教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 2 It's the middle of winter-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:e018b).zip

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农村小学“爱我家乡”英语阅读文本课件 Lets sing: Look and say: Lets enjoy: How many seasons are there in our hometown? autumn Monthsweather March April May June July August September October November December January February rainy and wet sunny and hot windy and cool never snow ,not too cold Lets talk: A: What can we do in spring in our hometown? B: In spring, we can go sightseeing in Jiaoshiling Park or Dapuwei Flower Ocean. A: What can we do in _ in our hometown? B: In_We can_. Reading can be fun! Seasons Hi, I am Litchi, Im a lovely girl. I live in Guanghui Village, Zengjiang. My favourite season is spring. Its warm and wet. It is the best time to go sightseeing. We can go to Jiaoshiling Park or Dapuwei Flower Ocean. There are many beautiful flowers and trees there. I like summer too. I can go swimming in summer. I like swimming best. My friend Jane likes autumn. “Autumn is very cool. We can do many things in autumn. We can ride a bike in the Crane Wetland Park. I like riding bikes.” Says Jane. “And I like winter too. Because its not too cold here. We can go outside. We can go fishing or fly kites.” 根据短文,判断句子是否与信里的内容一致,如 一致打“”,否则打“”。 ( )1.1. LitshisLitshis favouritefavourite seasonseason isis spring.spring. ( )2.2. SummerSummer isis thethe bestbest timetime toto gogo sightseeing.sightseeing. ( )3.Jane3.Jane likeslikes autumn,autumn, butbut sheshe doesntdoesnt likelike winter.winter. level 1 读短文,选择问题的正确答案。 ( ( ) 1.Litchi likes _best. A. spring and summer B.autumn and winter C.spring and autumn ( ) 2.In spring, we can go to _ or Jiaoshiling Park. A.Baishui Waterfall B. Dapuwei Flower Ocean C. Donghu Park ( ) 3. The weather in autumn is _. A.warm B. cold C. cool ( )4. We can _ in the Crane Wetland Park in autumn. A.go swimming B. ride a bike C. climb hills level 2 A B C B Lets write: My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm and wet. There are colourful flowers and beautiful birds in the trees. I can wear blouse and skirt. I can plant flowers and have a picnic in spring. Try to write: My favourite season is _. The weather is _. There are _. I can wear _. I can _ in spring. Homework 1. 阅读本文本两次阅读本文本两次 2. 继续完善作文,可以做成继续完善作文,可以做成 海报形式。海报形式。 Thank you ! Seasons Hi, I am Litchi, Im a lovely girl. I live in Guanghui Village, Zengjiang. My favourite season is spring. Its warm and wet. It is the best time to go sightseeing. We can go to Jiaoshiling Park or Dapuwei Flower Ocean. There are many beautiful flowers and trees there. I like summer too. I can go swimming in summer. I like swimming best. My friend Jane likes autumn. “Autumn is very cool. We can do many things in autumn. We can ride a bike in the Crane Wetland Park. I like riding bikes.” Says Jane. “And I like winter too. Because its not too cold here. We can go outside. We can go fishing or fly kites.” 21 3 Seasons Hi, I am Litchi, Im a lovely girl. I live in Guanghui Village, Zengjiang. My favourite season is spring. Its warm and wet. It is the best time to go sightseeing. We can go to Jiaoshiling Park or Dapuwei Flower Ocean. There are many beautiful flowers and trees there. I like summer too. I can go swimming in summer. I like swimming best. My friend Jane likes autumn. “Autumn is very cool. We can do many things in autumn. We can ride a bike in the Crane Wetland Park. I like riding bikes.” Says Jane. “And I like winter too. Because its not too cold here. We can go outside. We can go fishing or fly kites.” 1 2 3 4 课题Book6 Module 1 Seasons 练习巩固课执教者: 教 材 分 析 Modul 1 是关于谈论季节的话题,本模块主要是让学生能运用所学词汇句型描述自己喜欢 的季节及理由。除了学习好本模块的季节、月份、动词词组等单词,还要注意巩固以前的单词 天气、服装等。本节课通过自创的家乡食物的阅读文本拓展课外阅读知识,给学生一个自由的 平台,利用所学知识充分运用到实践中去,充分展示自我,体验成功,收获快乐。 目 标 表 达 1、复习巩固季节、月份、天气及动词词组等。 2、巩固运用以下句型: Whats your favourite season? I love/like/prefer. / My favourite season is . What can we do in spring 3、能运用所学词汇句型描述自己喜欢的季节及理由。 4、能听懂或读懂本文本。 5、初步掌握“英语阅读文”的练习技巧; 学生已掌 握了什么 1、描述自己喜欢的季节及理由. 2、 季节有哪些月份,季节的天气情况等.学 情 分 析 学生还未 掌握什么 学生对“英语阅读文本”的阅读技巧。 重 点 1、理解文本大意; 2、能运用所学词汇句型描述自己喜欢的季节及理由。 难点 1、理解文本大意; 2、能运用所学词汇句型描述自己喜欢的季节及理由。 方 法 手 段 教学课件,板书的引导。 教学过程 (主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 教学设计意图和达成 目标的表述 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)学生学习过程(学生学什么、怎 么学?) 一、Warming-up (5 分钟) 1. Sing a song:Months 2. 展示 PPT 动作图片,复习动词组 3. 小组操练: What can you do inspring/summer/autumn/winter? I can _. 1.sing a song; 2.学生看图说词组 3.学生两人小组操练句子。 设计意图:1、热身活动,歌曲节奏感强,内容丰富,可以让学生唱熟,歌曲中的文本可以 作为描述季节的拓展材料。 3、 复习巩固 What can we do.?句型,为教学做铺垫,巩固已学词组。 二、Presentation (15 分钟) 1. Lets enjoy the picture. 2. Tere are so many beautiful pictures. Where are they? Zengjiang, our hometown. 3. 利用家乡,与学生谈论家乡的季节、 天气及月份: How many seasons are there in our hometown? When is spring? Whats the weather like in spring? 4.Lets talk. 看图操练句子并引出学习 家乡的地名: T: What can we do in spring in our hometown? In spring, we can go sightseeing in 1.学生欣赏家乡图片。 2.学生说出自己的家乡: Zengjiang. 3.学生回答老师问题。 4、学生学习词组。 5.学生看提示两人小组操练问句。 Jiaoshiling Park or Dapuwei Flower Ocean. (学习 go sightseeing、Jiaoshiling Park、Dapuwei Flower Ocean) 5.出示提示图片,两人小组操练上面问句。 设计意图: 1.通过大量的图片表达家乡的美景,在家乡的不同季节我们可以去家乡的景点游览。 2.通过家乡的话题来复习巩固季节、天气、月份和动作。会更让学生有求知欲,人人都想知道家乡 的情况。 三、Practice (12 分钟) 引出阅读文本,分难度和梯度带领学生 掌握阅读文的练习技巧: 1.略读课文,掌握文本大意; 2.精读课文,抓中文章的重点句子; 3.领悟课文深层含义,把握文章的教育 意义。 鼓励学生尽量读课文: 1.略读要求学生划出词条,初步 理解文本的内容;(完成第一题) 2.精读要求学生找到重点句子, 并学会提出不懂地方。 (完成第 二题) ; 3.领悟课文,可以利用课件,引 导学生说出文本的教育意义。 (完成第三题) 1、设计意图:通过阅读训练学生的理解能。 四、Summing-up (5 分钟) 归纳英语阅读的技巧。增强阅读文本的理解。 设计意图:总结归纳阅读文章的技巧 五、Development Try to write:(例子) 学生仿照例子写一写。 (3 分钟) My favourite season is spring. The weather is warm and wet. There are colourful flowers and beautiful birds in the trees. I can wear blouse and skirt. I can plant flowers and have a picnic in spring. 设计意图: 利用本节课描述的文本来指导写作及修改作文技巧。 六、布置作业 (2 分钟) 1. 阅读本文本两次 2. 继续完善作文,可以做成海报形式。 板书设计: 电视播放平 台 Whats your favourite season? Modul 1 Seasons I prefer. What can we do in.? We can . go sightseeing Dapuwei Flower Ocean Jiaoshiling Park Crane Wetland Park
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