教科版(广州)五下Module 2 Plans-Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:0450e).zip

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义务教育广州版小学英语五年级下册义务教育广州版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan Period 1 本课时教学内容与目标:本课时教学内容与目标: 1. 学习单词学习单词have a good time, travel, mountain, climb, mountain climbing, beach, deer, noon 2. 掌握运用句型:掌握运用句型:What are you going to do?=What will you do? Im/We are going to=I/We will 3. 能理解、朗读并初步复述课文。能理解、朗读并初步复述课文。 4.能用能用will 和和be going to.表达的一般将来时表达的一般将来时。 Rain, rain, go away. Free talk Hi, ! Whats the weather like today? Whats the date today? What day is it today? What are you going to do this afternoon?. What are you going to do ? I am/We are going to What will you do ? I/We will have a picnic. What will you do ? I / We will Dear Sally , How are you? I have a good news to tell you. Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shop-ping, swim in the pool or play on the beach. On the 26th we are going to visit a farm. I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. That evening we will camp under the stars. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. Yours Ben Whats the good news? Next week Ben will travel in Hainan for five days. Read and match. go mountain climbing play on the beach go for a picnic see all the lovely deer camp under the stars go shopping Watch the video and number the pictures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What will you do? On the 23rd, we will_. On the 24th we will _. go for a picnic go mountain climbing Look And Say What will you do? November 25th is a free day. We will _, _ in the pool or _. go shopping swim play on the beach What will you do? On the 26th we are going to visit a _. I am going to see all the _. That evening we will _ under the _. farm lovely deer campstars Lets make a mind-map. T or F. ( )1.We are going to Hainan for five days. ( )2.We are going to fly there. ( )3.We will climb a mountain on the 23rd. ( )4.We can go running on the beach. ( )5.We will visit a farm on the third day. ( )6.Were going to fly back on the evening of the 26th. T F T T F F Try to retell. Next week we will _ in Hainan for _days. We will _ there early in the _on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the_, we will _for a_. On the 24th we will go _ _all day. November 25th is a _day. We can go_, _in the pool or _on the beach. On the 26th we are going to _a farm. I cant wait to see all the lovely_. That evening we will _under the_. Then we will _ back home at _the next day. Im sure well_ a _time in Hainan. fly fivetravel morning afternoon go picnic mountain climbing free shopping swimplay visit deer camp stars flynoon have good Good job! Where there is a will, there is a way! 有志者,事竟成!有志者,事竟成! Homework 1.Copy and recite the new words. 2. Try to retell the text. 1 20152015 学年第二学期潭岗小学英语科导学案学年第二学期潭岗小学英语科导学案 Name_ Class:_ 编写:Ms Zhang 【Learning【Learning aims】aims】学习目标学习目标 I I知识与能力:知识与能力:1.熟练地“三会”掌握词语:have a good time, travel, mountain, climb, mountain climbing, beach, deer, noon 2. 理解、初步运用句型: Im/We/They are going to=I/We/They will 3、能阅读理解课文,能根据提示复述主要内容。 II. 过程与方法:过程与方法:能理解有关计划的文段;能用 will 和 be going to.表达的一般将来时。 III情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观:学生学会合理规划生活。 【Learning【Learning content】content】知识点:知识点:The words and sentences of U4 【Learning【Learning steps】steps】学习过程学习过程 一一 自主学习部分自主学习部分 一) Complete the sentences. My birthday is on _. Mums birthday is on _. Teachers Day is on _. 二) Answer the questions. 1.Whats the date today ? _ 2. What are you going to do this afternoon? _ 3. What are the children going to do on Childrens Day? 家长加油站很认真(很认真()一般()一般()家长签名:)家长签名: _ 师生研 讨区 知识链接知识链接 2 二合作探究部分二合作探究部分 一) Read and match. go mountain climbing go shopping play on the beach see all the lovely deer go for a picnic camp under the stars 二)Write according to the text.(根据课文填写) 23rd - a.m. fly there early _ p.m. _ 24th -_ 25th -_ ,_ , _ 26th -_ _ 27th -_ V.V. .SumSum upup . 同学们想一想,今天我们学习了什么,你来说说吧! 3 1 1 Unit_4_Unit_4_ 教学设计教学设计 _五五_年级下册年级下册 1、单元整体教学设计思路与依据单元整体教学设计思路与依据 在 Unit 3,学生主要学习了:1、序数词的构成,叙述某事的 日期;2、能询问和运用日期的两种表述:Whats the date today? Its the fifth of May./Its May the fifth. 3、be going to.表达的一般将来时: What are you going to do on? Im/We are going to? 在 Unit 4,学生在复习巩固 Unit3 的知识基础上,重点学习叙 述计划:will 表达的一般将来时及 be going to. 变化运用;动词词 组学习等。教师把第 1、2 课时设计为两个好朋友 Ben 和 Sally 的书 信往来的阅读文本。第一课时 Have a good time in Hainan。Ben 写信 给好朋友分享将要外出旅行的计划,学习动词词组和 will 表达的 (第一人称)一般将来时。课堂上,教师将采用绘本、思维导图等 教学方式帮助学生学习文本。第二课时 Travel in Huizhou。Sally 回 信好朋友,叙述周末家庭日,能正确使用一般将来时 will 和 be going to(第三人称)谈论计划,重点培养学生阅读文本提取信息的 能力。 第三课时为话题写作:My May Day. 能综合运用所学知识制定 假期旅游计划。 2、单元教学目标单元教学目标 (一)知识目标(一)知识目标 2 2 语音:能正确流利地朗读课文; 词汇 :“四会”掌握本模块单词和短语; 句型:能正确理解和使用下列句型: What are you/they going to do?=What will you/they do? Im/We/They are going to=I/We/They will What is he/she going to do?=What will he/she do? He/She is going to=He/She will. 语法:能正确使用一般将来时谈论计划。 (三)能力目标(三)能力目标 1、能叙述计划; 2、能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当或稍高的有关计划的文段。 3、分课时教学目标 教学目标第一课时第二课时第三课时 教学内容(话题) My Holiday Travel in Haizhou My May Day 语 言 知 识 词汇 句型 “三会”掌握词语: have a good time, travel, mountain, climb, mountain climbing, beach, deer, noon 理解、初步运用句型: What are you going to do?=What will you do? Im/We are going to=I/We will 能“两会”掌握词语: check in, check out, show. 理解并运用句型来对话: What is he going to do? What will she do ? He is going to . She will . 能“两会”掌握词语: thirsty, remember, neighbourhood, own, thought 能熟练运用本单元所 学句型。 语言技能与应用通过文本的学习,能理 解有关计划的文段;能 用 will 和 be going to. 能用疑问句来询问别人的 假期计划并能正确回答。 可以根据表格等形式来复 1、能阅读文本,提取 文本信息。2、能正确 和同学交流假期的计 3 3 表达的一般将来时。述自己或他人的假期安排。 划。3、能就计划的话 题正确写话。 情感态度学生学会合理规划生活。 体验他人愉快假期,倡导 亲子游,增进家人感情。 学会合理安排自己的 假期时间 学习策略通过书信文本的学习, 理解一般将来时,能简 单叙述计划。 利用回信的方式来学习文 本,通过图片,音像,自 主学习和小组合作来培养 学生的英语技能。 利用故事阅读激发学 生的学习兴趣;模仿 写话培养学生的综合 语言应用能力。 文化意识知道美好生活需劳逸结 合。 渗透家庭亲子游意识了解假期的活动,体 验他们丰富的假期生 活。 四、 各课时教学设计 课题:课题:UnitUnit 4 4 HaveHave a a goodgood timetime inin HainanHainan课时:课时:PeriodPeriod 1 1(新授) 教材分析教材分析 学生在 Unite3 已经学习了日期和 be going to 表述一般将来时的句子,在本课时,学 生进一步学习用 will(第一人称)叙述计划以及更多动词词组的学习;能“三会”掌握 8 个词语;能理解和运用两组句型描述旅游计划:We will /We are going to;能正确 理解并流利地朗读课文。通过阅读绘本故事,培养学生的自学能力和阅读能力。激发学生的兴趣, 提高学习英语的积极性和自信心。 学情分析学情分析 旅游是学生喜爱的话题,他们乐意与同伴分享旅游的乐趣。在本课阅读教学中,话 题涉及到日期的表述;较多的动词词组学习;一般将来时(第一人称)(be going to 和 will)的两种表述等。前一学习点学生已经掌握,后两点将是学习的重点和难点。我 采用书信形式呈现 文本,更能自然地展现学生的开心分享 ;培养学生热爱生活的情感; 培养学生的英语阅读兴趣和能力。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点:1、动词词组的掌握。 2、叙述计划。 教学难点:运用一般将来时叙述计划。 教学资源教学资源 金太阳课件、金太阳课件、PPTPPT 4 4 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warming up and revision 1、 展现歌曲:Rain, rain, go away. 2、 Free talk: What day is it today?/ Whats the date today?/Whats the weather like?/ What are you going to do this afternoon/ .? 1、 sing along 2、 talk in pairs 轻松的歌曲,帮助 学生调节上课的情绪。 自然的语言交际, 为新知呈现作铺垫,也 作好语言准备。初步复 习一般将来时。 Presenta- tion and practice 1、设游戏:看图猜谜 what are you going to do? 2、引入新句学习:We will 3、呈现文本 4、示图、句 5、引导学生看图学词、 句 6、让学生跟观看、跟 读课文 7、引导学生勾画思维 导图 8、检查阅读理解 1、play a guessing game 2、学习、对比 be going to 与 will 句型 3、带问题尝试阅读理解文 本大意 4、给图和句子连线 5、看图学词、句 6、观看、跟读课文 7、填写思维导图 8、完成课后判断题:Tick or cross 游戏中复习动词词组 和 be going to 句型, 观察对比学习 will 句型。 让学生整体感知文本, 初步理顺事情的经过。 进一步梳理文本内容。 帮助学生形成记忆导图。 进一步理解课文 Consolida- tion and Develop- ment 1、让学生根据图复述课文 大意 2、让学生完整复述课文 3、展示名言:There is a will, there is a way. 1、据提示复述 2、挖空短文词组复述 3、 学习名言 逐步加大复述的难度, 激发学生的学习自信。 Homework 1、 抄写、默写单词。 2、 熟读或背诵 Unit 4 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Have a good time in Hainan What are you going to do? 23rd fly there early I am/ We are going to go for a picnic 5 5 What will you do? 24th go mountain climbing I /We will 25th go shopping swim in the pool play on the beach 26th visit a farm to see the lovely deer 27th fly back home 文本: Have a good time in Hainan Dear Sally , How are you? I have a good news to share you. Next week we will travel in Hainan for five days. We will fly there early in the morning on Tuesday, November 23rd. In the afternoon, we will go for a picnic. On the 24th we will go mountain climbing all day. November 25th is a free day. We can go shopping, swim in the pool on the beach. On the 26th we are going to visit a farm. I cant wait to see all the lovely deer. That evening we will camp under the stars. Then we will fly back home at noon the next day. Im sure well have a good time in Hainan. Yours Ben 课题:课题:TravelTravel inin HuizhouHuizhou课时:第二课时课时:第二课时课型:巩固课课型:巩固课 教材分析教材分析 在前一课时,学生掌握了一定的户外活动的短语,能用 be going to 和 will 第一人称 描述自己的计划。本课时,学生主要巩固此知识,并能转化为第三人称,陈述的活动计 划。学生通过文本阅读,提取信息,用自己的话组织已学句型表述他人的计划,为第三 课时做好铺垫,打好基础。 学情分析学情分析 6 6 学生在第一课时已经初步掌握了 be going to 和 will 的第一人称表达方式,这节 课主要是巩固前一课时的知识,学习用第三人称表达他人的假期的计划。五年级的孩子 在这阶段性格内敛,不乐于举手,为了提高他们学习的兴趣和动力,课堂教学中,老师 尽量设计语言情景,利用单词卡,肢体语言,道具、图片等来吸引他们的注意力。课前 预案导学,检测学生对知识掌握的程度,为新课做铺垫。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点:1、能阅读相关难度的短文,提取文本信息。 2、能根据信息叙述他人的假期计划。 教学难点:能正确用 be going to 和 will 自由表达自己和他人的计划事情。 教学资源教学资源 PPTPPT, 单词卡,音像多媒体,导学案单词卡,音像多媒体,导学案, ,道具道具 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Warming up 1Greeting 2Sing a song 1Greeting 2Enjoy the song together 1和学生介绍交 流,建立和谐师生关 系。2、活跃课堂气 氛,让学生放松,培 养兴趣。 7 7 Pres entation and practice 1Review :复习上一 课时的重点词组。Then lets make sentences with the Phrases. 2 Spoken English Practise”What are you going to do this weekend?Im going to /I will 3Show more pictures and lead them in speaking . 4 Read the passage”Sallys weekend in Huizhou”,use many ways to understand .Then check up the answers of their study leading paper. 5以上引入书本 Page23:3 The WebbsPlan 6引导学生自主学习: 能够学会自己看表格用 英语说出来。 1通过多图片,能根据图 片说出 Ben 在海南的活动 和重点短语.And say out the sentences accord the given phrases. 2 Work in pairs and talk with your partners. 3Look at the pictures and answer. 4 Read the passage and understand Sallys plan in Huizhou. Can write answers and check up . 5 Ps can understand the text and finish the exercise. Look at the blank and make a text in oral English.Ps can get help in groups when necessary. 6Try to make a text 1复习第一课时的长 句型,让他们知道表 达将来计划可用 be going to 和 will 两 种形式表达。 2小组活动,让同学 输入和输出语言。 3听说训练。并让学 生留意到 be 要根据 人称的变化而做出正 确的语言输出。 4锻炼学生阅读能力 和学案完成情况.提 高阅读能力。增加语 言输入量。 5听力练习,提高听 力水平看图说句子, 能和朋友用所学英语 进行交流。4、教会 学生看这种制表,明 白某人计划的流程, 从而能学会判断。 6、提高口头英语水 平。增加语言的输出 量。 Developm ent 1 Play a game: Use “be going to ”and “will”to change the sentences. First they can discuss in groups. 1 Ps can use “be going to/will”to say out some sentences. 2listen and match 1、 学生灵活运用 be going to 和 will 两种形式表达, 让他们知道是可 以互换的。 2、学会听力前看图 8 8 2 Listening and check 3Lead the ps to say out . 3Try to say out Bens plan. 读句的准备,养成良 好听力习惯。 3、训练听说能力, 强化重难点 Home work 1、Activity BookP17: 6 2、Finish the survey on the Study leading-paper. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Travel in Huizhou be going to will (is am are) What are you going to do? Were going to. What is he going to do? What will she do ? He is going to do. She will do . 课题:课题: MyMy MayMay DayDay课时:第三课时课时:第三课时课型:拓展课课型:拓展课 教材分析教材分析 学生已经学习了 be going to 和 will 的多种表达方式,能够在阅读文本时提取信 息,对话能力有所提高。本课时学习重点是话题写作。这个模块主要就相关话题来写出 自己未来假期的计划安排,从而在写作中培养自己学会合理安排假期时间的好习惯。 学情分析学情分析 本课是 Unit 4 的第三课时,学生已经掌握了 be going to 和 will 这两种方式叙 述自己或他人的假期计划;能用疑问句来询问别人的计划。针对生活实际,五一长假将 来临,教师将进一步引导学生综合运用所学句型,就相关的假期计划主题进行写话。主 题源于生活,学生将有话可言。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 check in check out show 9 9 教学重点:1、能正确用 be going to 和 will 讨论计划安排。 2、能够就相关的主题写出自己的假期安排。 教学难点:正确用 be going to 和 will 与人讨论分享假期计划;能表述自己的假期计 划。 教学资源 PPT,VCR,图片,单词卡、写作卡 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Warm ing up 1 Sing a song 2 Chant and free talk 1 Sing a song 2 chant and free talk 活跃课堂气氛,让学 生放松,培养兴趣。 Pres entation and practice 1、 Revision and know more . 2、 Enjoy the story. 1)Play the VCD about the story. Show the questions. 2)Answer and check up the questions. 3) Read and act out the story. 3Look and say 4Make a survey (1) Check up the survey . (2)Make a report : 根据调查表,训练第 三人称叙述。 1、Revision and know more the words.课前让同 学们通过查字典、网略等 多渠道去收集更多户外活 动的单词或词组。 2Story time 1)Play the VCD about the story. Show some questions. 2)Answer and check up the questions. 3) Read and act out the story. 3Look and say 4、make a survey 1) Check up the survey .用对话(即第一人称回答) 叙述 2)Make a report 巩固所学单词,词语 和句子文本。 拓展更多户外活动的 课外单词,增加词汇 量。 强化故事文本阅读, 能够在文本中提取信 息 巩固知识,提高对话 口语能力。 重视口语交流和语言 输出量。 Developm ent 1.Free talk: What are you going to do this weekend,* *? Im going to /I 1、Talk in groups: What are you going to do this weekend,* *? Im going to /I 练习实际生活,提高 交际能力 10 10 will 2.Introductions :P25 课外户外活动 3.Talk about: What are you going to do for May Day? 4.To guide the students to tell more about May Day according to the questions.(when? Where? What? How? ect. 5.Work out structures of the passage. will 2、know more Activities 3.Talk in four: What are you going to do for May Day ? 4.To tell the details about May Day. 5.Write a passage: My May Day 5完成后检查并分享交流。 掌握写作方法,注意 细节,提高写作能力。 乐于交流,乐于分享。 HomeworkWriting and share 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 My May Day May Day is coming. Its on. I will travel in. I am going to I will I can. Im sure we will have a good time in. 第 2 文本:Travel in Huizhou DearDear Ben,Ben, ImIm veryvery happyhappy forfor youryour goodgood news.news. NowNow I I havehave somethingsomething happyhappy toto shareshare withwith youyou too.too. NextNext weekendweekend isis AprilApril 2 2nd nd and and 3 3rd rd . . My My parentsparents remember neighbourhood thought own 11 11 willwill bebe freefree andand theyretheyre goinggoing toto staystay withwith me.me. SoSo wewe planplan toto makemake a a familyfamily happyhappy hour.hour. FirstFirst mymy fatherfather willwill drivedrive usus toto HuizhouHuizhou nextnext SaturdaySaturday morning.morning. WereWere goinggoing toto playplay onon thethe beachbeach inin thethe afternoon.afternoon. InIn thethe eveningevening wewe willwill havehave a a hothot springspring spa(spa(温泉)温泉)inin thethe hotel.hotel. NextNext SundaySunday werewere goinggoing toto visitvisit a a bigbig farm.farm. OnOn thethe farmfarm wewe willwill feedfeed ( (喂)喂)thethe animalsanimals andand gogo mountainmountain climbingclimbing inin thethe morning.morning. AndAnd wewe willwill havehave a a picnicpicnic forfor lunchlunch onon thethe farmfarm ,too.Then,too.Then wellwell gogo shoppingshopping outsideoutside inin thethe afternoon.afternoon. AboutAbout 17:0017:00 wewe willwill getget backback home.home. I I hopehope wellwell havehave a a goodgood timetime inin Huizhou.Huizhou. YoursYours SallySally 第 3 文本: story-time (略)
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