教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:50042).zip

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五年级下册五年级下册 Unit 4 课堂练习课堂练习 Name_ 一、一、Listen and tick.(选择听到的活动,打勾选择听到的活动,打勾) go for a picnicplay on the beach visit a museumhave a sports meeting go mountain climbingvisit a farm go shoppingsee all the lovely deer swim in the poolcamp under the stars 二、二、 Read and complete(阅读课文,把词组的编号填阅读课文,把词组的编号填 到对应的表格中到对应的表格中) A. go mountain climbing B. swim in the pool C. go shopping D. play on the beach E. visit a farm F. camp under the stars G. see all the lovely deer H. at noon I. fly back home Lets make a May Day travel plan in Beijing or Guangzhou. (小组成员将老师给的词条按自己的计划粘贴好,其中还有一天可自由安排活动, 并写下来。若还有更多句子,也可以在对应的位置写好哦。) Have a good time in _ May day holiday is coming. We will travel in _for four days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Im sure well have a good time in_ 前置性作业 Name_ 了解北京和广州的著名景点 City(城市)Famous Places(著名景点)What can you do there? (能干什么) Beijing Guangzhou 前置性作业 Name_ 了解北京和广州的著名景点 City(城市)Famous Places(著名景点)What can you do there? (能干什么) Beijing Guangzhou MODULE 2 Plans MODULE 2 Plans Unit4 Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan 教科教科20112011课标版五年级下册课标版五年级下册 Lets travel. Pre-reading 1 We will have a four-day holiday. Where will you travel ? I will travel in. I am going to travel in. May Day (劳动节) Pre-reading 2 What will you do when you travel? I will I plan to I am going to Where will the boy travel ? How do you know it? Pre-reading 3 Who will go with him? What will they do in Hainan? go shopping go for a picnic go on a picnic go mountain climbing go camping in the evening camp under the stars m o u tn a i n山 climbing go go mountain climbing mouth What will they do in Hainan? go shopping go for a picnic go on a picnic go mountain climbing go camping in the evening camp under the stars They will, , and. Lets listen and tick (选择听到的活动,打勾) What will they do in Hainan ? They will. a deertwo deerbeach sea March go for a picnicplay on the beach visit a museumhave a sports meeting go mountain climbingvisit a farm go shoppingsee all the lovely deer swim in the poolcamp under the stars each While-reading 1 When will they travel in Hainan? They will travel in Hainan from Nov.23rd to Nov.27th. DateDay The 1st day November 23rdTuesday The 2nd day November 24th The 3rd dayNovember 25th The 4th dayNovember 26th The 5th day Lets read and answer(快速阅读并回答问题) While-reading 2 Thursday Wednesday Friday SaturdayNovember 27th What will they do on November 23rd? DayDateTimeWhat to do TuesdayNovember 23rd early in the morning in the afternoon fly there go for a picnic Lets read and complete(仔细阅读,圈出Nov.23rd活动安排) While-reading 3 DayDate TimeWhat to do Wednesday November 24th all day ThursdayNovember 25th free day FridayNovember 26th that evening Saturday November 27th A. go mountain climbing B. swim in the pool C. go shopping D. play on the beach E. visit a farm F. camp under the stars G. see all the lovely deer H. at noon I. fly back home Lets read and complete(仔细阅读,圈出每天的活动安排, 并将字母编号填在相应的表格内) C B D A E G F H I Lets read aloud 大声跟读,注意语音语调 While-reading 4 We will fly there/early in the morning /on Tuesday, November 23rd. 请根据意群和升降调朗读句子: We can go shopping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. Lets read aloud 齐读(together) 小组读(in groups) Lets try to recite(尝试背诵) Nov. 23rd Nov. 24th Nov. 25th Nov. 26th Nov. 27th We will at noon the next day. We will early in the morning. In the afternoon, we will. We will all day. is a free day. We can or. We are going to. I cant wait to. That evening. Im sure well in Hainan. Next week we will for five days. Post-reading 1 Talk about your May Day Plan in Post-reading 2 Talk about your May Day Plan in Talk about your May Day Plan in Have a good time in _ May day holiday is coming. We will travel in _for four days. _ _ _ _ _ Im sure well have a good time in_. Lets make a May Day travel plan in Beijing or Guangzhou. (小组成员将老师给的词条按自己的计划粘贴好,其中还有一天可自由安排活动,并 写下来。若还有更多句子,也可以在对应的位置写好哦。) Remember(请记住) Make a plan before you begin to do something. (在行动之前要做好计划) Travel politely.(文明旅游) Dont leave litter.Dont write or draw on the wall. Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read U4. 2. Copy the new words and the passage. 3. Tell your travel plan to your parents. 1 Teaching Plan Grade 年级年级 五年级五年级 Date 日期日期 Designer 设计者设计者 Unit & Title 单元及题目单元及题目 Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Period 课时课时 1 Type of lesson 课型课型 阅读教学新授课阅读教学新授课 Teaching Aims: 教学目标教学目标 1 1、语言知识:、语言知识: 1) 能听说读单词:travel, camp, deer, beach, mountain, climbing , noon 2) 能听说读短语: go mountain climbing, have a good time, at noon 能听说读句型:We will / are going to I cant wait to. 和 Im sure we wil. 3) 能流利朗读课文并看表格或时间轴复述课文。 2 2、语言技能:、语言技能: 1)能流利朗读课文。 2)能在阅读课文过程中提取关键信息填写表格,并在表格或概念图的提示下复述课文。 3)能在四人小组内合作完成“广州或北京的五一游”计划。 3、情感态度、情感态度: 学会合理计划自己的生活、旅游出行,激发学生热爱生活的感情。 4、学习策略:、学习策略: 1)能掌握利用表格提取信息的阅读技巧; 2)能大胆开口说英语和运用英语。 3)能在合作中完成自己的五一出游计划。 5、文化意识目标:、文化意识目标: 通过课文学习,引导学生合理安排出游计划。 2 Language Important Point 教学重点:教学重点: 1.对课文的理解和朗读。 2. 在时间抽和表格的帮助下复述课文。 Language Difficult Point 教学难点:教学难点: 能在四人小组合作中完成自己的五一出游计划,并做个性化设计。 Teaching Resource and Media 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 PPT , 图片、视频、课本配套光盘 Teaching Procedures 教学环节教学环节 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 Pre-reading 1、Lets sing 师生互动,唱迪士尼神奇英语歌曲,引出 本课新词 travel。 唱迪士尼神奇英语歌曲,学习本 课新词 travel。 让学生尽快进入学习状态,同时 自然导入本节课话题。 2.Free talk 设置情景谈论五一节要去哪旅游以及想 要在那干什么,复习各种动词短语的旧 知。 和老师对话,同桌对话。 唤醒学生的知识结构,激活旧知, 为文本学习做铺垫。 3.Lets talk 谈论课本图片,读取图片信息,并学习新 词 mountain climbing 看图片回答老师问题。 通过课文图片和设问,引发学生 思考,为阅读扫除障碍。 3 While-reading 4.Lets listen and tick 播放听力,引导学生关注活动短语。 What will they do in Hainan ? 5. Lets read and answer 一分钟快速阅读,判断出海南五日游是哪 五天。 6. Lets read and complete 师生示范阅读后学生个人独立完成表格。 7.Lets read aloud 跟读,齐读、小组读,让学生熟读文章。 认真听,整体了解主旨,勾出听 到的活动。 速读,关注日期起始,判断海南 五日游的具体日期。 看老师示范阅读后,自己阅读并 独立完成表格 整体感知课文后,各种方式朗读 课文。 通过听力,对课文有大致了解, 重点解决对动词短语的理解。 培养阅读技巧,快速阅读找出信 息,并进行推理。 让学生阅读、做任务,指导学生 提取信息,理解并梳理课文。 熟读课文,通过小组内互学,为 复述课文做准备。 Post-reading 8. Lets retell 提供时间轴,图片和关键句,重新呈现文 本,帮助学生复述 5 天海南游。 9. Lets make a plan 四人小组合作,利用老师提供的词条,制 作本小组的五一出游计划,可另加个性化 语句。 在时间轴,图片和关键句的帮助下, 重现文本。 四人小组合作,读懂词条并通过 合理排序完成小组的五一出游计 划。 图文帮助,培养复述能力。 顺应本课话题和五一节,通过做 五一出游计划,巩固本课内容的 同时拓展对其他城市的了解,并 学会合理安排出游。 Sum up 10.Sum-up 引导学生总结本课的内容, 提醒学生做事 要有计划,文明出游。 10.Sum-up 学会有计划出游、文明出游。将知识联系生活,并进行情感教 育。 4 Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read U4. 2. Copy the new words and the passage. 3.Share your travel plan to your parents. Blackboard Designing Unit 4 We are going to have a good time in Hainan
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