冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 6 A Famous Football Player-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:50a27).zip

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Lesson6: A Famous Football Player Guess words bottle coach dig hole as 瓶子 a bottle of water 教练 a football coach 挖掘 dug (过去式) 洞 dig a hole 作为 He comes here as a coach. Translation English The boy used boxes and bottles as his footballs. From then on, the boy played football harder. The coach asked the boy to be a player on his football team. He was famous around the world. Chinese 男孩用盒子和瓶子当他 的足球。 从那时起,男孩更加努 力地踢足球。 教练让男孩到他的足球 队成为一名运动员。 他闻名于全世界。 Questions What does the boy like best? What did the boy play as footballs? Why? Why did the coach give him a football as a gift? What did the boy do for the coach as a Christmas gift? How old was the boy when he won the World Cup? About football 足球运动是一项古老的体育活动,源远流 长。现代足球运动起源于英国,从英国走 向欧洲,从欧洲走向世界现代足球已 经成为了世界上最受欢迎的体育项目,成 为了世界第一运动! 足球最早起源于我国古 代的一种球类游戏“蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯 人传到欧洲,发展成现代足球。所以说, 足球的故乡是中国。 About Pele 贝利于1940年生于巴西,在贫穷中长大。然而家 境贫穷并没有阻挡他对足球的热爱。小时候他用 废旧盒子、瓶子当足球奔跑于包鲁的大街上。 凭着他的刻苦努力和执着,1958年世界杯比赛中 他一举成为足球巨星。1999年,他获得了“世纪运 动员”的称号。 贝利三次捧得世界杯,以“黑珍珠”闻名的他被认 为是世界上最伟大的足球明星,他把技巧和天赋 以及对足球的深刻理解结合起来,对巴西来说他 是无价之宝。 About the World Cup 世界杯世界杯(World Cup ) 即国际足联世界杯,是世界即国际足联世界杯,是世界 上荣誉最高、规格最高的足球比赛,与奥运会并上荣誉最高、规格最高的足球比赛,与奥运会并 称为全球体育两大赛事。世界杯是全球各个国家称为全球体育两大赛事。世界杯是全球各个国家 梦寐以求的神圣荣耀,世界为之疯狂沸腾,世界梦寐以求的神圣荣耀,世界为之疯狂沸腾,世界 杯上发挥出色的球员被该国家奉为民族英雄永载杯上发挥出色的球员被该国家奉为民族英雄永载 史册,它代表了各个足球运动员的终极梦想。史册,它代表了各个足球运动员的终极梦想。 每四年举办一次,任何国际足联会员国都可以报每四年举办一次,任何国际足联会员国都可以报 名参加。名参加。 巴西是夺得该项荣誉最多的球队,共获得巴西是夺得该项荣誉最多的球队,共获得5次世界次世界 杯冠军,并且在杯冠军,并且在3次夺取世界杯后永久的保留了前次夺取世界杯后永久的保留了前 任世界杯雷米特金杯,现在的世界杯是大力神杯任世界杯雷米特金杯,现在的世界杯是大力神杯 。 Group Work What can you learn from Pele? Believe in yourself! Dont give up and dont give in. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. A Song for You! I believe I can fly! Homework 搜集关于足球的资料,同伴交流。 谈谈自己的足球理想。 Lesson 6 In the Living Room Teaching content: In the first part , were going to learn whats in the living room? And teach words : TV , couch. In the second part, teaching the Present Continuous Tense. Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aim: (1) To know the words in the living room. (2) To learn the Present Continuous Tense. 2. Activity aim: (1) Introduce rooms and the things in them, using “Lets go to the _to _.” (2) Making sentences using the Present Continuous Tense. 3. Feelings and value: After teaching , let students love their house, and love their parents. Teaching important point: 1. Teaching difficult point:2. Teaching tools: computer, pictures,and tape. Teaching course: Step 1 : Class opening and Review 1. Greeting . Lets chant. 2. Review. (1)Whats in the bedroom? showing the picture , let students say the words that they can find in the picture. Answer: bed closet door dresser lamp window (2)Whats in the bathroom? showing the picture , let students say the words that they can find in the picture. Answer: bathtub shower toilet sink toothbrush (3)Whats in the kitchen? showing the picture , let students say the words that they can find in the picture. Answer: stove refrigerator sink dishes Step 2 : Lead in new lesson 1. Jenny and Danny want to watch TV, where is the TV? 2. Showing the picture of the living room. 3. Asking question : Whats in the living room? 4. Showing answers: TV chairs couch table pictures bookcase window etc. 5. Play a game: Finding the right room. Step 3 : Practice Lets go to the _to _. Word list: kitchen , make supper , bathroom , wash our hands , living room , go to sleep , bedroom , read the newspaper. Step 4: Teaching the Present Continuous Tense. 1. Play the tape , let students listen to the tape at the same time ,looking at the picture. 2. Answer the questions: What are Jenny and Danny doing? What are Lynn and Bob doing? What are Mr. and Mrs. Smith doing ? What is Ling Ming doing? 3. Checking their answers. 4. Teaching the Present Continuous Tense. Showing the pictures that using the Present Continuous Tense. 5. Summary the sentences. Step 5: Practice 1. practice the words: Writing the correct form of the words following the model. Model: do-doing watch- sit - play - read - write - 2. Play a game: looking and actions. Step 6: Summary. 1. Lead students in each room , and say the things in it. 2. Play the tape again, let students read follow it . Step 7: Homework 1. Finish the exercise in the Activity book. 2. Writing some sentences to describe what are your family members doing tonight. Blackboard designing: Lesson 6 In the Living Room Whats in the living room ? Lets go to the _to _. What are they doing ?
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