冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 12 Helen Keller-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:f075e).zip

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Watch He, who has hope, has everything. The Story of My Life one of Helens famous books. Every life has ups and downs. Nothing down, nothing up. 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹? This is life. What do you Learn from Helen Keller? L-Learn A:Finish the KWL chart. B: Make a picture book in your groups. C: If you like, choose one book to read: The Story of My Life Three Days to See Homework 1 冀教版小学英语六年级下册 Lesson12Helen Keller 教学设计 (一)教材分析 本课为冀教版六年级下册第二单元 Good health to you 的故事课。本单元重 点讨论了健康有关的话题,通过前几课的学习,学生们逐渐在饮食、锻炼和日 常生活方面树立起养成健康良好习惯的意识。本课是在前几课的基础上,对“健 康”这个话题的进一步升华,通过 Helen Keller 这个励志人物故事的学习,学生 将进一步在精神层面树立起健康的意识,感悟和学习 Helen Keller 热爱生活、 面对困难不退缩的精神品质。 (二)学情分析 六年级学生已经学了三年英语,储备了一定的词汇和英语知识,能较好的搜集 资料,展开话题,各抒己见。学生属于小学高段,学生有自己的观点和看法,在英语 学习上,他们不满足于书本上的知识,更希望从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。 (三)教学目标 1. 语言能力目标: 1)能听懂并认读以下词汇:born, blind, deaf, university, life, hope; 理解并运用短语:be born in , one of , famous books ,become,from that day on 等的用法。 2)学生能够读懂这个简单的故事,回答相关问题并复述故事; 学生能够借助语言支架进行自主或者小组合作中讲述本文故事。 3)学生能进一步提高寻读、提炼信息和根据上下文猜测词义的阅读能力和技巧。 2学习能力目标: 学生能做到认真聆听,并积极参与课堂活动;学生能在小组合作中与其他同学 积极合作;学习遇到困难时能大胆求助。 3. 思维品质目标: 1) 引导学生基于文本尝试设计问题链进而建立思维路径 2) 引导学生基于文本设计思维导图并以此为语言支架进行语言输出 4. 文化意识目标: 通过学习 Helen Keller 的故事,让学生学有所得、学有所悟,希望 Helen Keller 的精神激励和教育我们的学生在困难面前不退缩。增加学生的课外知识, 引导学了解更多有关名人成才的故事等。 (四)教学重难点: 学生能够准确理解故事和回答相关问题,并用自己的语言复述故事 (五)教学策略: 自主学习策略、思维导图策略、KWL 策略、小组合作策略等 (6)教学准备:多媒体、PPT、单词卡等 2 (七)教学过程 1. Warm-up he, who has hope, has everything. Drill on it: All Ss/ Team Work) Read Picture 6& 7 by yourself. Then underline the incredible things Helen did. Volunteers? (T writes :speak, read, write)Anything more? 5 8) Picture 8 T: Helen Keller was a great writer. Look!(PPT: the story of my life) Here is one of Helens famous books. You can read it in your spare time, OK? 5. Post- Reading 1) Retell the story T: Now, lets retell Helens story.(T draws) (T retells the story with the mind map.) T: This is Helens life. It has ups and downs. Every life has ups and downs. Nothing down, nothing up.(PPT:Nothing down, nothing up.不经历风雨,怎么不经历风雨,怎么 见彩虹?见彩虹?This is life.) T: Now, its time for you to retell Helens story like me. (2 volunteers) 6. Homework & Class closing T: Look ! Here are eight pictures of the story. Lets make a picture like this. Dont forget to put your KWL chart at the end of the book. T: So here is todays homework. (PPT: Homework) A: Finish the KWL Chart. B: Make a picture book with your group members. C: If you like, choose one book to read: The Story of My Life Three Days to see T: Class is over. Good-bye, class!Say good-bye to the teachers! 6
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