a lesson. fence Aki, what are you doing? Dont climb the fence. Its not allowed. Dont climb the fence. There he goes, through that door. Come back here. cage Do not enter! Aki! Stop! Cant you read the sign? Question: Which sign cant Aki read? You mean this “Do not enter” sign? I dont care. I am going to get the monkey. Question: 1.Will Aki be safe at last? 2. How can Aki be safe? Aki Jiamin ( ) Aki eats a banana at the zoo. ( ) Aki wants to climb into the cage to play with the monkey. ( ) Jiamin and Aki are going to feed the monkey. ( ) Aki shouldnt climb the fence at the zoo. ( )Aki always keeps the rules at the zoo. F gives the monkey a banana F catch the monkey F Aki T F breaks the rules Publice Notice 4. 3. 1. 2. 故事朗读上口, 小组表演。 改编或续写 故事。 Thank you! 广州市第一一三中学陶育实验学校广州市第一一三中学陶育实验学校 “案案课课思思一体化一体化校本研修校本研修”教学设计教学设计 课课 题题 名名 称称 Unit10 Story time 科科 目目 英语 年年 级级 五年级 教学时间教学时间 教教 学学 目目 标标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: Vocabulary 词汇:词汇: 学生能猜测、理解以下新词 fence, not allowed 和短语 teach you a lesson。 Sentences 句型:句型: (1)学生能理解句型:I dont care. (2)学生能熟练掌握并运用以下句型:Dont / Do/ You shouldnt/You mustnt 2.Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: (1)学生能复述故事; (2)学生能认识一些常见的公共标志,并能用英语写出不同场所的规则。 3.Affect 情感态度:情感态度: (1)学生能对英语课堂真实活动感兴趣,自主参与各项活动; (2)学生能建立规则意识,时刻遵守规则。 4. Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: (1)学生能在问题导读过程中,学会发散思维; (2)学生学会小组合作,与他人交流分享; 教教 学学 重重 点点 与与 难难 点点 1.教学重点:教学重点: (1)学生能理解故事; (2)学生能用英语表达动物园的规则。 2.教学难点:教学难点: (1)学生能在图片环游的过程中积极发散思维,用英语表达自己的想法。 (2)学生能写出动物园的规则。 教教 学学 资资 源源 PPT 教教 学学 流流 程程 教教 学学 活活 动动 1 Pre- rea din g Activity 1:Watch and say Let the students watch a video about some behaviors during the school trip. Tick the rules in the video. Review the rules they learnt before. Activity 2: Think and guess T: Aki is going to a place. There are a lot of animals in it. Can you guess where it is? Who invites him? T: At the beginning of the story, Aki is very excited. But at the end of the story, Aki is scared. What happen? Do you have any ideas? 观看本班学生春游照 片,学生勾出视频中出现 的规矩。 复习学过的规则 表达方法。 学生根据 Aki 要去的地方, 猜测 Aki 将会在那里发生 什么事情,发散学生思维, 让学生对接下来的故事阅 读有所期待。 教教 学学 活活 动动 2 Whi le- rea din g Activity 3:Read Part1 Aki is very excited. Questions: What is Aki doing at the zoo? Can Aki give the monkey a banana at the zoo? What is the public sign here? Will Aki keep the rules? Activity 4:Read Part2 Aki is very angry. Questions: Whats wrong with Aki? Whats the meaning of “teach you a lesson”? When your classmates says,” Ill teach you a lesson” angrily, what will you do? How will Aki teach the monkey a lesson? Look, what is Aki doing now? If there is a public sigh, What will it be? Is it allowed? What the meaning is of not allowed? Will Aki keep the rules this time? 通过图片环游和问题导读, 学生一步一步理解故事发 展情节,并在思考问题过 程中培养学生思维品质。 通过 Aki 心情的变化,学 生猜测 Aki 会对猴子说的 话。同时让学生猜测原文 中短语 teach you a lesson 的 含义,让学生思考当别人 说要给自己一个教训的时 候,自己应该如何处理。 通过朗读句子,学生体会 到 Aki 生气的心情。通过 图片,学生理解 Aki 的做 法,同时猜测新词 not allowed 的含义。 Activity 5:Read Part3 Aki is very scared. Questions: Which sign cant Aki read? Where is Aki now? Will Aki be safe at last? How can Aki be safe? Activity 6: Watch the video of the story Activity 7:Read the story in role-play Activity 8: Do the exercise 1.( ) Aki eats a banana at the zoo. 2.( ) Aki wants to climb into the cage to play with the monkey. 3.( ) Jiamin and Aki are going to feed the monkey. 4.( ) Aki shouldnt climb the fence at the zoo. 5.( )Aki always keeps the rules at the zoo. Activity 9: Recall and retell Use three expressions to retell the story in short. excited angry scared Question: Does Aki keep the rules at the zoo? What do you think of Aki? 学生阅读第五幅图后,思 考 Aki 能否逃离困境,如 何做到?培养学生发散性 思维。 观看故事视频,整体感知 故事。 分角色朗读故事。 学生做 TF 练习题,检测是 否理解故事。 运用 Aki 三段心情,学生 简要复述故事发展情节, 加深故事理解。学生思考 以下问题,Aki 在动物园是 否有遵守规则,学生觉得 Aki 是一个怎样的人? 教教 学学 活活 动动 3 Post - rea din g Activity 10: Act out the story Act out the story in group. Activity 11:Write a public notice Write a public notice for Aki. Tell him the rules at the zoo. Use the following sentences. Do. Dont. You shouldnt. You mustnt. 学生表演故事。 结合 story, 学生给 Aki 写 一份关于动物园规则的公 告,熟练运用本课要求句 型。 Ho me- wor k A. Read the story and act it out. B. Write the story after the ending. 分层作业,让不同程度的 学生选择不同的作业完成。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit 10 How to stay safe Expressions: Sentences: Fence Do teach you a lesson Dont not allowed You shouldnt I dont care. You mustnt Story: excited angry scared Mind Map: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Safety first. Dont forget. Rules at the zoo Do. Dont. You shouldnt. You mustnt. 教教 学学 反反 思思 本节课是一节故事阅读课。教师通过图片环游法和问题导读法,递进式展示故事情节,学 生在课堂过程中,通过图片和问题,逐步了解故事情节,体会故事人物心情和故事传达的中心 思想和教育意义。主要优点有以下几点: 1.图片环游和问题导读的设计培养了学生思维品质,发散学生思维,学生在课堂活动中处于思 维活跃阶段,头脑风暴活动中和老师观点碰撞火花,能在课堂上有新的观点生成。 2.板书中思维导图和故事紧密结合。利用外星人 Aki 的外貌特征,通过第 10 个教学环节中的 写,学生巩固复习了规则意识的写作,最后学生自主得出总结,我们必须时刻牢记安全第一, 渗透了安全教育。 3.此故事和学生日常生活紧密相关,通过外星人 Aki 三个阶段不同的心情复述故事,进而角 扮演,表演故事。学生参与积极性高,符合小学生行为特点,同时锻炼学生口语。 这节课也存在着以下不足: 1.在问题设计方面,开放性问题设置过多,课堂时间有限,学生的大面积积极回答影响了课堂 进度。 2.表演道具过于单调,可准备得更加充分,创设真实情境,学生表演更加真实。
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