教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 2 It's the middle of winter-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:7399d).zip

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五年级下册 Module 1 Seasons The fifth period 读写课 Whats the weather like today? Its hot cloudy rainy sunny wet warm windy dry cool snowy Task 1 Listen and fill in the blanks 1.spring lasts(持续) from to . 2.Summer is from to . 3.Autumn is from to . 4.Winter is from to . Task 1 Listen and fill in the blanks 1.spring lasts(持续) from March to May . 2.Summer is from June to August . 3.Autumn is from September to November . 4.Winter is from December to February . Dear Mike, Im happy you are coming to live in China next year. Now let me tell you something about the seasons in Hangzhou. Spring is a nice season. Its often rainy and warm. We can see beautiful flowers and green trees near the West Lake. And we can fly kites, too. In summer, its always sunny and hot. But I can eat ice cream. Its my favourite. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, its windy and cool. The trees turn yellow. And we can pick some fruits on the farm. I like apples best. Its usually cold in winter. Summer it snow. When it snows, we can play in the snow and make a snowman. I love all the seasons . But spring is my favourite season. Its the best time to visit Hangzhou. Yours, Jack Task 2 Read and fill in the form SeasonweatheractivityPlants(植物) Spring Summer Autumn winter Task 2 Read and fill in the form Dear Mike, Im happy you are coming to live in China next year. Now let me tell you something about the seasons in Hangzhou. Spring is a nice season. Its often rainy and warm. We can see beautiful flowers and green trees near the West Lake. And we can fly kites, too. In summer, its always sunny and hot. But I can eat ice cream. Its my favourite. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, its windy and cool. The trees turn yellow. And we can pick some fruits on the farm. I like apples best. Its usually cold in winter. Summer it snow. When it snows, we can play in the snow and make a snowman. I love all the seasons . But spring is my favourite season. Its the best time to visit Hangzhou. Yours, Jack Task 2 Read and fill in the form Task 3 Read and finish the exercises Four seasons in Guangzhou Guangzhou is in the south of China. It has four seasons. Spring is a nice season in Guangzhou. The sun shines warm. Trees turn green. Flowers bloom. School children go on spring-outing. They have picnics in parks and on farms. On weekends, children fly kites. But there is one thing people dont like about the spring in Guangzhou, everything feels wet. You can even see water on wall and floor. In May, the weather gets hot. Summer begins. Summer is a long season in Guangzhou. It lasts until the end of October. In summer, lots of people go swimming in the evening. During the day, they prefer to stay indoors. In the middle of November, people in the north are having their first snow, but in Guangzhou, people are still wearing shirts and skirts. Anyway, nights are cool. In Guangzhou, many flowers are in full bloom in autumn. People spend more time outdoors at the weekend to enjoy the flowers. Winter is short in Guangzhou. The weather gets cold, but not very cold. Usually people can have a warm Spring Festival. It seldom snows in Guangzhou. Children in Guangzhou cant have the fun of making snowmen or skiing. What a pity! Word Bank: south 南方 bloom 开花 last持续 until 直到 What a pity! 真遗憾 1)Write seasons after each statement. (写出相应的季节) (1)Trees turn green, flowers bloom. ( ) (2)It is a very long season in Guangzhou. ( ) (3)People prefer to stay indoor during the day. ( ) (4)Days are hot but nights are cool. ( ) (5)Its cold but not very cold. ( ) 1)Write seasons after each statement. (写出相应的季节) (1)Trees turn green, flowers bloom. ( spring ) (2)It is a very long season in Guangzhou. ( summer ) (3)People prefer to stay indoor during the day. ( summer ) (4)Days are hot but nights are cool. ( autumn ) (5)Its cold but not very cold. ( winter ) 2)Fill in the blanks (1) is a nice season. (2)Lots of people in the evening in summer. (3)People are still wearing and in autumn . (4)Winter is in Guangzhou. Its not and snows . 2)Fill in the blanks (1) Spring is a nice season. (2)Lots of people go swimming in the evening in summer. (3)People are still wearing shirts and skirts in autumn . (4)Winter is short in Guangzhou. Its not cold and seldom snows . season . 【Task 4】I can summary, how to describe the season 【Task 5】I can write. 小组合作 Talk about the season in Guangzhou in group first. Write the season in Guangzhou in group Share in the class Homework: 1.继续完成作文 2.与其它小组同学一起分享作品 1 义务教育教科版广州市小学英语五年级下册 Module1 Seasons (读写课读写课) 学校:学校: 班别:班别: 姓名:姓名: 【研学导航研学导航】 一、一、【learning aims】研学目标研学目标 1.我能听懂短文填空,完成【Task 1】; 2.我能通过阅读文章填表格,完成【Task 2 &Task3】; 3.我能通过阅读文本,梳理总结怎样描写季节,并完成思维导图【Task 4】; 4.我能以 seasons in Guangzhou 为题,小组合作完成 poster,完成【Task 5】。 二、二、【Learning journey】研学路线研学路线 I can write I can summary I can read I can listen 三、【Learning Procedure】研学过程 【Task 1】Listen and fill in the blanks。 spring lasts(持续持续) from to . Summer is from to . Autumn is from to . Winter is from to . 【Task 2】Read and fill in the form Dear Mike, Im happy you are coming to live in China next year. Now let me tell you something about the seasons in Hangzhou. 2 Spring is a nice season. Its often rainy and warm. We can see beautiful flowers and green trees near the West Lake. And we can fly kites, too. In summer, its always sunny and hot. But I can eat ice cream. Its my favourite. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, its windy and cool. The trees turn yellow. And we can pick some fruits on the farm. I like apples best. Its usually cold in winter. Summer it snow. When it snows, we can play in the snow and make a snowman. I love all the seasons . But spring is my favourite season. Its the besr time to visit Hangzhou. Yours, Jack SeasonweatheractivityPlants(植物植物) Spring Summer Autumn winter 【Task 3】 I can fill in the blanks Four seasons in Guangzhou Guangzhou is in the south of China. It has four seasons. Spring is a nice season in Guangzhou. The sun shines warm. Trees turn green. Flowers bloom. School children go on spring-outing. They have picnics in parks and on farms. On weekends, children fly kites. But there is one thing people dont like about the spring in Guangzhou, everything feels wet. You can even see water on wall and floor. In May, the weather gets hot. Summer begins. Summer is a long season in Guangzhou. It lasts until the end of October. In summer, lots of people go swimming in the evening. During the day, they prefer to stay indoors. In the middle of November, people in the north are having their first snow, but 3 in Guangzhou, people are still wearing shirts and skirts. Anyway, nights are cool. In Guangzhou, many flowers are in full bloom in autumn. People spend more time outdoors at the weekend to enjoy the flowers. Winter is short in Guangzhou. The weather gets cold, but not very cold. Usually people can have a warm Spring Festival. It seldom snows in Guangzhou. Children in Guangzhou cant have the fun of making snowmen or skiing. What a pity! 1.Write seasons after each statement. (写出相应的季节) (1) Trees turn green, flowers bloom. ( ) (2) It is a very long season in Guangzhou. ( ) (3) People prefer to stay indoor during the day. ( ) (4) Days are hot but nights are cool. ( ) (5) Its cold but not very cold. ( ) 2.Fill in the blanks (1) is a nice season. (2) Lots of people in the evening in summer. (3) People are still wearing and in autumn . (4) Winter is in Guangzhou. Its not and snows . 【Task 4】I can summary. 小组合作, Word Bank: south 南方 bloom 开花 last 持续 until 直到 What a pity! 真遗憾 season 三 . 4 【Task 5】I can write. 小组合作 1. Talk about the four seasons in Guangzhou in group first. 2. Write the four seasons in Guangzhou in group . , . . . . . . 四、四、【Assessment】Put a “” in the right places. ContentsAssessment 【Task 1】我能听懂短文填空Excellent( ) Good ( ) So so ( ) 【Task 2】我能通过阅读文章填表格Excellent( ) Good ( ) So so ( ) 【Task 3】我能通过文本,梳理总结怎样描写 季节,小组合作完成思维导图 Excellent( ) Good ( ) So so ( ) 【Task 4】我能以 seasons in Guangzhou 为 题,小组合作完成 poster, Excellent( ) Good ( ) So so ( ) 5 义务教育教科书英语五年级上册(三年级起点) Module 1 Seasons Period 5 Seasons in the city.(读写课)教学设计 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课是基于教材内容的读写课,是在学习了 unit 1 和 unit 2 的基础上, 通过复习滚动与 season 有关的 weather,month 等知识,为写作做储备。阅 读两篇文章在主题、语言形式、文章结构等方面都 跟本模块主题相符。 通过阅读学生可以进一步加深对季节的理解,并在阅读文本中提取所需信 息,构建思维导图,为最后学生能写出广州季节提供框架和蓝本。 二、二、 教学对象分析教学对象分析 五年级的学生经过四年多的英语学习,他们积累了一定的语言基础, 并有一定的概括、分析、评论等能力,也有一定的学习策略;有良好的小 组学习习惯,乐于参与小组的学习活动。学生在本课时的学习中通过小组 合作概括出写季节的思维导图,通过阅读文章并能以阅读文本为蓝本自己 写出广州的四季。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 (一)(一) 语言能力目标语言能力目标 1. 知识技能目标 1)复习梳理月份、动词短语、天气等与季节有关的知识。 2) 能通过两篇阅读文本,理解课文获取信息并完成相关阅读任务,在 读的过程中感知如何写四季的框架;并能通过已有的 phonic 知识学习 文本中的新单词。 2. 语用目标 1)能谈论季节 2)能综合运用已学知识,写出广州的四季 (二)(二) 学习能力目标学习能力目标 1. 能通过阅读掌握一定的阅读技巧,如提取信息完成阅读任务。 2. 学会从听、说、读到写的知识迁移,完成最后写的任务。 3. 学会与人合作,并通过合作完成任务 (三)(三) 思维品质目标思维品质目标 1. 在理解文本的基础上,概括梳理知识并形成思维导图 2. 通过小组合作研学,体验学英语的乐趣,并乐于与人分享 四、四、 教学重难点教学重难点 (一)教学重点:教学重点: 通过文本阅读构建写作框架 (二)教学难点)教学难点 1 从文本中提取信息并形成思维导图 2.四季的写作框架 五、五、 教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 本课能围绕四季描写为中心任务,遵循番禺区小学英语科 IIO 的输入、内 化、和输出的教学模式,并通过听说读写让学生完成写作任务;让学生通过小 组合作形式进行阅读讨论,通过小组活动提取信息并培养学生的合作精神,这 对学生的学习能力、训练学生的思维有很大的帮助;以读促写,本课时所选的 两篇阅读文本都和四季有关的,可以让学生通过阅读作为写作的范本,同时让 学生在阅读的过程中提取写作框架、学习写作技巧,从内容和形式上帮助学生 进行写作的输出 六、六、 教学媒体教学媒体 PPT,投影,音频 七、七、 教学过程教学过程 I I. . Preparation 1Free talk Whats the weather like today? Its 2 Watch a song kf the weather , then revise the words of the weather 【设计意图:通过 free talk 和看一个有关天气的歌曲,引出并滚动旧知识 并引出课题 ,为后面写作做知识储备】 IIII. . Input Internalization 1. 1)Listen to the short passage and fill in the blanks. Spring lasts(持续) from to in New York, 2)watch the months song 【设计意图:通过听短文填空,听歌曲让学生在轻松的学习环境下复习季 节里有月份划分和句子 from to, 让学生初步感知四季怎样从月 份方面写】 2. Read the passage Seasons in Hangzhou and fill in the form In summer, its always and . I can 【设计意图:通过阅读短文找出与季节相关的天气和活动,并找出表达天 气和活动的句子并运用 Its I can 】 3. Read the passage Seasons in Guangzhou and finish the exercises 1)Show the pictures of Guangzhous seasons 2)Read the passage and answer the questions according to the reading skills 3)Check the answers 【设计意图:通过文本的阅读和练习,进一步拓展四季的描述,并为最后的 输出写广州四季提供蓝本】 III. output 1. How to describe the seasons? 1) Discuss in group and finish the mind-map in groups 2) Talk about how to describe the four seasons in Guangzhou 3) Make a poster of Guangzhou in groups 4) Share the poster in the class 【设计意图:通过上面听力、阅读文本的输入,让学生充分了蛸描述季节 所需要的 month,weather,clothes等几方面的知识,并在研学过程中学 会归纳,为学生最后输出 写广州的四季构建写作的框架】 IV. Assessment 八、八、 板书设计板书设计 Module 1 Seasons 读写课读写课 There are in Spring is from to Its People can People wear I love 九、九、 作业布置作业布置 1.继续完成作文 2.与同学分享小组的作品 season month weather plants clothes . actity season month weather plants clothes . activity 附件:阅读文本 1 Dear Mike, Im happy you are coming to live in China next year. Now let me tell you something about the seasons in Hangzhou. Spring is a nice season. Its often rainy and warm. We can see beautiful flowers and green trees near the West Lake. And we can fly kites, too. In summer, its always sunny and hot. But I can eat ice cream. Its my favourite. I often go swimming with my friends. In autumn, its windy and cool. The trees turn yellow. And we can pick some fruits on the farm. I like apples best. Its usually cold in winter. Summer it snow. When it snows, we can play in the snow and make a snowman. I love all the seasons . But spring is my favourite season. Its the best time to visit Hangzhou. Yours, Jack 2 Four seasons in Guangzhou Guangzhou is in the south of China. It has four seasons. Spring is a nice season in Guangzhou. The sun shines warm. Trees turn green. Flowers bloom. School children go on spring-outing. They have picnics in parks and on farms. On weekends, children fly kites. But there is one thing people dont like about the spring in Guangzhou, everything feels wet. You can even see water on wall and floor. In May, the weather gets hot. Summer begins. Summer is a long season in Guangzhou. It lasts until the end of October. In summer, lots of people go swimming in the evening. During the day, they prefer to stay indoors. In the middle of November, people in the north are having their first snow, but in Guangzhou, people are still wearing shirts and skirts. Anyway, nights are cool. In Guangzhou, many flowers are in full bloom in autumn. People spend more time outdoors at the weekend to enjoy the flowers. Winter is short in Guangzhou. The weather gets cold, but not very cold. Usually people can have a warm Spring Festival. It seldom snows in Guangzhou. Children in Guangzhou cant have the fun of making snowmen or skiing. What a pity!
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