冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 10 Exercise-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:52ac4).docx

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1、1 Book8 Lesson10 Exercise 教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第二单元第四课(新授课)。本单元的总目 标是关于健康的话题,为学生提供了许多有关健康饮食、个人卫生、锻炼和努力 工作的有益信息。本单元结束时,学生应该能用许多英语词汇谈论有关健康的话 题。学生应该能理解并能说出为什么健康饮食、卫生、锻炼及努力工作在人的一 生中很重要。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本课的教学对象是小学六年级的学生, 这些学生从小学三年级开始学习英语, 已经有了一定的知识储备,学习的方法和习惯已经有效地形成。大部分学生学习 兴趣浓厚,少数学生热情不高,能力稍显跟不上

2、。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 语言知识语言知识 1. 能听、说、读、写单词 exercise, minute, hour; 2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句子: How many minutes does Danny exercise? How many minutes do you? 语言技能语言技能 能用英语谈论关于生活中锻炼的话题。 情感态度情感态度 1. 通过 chant、调查问卷、竞赛等多种,学生喜闻乐见的教学形式激发学生 的学习兴趣。 2. 通过作角色朗读的形式使学生获得显性成果以培养学生的自信心。 3. 采取小组活动和评价的形式,加强学生的合作意识。 4. 通过本课教学,使学生了解健

3、康的重要性应加强体育锻炼。 学习策略学习策略 1.学生能够积极于同学合作,共同完成任务。 2. 能够利用寻读、略读等阅读策略寻找相应信息。 2 文化意识文化意识 1. 使学生知道锻炼的重要性。 2. 使学生在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化差异。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1. 能听、说、读、写单词 exercise, minute, hour; 2. 能听懂、会说、会运用句子: How many minutes does Danny exercise? How many minutes do you walk? 五、教学用具五、教学用具 课件、白板、钟表教具、图片和句子卡片等。

4、 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: StepI: Class Opening Warming up T: Hello boys and girls. How are you today! S: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Do you remember me? Im Ms Qin, your new teacher. Do you want to know something about me? S: Yes. T: Whats my favourite colour? Red, orange or black? S: Red. T:

5、 Yes. Red is my favourite colour. What about my favourite number? 7、 19 or 3? S: 19. T: Yes, 19 is my lucky number. I like it best. And whats my favourite exercise? 点 开课件之后 In this chant you can find it. Now lets chant. Stand up, clap your hands. Running, running, every morning 3 I run fast For my h

6、ealth Swimming, Swimming, Swim In the Evening Not in the Lake In a Pool Playing Basketball, Throwing the Ball Yao Ming, Kobe They Played Hard Riding a bike, ln the Park With your friends Have a Fun T: Who can guess my exercise? From the chant! S: Basketball. T: Yes, playing basketball is my favourit

7、e exercise. 设计意图设计意图课前的 Brain storm, 让学生猜测教师的基本信息,一下子把学生 的注意力集中了起来,亲切的问候缩短了师生间的陌生感,朗朗上口的 chant 活 跃课堂气氛的同时,给出老师最喜欢的锻炼一个范围,使学生能很快做出选择, exercise 在课前活动中学生已经理解其含义。所以在这里老师直接问 Whats my favourite exercise?学生能够理解句子的意思并做出正确的回答。 Step II: New Concepts 1. Learn “Exercise” T: Do you know exercise? Follow me, ex e

8、x exer exer exercise exercise. This line, 4 read one by one. 把单词卡片贴黑板上。 What is exercise? 点课件。 T: Riding a bike is exercise. 点课件,往黑板上贴图片。 T: What is exercise? Anything else? S: Walking is exercise. T: Yes, walking is exercise. 贴图片 S: Running is exercise. T: Yes. 贴图片。Anything else? S: Playing ping-po

9、ng is exercise .贴图片 T: Yes, you did a good job. Now pay attention here, the verb plus ing form in this part. Note that! Clear? Now look at the blackboard, Lets read together! Riding a bike is exercise. Walking is exercise. Playing ping-pong is exercise. Running is exercise. 学生读完之后 T: Great! They are

10、 exercise. 设计意图设计意图课前活动中让学生听录音,了解了什么是 exercise。通过学生对 第一部分四幅图片及句子已经熟练掌握。学生能很快的看图说句子。 2. Learn more exercise. T: Lets see more about exercise. T: Jumping, follow me S: Jumping T: Jumping is exercise. Stand up, do the actions. Dont be shy. And say it Jumping is exercise. T: Look, playing football is ex

11、ercise. 5 S: Playing football is exercise. T: Can you play football? S: Yes, I can T: Ok, after class, you can teach me. T: Now playing badminton. Follow me, badminton. S: Badminton T: Playing badminton is exercise. 做动作。 Like this. Can you do the actions. And say “Playing badminton is exercise.” T:

12、Who can say? S: Flying a kite T: Is exercise. I like flying kites in spring. Do you like it? T: Now, doing Tai Chi is exercise. My mother likes doing Tai Chi. Like this. Do you want to learn? I can teach you. Follow me! Ok, so much for that. T: Now, open your books. Listen to the tape, answer the qu

13、estion. Who can answer the question? S: 设计意图设计意图第一部分的四句话,学生在课前活动中已经自己习得,所以我给学生 拓展生活中常见的锻炼,学生很感兴趣。这也为了下一个环节,让学生写自己常 做的锻炼做了铺垫。 3. Writing T: Ok, We should do exercise every day. Now take out your worksheets, and write down what you do for exercise?In this part. T: Finished? S: Yes. T: Now practice wit

14、h your deskmates. T: Who wants to show? T: Great/Super/Good/excellent! 4. Listen P1 and answer. 6 T: Exercise makes our body healthy and strong. I like exercise. Do you like exercise? Why? Listen and then answer. T: Why do you like exercise? 听完录音 T: Ok! Who can answer the question? S: Because exerci

15、se helps make our body healthy and strong. T: Super! 把 strong 和 healthy 的卡片 贴到黑板上。 T: Exercise makes your body healthy and strong. Wed better do exercise every day. 设计意图设计意图利用 scanning 这个阅读策略,根据题目要求,学生能在文章中快 速扫描出问题的答案。 5. ListenP2 and check the answers. T: Does Danny like exercise? Do you remember t

16、hese two questions? T: Listen Part 2 and then check your answers. 1.How often does Danny exercise? A) Twice a day. B) Five times a day. 2. How many minutes does Danny walk? 贴板书 A) About five minutes. B) About two minutes. T: How many minutes do you walk? 贴黑板上 T: do you know minute. Whats the meaning

17、? Look at the clock. Its one minute. 波动分针。板书 minute 遍读遍写, mi-nu-tethis line, read one by one. Now look here! Its one minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. Fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes. Fifty minutes. Sixty minutes. How many minutes are there 7 in an hour? There are sixty minutes in an hour. Now how

18、 many minutes do you walk? About 设计意图设计意图课前已将 Worksheet 阅读活动材料发至学生,并建议运用略读 (Skimming)迅速阅读对话内容,抓住文章的大概。同时,建议学生尝试运用寻 读法(Scanning)寻读信息。按要求查找关联的关键词、主题句等方式阅读。 6. Read P2, answer and write&Learn hour. T: Now, read Part 2, and then answer the questions. Who can read first? 1. When does Danny walk? 2. How m

19、any minutes does Danny need for exercise? 3. Does Danny need more exercise?Why? T: Now who can answer the questions? S: 1. When does Danny walk? He walks to school in the morning and walks home after school. 2. How many minutes does Danny need for exercise? He needs an hour of exercise a day. 3. Doe

20、s Danny need more exercise? Yes, he does. T: Why? S: Because walking is exercise for him. Thats five minutes a day. T: Excellent. Here hour, do you know the meaning? S: 小时 T: Yes, so clever. Follow me, hour 板书 hour 8 S: Hour T: Here letter H is silent. How many hours in a day? 24 hours in a day. 设计意

21、图设计意图在教学中渗透学习策略,让学生带着问题去听对话,指导学生在 听音时完成回答,捕捉文本的关键信息,培养学生语篇阅读的技能。在回答完问 题之后,引导学生猜测生词 hour 的含义,扫除阅读障碍。并新授 hour。学生默 读课文后回答课中活动的三道问题。让学生进一步的了解课文内容。建议学生运 用以下策略:1.推理(reasoning), 隐含意义理解策略;2. 词义猜测(guessing),理解 受阻对于的策略。培养学生自主阅读能力。 T: Look at Picture 3. Mr. Wood says, I think you need an hour of exercise a day

22、. Why does Danny look so happy? What does Danny say? Danny says.Who can read? S: Danny says, “ Ok, I am going to watch sports on TV.” T: Is watching TV exercise? S: No. T: If you are Jenny, what do you want to say for Danny? S: No, Danny. You have to play sports for exercise. T: Now look!Does Danny

23、need more exercise?Yes, he does. T: Why? S: Because walking is exercise for him. Thats five minutes a day. 设计意图设计意图教师引导学生模仿 Pic3 中的对话,为后面的 role-play 做铺垫。 7. Listen and role-play. T: Listen and imitate. After that. Lets have a role-play.Practice. 设计意图设计意图创设真实的语言环境,灵活运用语言。在这课的最后我创设了语 言环境,活用英语交流。以四人小组为

24、活动单位,表演本课第二部分内容,辅以 评价的激励机制,鼓励学生相互帮助,共同学习。 8. Make a survey. 9 T: Danny doesnt like exercise. What about you?Lets make a survey. Two ways to make it.One, use the paper. Another one, use the phones. Let me look at your points. Team 1, you can use the phones. Team 2, use the paper. Now ask and answer w

25、ith you partners. 1. How many minutes do you exercise every day? A. About 30 minutes B. About 10 minutes C. 0 minutes 2. How many minutes do you read books every day? A. About 30 minutes B. About 10 minutes C. 0 minutes 3. How many minutes do you do your homework every week? A. About 30 minutes B. A

26、bout 60 minutes C. About 90 minutes 4. How many hours do you play computer games every day? A. About 0 hour B. About 4 hours C. About 7 hours 5. How many hours do you sleep every day? A. About 10 hours B. About 8 hours C. About 6 hours Lets look at some charts about you. 1. About exercise. 70% stude

27、nts in our class exercise every day. Thats a good habbit. You are strong and healthy. Other students you should do more exercise from now on. 10 Ok? 2. About reading. 90% students read books every day. Reading makes people progress. Reading gives us more good ideas. You are good kids. I hope all of

28、the students will read every day. 3. About computer games. 50% students play computer games too long time. You shouldnt do like that. Its bad for your eyes and health. You should have more reading and exercise. 4. About homework. 20% students do their homework for 90 minutes. Is your homework too mu

29、ch? I dont think so. I think you should do your homework quickly and quickly. 5. About sleeping.Im happy that all students have enough sleeping. Sleeping is very important for us. It helps make our body healthy and strong. Most students have a good habbit. I am very happy. Its good for your health.

30、设计意图设计意图让学生练习本课重点句型的同时老师了解到学生的习惯,并给建议。 培养学生良好的生活和学习习惯。 Step III Class closing 1. Homework T: What about Li Ming? Read Part 3, finish this part after class. This is your homework. 2. Watch a movie. (One minute) What happened in one minutes? In China. I am proud. I am a Chinese. Team 1 is the winner. Team 2, youd better do more exercise after class. 七、板书设计:七、板书设计: 11


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