教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 1 What's your favourite season -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:31ccb).zip

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Sing a song : Summer, winter, Spring and fall, Spring and fall, Spring and fall, Summer, winter, Spring and fall, Whats your favourite season ? I like autumn best. because the colours are very pretty ! “Guess game”:Which season do you like best? Why? (规则:规则: you can draw a picture,do an action or a sentence.Let other people guess.) Look at this form,Lets do a survey: (要求:4人一组填表,每组选1名小组长汇报.Example:In our group,Mike likes summer best,because he has a summer vacation and he can go swimming.) NameFavourite season Why MikeSummerSummer vacation , Swimming ZhangPeng Amy ChenJie Lets chant: Which season do you like best? Spring,Spring,I like spring best. Because there are pretty flowers. Which season do you like best? Summer,Summer,I like summer best. Because I can go swimming. Which season do you like best? Autumn,Autumn, I like autumn best. Because the colours are very beautiful. Which season do you like best? Winter,Winter, I like winter best. Because I can make a snowman. Whos that boy ? Which is Zhang Pengs picture? (Listen and tick) Q1:Which season does Amy like best? Why ? Q2: Which season does Miss White like best? Why ? Lets talk Amy: Miss White: Amy: Miss White: Amy: Miss White: Hello, Miss White. I like the trees. The are very ! Yes, I like best. The is good and the are beautiful! Which season do you like best,Miss White? Summer. ? Because I like ! Look at my picture. Good job! colours autumn pretty weather colours Why summer vacation 1.The plan of a day is in the morning ,and the plan of one year is sping. (一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春)(一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春) 2.Flowers reopen the day, No man is young. (花有重开日,人无再少年花有重开日,人无再少年) Lets study together ! Unit2Unit2 MyMy favouritefavourite seasonseason PartPart B B LetsLets talk.talk. 教学目标教学目标 1 1、能够听、说、朗读、能够听、说、朗读“Which“Which seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?”“Ibest?”“I likebest.”“Why?”“Because”likebest.”“Why?”“Because”等询问他人和表达自己喜好的交际用语。等询问他人和表达自己喜好的交际用语。 2 2、能够听懂、会说、会表演、能够听懂、会说、会表演 LetsLets talktalk 的内容,并把本课时所学语言运用在的内容,并把本课时所学语言运用在 真实场景中交流。真实场景中交流。 教学重、难点教学重、难点 重点:能够在实际语境中交流运用关于季节胡问答句重点:能够在实际语境中交流运用关于季节胡问答句“Which“Which seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?”“Ibest?”“I likebest.”“Why?”“Because”likebest.”“Why?”“Because”。 难点:学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。难点:学生能够大胆创编和表演有关季节的问答小对话。 教学过程教学过程 (一)、热身(一)、热身(Warm-upWarm-up) 1.Greetings1.Greetings andand self-introductionself-introduction T:Hello!BoysT:Hello!Boys andand girls!girls! Ss:Hello!Ss:Hello! MissMiss Li.Li. T:Yeah!T:Yeah! ImIm MissMiss Li.TodayLi.Today ImIm veryvery happy.becausehappy.because I I havehave soso mangmang excellentexcellent studentsstudents here.here. AndAnd youyou havehave a a newnew andand beautifulbeautiful EnglishEnglish teacher,areteacher,are youyou happyhappy ? ? Ss:Yes.Ss:Yes. T:Great!boy!WhatsT:Great!boy!Whats youryour namename ?Nice?Nice toto meetmeet you.you. T:Hello!girl,WhatsT:Hello!girl,Whats youryour name?name? HowHow areare youyou ? ? 2.sing2.sing a a songsong TheThe FourFour seasonsseasons ( (二二) )、新课呈现(、新课呈现(PresentationPresentation) T:DoT:Do youyou likelike thethe musicmusic ? ? Ss:YesSs:Yes ! ! T:TheT:The songsong isis “The“The FourFour seasons”.Today,wellseasons”.Today,well talktalk about“season”.about“season”. 1.(1.(出示秋天图片出示秋天图片)T:Look)T:Look atat mymy picture,canpicture,can youyou guessguess WhichWhich seasonseason dodo I I likelike bestbest ? ? Ss:Autumn.Ss:Autumn. T:GoodT:Good job!Ijob!I likelike autumnautumn best.dobest.do youyou knowknow whywhy ? ? Ss:Ss: T:BecauseT:Because thethe colourscolours areare beautifulbeautiful inin autumn.autumn. 2.T:Next,lets2.T:Next,lets playplay “guess“guess game”aboutgame”about “season”OK“season”OK ? ? Ss:OKSs:OK ! ! T:LookT:Look atat meme ! !(教师在黑板上画一朵花)(教师在黑板上画一朵花)cancan youyou guessguess WhichWhich seasonseason dodo I I likelike bestbest ? ? Ss:youSs:you likelike SpringSpring best.best. T:Why?T:Why? HowHow dodo youyou knowknow ? ? Ss:Ss: T:WowT:Wow ! ! youyou areare veryvery cleverclever ! ! T:(continue)T:(continue) 3.T:Ok3.T:Ok !Boys!Boys andand girlsgirls cancan youyou drawdraw a a picturepicture、dodo somesome actionaction oror saysay a a wordword aboutabout youryour favouritefavourite seasonseason ? ? letslets otherother peoplepeople guess.guess. S1S1(生画图或做一个动作、说一句话描述)(生画图或做一个动作、说一句话描述):Which:Which seasonseason dodo I I likelike bestbest ? ? S2:youS2:you likelike best.best. S1:WhyS1:Why ? ? HowHow dodo youyou knowknow ? ? S2:S2: T:OKT:OK !Boys!Boys andand girlsgirls ,do,do youyou thinkthink heshes rightright ? ? OKOK !lets!lets askask ! ! Ss:Ss: WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike bestbest ? ? S1:IS1:I likebest.likebest. T:T: WowWow !you!you areare rightright ! ! GoodGood job!job! ThisThis isis forfor youyou(教师奖励)。(教师奖励)。 T:OKT:OK ! ! anythinganything elseelse ? ? (continue)(continue) 4.Make4.Make a a surveysurvey T:OKT:OK ! ! ONE,ONE, TWO,TWO, THREETHREE !Boys!Boys andand girls.girls. Now,Now, a a groupgroup ofof fourfour people,takepeople,take outout paperpaper andand finishfinish itit ! ! 学生小组内进行。学生小组内进行。 T:T: OKOK ! ! ONE,ONE, TWO,TWO, THREETHREE ! ! I I needneed a a reportreport fromfrom a a groupgroup leaderleader .Who.Who cancan trytry ? ? Ss:ISs:I cancan trytry . . T:T: GoodGood jobjob ! ! 5.lets5.lets chantchant T:OKT:OK ! ! LookLook atat thethe blackboardblackboard , , readread byby yourself.yourself. OKOK ! ! ONE,ONE, TWO,TWO, THREETHREE ! ! letslets readread togethertogether ! ! GoodGood jobjob ! ! 6.lets6.lets try(try(出示出示 ZhangZhang PengPeng 图片图片) ) T:BoysT:Boys andand girlsgirls whoswhos thatthat boyboy ? ? Ss:HesSs:Hes ZhangPeng.ZhangPeng. T:Yes,doT:Yes,do youyou knowknow whichwhich seasonseason doesdoes zhangpengzhangpeng likelike bestbest ? ? LetsLets listen.(listen.(播放录音播放录音).). Ss:zhangpengSs:zhangpeng likeslikes springspring bestbest . . T:T: WhyWhy ? ? Ss:becauseSs:because springspring isis pretty.therepretty.there areare lotslots ofof flowersflowers andand greengreen trees.trees. T:WowT:Wow !youre!youre soso goodgood ! ! 7.Lets7.Lets talktalk ( (出示问题出示问题) ) T:ListenT:Listen andand thenthen answeranswer mymy question.question. Q1:WhichQ1:Which seasonseason doesdoes AmyAmy likelike bestbest ? ? Q2:WhichQ2:Which seasonseason doesdoes MissMiss WhiteWhite likelike bestbest ? ? ( (学生听录音并回答学生听录音并回答) ) T:GoodT:Good jobjob !lets!lets followfollow thethe recordings.(recordings.(学生跟着录音逐句读学生跟着录音逐句读) ) (出示填空形式(出示填空形式 LetsLets talk,talk,教师和学生一起填读)教师和学生一起填读) T:OKT:OK !Now,open!Now,open youryour book,book, turnturn toto pagepage 17,read17,read byby yourself.yourself. ( (学生自由读学生自由读 LetsLets talktalk,然后齐读,分小组读,然后齐读,分小组读) ) T:OK!Last,T:OK!Last, letslets role-playrole-play ! ! whowho cancan try?(try?(请学生不带课本上台表演对话请学生不带课本上台表演对话) ) (三)、拓展延伸(三)、拓展延伸(ExtensionExtension) 1.The1.The planplan ofof a a dayday isis inin thethe morningmorning ,and,and thethe planplan ofof oneone yearyear isis sping.sping.(一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春)(一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春) 2.Flowers2.Flowers reopenreopen thethe day.day. NoNo manman isis young.(young.(花有重开日,人无再少年花有重开日,人无再少年) ) LetsLets studystudy togethertogether ! ! 板书设计板书设计 Unit2Unit2 MyMy favouritefavourite seasonseason PartPart B B LetsLets talk.talk. WhichWhich seasonseason dodo youyou likelike bestbest ? ? I I likebest.likebest. Why?Why? BecauseBecause
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