教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 1 What's your favourite season -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e0df3).zip

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Module 1 Seasons 1.How many seasons are there in a year? There are four. 2. What are they? They are spring, summer, autumn, winter. Lets sing! Talk about seasons. Lets share! A new friend Lets guess! Listen and match: Lets listen! winter autumn summer spring It feels warm. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing. It feels hot. Fruits are ripening, cicadas are singing. It feels cool. Leaves are falling, ants are working hard. It feels cold. Trees are losing their leaves, bears are hiding. The day is as long as the night again. 1. Read and fill in the blanks: Lets read! The day is longer than the night. The night is longer than the day. The day is as long as the night. _ _ _ _ 2. Think and answer: Why is little fox growing up? Lets read! Lets act! Homework Luckys favourite season My favourite season is spring. It is from March to May. In this season, the weather is warm and foggy. Flowers are blooming, birds are singing. We can wear jackets. We can plant trees, go to the flower show, and play in the park. So I like spring best. Thank you for listening! Summer: The day is longer than the night. Winter: The night is longer than the day. Spring: The day is as long as the night. Autumn: The day is as long as the night , again. Module1 Seasons Unit1 Whats your favourite season? Class _ Name _ Write according to the examples. 仿照例子写一写。 1)Activities ( 活动 ) e.g: play football 踢足球 _ _ _ _ _ _ 2) Weather ( 天气 ) e.g: foggy 多雾的 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3) Months ( 月份 ) e.g: January 一月 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4)Clothes ( 衣服 ) e.g: blouse 女式衬衫 _ _ _ _ _ _ 改编对话: 注意事项注意事项: 1) 内容:活动、天气、月份、衣服和其他(例如:景物)活动、天气、月份、衣服和其他(例如:景物)等。 2)注意:cancan + + 动词原形;动词原形; like/lovelike/love + + 动词动词+ing+ing。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 小学英语五年级下册教学设计小学英语五年级下册教学设计 学校设计者 学科(版本)教科 2011 课标版三年级起点章节 Module 1 Seasons Unit 1 Whats your favourite season? 学时第 3 学时年级 五年级 教学目标 语言知识:掌握四季的相关词汇与句型及扩展阅读中的新知识。 语言技能:1)能综合运用新旧知识来谈论、书写季节。 2)能理解扩展阅读的内容并能认读新单词。 情感态度:1)同学之间能团结协作,分享交流。 2)能大胆说英语,表演和运用英语。 学习策略:1)小组交流,合作学习; 2)在老师的引导下,观察、体验、对比、归纳和模仿学习; 3)运用所具有的各种学习技巧来掌握新旧知识。 文化意识:通过阅读了解因季节变化白天黑夜长短有所不同。 教学重点难点 综合运用所学知识谈论和书写季节,在扩展阅读的过程中理解和学习新单 词。 学习者分析 在学生方面,具有一定的自学能力和语言基础。在之前的学习中已经形成 谈论自己喜欢的季节及原因的初步知识架构。但在综合运用学过的知识多 方面地谈论和书写季节时,显得较为薄弱,内容显得单一。 教学内容分析 本节课是第三课时,学生通过学习对话了解季节及能够谈论喜欢的原因。 本课通过设计与四季相关的听说读写活动,引导学生综合运用所学过的知 识对季节进行多方面的谈论和书写,进一步提高和发展学生综合运用语言 的能力。 教学环节教学内容活动设计活动目标 Warming up (热身) 呈现四季的特点1) 观看生动有趣的 视频和回答问题 2) 呈现本课课题 1) 激发学生兴趣;自然引 出四季的话题 2)让学生清楚了解今天谈论 的话题 Revision (复习) 综合运用学过的 知识来谈论四季 的活动 1) 引导学生归纳可 以从哪些方面来 谈论四季 2) 学生分组准备谈 论的内容 3) 学生比赛说句子, 1) 启发学生从多方面去想 谈论季节的句子 2)让学生结合归纳内容小组 合作准备谈论季节的句子 3)鼓励学生团结协作,多方 老师进行归纳评 价 面的谈论季节,活跃课堂气 氛 Development (拓展) 1、Listening 了解四季的天气 变化和事物的特 点 (练习内容在 worksheet 上, 附后) 1) 介绍听力材料的 主角 2)听短文,连线。, 练习内容在 worksheet(附后)上。 3)学生利用纳米黑 板功能连线。 4)学生找出新单词, 并学会正确发音和汉 语意思。 1)引起学生的兴趣 2)3)检查学生对四季天气 变化和事物的特点的听以及 对短文的理解. 4)引导学生运用所学过的语 音拼读规则和单词的构成来 学习和掌握新单词,体现高 年级学生的自学能力 Development (拓展) 2、Reading 阅读了解四季更 多知识 (练习内容在 worksheet 上, 附后) 1) 阅读短文并完成 练习 2) 读一读,填一填 (在文章划出支持你 答案的句子) 。 3)学生利用纳米黑 板功能填写。 1)训练和培养学生的阅读能 力和阅读技巧 2)3)检查学生对短文的理 解,同时对学生进行阅读技 巧的渗透,尤其对学困生帮 助较大 文化渗透归纳总结给学生渗透四季了解因季节 变化白天黑夜长短有所不同 Development (拓展) 3、Acting 分小组表演 (show time) 1) 老师提出表演主 题和要求 2) 学生小组内准备 3)学生在讲台前分 组即兴表演 1)让学生了解表演的内容和 要求 2)给学生提供一个创作、合 作交流的机会 3)维持学生英语学习兴趣, 培养学生大胆说英语和表演 的能力 Conclusion (总结) 小结今天的重难 点 老师简单小结重难点让学生清楚今天所学重难点 Homework (作业) 1) Talk about the four seasons with your parents。 2) Finish your writing with beautiful pictures. 巩固今天所学的重难点内容。 Module 1 Seasons Unit 1 Whats your favourite season? Class _ Name _ Read and fill in the blanks. 读一读读一读, 填一填。填一填。 One day in spring , Little Fox was born. Mama Fox loved Little Fox. One day, Little Fox asked Mama Fox, “Whats Spring?” “We will go out to feel Spring , my boy!” said Mama Fox. Little Fox said:“It feels warm , flowers are blooming , birds are singing , and” “The day is as long as the night.” said Mama Fox. “So this is Spring?”asked Little Fox. “Yes!” said the Wind. Little Fox slowly grew up in Spring. One day, Little Fox asked Mama Fox, “Whats Summer?” “We will go out to feel Summer , my boy!” said Mama Fox. Little Fox said:“It feels hot , fruits are ripening , cicadas are singing , and” “The day is longer than the night.” said Mama Fox. “So this is Summer?”asked Little Fox. “Yes!” said the Sun. Little Fox slowly grew up in Summer. One day, Little Fox asked Mama Fox, “Whats Autumn?” “We will go out to feel Autumn , my boy!” said Mama Fox. Little Fox said:“It feels cool , leaves are falling , ants are working hard, and” “The day is as long as the night again.” said Mama Fox. “So this is Autumn?”asked Little Fox. “Yes!” said the Cloud. Little Fox slowly grew up in Autumn. One day, Little Fox asked Mama Fox, “Whats Winter?” “We will go out to feel Winter , my boy!” said Mama Fox. Little Fox said:“It feels cold, trees are losing their leaves, bears are hiding , and” “The night is longer than the day.” said Mama Fox. “So this is Winter?”asked Little Fox. “Yes!” said the Snow. Little Fox slowly grew up in Winter. Read and answer. 读一读读一读, 回答问题。回答问题。 Why is little fox growing up? One day, Little Fox asked Mama Fox, “Why am I growing up?” Mama Fox said ,“ Its because!” “Wait, let me feel” said Little Fox. “What do you feel?” said Mama Fox. Little Fox said happily, “I feel that Mama loves me very much!” So Little Fox slowly grew up in his Mamas love. Module 1 Seasons Unit 1 Whats your favourite season? Class _ Name _ Listen and match. 读一读读一读, 连一连。连一连。 Module1 Seasons Unit1 Whats your favourite season? Class _ Name _ Homework Example: Choose one of them to write. 1. * My Favourite Season My favourite season is _. Its from _ to _.In this season, the weather is _. _ are _. _ are _. We can wear_.We can_. So I like _ best. 2.* My Favourite Season _ _ _ _ _ _
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