冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b0aae).zip

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Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball 一、选出不同类的一项。 () 1. A. football B. basketball C. sport () 2. A. teach B. best C. buy () 3. A. too B. some C. any () 4. A. they B. we C. my () 5. A. skirts B. Tshirts C. clothes 二、选择正确答案。 () 1. Pingpong and basketball are _. A. toys B. sports C. food () 2. Can you teach _ to play basketball? A. my B. I C. me () 3. What sports do you like _? Football. Its my favourite. A. good B. best C. better () 4. The boys are playing _. A. a football B. the football C. football () 5. I can learn _ pingpong. A. to play B. plays C. playing 三、选择正确的答语。 () 1. What sports do you play? () 2. Do you have any pingpong balls? () 3. Can you teach me? () 4. What do you wear to play basketball? () 5. What clothes do you like best? A. I wear my shorts to play basketball. B. Yes, I do. C. I likeT-shirts best. D. Sure. E. I play football and basketball. 冀冀教教版版 六六年级下册年级下册 1 football basketball ping-pong Do you know any famous ping-pong players? What sports do you play? Whats your favourite sport? Listen and answer the questions.(回答问题)(回答问题) 1. What sports do Jenny and Li Ming play? 2. What are their favourite sports? Jenny likes basketball best. Jenny plays basketball and football. Ping-pong is Li Mings favourite sport. Li Ming plays football and ping-pong. Listen and imitate part2.(模仿跟读课本第二部分模仿跟读课本第二部分) Can you teach me to play ping-pong? Sure! Lets go to play ping-pong and basketball tomorrow. Great! I can learn to play basketball. Do you have any ping-pong balls? No. We can buy some. I also need a T-shirt. I always wear a T-shirt to play ping-pong. Okay! Lets go shopping. 1. What does Li Ming wear to play ping-pong? 2. Do they have any ping-pong balls? Pair workAsk and answer some questions about part2. He wears a T-shirt to play ping-pong. No, they dont have any ping-pong balls. They can buy some. any 一般用于否定句和疑问句中;一般用于否定句和疑问句中; some一般用于肯定句中。一般用于肯定句中。 any some (一些)(一些) (两人合作,针对课本第二部分提出问题并回答)(两人合作,针对课本第二部分提出问题并回答) Read and write.(读句子,用(读句子,用any 和和 some 填空)填空) c. Kim is hungry. She would like _ bananas. a. Im thirsty. Do you have _ water? b. They have _ bread for breakfast, but they dont have _ milk. some some any any 采访运动之星!采访运动之星! Group work! 1. Interview the sports star.(采访本组运动之星) 2. Introduce the sports star. (介绍本组运动之星 ) My favourite sport I like sports. I play ping-pong and basketball. Ping-pong is my favourite sport. I wear a T-shirt to play ping-pong. I often play tennis with my friends on Sundays. Liu Shiwen is my favourite ping-pong player. Write down your favourite sport.(介绍你自己最喜欢的运动,并(介绍你自己最喜欢的运动,并 写下来)写下来) My favourite sport I like sports. I like to is my favourite sport. I wear is my favourite player. 教学目标 1 能听说读写 pign-pong, basketball, shorts, T-shirt, sport, runners,能听说读 soccer, either. 2.能用“What sports do you play?”及答语“I play ”进行问答对话。 3.能用英语表达“有什么东西”和“要买什么”。 教学难点分析 教学重点:目标 1、2 教学难点:目标 2、3 教具学具:生词卡片、运动卡片、兵乓球等实物 6教学课时:1 课时 7教学过程 一、Class opening and review 1,Greeting. 2.用“Whats your favourite _”熟悉学生的爱好。 二、New Concepts 1.出示乒乓球、羽毛球、篮球、足球等实物,学习 badminton, ping-pong, soccer, basketball.Ping-pong is a sport. Basketball is a sport, too.Ping-pong and bdsketball are sports. 2.出示运动卡片,提问“What sports do they play?”学生加以回答。学生走到学生中,指 名回答“Whats your favourite sport?” 3、放录音第一部分,学生小声跟读。 4、教师走在学生中间说:“I always wear a T-shirt, shorts and runners to play ping-pong.(在说 runners 的同时,拿出相应的图片,让学生加在理解)指几名学生加以提问 “Do you have a T-shirt? Do you have any runners? Do you have any ping-pong balls?”让学生加以 回答。提问并回答完后教师说:“Thats okey. We can buy some runners, a T-shirt and some ping-pong balls.并且以”What do you need to buy?”提问,找些学生回答。 5、听第二部分的录音,学生小声跟读。 6、游戏:把学生分成两组进行游戏“Guess words game.(1) A 组学生在纸上写出自己最 喜欢的运动。(2) B 组学生问 A 组学生“Whats your favourite sport?”A 生回答:“Guess!”B 生 开始猜,猜对 A 生手中卡片所写内容时,A 组学生把纸片交给 B 组学生。等 B 组全猜完时, 教师看 B 组的用时,A、B 两组学生交换角色,重新开游戏,用时短的一组获胜。 三、Class closing 1.Tell your mother and father what you have learn today. 2.Whats your favourite sports? 四 自我问答:今天我为同学们讲授的是第 25 课,这是一节具有很强的实际情景的课, 课前我做了充分的准备,这节课我是从以下两个方面来开展教学的: 1 教师首先在学习课文之前,在语境中讲授新单词,为下面的课文教学扫平障碍。 2 在巩固阶段,教学又上升了一个高度,即针对课文所学,创设类似的真实情景,让 学生对所学上升到运用的高度。
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