教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:7023a).zip

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Module 5 Safety Class: Name: 一、阅读短文,划出短文中表示危险行为的词组。 Tom is a lovely boy. But he is very naughty. When he is in the library, he runs to take the book. Sometimes he climbs on the desk or stands on the chair. When he crosses a street, he doesnt look at the traffic lights. In the bus, he often puts his head and his arms out of the window. Sometimes he walks on the wall. Yesterday, he jumped off the tall tree and fell down. He hurt his leg. He is in the hospital now. How naughty Tom is! 二、阅读句子,判断哪些句子是博物馆的规则,如是写“T”,否则写“F”。 ( ) 1. Do talk loudly(大声) here. ( ) 2. Dont run and jump here. ( ) 3 Do touch things when you like it. ( ) 4. Dont eat and drink here. ( ) 5. Do enjoy the beautiful things here. 三、观察下面的警示图标志,并在图下面写上符合图意的句子编号。 ( )( )( )( )( ) A ) It is dangerous here. Dont swim. B ) Be quiet. C ) No food and drink. D ) Dont take photos. E ) Dont take your pet. 四、观察下面的警示图标志,并与符合图意的句子连线。 4. Dont enter! 3. Dont fish! 2. Dont run! 1. Dont walk on the grass! 5. Dont ride a bike! 6. Dont climb the tree! warning signs of public places Be careful! Watch out! Its dangerous! Dont touch the fan. Dont climb the tree. You may get hurt. You may fall down. Safety first. Dont forget. Be careful! Watch out! Its dangerous! Dont feed the animals. Dont eat a bad apple. You will get hurt. You will get sick. Safety first. Dont forget. Lets chant. Module 5 Safety Revision 1.Can remind peoples dangerous activities. 2. Can make rules to keep our school safe. 3. Understand warning signs in public places. Lets say. climb a tree eat a bad apple touch a fan feed the animals run on the stairs play football in the street climb the window walk on the wet floor play with a knife cross the street when the traffic light is red leave the school during school hours without asking the teacher take any money or candy from strangers Lets say. ? ? Lets summary. How to remind peoples dangerous activities? Tom is always in trouble. Tom often has some dangerous activities. Tom is a lovely boy. But he is very naughty. When he is in the library, he runs to take the book. Sometimes he climbs on the desk or stands on the chair. When he crosses a street, he doesnt look at the traffic lights. In the bus, he often puts his head and his arms out of the window. Sometimes he walks on the wall. Yesterday, he jumped off the tall tree and fell down. He hurt his leg. He is in the hospital now. How naughty Tom is! naughty ? 调皮的、淘气的 Lets read. How to stay safe? at home in the zooin the street at school in the museum in the other public places Lets help him learn the rules about safety and how to remind peoples dangerous activities. How to stay safe at home? How to stay safe at home? How to stay safe in the zoo? How to stay safe in the zoo? How to stay safe in the street ? How to stay safe in the street ? How to stay safe at school ? 1 2 3 4 Lets act out. How to keep our school safe? Lets make 5 rules to keep our school safe. Lets discuss and write. (小组比赛, 看哪 组说出更多的班 规,要求句子完整 准确) You can begin like these: Dont . Do . Conclusion How to make school rules to keep our school safe. Dont touch the fan in the classroom. Dont climb the window. Dont play with pens after class. Dont run or jump on the stairs. Do walk on the stairs. Dont play dangerous games at school. Do play safe games at school. Rules in the museum Rules in the museum ( ) 1Do talk loudly(大声) here. ( ) 2Dont run and jump here. ( ) 3Do touch things when you like it. ( ) 4Dont eat and drink here. ( ) 5Do enjoy the beautiful things here. T T T F F Rules in otherpublic places A ) It is dangerous here. Dont swim. B ) Be quiet. C ) No food and drink. D ) Dont take photos. E ) Dont take your pet. ( )( )( )( )( ) warning signs in public places 1234 5 4. Dont enter! 3. Dont fish! 2. Dont run! 1. Dont walk on the grass! 5. Dont ride a bike! 6. Dont climb the tree! warning signs of public places Now I know the rules of safety and how to remind peoples dangerous activities. I wont be naughty. Thank you for your help. Bye! Conclusion 1. Phrases about dangerous activities. 描述关于危险行为的词组。 2. Remind peoples dangerous activities. 提醒人们的危险行为。 3. Make rules to keep our school safe. 制定关于安全方面的校规。 4. Warning signs in public places. 了解公共场所警示牌的含义。 Conclusion Safety first. Dont forget. Homework.Homework. 设计一份手抄报: 观察公共场所的警示标志,画在A4纸上, 并用英语写出它们所含的意思。 Goodbye! 1 广州版新教材五年级英语下册教学设计广州版新教材五年级英语下册教学设计 Team 备课小组备课小组Date 日期日期Designer 设计者设计者 Topic 课题课题Module 5 SafetyUnit Title 题目题目Module 5 SafetyPeriod 课时课时 Type of lesson 课型课型 复习课复习课 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1、 Language knowledge 语言知识: Vocabulary 词汇:理解词汇 naughty, public places。 Phrase 词组:复习并运用关于危险行为的词组 climb a tree , eat a bad apple, touch a fan, feed the animals, get sick, get hurt,run on the stairs, play in the street, climb the window, walk on the wet floor, play with a knife, cross the street when the traffic light is red, leave school without asking the teacher, take the candy from the stranger, climb the fence, climb the tree, swim in the lake, Sentence 句型:复习并运用 Be careful! Watch out. Its dangerous. You may/will . Dont . Do .Safety first.提醒并劝阻别人的危 险行为。 2、Language skill 语言技能:1)能熟练听、说、读、写关于危险行为的词组。 2)能运用劝阻别人危险行为的句型并表演。 3)能小组合作制定关于学校安全的规则。 4)能观察公共场所的警示牌,并理解它们的含义。 3、Affect 情感态度:了解危险行为造成的后果,并能劝阻别人的危险行为。 4、环保教育:学生培养好良好的生活行为习惯,做到雅言雅行。在校内、校外要时刻注意安全,保护环境,和他人和谐相处, 建设美丽的生活环境。 5、Learning Strategies 学习策略: 1)学会认真聆听,积极用英语与他人进行关于安全的话题进行交流。2)将语言知识尽可能运用于真实自然的情景当中。3) 学 会积极与他人合作,通过小组合作完成学习任务。4)学生养成认真书写的好习惯,做到书写规范、工整。5)通过大量的图片、 句子阅读,养成良好的阅读能力。6)养成正确的朗读习惯、良好的精神面貌和学习态度。 Language focused and difficult point 教学重难点:教学重难点: 重点:听、说、读、写词组;理解、运用规劝别人危险行为的句型;了解公共场所警示牌。 难点:制定关于学校安全的规则。 2 Teaching Aids Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 自制课件、金太阳教学软件 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 Warming up ActivityActivity 1:1: LetsLets chant.chant. 学生打着节拍唱读关于安全话题的小诗,由此引出本单元相 关的话题 safety。 学生 chant。. 通过 chant, 活跃课堂气氛, 引入课题。 Presentation & practice Activity 2: 宣讲学习目标。 Activity 3: 出示关于危险行为的图片,学生复习巩固词组 climb a tree , eat a bad apple, touch a fan, feed the animals, climb the window, walk on the wet floor, play with a knife, cross the street when the traffic light is red, leave school without asking the teacher, take the candy from the stranger。 Activity 4: 学生小结如何规劝别人危险行为的句型,板书并 复习单词。 Activity 5: 阅读篇章并找出相关危险行为的词组。 Activity 6: 观察家里、动物园、街上、学校四个公共场所人 们的危险行为,运用规劝别人危险行为的相关句型进行劝告 和表演。 Activity 7: 制定学校关于安全方面的规则,提醒学生的书写 坐姿、握姿,检查完成情况。 了解本课的学习目标。 复习本课相关的词组。 小结如何规劝别人危险行为的句 型 理解篇章、找出相关词组。 在不同场合下运用相关的词组和 句型。 小组合作写出学校安全规则。 注意调整自己的坐姿握姿、书写 格式等。 有目标地进入本课的学习。 回忆巩固本单元的语言知识, 为进入下个学习环节进行铺 垫。 老师引导学生进行小结,加 深对要掌握的内容的印象。 梳理语言知识、并在模拟的 情景中进行运用,进行口头 输出,并对下一步的写做出 铺垫的作用。 正心教育的渗透:能写一手 漂亮的字。 3 Activity 8: 学生展示关于学校安全方面的规则,并进行点评。 Activity 9:判断哪些是关于博物馆的规则。 Activity 10: 出示图书馆、邮局、银行、酒店、少年宫、火 车站的图片,引出其它公共场所中出现的警示牌,了解警示 牌的意义。 拓展、思考、掌握不同场合下经 常出现的一些社会公共场合的规 则的英语表达。 拓展、思考、掌握不同场合 下经常出现的一些社会公共 场合的规则的英语表达。把 学到的内容拓展到生活的运 用中。 Conclusion Activity 11: 总结本课学习的内容。 Activity 12: 思考学习本课后的感想,并进行安全和校训: 正笔正心、雅言雅行的思想教育。 总结整堂课的学习内容。 再一次进行总结,内化所学 的内容。 进行安全和校训:正笔正心、 雅言雅行的思想教育。 Homework 观察公共场所的警示标志,画在 A4 纸上,并用英语写出它们所含的意思。 Designing on the board 板书板书 Module 5 Safety Be careful! Watch out! Its dangerous! Dont ., Do . You may / will . Safety first. Dont forget. 课后反思课后反思 本课中,学生将学习的句型应用到情景当中去,结合了生活实际,观察公共场所中所见到的警示牌,理解它们的意义,并 懂得如何运用所学得祈使句劝阻他人不安全的行为。通过不同的形式巩固学习内容,学生容易接受并对复习的内容很感兴趣。 在复习课的最后小组展示环节当中,学生在卡纸上书写不太习惯,导致这个环节时间较长。
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