教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 12 I know a short cut-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:80e22).zip

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教学目标 1、能判断地点的正确位置。 2、能向他人描述一个地方的 功能、如何正确到达的路线。 3、能小组合作创作自己的 Funny Town 并介绍。 Leading in (新课导课导 入) Revision (复习习旧知) Pre-task (任务务准备备) While-task (活动动推动动任务务) Post-task (任务发务发 展) 导 航 复习旧 知 学生通过看地点描述猜出地点名称。 1.When people go travelling, they usually stay in a _ for the night. 2.Doctors and nurses work in a _. 3.When you see a film you usually go to a_. 4.The _ is a safe place to keep your money. 5.If you dont want to cook, you may eat in _. 6.You can send letters and parcels in a _. 7.You can see shows of old things in a _. 8.Children go to a _ to learn to read and write, and learn about the world. 9.You can buy books in a _. 义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 3 制作:海珠区宝玉直实验小学 郭苑怡 新课导 入 Whats the video about? Give directions 观看视频回顾如何向他人指路。 How to give directions to others? 为他人指路 Go straight ahead. Turn left at the second crossing. Take the first left or right. Its at the corner. Walk along the road. Get out of the hotel. Go pass/ go by the park. Walk at the end of the road. Straight on. Walk through the park. The park is on your left or right. The park is next to the hotel. Cross the street. Turn left or right at the second intersection. Childrens Day is coming. So today we going to play in the Funny Town. Its an very interesting place. But can you tell me how to go there, first? Go straight ahead/ Go straight on/ Walk along the road. Then. North South WestEast 学生观察地图,指出到Funny Town 的不同路线,可以提醒学生寻找 Short cut. Task 1: 听Funny Town 的介绍,选择正确的地点编号填入方格内。 D. restaurant B. police station A. cinema C.post office 完成听力, 听有关Funny Town 的介绍, 写出相应的地点。 _ is a good place. You can_ there. I will show you how to get there. You are standing at the gate,_ 选择一个地点进行介绍。 Task 1: 介绍一个你想去的地方路线。 Cinemasee a film walk along Spring Street.The cinema is between the hotel and the garden. You cant miss it. There is a treasure in the Funny Town. Do you want to find it out? Yeah! Lets go!Lets go! 任务2步骤介绍 1.阅读4篇文段,猜出每一段文段中所描述的是 Funny Town 中的哪一个场所。 2. 根据4个场所的答案,拼写出最后一个单词, 就能得出藏宝地点。 3. 找出藏宝地点后,大声朗读藏宝地点的介绍。记 住细节的地方,为下面能顺利找到宝藏做准 备。 A. In the funny town, you cant use cash or credit cards. If you want to buy something or eat something delicious. You must go to this place first. Let me show you the way. Turn left at the gate and walk along the Happy Street. The playground and the swimming pool are on your right. After you pass them, go straight on, the place is at the corner on your right. What place is it? B.If you want to know something about the funny town, you can go to this place. First you walk along the road from the gate, then take the third left, straight on, the place is the fourth building on your right. If you do not like the noisy public places, here is a good choice(选择). You can sit quietly here. What place is it? C.This is a good place for children to enjoy themselves. They can swing, play slide and so on. It is near the gate. So you go straight ahead, it is on your left side at the corner, beside the swimming pool. What place is it? D. There are different facilities(设施) in the funny town. If you feel sick, maybe you need to go to this place. Go straight ahead from the gate, take the second left, then you will find an ice cream shop on your right, this place is next to the ice cream shop, opposite the restaurant. What place is it? 阅读文段,猜出地点。 Task 2: 1) 阅读4篇文段,猜出每一段文段中所描述的是Funny Town 中的哪一 个场所。 A. _ _ _ _ B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 请将猜出每个文段所描述地点,把答案写在横线上。 bank libr ar y p l a yg r o u n d h o spital _ s _ _ _ d A. _ _ _ _ B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 用上面方框中的字母,组成单词。 bank libr ar y p l a yg r o u n d h o spital il a n Task2: 2) 根据4个场所的答案,拼写出最后一个单词,就能得出藏宝地点。 Congratulation! The treasure is in Funny Island. Funny Island is a really interesting place in Funny Town. You cant miss it. You can play and take a walk on the beach. You can enjoy the sunshine. Let me tell you how to get there. You are standing at the gate, now go straight ahead, take the first left into Winter Street, then walk across Summer Street, the Funny Island is on your right. Task2: 3. 找出藏宝地点后,大声朗读藏宝地点Funny Island的介 绍。 Great!Lets begin to find the treasure. 寻 宝 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 34 1 2 完成寻宝阅读。 Task 3: 阅读阅读 文段,完成排序活动动,找出宝藏。 1. Find the coconut tree, you will find an arrow on it. 2. Find the sunflower, you will find a _ _ it. 3. Find the red rock, you will find a _ _ it. 4. Find Donna, you will _ the _. cave behind box under get key Task 3: 回忆忆文段,把线线索进进行连线连线 ,并说说说说 你找出宝藏的方法。 Wonderful!You found the treasure. 任务发 展 学生设计、画并写自己有趣城镇的介绍。 Are you happy at the Funny Town? Its your turn to design, draw and write your own town. 1. Design a name for your town or city. 2. Draw a map and add some pictures. 3. Write down your introduction of your new town/ city. _Town Hello Kitty Happy Road Pretty Road Cute Road Welcome to Hello Kitty Town. There is a Kitty Island in the middle of the Hello Kitty Town. You can enjoy exciting games here. When you feel hungry, please go to Kittys Restaurant. Its on Pretty Road between the library and the cake shop.Walk along Pretty Road, then take the first right,you will see a Kitty cafe on your left on Happy Road. If you want to buy Kitty toys, please go to the toy shop. There is one on Cute Road, the shop is opposite the hospital. Have fun! 操作一: 1. 读一读Kitty Town 的介绍。 2. 4人小组合作完成 自己的设计的town. 注意提醒学生讨论时要 用英文,每人至少讲2句 的介绍。 _Town Welcome to _. _ _ _ _ Have a good time here. Homework 1. Share your Funny Town to your friends. 2. Finish reading passages. Thank you! Funny Island Spring Street Autumn Street Summer Street Winter Street Happy Street Toy shop 任务准 备 1. 交待本课情景,布置任务。 今天请大家到新开的Funny Town游玩。 里面有好多好玩的地方。下面请看地图, 请你讲出到Funny Town 的路线。 2. 请认真思考,可以尝试多条路线。 任务开 展 Task 3 Read, number and find 阅读阅读 文段,完成排序活动动 ,找出宝藏。 Task 2 Read, guess and write 阅读阅读文段,猜出每个文段中所描述 的是什么地方,最后猜出藏宝地 点。 Task 1 Listen ,choose and talk 听Funny Town 介绍绍,选选出正确 的地点名称,填入地图图中。并 选择选择 自己一个想去的地方介 绍绍。 Here we are! Funny Town is big and nice. Do you want to know more about the Funny Town? Please listen to the introduction of the Funny Town? Unit 12 I know a short cut 班别:班别:_ 姓名姓名: _ 学号:学号:_ 1、听听 Funny Town 的介绍,在地图中的空白方框选择正确的地点的介绍,在地图中的空白方框选择正确的地点,把大写字母写在填在横线上。把大写字母写在填在横线上。 A.cinema, B. police station, C. post office, D. restaurant 二、阅读短文,完成练习。 1. 按寻金之路给下面图片用数字编号。 2. 将相关图片连起来,并写出二者的关系。 新广州版小学英语五年级下册新广州版小学英语五年级下册 Module 6Unit 12 Period 3 ( Directions ) 教学设计方案教学设计方案 课题名称课题名称 Module 6Unit 12 Period 3 ( Directions ) 科科 目目英语年年 级级五年级下学期 教学时间教学时间教学课时教学课时 巩固课 学情分析学情分析 本课的教学对象是 5 年级第二学期的学生,学生在前面课时已经学习 了有关问路的用语。学生懂得运用指路的用语进行对他人指路。 教学目标教学目标 一、知识与技能一、知识与技能 语言知识目标 (1) 复习、巩固地点及功能。 (2) 运用指路用语为他人进行指路。 语言技能目标 (1) 能熟练运用已学地点名称及其功能。 (2) 能向他人指路。 (3) 能运用已学句型进行交际和完成任务。 (4) 能通过小组合作,仿照例子,描述自己设计的小城镇。 二、过程与方法二、过程与方法 教学策略目标 (1) 通过游戏、竞赛等方法进行复习,提高学习注意力。 (2) 通过情景设置和任务完成,提高学习效果。 (3) 大量的交流沟通,锻炼口语表达能力。 (4) 联合生活实际,运用所学知识进行交际。 学习策略目标: (1) 通过游戏、竞赛等方法进行复习,提高学习注意力。 (2) 通过情景设置和任务完成,提高学习效果。 (3) 大量的交流沟通,锻炼口语表达能力。 (4) 联合生活实际,运用所学知识进行交际。 三、情感态度与价值观三、情感态度与价值观 培养学生热爱生活,懂得与人交往。通过让学生多次在小组中实践 和体验,让学生积极参与课堂活动,培养他们的互助合作精神。 教学教学 重点重点 难点难点 教学重点 (1) 能运用指路用语为他人进行指路。 (2) 能通过小组合作,仿照例子,描述自己设计的小城镇。 教学难点 能通过小组合作,仿照例子,描述自己设计的小城镇。 教学资源教学资源PPT、Worksheet 四四、教教 学学 过过 程程 描描 述述 教教学学活活动动 1 1 一、Warming-up Watch the video about giving directions, then say out the sentences about giving other directions. 教教学学活活动动 2 2 二、Pre-task Review the names of places. 教教学学活活动动 3 3 三、While-task 1. Task 1: Look at the map of Funny Town, discuss how to get to Funny Town. ( 4 人小组讨论到 Funny Town 的不同路线。) 2. Task 2: Listen to the introduction of Funny Town. ( Listen and fill in the form) 3. Task 3: Read the introduction of four places in Funny Town. Guess the names of the places. 4. Task 4: Oral practice ( Choose a place in Funny Town to introduce. ) 5. Task 5: Reading Comprehension ( Treasure Hunt ) ( The way to gold ) 教学活动教学活动 4 四、Post-task 1. Design a new town in groups of 4. 2. Write down the introduction of the new town. 3. Share with classmates. Blackboard handwriting Unit 12 I know a short cut Give directions 附:听力练习题
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