冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 11 Work Hard!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e006a).zip

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Lesson 11: Work Hard! work hard The students always work hard at school. 努力学习 high /ha / This is high jump. 高 的 exercise They do exercise every day. 锻炼 make his lunch做午 餐 The boy often makes his lunch. The girl dries the dishes after dinner. 饭后擦干盘子 dry the dishes after dinner water the flowers They water the flowers on Saturdays. 浇花 Can you do it? go to school on time do my homework in time play sports every day have fun with my friends help my family clean the bedroom 按时上学 及时做家庭作业 每天锻炼身体 跟朋友们玩得开 心 帮助家人 打扫卧室 Listen and answer the questions.1. Does Kim work hard at home? 2. How often does Jenny play sports ? 1. Does Kim work hard at home? 2. How often does Jenny play sports ? Yes, she does. Listen and answer the questions. Jenny plays sports every day. nPractice Reading nWork in pairs (俩人一组分角色朗读课文) Discuss in groups (小组讨论)(小组讨论) n1. Do you think its important to work hard? n2. What else do you do at home? n3. Before I go to school, I always make my lunch. n4. I clean my bedroom on Saturdays. 把手举高 触摸天空 转一转 触摸地面 向下弯腰 触摸你的脚趾 high low 高地 低地 reach up high touch the sky turn around touch the ground bend down lowtouch your toes Lets chant! Lets have fun together! nLets work hard at school! nLets work hard at home! nLets work hard at sports! 本课重点单词: high 本课重点句 型: Do you help your family? 本课重点 短语 : on time Write about how you work hard at home and at school. 写关于你在家或学校的努力 情况(至少六个句子)。 Lesson 11 Work Hard! 教学教学设计设计 一、一、 【 【教学目教学目标标】 】(Teaching aims) (一)知(一)知识识目目标标(Knowledge aims) 1. 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列词汇:high 2. 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列短语和表达法: dry the dishes, clean my bedroom, make my lunch Do you help your family? (二)能力目(二)能力目标标(Ability aims) 通过本节课的学习,使学生能够用英语表述自己每天所做的事情。 (三)情感目(三)情感目标标(Affective aims) 培养学生热爱劳动,帮助家人,助人为乐的良好习惯。 二、二、 【 【教学重教学重难难点点】 】(Teaching points and difficulties) (一)重点(一)重点(Points) 1. 听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:high 2. 认读、理解并运用句型表达法:Do you help your family? (二)(二)难难点点(Difficulties) 能够在合适的情景中运用句型: Do you help your family? 三、三、 【 【课课前准前准备备】 】(Teaching preparation) 教师准备:教学课件,课文录音 四、四、 【 【教学教学过过程程】 】 Step 1: Warm-up 1. 问候和复习 2. 课文导入 教师:In this lesson, we are going to learn about when and why you should work hard! 解释 work hard 这个词组。 Step 2: Presentation Part 1 You can do it! Part 2 Does Kim work hard? (1) 用图片、动作来演示 high 和 low 的概念。 利用学生们熟知的跳高动作,来讲解高低(学生和教师一起做动 作)。 (2) 利用幻灯片上的图片展示 go to school on time, do my homework in time, do exercise every day, have fun with friends, help my family, make my lunch, dry the dishes, water the flowers, clean my bedroom 用动作或图片解释这些短语,并能让学生大声朗读。 Step 3 Enjoy listening 1. 为学生播放 Part 1,Part 2 录音。让学生听录音熟知课文,并能回 答问题: 1) )Does Kim work hard? 2) )How often does Jenny play sports ? 2. 学生分角色问答、朗读。 3. 要求学生在听听力时能想象: 在学校努力学在学校努力学习习、在运、在运动场动场上上奋奋力拼搏、在家里做家力拼搏、在家里做家务务活的生活活的生活 画面画面。 在学校努力学在学校努力学习习 We work hard in the classroom. In the classroom, there are desks, chairs, books, pens, pencils, a blackboard and markers. The teacher writes on the blackboard. We listen to our teacher carefully. We read our books. We write with our pens. We draw important points with our markers. At 5:10,we go home. After dinner, we do our homework in time. 在运在运动场动场上上奋奋力拼搏力拼搏 We work hard at sports. Before we play sports, we put on shorts, T-shirts and running shoes. We exercise. We reach up high. We bend down low. We like to play basketball. After basketball, we are tired. We take showers at night. 在家里努力干家在家里努力干家务务活儿活儿 This is the kitchen. In the kitchen, we help our mother and father make dinner . After dinner, we wash the dishes. Look! Now the floor is dirty! We wash the floor. Step 4 Practise reading 学生俩人一组分角色读课文,然后各小组内分角色朗读比赛,再叫几 对学生对话表演,最后男女分角色朗读课文。 Step 5 Discuss in groups 四人一组讨论课文中四个重点句子,然后找学生展示。教师领读重 点句子。 Step 6 Practice Lets chant! Lets have fun together! 教授教科书第 3 部分歌谣 Everyone, ,Everyone, Reach up High 教教师师引引导导学生一起吟唱歌学生一起吟唱歌谣谣,同,同时时做做动动作操作操练课练课文的第三部分,文的第三部分,让让 学生感受学生感受课课堂的堂的乐乐趣并能趣并能积积极的参与到极的参与到课课堂中去。堂中去。 Step 7 Summary 本课的重点单词: high 本课的重点短语: on time 本课的重点句子: Do you help your family? Step 8 Homework (Writing) Write about how you work hard at home and at school 1. 根据所学内容,要求学生当堂完成写作内容 ,写关于学生在家或 学校的努力情况(至少六个句子)。 2. 完成写作内容后,叫部分学生把自己的短文呈现给全班同学并给 与评价。 五、五、 【 【板板书设计书设计】 】 Lesson 11 Work Hard! high /ha/ low /l/ on time in time Do you help your family?
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