冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Unit 3 Review-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:b01a5).doc

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1、Unit3 Again ,Please!教学设计 教材分析 本课是冀教版六年级下册 (三年级起点) 第 3 单元整理复习课。 本单元的话题是“What will you do this summer?” ,在这一单元李 明、詹妮和丹尼将尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并讨论他们的暑假计 划。本单元教授描述自然和夏季活动的词汇,巩固句型“like to do/doing”还教授了 will 构成的将来时态。 学情分析 授课对象为六年级学生,学生心理比较成熟,语感基本形成,理解 能力表达能力较强。所以本节课应充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学 生的潜能,发散学生的思维。 教学目标 1.掌握本单元的四会单词 fa

2、n、close、angry、lake、swim(swam)、ship、visit、clever.和含有 will 的一般将来时的表达。 2.能够区别一般将来时和一般过去时的基本用法。 3.能利用所学知识流利表达自己喜欢的季节,并说出原因。 4.通过本课的复习,能对本单元所学知识进行简单的总结,能正确 的表达自己暑假想要做的事情。 5.通过同伴合作学习、Simon says、Bingo、看图片猜事情等各种活 动,提高学习的兴趣、积极的思维品质和语言综合运用能力。 教学重难 点 1.本单元的四会单词和句型 “I will.” ” Will you.?” ” What will you do thi

3、s summer holiday? 2.能正确表达自己暑假要做的事情。 教学策略全身反应法、语言经验教学法 教学用具word cardsPPTstar cards 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Review the phrases 1. Lets sing! 2. Greeting. 3. Areyoureadyfor English class? 4. OK. Lets play a game “ Simon says”. Lets begin. Stand up Simon says “Stand up” 1. Greeting 2. Ss: Yes! 3. The st

4、udents actonthe teachers instruction. In the course of the game,maybe becausesome students make 听 歌 曲 Summer Is Coming!缓解气 氛为本课内容做 铺垫。 课程的开始通过 Simon says 这 个 小游戏复习一些 动词短语,为课 程末尾的写作做 铺垫,在游戏过 程中让学生缓解 录 课 的 紧 张 气 氛,放松下来。 Sit in the sun Look at the clouds Simon says “reach up high” Go homelisten to musi

5、c Look at the flowers Simon says“ fly a kite” Simon says “swim in the sea” Goontrips,doyour homework Simon says“ say hello to your friend” Simonsays“openyour book” Simonsays“closeyour book” Sit down Simon says “sit down” OK. Stop here! Lets play another game! mistakes,cause otherstudentsto laugh.Don

6、tstop. Let them relax. Step 2 Review the words 1.T: Put your cards on your desk like this(PPT). I will say threewords.Ifthey become a line like this ,this or this. You will say “Bingo” Closelakeclever Angryvisitswim Fanswimship Lakecleverseason 2.use PPTto show the third part on page 51 1.The studen

7、ts put the word cards in three lines and three columns.Ifthe teacherreadsthe words as a line ,he can say “Bingo” 2. Students complete exercises.Then eight studentswillgive the correct answers. 本组游戏是为了 复 习 第 三 单 元 四会单词。获胜 是孩子们本能的 游戏,在游戏中 提高了学生的注 意力,听力,思 维能力。 Step 3 Review seasons T:How many seasons a

8、re there in a year? T: What are they? T: Can you say something about the seasons? Talk with your partner, then tell me. 板书 seasons Ss: There are four seasons in a year. Ss: They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. Ssinfourgroups discussthe seasons. 复习四季及每个 季节的特点以及 爱好。学生能根 据图片和板书提 示,说出自己最 喜欢的季节,并

9、且能用几句话说 出原因,提高学 weathertrees like to do/doing Then four students present the result. 生口语能力的训 练。 Step 4 Review Sentence patterns T: S1 likes to. Can you guess what I like to do? (PPT) 板书 like to do/doing Can you guess what will I do this summer? T: What will you do this summer? T: Will you.? 板书 I wil

10、l Will you.? Yes, I will./No, I will not. S1: You like to. S2:You like to. . S1:You will. S2:You will. . S1:I will. S2. 复 习 like , will 句型,在猜的过 程中秒表不断地 响,加快学生的 思维以及句子的 输出速度 Step 5 Readand talk First, show the picture andletthestudents understand “lie” Then listen. Nextreadandanswer these questions .

11、 (PPT) Students discuss the answers in groups thenchooseone group to show the answers. 文章包括过去时 将来时两部分, 学生在阅读和回 答问题过程中体 会一般将来时和 一般过去时的基 本用法。另外, 本节采用“Four minutes”小组讨 论过程中能力较 差的学生回答简 单问题,能力较 强的学生回答较 难问题。这样做 到让每个学生都 能 参 与 课 堂 活 动。 Step 6 Write T: That is Peters winter holiday.Doyoulike summerholiday?Write your summer holiday on your paper. Sswritetheir summer holiday on the paper. Two students show their plan. 通过前面大量单 词短语以及句型 的铺垫,让学生 写自己的暑假计 划来达到知识的 输出。 Step 7 Homework Show “Marys Holiday Plan” T: This is Marys Holiday Plan. What will you do this summer holiday? Write your holiday plan. 板书设计


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