科普版四年级下册Lesson 5What are these -ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d0157).zip

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第一关 Task 1 Whats this? Whats that? (会说单数句子) Whats this? Its a pig. Whats that? Its a horse. Whats this? Its an apple. What are these? applesoranges Lesson 5 What are these? 这些是什么?这些是什么? Lets talk W= Woman, T= Tom, Q= Qiqi W: Can I help you? T: Yes, we want some toys. Q: What are these? W: Theyre bears. Q: What are those? Are they tigers? W: No, theyre pandas. W: Look! The panda can walk and jump. Q: What fun! I want one. W: Here you are. Q: Thank you. 当我们想知道近处是一些什么东西时,可以问当我们想知道近处是一些什么东西时,可以问 : What are these? They are . 当我们想知道远处是一些什么东西时,可以问当我们想知道远处是一些什么东西时,可以问 : What are those? They are . 面试第二关 Task 2 What are these? What are those? (会问复数) _ are apples. They What are _? these What are those? They are toy cars. 第三关 Task 3 会造learn中的 句子! (实战演练) Presentation Are those toy planes? Yes, they are. Theyre toy cars. What are these? Work in pairs B: Yes, they are. A: What are these? B: They are toy jeeps. A: Are those toy bikes? Work in pairs A: What are these? B: They are teddy bears. A: Are those toy rabbits? B: Yes, they are. WorkWork inin pairspairs What are these? They are . What are those? They are . 同学们 ,今天所学的内容你都明白了 吗?挑战一下下面的题目吧!相信自己 ! Read,choose and write: 1._(this,these) is an apple. 2._(this,these) apples are small. 3.Whats _(that,those) over there? What are _(that,those)over there? 4.Are _(it,they) grapes? 5.Those are_(apple,apples). This These that those they apples Goodbye! 小学英语科普版四年级下册小学英语科普版四年级下册LessonLesson 5 5 WhatWhat areare these?these?教案教案 1教学目标 一、能熟练掌握本课句型-What are thesethose? -They are . -Are these those ? Yes,they are.No, they arent. 二、能够将本课所学内容运用于实际生活中。 三、能够积极参与课堂活动,能与他人合作完成学习任务,感受学习英语的乐趣。 2学情分析 先复习-Whats thisthat? Its aan .,为本节课内容做好铺垫。然后自问自 答引出本节课的句型-What are thesethose?. Theyre . -Are thesethose ? Yes,they are.No, they arent. 然后对该句型进行操练。再让学生听录音,熟 悉并理解句型,对句型操练。再进行拓展训练,让学生在实际情境中进行对话练习,从而对所 学内容有更深的理解和把握。最后做句型转换练习和填空练习,通过练习巩固所学句型,加 深学生对重难点问题的理解。 3重点难点 句型的灵活应用及句型中 thisthatthesethose 的用法。 4教学过程 4.1.1教学活动 活动 1【导入】Warmingup (一)Greetings T:Now, class begins,stand up, please. Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Sit down, please. (二)Ask and answer T: Whats this? Ss: Its aan . T: Whats that? Ss: Its aan . T: Is thisthat aan ? Ss: Yes,it is.No,it isnt. ( 设计意图:通过这个环节复习学过的句型,为新句型的导入做好铺垫。) 活动 2【讲授】Presentation (一)引出课题: T:Now, today, lets learn “Lesson 5 What are these ?” Lets learn . Now, s how me your fingers, lets write it. (教师领生写课题) Read after me.领生读 2 遍 。 (二)导入并操练本课句型: 1、T: Whats this? Ss: Its aan . T: Whats that? Ss: Its aan . T: Is thisthat aan ? Ss: Yes,it is.No,it isnt. 2、把东西变成复数,引导学生回答。 T: What are thesethose? Ss: They are . T: Are thesethose ? Ss: Yes, they are. No, they arent. 教师领读互动过程中出现的句子。 (让学生继续理解领悟本课句型。) 活动 3【练习】Practice (一)听音跟读: T:Now, open your books, turn to Page 9 . Listen and point. Now, listen and follow.(让学生跟着录音读两遍) (二)操练: 1、T: Now, follow me, please. (老师领读例句) 板书并领读例句。 2、 OK! Now, read it together .(生集体读) 3、 Now, make new sentences with the given words. (学生用所给单词造句) 4、Pair work.(学生两人一组练习) 5、叫几组学生展示。 在操练过程中老师及时评价。 (设计意图:根据教材内容,听说先行,设计了多层次多形式的训练,避免了机械地枯燥乏味的 操练,在操练过程中及时给予评价,激发了学生的学习热情。) 活动 4【活动】Extension 1、Group work.(让学生用身边实物进行问答练习) 2、小组展示。老师及时评价。 (设计意图:学生通过实物对话,将本课内容运用到实际生活中,从而提高学生的综合语言运 用能力。) 活动 5【练习】Exercises (一)、句型转换。 1、Those are bears. (改成一般疑问句,并做肯定否定回答) 2、These are books.(对划线部分提问) (二)、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1、-What _ (be) these ? - They _ (be) oranges. 2、-What are _ (this) ? -They _ (be) buns. 3、-What _ (be) this ? -It _ (be) a cat. 4、-What are _ (that)? -They _ (be) planes. 5、 -What is _ (these) ? - _ (they)is a pencil. (设计意图:通过练习强化重难点,让学生对所学内容印象深刻,掌握更加牢固) 活动 6【作业】Homework Talk with your family (师手指板书), using the sentences we have learned today. (设计意图:通过学生回家和父母运用本课内容进行回话,使学生将所学内容运用到生活中。) 一:填空 1. I like _ pants. _ pants are red.(这些) 2. I dont like _ shoes. _shoes are too small.(那些) 3. I want _(这个) sweater. I dont want_(那个) sweater. _ (那个)is too big. 二:选择 ()1. _ pen is red. _ pencil is green. A. this, that B. These, Those
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