教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:701f7).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 1 Warming up! Listen and do Turn left. Turn right. Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand. Show me your right foot. Show me your left foot. Jiamin ate something bad.He was ill. He went to the hospital. The doctor said Jiamin should stay in the hospital for some days. So Janet and Ben will go to the hospital to see Jiamin. But there are so many ways. the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing And so many crossings. Janet and Ben dont know the way(线路). They are lost(迷路了). Who helped Janet and Ben? A policeman, a boy? Listen and find out the answer. Who helped Janet and Ben? A policeman, a boy? A lady. Shes a helpful person. What did Janet and Ben ask? What did the lady answer? Listen again and find out the sentences. Go straight ahead. Lets talk Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing then turn right at the second crossing. Lets talk the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the building on your right, opposite the school. You cant miss(错过) it. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. Lets learn Follow Janet and Ben , learn the new words Open your iPad Learn the words yourself Say the new words way lost(lose的过去式) excuse me请原谅 hospital go straight ahead turn leftturn right crossing the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing miss(错过) Lets read the new words together way lost(lose的过去式) excuse me请原谅 hospital go straight ahead turn leftturn right crossing the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing miss(错过) Listen and do Turn left. Turn right. Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand. Show me your left foot. Show me your right foot. Go straight ahead. Open your iPad and learn the dialouge Oh dear! I think were lost. Lets go and ask the lady over there. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Lets recite Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the building on your right, opposite the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. Lets recite Lets fill in the blanks and conclude 把人物所说的话语编号准确填入框中,并 小结问路用语和指路用语 Act out the dialogue with your partner 和同伴表演课文对话 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 1、通过IPAD的金太阳同步学APP软件,熟 练朗读本课单词 ,词组,课文。 2、表演对话 教学设计 课题Unit 11 Can you tell me the way? 课时第 1 课时(移动终端课例) 学科English年级5备课老师 教学内容Can you tell me the way?是义务教育教科书广州版五年级下册第 11 单元 Lets talk 的教学内容。本课是讲述如何问路和指路。学生通 过本课学习,在遇到困难时能主动寻求帮助,以及能够文明问路 和友善指路。 教学目标一、语言目标: 1.能掌握四会单词 way, lost,lose , Excuse me, hospital, straight, ahead, right, left, miss 2.能掌握问路和指路的相关用语: Were lost. Excuse me,Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Turn right at the second crossing. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the building on your right, opposite the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. 3.能准确理解并流利地朗读课文;在朗读中能正确使用升降调。 二、情感目标 1遇到困难能主动寻求帮助 2能文明问路和友善指路 三、学习策略 1.能借助 IPAD 的金太阳同步学 APP 软件学习新单词的发音,以 及理解课文内容,学习问路和指路等相关用语 2.能对问路和指路用语进行小结归纳 教学重难点1. 能正确理解和使用问路和指路用语。 2. 能准确理解并流利地朗读课文;在朗读中能正确使用升降调。 教学准备教学课件 PPT、IPAD 的金太阳同步学 APP 软件、练习纸 教学过程 教学步骤师生活动设计意图 I.Warming up II.Presentation and practice Activity 1:Display teaching topic 展示本课目标 Activity 2:Listen and do 听力游戏 Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand. Show me your right foot. Show me your left foot. Turn right. Turn left. Activity 3:Present and learn 创设情境 Jiamin is ill, he should stay in the hospital for some days,学习 hospital 创设情境引出 Janet and Ben will go to see Jiamin,But there are so many ways. How many ways? Lets count together? There are 7 ways,学习 way,ways. And there are so many crossings. What is it? 引出并看图学习 the first crossing, the second crossing , the third crossing. 通过游戏, 营造积极良 好的学习氛 围的同时让 学生巩固复 习左右方向, 以及转作转 右的词汇。 通过情景创 设,让学生 充分理解新 单词 hospital,way ,crossing 的 意义 Activity 4:Listen and answer. 听课文 1 次,找出帮助本和珍妮特的人物 So many crossings here, Janet and Ben are lost, they dont know the way, who helped them? A policeman, a boy or a girl?Lets listen and find out the answer.当学 生回答 A lady.后,老师补充 The lady is so kind and helpful. 听课文第 2 次,老师呈现地图,学生尝试把问路和 指路用语说出来 Excuse me, Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the building on your right, opposite the school. You cant miss it. Activity 5:Listen and learn 自主学习新单词并检测 way, lost, lose , Excuse me, hospital, straight, ahead, left, right,miss Activity 6: Listen and do 听指令,做动作游戏 Show me your left hand. Show me your right hand. 通过让学生 预测,谁帮 助了本和珍 妮特,以及 本和珍妮特 会如何询问 等,激发学 生认真聆听 课文对话, 找出答案 学生借助 IPAD 的金太 阳同步学 APP 软件自 主学习新单 词的发音 通过游戏检 测词汇掌握 情况 III.Conclusion IV.Display and evaluation Show me your right foot. Show me your left foot. Turn right. Turn left. Go straight ahead. Activity 7:Learn and recite 自主学习对话并根据提示 复述课文 Activity 8:完成练习,部分学生小结问路和指路用 语 Activity 9:小组活动,分角色表演课文对话,部分同 学表演对话以及学生点评 Activity 10:Homework 通过 IPAD 的金太阳同步学 APP 软件,熟练朗读本课单词 ,词组,课文,以及表 演对话 学生借助 Ipad 的同步 学 APP 软件 自主学习课 文对话,检测 课文对话的 背诵情况 培养学生归 纳总结所学 知识的能力 通过展示, 能自信用英 语进行交流, 培养学好英 语的信心。
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