教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a1bb1).zip

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Lets sing Hainan is a good place to travel. Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan Where will he go? Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan I love traveling too. Ben and his families are going to travel in Hainan by plane. Task 3 Lets judge ()3. We will climb a mountain on Nov. 23rd. () 6. We will fly back home on the evening of Nov. 26th. () 4. We can go running on the beach. () 5. We will visit a farm on the fourth day. Underline the key information ()2.Were going to fly there. ()1. Were going to Hainan for five days. Lets read and check Lets read and underline Lets read and underline Nov.26th Nov.27th Nov.24th Nov.23rd Nov.25th go for a picnic go mountain climbing go shopping swim in the pool, play on the beach visit a farm see all the lovely deer On_, they will _in Hainan. fly back home Camp under the stars =climb mountain go mountain climbing One deer Two deer Bens Travel plan Lets feedback ( )3. We will climb a mountain on Nov. 23rd. ( ) 6. We will fly back home on the evening of Nov. 26th. ( ) 4. We can go running on the beach. ( ) 5. We will visit a farm on the third day. ( )2.Were going to fly there. ( )1. Were going to Hainan for five days. Nov. 24th play 26th at noon F F F F T T Nov.27th Lets read loudly Task 4 Lets read Lets read in groups Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping , swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we will visit a farm. We cant wait to see all the lovely deer. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Travel plan WhereWhoHowWhenWhat Bens travel plan WhereWho HowWhen What Lets retell HainanBen His family By plane In the morning on Tuesday November 23rd Fly there In the afternoon Go for a picnic On the 24th Go mountain climbing November 25th Go shopping,swim in the pool or play on the beach On the 26th Visit a farm , see all the lovely deer that evening Camp under the stairs At noon the next day Fly back home 顺序:上/下 午+星期+日期 that evening At noon the next day Task 5 Lets retell Lets plan Lets write Hello. We are group_. This is our travel plan. We will travel in_for _days, from_to_.(date) We are sure _.Thank you! On _, we will_because _. _, we will_. _, we will_. _, we will_. _, we will_. Step1 Talk in groups; Step2 Write Step2 Write 2.Make your travel plan into a video , share on Ipad and vote. Lets sing Hainan is a good place to travel. Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan Where will he go? Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan I love traveling too. Ben and his families are going to travel in Hainan by plane. Task 3 Lets judge ()3. We will climb a mountain on Nov. 23rd. () 6. We will fly back home on the evening of Nov. 26th. () 4. We can go running on the beach. () 5. We will visit a farm on the fourth day. Underline the key information ()2.Were going to fly there. ()1. Were going to Hainan for five days. Lets read and check Lets read and underline Lets read and underline Nov.26th Nov.27th Nov.24th Nov.23rd Nov.25th go for a picnic go mountain climbing go shopping swim in the pool, play on the beach visit a farm see all the lovely deer On_, they will _in Hainan. fly back home Camp under the stars =climb mountain go mountain climbing One deer Two deer Bens Travel plan Lets feedback ( )3. We will climb a mountain on Nov. 23rd. ( ) 6. We will fly back home on the evening of Nov. 26th. ( ) 4. We can go running on the beach. ( ) 5. We will visit a farm on the third day. ( )2.Were going to fly there. ( )1. Were going to Hainan for five days. Nov. 24th play 26th at noon F F F F T T Nov.27th Lets read loudly Task 4 Lets read Lets read in groups Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping , swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we will visit a farm. We cant wait to see all the lovely deer. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Travel plan WhereWhoHowWhenWhat Bens travel plan WhereWho HowWhen What Lets retell HainanBen His family By plane In the morning on Tuesday November 23rd Fly there In the afternoon Go for a picnic On the 24th Go mountain climbing November 25th Go shopping,swim in the pool or play on the beach On the 26th Visit a farm , see all the lovely deer that evening Camp under the stairs At noon the next day Fly back home 顺序:上/下 午+星期+日期 that evening At noon the next day Task 5 Lets retell Lets plan Lets write Hello. We are group_. This is our travel plan. We will travel in_for _days, from_to_.(date) We are sure _.Thank you! On _, we will_because _. _, we will_. _, we will_. _, we will_. _, we will_. Step1 Talk in groups; Step2 Write Step2 Write 2.Make your travel plan into a video , share on Ipad and vote. 1 Lesson Plan 备课组备课组 Team 执教老师执教老师 Designer 话题话题 Topic (教科版五年级下册)(教科版五年级下册) Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan 课课 型型 Type of lesson 语篇阅读课 研究主题研究主题 Research Theme 基于智慧课堂环境下的以读促写教学 一、一、教材内容分析教材内容分析 Teaching Contents Analysis 本节课为本模块的第四课时-语篇阅读课, 教学内容选自是教科版五年级下册的 Module2 Plans Unit4 Have a good time in Hainnan 的 Lets read 部分。本课将以“Ben 一家的海南之旅计划”为话题,了解日期 的读法,活动词组和一般将来时态的表达。本节课通过语篇听、说、读、复述、写的技能训练,学生能提取 篇章关键信息,形成写作支架。最后,引导孩子们以小组的形式制作暑假旅游计划,体验旅游的快乐。 二、二、教学对象分析教学对象分析 Students Analysis 五 1 班的孩子乐学善思,爱表达,喜分享,他们非常喜欢旅游,且有一定的旅游见识,为本节课的话 题学习奠定了经验基础。同时,学生在前三个课时,已经学习了日期顺读法和逆读法,已经熟练掌握了 be going to do 的一般将来时的表达,及日常生活中的活动短语。因此,本节课以“Ben 的海南之旅计划” 为话题情景,本节课学习一般将来时态.will do. 句型的表达,引导学生通过自主合作探究的学习方式, 学生结合日期和活动词组,根据自己的实践经验,表达旅游计划,体验“Travel is so fun”的情感教育, 完成一系列的综合语言任务。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 Teaching Objectives 2 语言能力目标语言能力目标 学生能听说读写单词短语: travel,mountain, climb, beach ,deer, at noon,go mountain climbing, have a good time; 学生能运用句型: 一般将来时表达:sb will do sth, 学会写旅游计划; 学生通过语篇的听说读,拓展读, 提高阅读理解策略,以读促写,培养写作能力; 思维品质目标思维品质目标 学生在时间轴的帮助下,理解掌握文本的结构; 学生通过思维导图,形成写作的支架; 学生通过学习 Ben 一家的旅游计划,体验旅游的乐趣。 文化意识目标文化意识目标 学生通过阅读课本语篇和课后课外拓展读, 感受旅游文化,进一步了解各地风情。 学习能力目标学习能力目标 学生在 BYOD 环境下,实现个性化阅读,朗读,提升英语阅读技巧和朗读技巧; 学生通过文本阅读,利用思维工具,学会提取支架,提升写作能力; 四、四、教学重难点教学重难点 Key 通过板书,梳理文 本支架。(学习新单词词组 mountain climbing ,beach , deer) 学生第二次阅读,划出语篇 中的活动部分,通过句型 On_, we will_;反 馈,巩固操练新句型,同时 梳理文本架构。 通过学生提取篇章信息, 培养学生信息提取的阅读 策略。 6.Lets feedback and explain 通过两次阅读,针对错误 的题目进行再次理解和讨 论。 (理解:at noon, the next day, 注意阅读理解中的时间计算, 信息匹配的策略) 学生通过两次阅读后, 同 桌讨论 ,查找错题的原因, 突破文本重难点。 以学定教,细节阅读,培 养查找信息的阅读策略。 While-reading 7.Lets read aloud 引导学生看视频,跟读,小 组读。 .学生跟读熟读语篇,小组 Pk 读。 大声朗读,划分意群,熟 练文本,生生评价 5 8. Lets retell (1)引导学生总结 Travel plan 从几个方面介绍; (2)Lets say : 同桌合作,通 过 Ipad 录屏,根据思维导图 复述文本。 (1)学生根据教师的指引, 说出从 when, where, what ,when, how 等几个方面,并 复述语篇的内容; (2)学生同桌合作,根据 思维导图复述,完成复述。 学生通过复述,梳理文本 支架,培养学生对文本的 思维建构,提高口语能力。 Post-reading 9. Lets write (1)教师播放世界各地的 旅游景点图片,感受旅游真有 趣; (2)暑假来临,孩子们 可以和班级的同学一起计划 3- 5 日的假期旅游 (3)教师展示自己的旅 游计划小视频(通过 I-movie 制作) 小组合作,选择喜好的旅游 地点,完成旅游计划的制作 和展示。 (1)学生小组讨论,选择喜欢 旅游的地方;(2)小组合 作完成旅游计划;(3) 小组 展示旅游计划。 四人小组合作写旅游计划, 培养小组合作能力;以读 促写,培养写作能力,体 验旅游文化。 Homework 1.Lets read more .(教师提供 两篇有关旅游计划的文本, 学生选读); 2.Make your travel plan into a video , share on Ipad and vote. 学生完成课后作业:阅读作业; 小组合作完成小视频,投票。 学习巩固,学会评价,相 互促学。 八、教学板书八、教学板书 Board Layout 6 Dec.23rd Dec.24th Dec.25th Dec.27th Go for a picnic Go climbing mountain go shopping Swim in the pool Play on the beach Visit a farmSee all the lovely deerCamp under the stars Fly back home Dec.25th Dec.26th Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan We will
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