教科版(广州)五下Module 3 Invitations-Unit 5 Would you like to go with us -Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:90770).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版)义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations (邀请邀请) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the middle day. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Everyday is a happy day. Lets chant Whats the date? Its September the sixteenth. Its the sixteenth of September. Its April the third. Its the third of April. Its December the twentieth. Its the twentieth of December. Its March the twenty-first. Its the twenty-first of March. Whats the date, today? What day is it today? Its Thursday. We are having an English lesson now. Im doing nothing in the morning. SundayMonday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 What are you doing this Saturday? = What are you going to do this Saturday? I plan to see a film in the cinema in the afternoon. Morning: Afternoon: see a film (口语中用口语中用) cinema Ben, Janet and Jiamin are talking about their weekend plan. What are they going to do? go to grandmas birthday party go on a picnic Lets watch the video and match Lets learn together Read and find out the new words. Read in groups (Lucky box) Lets try: Hey, guys. What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? My cousin and I plan to go on a picnic. Would you like to go with us? A picnic? That sounds great! Lets recite: Lets meet at the school gate at 9:00 a.m. We can all go to the park together. What time should we go? Cool. The picnic is this Saturday, August 14th, right? Lets recite: Oh dear. Im sorry but I am going to my grandmas birthday party that day. No problem. Maybe next time. 1.Janet and her cousin plan to _. 2. Janet, her cousin and Jiamin will meet at _ (Where?) at _(When?) 3. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet? No, he isnt. 4.What is Jiamin going to do? He is going to his grandmas birthday party. Read the dialogue, fill in the blanks and answer the questions go on a picnic the school gate 9 a.m. 5. How does Janet invite(邀请) Ben and Jiamin? And how do they answer? Would you like to? Make an invitation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) a football match (A. 比赛比赛 B. 连线连线) Sports Centre Make an invitation A: Hey, Ben. What are you doing this Saturday / on December 20th ? B: Nothing. Why? A: I plan to watch a football match. Would you like to go with me/ us ? B: That sounds great ! What time should we go? A: Lets meet at the Sports Centre at 2:00 p.m. B: No problem / OK. See you then. (B: Sorry. Im busy that day. A: Maybe next time.) supermarket round Your idea sounds great. sound It sounds great. gate We can all have a picnic together. Cool ! (A. 凉快的凉快的 B. 太棒了太棒了) Oh dear ! Oh my god ! No problem! a football match (A. 比赛比赛 B. 连线连线) Homework: 1.Listen and read Unit 5 2. Make more invitations with your classmates. 3. Copy the new words and phrases Its March the twenty-first. Its the twenty-first of March. Whats the date, today? What day is it today? Its Thursday. Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? Name_ 一一Read the dialogue, fill in the blanks and answer the questions.(读对话,填空或回答问题。(读对话,填空或回答问题。 ) 1. Janet and her cousin plan to _. 2. Janet, her cousin and Jiamin will meet at_ (where?) at _(when?) 3. Is Jiamin going on a picnic with Janet?_ 4.What is Jiamin going to do? _ 二Discuss with you classmates. (与同学讨论,是如何进行邀请的对答的。 ) How does Janet invite(邀请) Ben and Jiamin? And how do they answer? 二二 口头练习,和同学做关于邀请的对话。口头练习,和同学做关于邀请的对话。 1 五年级下册五年级下册 Module 3 Invitations Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块是五年级下学期的 Module 3 Invitations。本模块中,要求学生 能理解和运用 Would you like to ? Shall we ? Lets等语句进行口 头或书面的邀请,功能性的句子是本模块的重点。其中,本课作为 Unit 5 的第 一课时,要能理解和运用文中对话出现的邀请用语进行口头上的表达。而对各 种邀请用语的归纳和书面表达,则放在第二课时。本册书的上一模块,已经出 现一般将来时的表达 be going to do sth.和日期的表达。二年口语也出现过 一星期的名称,在四年级下学期也出现了将来时 will+动词原形的表达和一星 期七天的名称。在此基础上,本课涉及到和前一模块时间、地点的表达相似的 内容,知识的正迁移作用在此得到体现。 二、二、学生情况分析学生情况分析 五年级的学生,学习兴趣浓厚,知识探究欲强、思维活跃。而且在小学阶 段的英语学习中有一定的语言积累,对月份、星期、日期等的表达也较为熟悉, 也乐于表达自己的见解。因此,在课堂上,应该把更多的时间留给学生,让学 生有更多机会进行语言交际,从而培养学生的语言能力、学习能力、思维品质 和文化品格。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识技能: (1)能听、说、读并理解以下单词、短语:hey, guy, nothing, sound, gate, cool, oh dear, no problem, match, centre (2)能理解并运用对话中出现的语言进行邀请的口头对答: What are you doing this Saturday? Nothing. Why? I plan to Would you like to go with us/ me? 2 That sounds great! What time should we go? Lets meet at the school gate at 9:00 a.m. 2. 情感目标:通过学习,提高对本课话题的表达的兴趣。 3. 文化知识渗透:要有礼貌地对别人发出邀请,而答复也要清晰、有礼。 4. 学习策略: (1) 能运用听、说、读、写的策略完成本课对话的学习。 (2) 在活动过程中体现与人交流、小组合作的能力。 (3) 增强学生自我归纳、总结、分析能力。 四、四、重难点重难点 1. 重点: (1) What are you doing this Saturday? 的问答 (2) Would you like to go with us/ me? 的问答 (3) What time should we go? 的问答 2. 难点: (1)能够自如地运用所学句型进行对话交流 (2)句型 What are you doing this Saturday?(用进行时态表达将来 的动作) (3)在一句话中同时出现时间与地点、星期与日期的正确表达 五、五、使用材料使用材料 多媒体、课件、课本、练习纸 六、教学过程教学过程 1. Warming up (1) Lets chant (2) Lets sing 【设计意图:这一课涉及到时间、日期的表达以及星期的名称,通过歌谣与星 3 期的名称的小诗,复习有关知识。 】 2. Ask and answer: Whats the date? /Whats the date today? What day is it today? 【设计意图: 复习日期的两种表达方式,复习询问日期与星期的方法。为学习 新课做铺垫。 】 3. Introduce teachers weekend plan. And present the new sentence “ What are you doing this Saturday? ” “Im doing nothing. Why?” “I plan to” 【设计意图:在师生 free talk 的情境中呈现新句,让学生明白其意思和懂得 如何使用。起到承上启下的作用。 】 4. Present the dialogue (1) Watch the video and match the pictures and the phrases. 【设计意图:第一次观看课文对话,了解对话的大意,把人物与主要事情进行 配对,为进一步的学习打基础。 】 (2) Read the dialogue sentence by sentence. 【设计意图:通过跟读对话,进一步感知对话内容,并进行正音。 】 (3) Ask the students to read the dialogue again and find out the new words. 【设计意图:学生再读对话,自己对新知进行发现。 】 (4) Learn the new words together. 【设计意图:学生通过同学之间的相互学习或老师的从旁解说,习得新知。 】 (5) Read the dialogue in groups . 4 【设计意图:老师在小组分角色朗读前先定下目标,以小组间互相评比的方式, 提高学生们流利、准确朗读的积极性,同时也能让组内的同学互帮互学。 】 (6) Ask some groups to read the dialogue aloud. 【设计意图:请个别小组向全班展示他们分角色朗读的效果,其余同学细心聆 听,然后就语音、准确率和流利程度三方面对同学的朗读作出评价。 】 (7) Try to retell the dialogue according to the key words. 【设计意图:检查学生是否掌握了课文的内容,同时锻炼学生的记忆能力。 】 (8) Read the dialogue, fill in the blanks and answer the questions. (Worksheet Exercise 1) 【设计意图:遵循听说先行、然后读写的原则,通过完成练习,检测学生对课 文的掌握程度。 】 5. Summing up (1) Discuss in groups: (Worksheet Exercise 2) How can we make an invitation? 【设计意图:让学生通过自主交流讨论的方式,对邀请用语进行归纳,培养学 生对知识进行总结的能力。 】 (2) Ask some students to tell their opinions. 【设计意图: 让学生大胆表达讨论的结论, 培养学生的逻辑思维和清晰表达 的能力。 】 6. Development:Make more invitations (Worksheet Exercise 3) (1) Present more information. 【设计意图:根据课本中蝴蝶页的内容,进行知识拓展。 】 (2) Make an invitation as an example. 5 【设计意图:作出明确的示范,为进一步进行邀请对话作铺垫。 】 (3) Ask students to make more invitations with their partners as possible as they can. 【设计意图:在指定的时间内,同位间进行邀请的对话,比比谁做得又快又准, 使语言在交流中进一步得要运用。 】 (4) Ask students to present their dialogues. 【设计意图:培养学生大胆表达、以及认真聆听、作出正确评价的能力。 】 七、七、作业布置作业布置 1. Listen and read Unit 5. 2. Make more invitations with your classmates. 3. Copy the new words and phrases, and try to make sentences with the new words. 八、八、板书设计板书设计 Unit 5 Would you like to go with us? hey What are you doing this Saturday? guy(s) I plan to anything nothing sound Would you like to go with us/ me? gate That sounds great! Oh dear! No problem. What time should we go? match Lets meet at _place at time. center= centre 九、九、教学反思教学反思 本节课的教学活动贴合学生的生活实际,师生间的互动默契。老师能把课 堂的大部分时间交给学生,让学生更多的空间进行自主的交流和学习,老师引 导学生通过自己找出新词、共同学习;小组讨论,发现规律;细心聆听、正确 评价等方式,让学生成为课堂真正的主人。 这节课仍有可以改善的地方,如板书可以更整齐。在课文引入时,可以引导学生先观 察图片,从图片上引导学生发现 Maybe they will have a picnic.再进入到课文的教学。centre 与 center 两个单词,老师可以向学生简单介绍一个为 American English,一个为 British English。
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