冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:32940).doc

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冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:32940).doc_第1页
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1、1 冀教版冀教版六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball 教教学背景学背景分析分析 1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课选自于冀教版小学英语六年级下册教材第一单元第一课。 本单元话题是 sports(运动) ,本课是第一课时,主要是 Li Ming 和 Jenny 围绕运动展开的对话。 本课内容共分为三部分,在讲课过程中我将一、二部分结合在一起进行了新授, 第三部分属于当堂练习,我在课上重点处理了第二道习题。本课要求学生四会掌 握的单词有sport, football, any, some, wear。 通过本课学习, 学生能够用What spo

2、rts do you play? Whats your favourite sport? What do you wear to play? 来进行交 际,最后能够介绍自己最喜欢的运动,形成作文。 2.2. 学习者分析学习者分析 六年级的学生已经有了一定的听、说、读、写能力。学生对于 sports 这一主 题比较感兴趣。他们通过学习,能够运用本课所学进行交流。这里面最重要的是 激发学生的学习兴趣,继续培养学生的各种技能,在孩子共同参与、体验教学活 动中培养其综合语言运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1.1. 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 (1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写本课单词 sport,

3、football, any, some, wear。 (2) 学生能够在情境中模仿和运用谈论运动的交际用语: What sports do you play? Whats your favourite sport? What do you wear to play? (3)学生能够运用本课所学知识介绍自己喜欢的运动,并写出来,形成小文章。 2.2. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1)学生在多种教学资源中感知学习内容,接受语言信息,体验感受运动的快 乐,激发生活情趣; (2)学生能够在看、听、想、说、写中发展多元智能,并在小组讨论和采访明 星、汇报的过程中体验合作的重要性和合作的收获与愉悦。 2

4、教学重难点教学重难点 1.1. 重点重点 (1)学生能够听懂、 会说、 认读并书写本课单词: sport, football, any, some, wear, 同时能够听懂、说出、认读:basketball, ping-pong. (2) 学生能够在情境中模仿和运用谈论运动的交际用语: What sports do you play? Whats your favourite sport? What do you wear to play? 2.2. 难点难点 学生能够运用本课所学的知识介绍自己喜欢的运动,并写出来,形成小文章。 教学用具教学用具 CAI,PPT,book,paper,球类实

5、物(篮球、足球、乒乓球) 教学过程教学过程 Step I Greeting(日常用语对话,在授课开始用英语和同学们问好,拉近师生的距离, 营造英语氛围。 ) T: Good morning, boys and girls. How do you feel today?(教师找两个学生回答。 ) Step II New concepts 1. 单词新授 (1)football T: Im very happy. Because our national football team won three matches in theAsian Cup Football Match. Im very

6、proud of them.Are you happy? Ss: Yes. T: This is a football. Who can show me how to play football? S1: I can. T:Yeah, come here. Heres the football. (S1 进行展示。 ) T: Oh, you are a good football player. I want to learn. Can you teach me? S1: Sure.(再展示一次,教师学一次。 ) T: Thank you very much. 3 (2)basketball

7、T: We play football with our feet. What ball do we play with our hands? Ss: Basketball.(教师领读两遍,同时板书。 ) T: Do you have any basketballs? S1: No. T: Oh, you dont have any basketballs. Do you have any basketballs? S2: No. T:You dont have any basketballs. Do you have any basketballs? S3: Yes. I have a ba

8、sketball. T: Great. Can I borrow it? S3: Sure. T: Thank you. Now, lets throw the basketball. When you catch it, say basketball. (教师与学生传接球。 ) (3)ping-pong T: Look! The basketball and the football are very big. I have a small ball. Do you know what it is? Ss: Ping-pong. T:Yes, ping-pong.(教师领读两遍并同时板书。

9、)Where can we play ping-pong? Ss:Atable. T:Yes, you are right. We play ping-pong on a special table. So we also call it table tennis. Do you know any famous ping-pong players? Ss: Zhang Jike, Liu Shiwen, Wang Hao, Ma Long T:Yes, they play ping-pong very well. I like to watch their ping-pong games ve

10、ry much. I think they are very cool. But I cant play ping-pong very well. Who can teach me to play ping-pong? S1: I can. T: Yeah, great. Come here and teach me, please.(教师与学生打乒乓球,教师没接 到。 ) T: Oh, its difficult, but its fun. He can teach me to play ping-pong. I can learn to play 4 ping-pong. (teach 和

11、 learn 呈现在黑板上。 )Who wants to learn to play ping-pong like me? (教师找两个学生 S2, S3 到前台来,和 S1 在一起。 ) T: But we only have one ping-pong ball, is it enough? S1: No. I think we need some more ping-pong balls. T:(面向全体学生)Do you have any ping-pong balls? Ss: Yes. T:(对 S2, S3 说) Lets get some ping-pong balls. As

12、k the question: Do you have any ping-pong balls? Ready? Go! (两个学生到其他同学处收集乒乓球。 ) T: Now we have some ping-pong balls. We can play ping-pong. T: First! You teach, and you learn. S1:Are you ready? S2: Yes, Im ready. S1: Lets go! (S1 和 S2 对打,S2 打得不好。 ) T:(对 S2)It doesnt matter. T: Its your turn. You tea

13、ch, and you learn. S1:Are you ready? S3: Yes, Im ready. S1: Lets go! (S1 和 S3 对打,S3 打得不好。 ) T:(对 S3)It doesnt matter. T: Anyway, he is a good teacher. They are good learners. After class, you can lean from him. Thank you. Go back to your seat. 2. 课文处理 T: You are so good. We know many kinds of sports

14、.(各种运动图片呈现在幻灯片 中。 )Whats your favourite sport?(学生回答。 ) (1)听课本录音,整体感知,回答问题。 T: What about Jenny and Li Ming? What sports do they play? What are their favourite sports? Lets listen to the text.(听完后找学生回答问题。 ) T: What sports does Jenny play? What sports does Li Ming play? Whats Jennys favourite sport? W

15、hats Li Mings favourite sport? 5 (2)处理课本中的知识点。 T: Yes, Jenny can play basketball very well. Li Ming is good at ping-pong. Do you have any good idea? S1: Jenny can teach Li Ming to play basketball and Li Ming can teach Jenny to play ping-pong. T:Yes, thats really a good idea. What will happen next? L

16、ets listen and imitate Part 2. (学生模仿跟读) T: Now lets work in pairs. Read Part 2, ask and answer some questions. If you can ask some questions, you can get two steps. If you can answer some questions, you can get one step. 帮助学生解决下列问题: (1)wear板书,音标拓展 (2)Do they have any ping-pong balls? No, they dont h

17、ave any ping-pong balls. But they can buy some. T: Whats the meaning of any? Ss: 一些。 T: Whats the meaning of some? Ss: 一些。 T:Any and some, they have the same meaning. But sometimes we use some, and sometimes we use any. Why? S1: some 用于肯定句和陈述句;any 用于否定句和疑问句中。 (幻灯片出示这两 句话) T: Very good. Are you clear

18、? Ss: Yes. T: Now lets do some exercises with some and any.(课本第三部分第二题前三个, 顺序 b,c,a 强调 would like some) (校正答案。 ) Step 1. Interview activity T: Jenny and Li Ming like sports very much. Do you like sports? 6 Ss: Yes. T: The children in our school like sports too. Now lets go to the playground to have a

19、 look! What sports do they play? (幻灯片出示校园学生运动的各种照片。 ) T: Oh, here are some school reporters. They are from the English Broadcast Station. They are looking for some sports stars on the playground. Lets have a look!(让学 生看视频。 ) T: Now Lets do a group work. Four students are in a group. One is sports st

20、ar. The other three are reporters. Interview him or her. Ask him or her some questions. And then introduce him or her in English.(学生小组活动练习,请一至两组展示。 ) 2. Write down your favourite sport(介绍自己最喜欢的运动。 ) T: Oh, you are very well. I like sports. I want to be a sports star, too! Do you want to know somethi

21、ng about me?(学生提问,教师回答并出示答案;若预设中没有学 生提出的问题,教师随机回答,最后呈现文章 My favourite sport) T: This is my favourite sport. What about yours? Now take out your paper and write down your favourite sport. (1-2 个学生分享自己的文章。 ) 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball What _ do you play? My favourite sport is I wear to I any some teach learn


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