教科版(广州)五下Module 1 Seasons-Unit 2 It's the middle of winter-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:70e74).zip

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north China: Spring: March April May Summer: June July August Autumn: September October November Winter: December January February south Australia: Autumn : March April May Winter : June July August Spring : September October November Summer : December January February Read and write Spring is from September to November. You are from Australia. June , July and August are the summer month. You are from China. People go to the beach from December to February You are from Australia. The new year begins in winter. You are from China. People often wear coats and warm clothes between June and August. You are from Australia. Look and practice! Spring is from September to . You are Australia. June , July and August . You are from China. People from December to February You are from Australia. The new year . You are from China. People often wear coats and warm clothes . You are from Australia. November from are the summer month go to the beach begins in winter between June and August Homework: Finish the paper with your classmates. 课 题 Unit 2 Its the middle of winter 教学课时1 period 教 学 目 标 1、能正确朗读本课的单词,掌握本课的短语,能流利朗读课文。 2、 能了解并简单谈论澳大利亚和中国季节的不同; 3、句型:Whats (summer) like in (Australia)? 重点 1. 本课的四会单词 2.重点句子的运用: 难点 1、. 复习有关季节、月份、天气、衣物和活动的单词及词组; 2. 能了解并简单谈论澳大利亚和中国季节的不同; 3. 学习新词:Australia, China。 教 材 分 析 教具PPT,金太阳教学软件 教 学 过 程 一、1、Free talk: 看图说出图意:用上词语 spring, Summer,fall,winter. 2、复习句型:看图说话 Whats your favourite season? Season:(spring,summer,autumn Winter) 二、出示学习目标明确 3 点。 1、课件出示一年四季的天气情况:Whats spring/spring/ like in China? SummerSummer ( Weather) Sunny cloudy rainy Windy foggy snowy Hot cold warm Cool dry wet 2、出示 10 幅图片,说出句型: What can children do in springspring summerautumnwintersummerautumnwinter? fly a kite, plant flowers Go camping eat an ice cream Go swimming go fishing Play outdoorshave a picnic Go sking make a snowman 3、 Lets enjoy a song:The Months 三、出示课件问:1.When is springspring in China? Our spring is from March to May. 2.When is summersummer in China? Our spring is from JuneJune to August.August. 3. Summer holiday is July and August: We can visit Beijing for summer holiday. 布 置 作 业 1、抄写新单词和听写。 2、用所学句型写一写澳大 利亚的四季。 板 书 设 计 Unit 2 Its the middle of winter 1、Whats summer like in Australia? It is from December toFebruary . Its snowy and cold. We can go skiing. 2、Whats winter like in Australia?It is from June to August. So when it is winter in Australia, it is summer in China. 教 学 反 思 教学效果比设想的差了一点,时间不够。 课 题 Unit 2 Its the middle of winter 教学课时2 period 教 学 目 标 1. 学习和掌握新词:answer, tooto, classmate, if, middle; 2. 能理解并掌握新句型: But if you are here from July to August , we can go swimming every day. 3. 理解和熟练朗读短文内容,在有提示的情况下复述短文内容; 4. 了解过去式的基本用法。 重点 1学习和掌握新词:answer, tooto, classmate, if, middle; 2. 理解和熟练朗读短文内容,在有提示的情况下复述短文内容; 难点复述短文内容 教 材 分 析 教具PPT,金太阳教学软件 教 学 过 程 一、1、引入:这节我们继续学习 Unit 2 的短文。二、出示学习目标 三、检查预习情况 1、Lets play a game.Eg:I go swimming in Australia.You are from Australia. 2. If you want, we can _. go swimming, go fishing, go hiking,go hikin,do kung fu,watch TV,fly a kite,play chess,play cards , play music 四、新授:出示课文内容 Bens cousin Reg is visiting him for the summer holidays, so Ben is very happy。 五巩固知识 巩固知识: 1、 Whats your favourite season?I prefer summer. 2、Whats summer like in China?Its sunny and hot. 布 置 作 业 1.熟读并尝试背诵课文。 2.写句练习:用 if, middle, too.to.造句。 板 书 设 计 UnitUnit 2 2 ItsIts thethe middlemiddle ofof winterwinter Classmate middle if 教 学 反 思 学生在课前有了充分的准备,一相关短语结合课文的教学效果就比较好了,学生的学 习信心也有提高。 课 题 Unit 2 Its the middle of winter 教学课时3 period 教 学 目 标 掌握语法知识,固定搭配和短语 重点听力练习和短语 难点能根据学过的知识运用到实践当中去 教 材 分 析 教具PPT,金太阳教学软件 教 学 过 程 Task 1 Listen and then answer true (T) or false(F) 1.( )Reg is from Australia. 2.( )It is February now, the middle of winter. 3.( ) Reg has a winter holiday in January . 4. ( ) When it is summer in Australia, it is summer in China. 5.( )Summer in Australia is very hot, so Reg always go swimming. Task 2 Read the dialogue, and then answer the questions. (抢答) (1)Where is Reg from? (2)Why is Reg in China? (3)When is summer in Australia? (4)What does Reg like to do in summer? (5)When can people go swimming in China? Task 3 Read the dialogue, and find the past tense。 is say answer ask learn go put have 布 置 作 业 1、抄写所学新词并听写。 2、熟读并尝试背诵课文。 板 书 设 计 UnitUnit 2 2 ItsIts thethe middlemiddle ofof winterwinter 练习题 教 学 反 思 经过学习学生基本能根据学过的知识运用到实践当中去 课 题 Moduel 1 Seasons 教学课时1 period 教 学 目 标 巩固语法知识和写作练习 重点写作 难点一年四季的表达与相应活动的描述 教 材 分 析 教具PPT,金太阳教学软件 教 学 过 程 Practice: ( ) 1. A:Whats the weather like today? B:Its _. A. cloud B.clouds C.cloudy D.a cloud ( ) 2. The weather is so hot. I cant_why he doesnt open the window. A. prefer B. visit C.know D. understand ( ) 3. I want to travel in Australia _ten days. A. for B. in C. with D. on ( ) 4.She doesnt like _ chess with her friends. A.plays B. play C.playing D. played ( ) 5._ it is day time in Guangzhou, it is night in London. A. Then B.When C. What D. If ( ) 6. I cant ski. My friend Jim cant ski_. A. too B. either C.again D. together ( ) 7.The park is _ the city. A. at the middle of B. in the middle of C. at the middle at D. in the middle to ( ) 8.August is in _ in Guangzhou. A. summer B. spring C.autumn D. winter ( ) 9. _ the weather like today? A. What B. How C. Whats D. Hows ( ) 10. - _ the weather today? -Its rainy. A、 Whats B、Where C、Whose D、Hows 布 置 作 业 写作:你最喜欢的一个季 节 板 书 设 计 UnitUnit 2 2 ItsIts thethe middlemiddle ofof winterwinter 练习题 教 学 反 思 经过学习学生基本能根据学过的知识运用到实践当中去
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