教科版(广州)五下Module 6 Directions-Unit 11 Can you tell me the way -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-市级优课-(编号:c0552).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 6 Directions Period 1 Left, left. Right, right. Go ,turn around ,go go go ! Left, left. Right, right. Go ,turn around ,go go go ! LetsLets chant:chant: I say you do miss by train /take a train train station police station policeman Jiamin ate something bad. He went to the hospital. The doctor said Jiamin should stay in the hospital for some days. So Janet and Ben go to the hospital to see Jiamin. But they dont know the way(线路线路). They are lost(迷路了)(迷路了). Lets learn They go and ask a lady for help. Lets listen. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Try to say Lets learn the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing go straight ahead 直走直走 turn right 向右转向右转 turn left 向左转向左转 Lets learn the first crossing the second crossing the third crossing 句型操练句型操练: Can you tell me the way to the _, please? go straight ahead turn right turn left TPR Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead Lets learn go straight ahead 一直向前一直向前 then turn right at the second crossing. the first the second the third Lets listen Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss(错过错过) it. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Lets learn the first the second the third Thank you so much. Youre welcome. L e t s l e a r n 1. ( ) Janet and Ben are lost. 2. ( ) Janet and Ben ask a man for help. 3. ( ) Janet and Ben want to go the park. 4. ( ) Go straight ahead then turn left at the first crossing. 5. ( ) The hospital is the third building on the right, behind the bank. T F F F Choose true (T) or false (F). lady hospital. next to the school. F 听一遍对话录音,通听一遍对话录音,通 过句子判断让学生了过句子判断让学生了 解对话的大意。解对话的大意。 Lets listen right second 因为前面有详细的呈现和解释,学生应能理解对话并明 白线路,这个步骤视情况可跳过。 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Oh dear! I think were lost. Lets go and ask the lady over there. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Lets read 可进行跟读, 分角色朗读等 Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it. Thank you so much. Lets read Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your _, next to the _. You cant miss it. left cinema second first left restaurant Could Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to _? Lets talk Yes, of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead. Then turn _ at the _ crossing. Its the _ building on your _, next to _. You cant miss it. 同桌操练,巩固今 天学习内容。 Could Of course. Let me see. Go straight ahead then turn right at the second crossing. Is the hospital on the left or on the right? Its the third building on your right, next to the school. You cant miss it. 本课小结本课小结. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? 1、熟记本课单词词组, 熟读本课对话。 2、看地图,仿照课文编写一段问路的对话 。 U11U11 CanCan youyou telltell meme thethe way?way? 第(第(1 1)课时教学设计)课时教学设计 学校学校研究课题研究课题生态和乐课堂生态和乐课堂 学科学科英语英语研究课题研究课题多元情景,快乐英语多元情景,快乐英语 备课备课 教师教师 授课授课 教师教师 曹丽娜曹丽娜 授课授课 班级班级 备课备课 时间时间 教学目标教学目标 一、语言知识目标:一、语言知识目标: 1.1. 能四会掌握以下单词:能四会掌握以下单词: way,lost,hospital,right,left,miss,bank,post office,train station,zoo,restaurant,police station 2.2. 学生能听说读以下新词和短语:学生能听说读以下新词和短语:bebe lost,overlost,over there,Excusethere,Excuse me,me, LetLet meme see.gosee.go straightstraight ahead,turnahead,turn left/right.left/right. ThankThank youyou soso much.much. 3.3. 掌握运用句型:掌握运用句型: Can you tell me the way.? HowHow cancan I I getget toto thethe hospital?hospital? 科研目标科研目标创设语言情景,加强语言输入。创设语言情景,加强语言输入。 教学重点教学重点掌握四会单词、短语和句型。掌握四会单词、短语和句型。 教学难点教学难点课文里面出现的几个新单词的读音。课文里面出现的几个新单词的读音。 教教 学学 过过 程程 教学环节教学环节 教师及学生活动预设教师及学生活动预设 设计理念设计理念 WarmingWarmingupup 1.11.1 PlayPlay a a cartooncartoon videovideo andand askask SsSs toto findfind outout whatwhat thethe twotwo characterscharacters areare doingdoing inin thisthis cartooncartoon video.video. 师生互动,交流师生互动,交流 在暑假做的事情。在暑假做的事情。 复习有关于现在复习有关于现在 进行时的语法知进行时的语法知 识,为本课的几识,为本课的几 个句型进行复习,个句型进行复习, 引出本课新的语引出本课新的语 法。法。 PresentationPresentation ofof thethe newnew wordswords PracticePractice 1 1 2.12.1 AskingAsking forfor directions:directions: showshow somesome ChineseChinese sentencessentences aboutabout askingasking forfor didi rections,rections, andand inviteinvite severalseveral SsSs toto trtr anslateanslate themthem intointo English.English. 2.22.2 AskAsk SsSs toto dodo thethe substitutionsubstitution exercise.exercise. 2.32.3 ShowShow SsSs signssigns aboutabout traffic,traffic, andand leadlead themthem toto imagineimagine thethe meaningmeaning ofof e e achach signs.signs. 2.42.4 ShowShow SsSs twotwo mapsmaps andand g g uideuide themthem toto useuse thesethese signssigns forfor givigivi ngng directions.directions. 2.52.5 ReadRead twotwo samplesample dialogues,dialogues, andand thth enen provideprovide SsSs somesome namesnames ofof placesplaces toto dodo thethe substitutionsubstitution exercises.exercises. 3.3. PracticePractice PairPair work:work: ShowShow SsSs a a map,map, andand askask thethe m m toto makemake upup dialoguesdialogues withwith theirtheir parpar tner.tner. 4.4. ConclusionConclusion 4.14.1 MakeMake a a reviewreview ofof thethe usefuluseful phrasphras 通过刚才唱完的通过刚才唱完的 歌曲后,复习现歌曲后,复习现 在进行时,然后在进行时,然后 引出一些动词短引出一些动词短 语。引出本课的语。引出本课的 主题:主题:hobbyhobby。 通过小组合作,通过小组合作, 并通过教师的引并通过教师的引 导,根据导,根据 PHONICSPHONICS 发音规发音规 则自主拼读单词,则自主拼读单词, 并进行小组汇报,并进行小组汇报, 给予评价。给予评价。 PresentationPresentation ofof thethe sentencessentences eses andand sentencesentence patterns.patterns. 5.5. AssignmentAssignment 5.15.1 CollectCollect moremore phrasesphrases andand sentencesentence patternspatterns aboutabout askingasking andand showingshowing didi rectionsrections asas possiblepossible asas theythey cancan 5.25.2 ReciteRecite thesethese twotwo samplesample dialoguesdialogues 5.35.3 MakeMake upup andand writewrite downdown twotwo newnew didi aloguesalogues accordingaccording toto thethe samplesample dialodialo gues.gues. 对话的学习不光对话的学习不光 是要把对话会读、是要把对话会读、 会背,最重要的会背,最重要的 是培养学生自主是培养学生自主 学会编对话,写学会编对话,写 对话的能力。此对话的能力。此 环节就能很好地环节就能很好地 锻炼学生们读和锻炼学生们读和 写的能力。写的能力。 复习巩固本堂所复习巩固本堂所 学知识,让学生学知识,让学生 总结,再老师总总结,再老师总 结本堂所学。结本堂所学。 作业设计作业设计 1.1. 抄写本课新词。抄写本课新词。 2.2. 听、并跟读本课单词、课文三遍。听、并跟读本课单词、课文三遍。 巩固本课知识点。巩固本课知识点。 板书设计板书设计 U11U11 CanCan youyou telltell meme thethe way?way? 单词:单词: way,lost,hospital,right,left,miss,bank,post office,train station,zoo,restaurant,police station 短语:短语:bebe lost,overlost,over there,Excusethere,Excuse me,me, LetLet meme see.gosee.go straightstraight ahead,turnahead,turn left/right.left/right. ThankThank youyou soso much.much. 句型:句型: CanCan youyou telltell meme thethe wayway to.?to.? Yes,Yes, gogo straightstraight ahead,ahead, turnturn left.left. HowHow cancan i i getget toto .?.? 教学反思教学反思 这次口语交际练习,我认为学生们都基本掌握了问路和指路这次口语交际练习,我认为学生们都基本掌握了问路和指路 要注意的问题。有的学生课后还能触类旁通,举一反三,如能要注意的问题。有的学生课后还能触类旁通,举一反三,如能 说清楚学校到公园的路线、家里到购物广场的路线等,从哪里说清楚学校到公园的路线、家里到购物广场的路线等,从哪里 走,坐几路车,到哪一站下车,下车后怎么走等都表达得比较走,坐几路车,到哪一站下车,下车后怎么走等都表达得比较 清楚。在教学过程中,也有同学提出同一目的地,谁说的路线清楚。在教学过程中,也有同学提出同一目的地,谁说的路线 最快捷方便谁就是说得最好的,对于这样的同学应当多给予表最快捷方便谁就是说得最好的,对于这样的同学应当多给予表 扬。但是,还有些地方需要进一步改善:学生的语言表达能力扬。但是,还有些地方需要进一步改善:学生的语言表达能力 需要进一步提高,回答问题、参与表演的总是那么几个同学,需要进一步提高,回答问题、参与表演的总是那么几个同学, 互动的面不够广,还要加强语言训练的规范性。互动的面不够广,还要加强语言训练的规范性。
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