冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Lesson 15 Jenny’s Summer Holiday-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:910d3).zip

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A:Which season do you like best ? B:I like _. I can / often_ fly a kite make a snowman water the flowers plant trees sing a song draw a picture buy some gifts go fishing go for a walk read newspapers clean the room watch the animals read books plant vegetables play basketball listen to music watch the films go to the park go to the Great Wall spring summer autumn winter Pair work : T:where did you do last summer holiday ? S:I went to _. T:Who did you go with ? S: _. T: How did you go there ? S: By _. T:What did you do last summer ? S: I _. flew a kite ate seafood watered the flowers planted trees drew a picture bought some gifts went fishing went swimming went for a walk read newspapers cleaned the room watched the anima went home read books went to the park planted vegetables played basketball listened to music watched the films went to the Great Wall lake swim -swam Task I Read quickly ,and answer the question . 1 What did Jenny do last summer ? 2 Who did Jenny go with ? She swam in the lake .She played on the beach . She went to a lake with her grandfather and grandmother . TaskII: Read silently , look at the text and underline. 1 What will Jenny do this summer ? 2 What will Jenny watch on the sea ? She will swim in the sea . She will watch the ships and boats on the sea. ship boat Lets write : What will you do this summer ? What did you do last summer? last summer,she went to a lake .She went to a lake with her grandmother and grandfather .She swam in the lake .She played on the beach . This summer holiday ,she will go on a trip to the sea . She will swim in the sea! She will watch the ships and boats on the sea . Lets say : Last summer ,She went to _ .She went to lake with _.She _ .She _. This summer ,she will _. She will _! She will watch _ on the sea . Lets repeat: The west lake WuZhen the sea Mount Huangshan The Palace MuseumThe Great Wall My summer holiday : I will have a happy summer holiday . First , I will do my work and read books . Then , I will go to Beijing with my mother . I will go there by train. I will go to the Great Wall. I will eat delicious food . I will buy many gifts for my friends . Finally , I will help my mother do some housework . I will have a great summer holiday ! Where will you go this summer ? How will you go there ? Who will you go with ? What will you do there ? flew a kite ate seafood watered the flowers planted trees drew a picture bought some gifts went fishing went swimming went for a walk read newspapers cleaned the room watched the anima went home read books went to the park planted vegetables played basketball listened to music watched the films went to the Great Wall Make a plan: Lets write: 三星级仿写: I will have a _summer holiday . First , I will _ . Then , I will go to _with _. I will go there by _. I will _. I will _ . I will have a_ summer holiday ! 五星级仿写: I will _. First , I will _ . Then , I will _. I will _. I will _ . I will have a_ summer holiday ! Lets sing! Let us love nature and protect the environment! 1 Talk about your summer holiday plan with your friends /parents . 2 Write a summer holiday plan . I will _. First , I will _ . Then , I will _. I will _. I will _ . I will have a_ summer holiday ! Homework : 冀教版六年级上册 unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer Lesson 15 Jennys Summer holiday ? 一、教材分析: 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元 Lesson15 Jennys Summer Holiday。在本单元中,Li Ming、Jenny 和 Danny 将尽情享 受夏季的各种活动,通过回忆了去年夏天做的事情,还讨论了他们 的暑假计划。所以本单元的重点内容是让学生学习如何用英语描述 自然,描述夏季的活动。本课为本单元的第三课,本课将讲授夏季 一些活动的词汇和引导学生掌握 will 构成的将来时态来表述自己要 做的事情。 二、学情分析: 六年级的学生已经学习了三年多的英语,有了一定的语言基础。 对于大部分的学生来说,单词和句型掌握的比较不错,通过之前的 学习,同学们对本课的教学内容不难理解,关键是如何本课的重点 句型进行整合,拓展 并在实际生活中加以准确运用。学生在前几课接 触到了夏季的自然特点和夏季做的一些事情,学生能说出一些简单 的句子,但是他们的英语阅读能力还有待于提高。六年级的小学生 思维逐渐向抽象逻辑思维过度,具有了初步的阅读文本和与处理信 息的能力,是阅读能力发展的重要时期,本课的话题“将要做某事 “是大部分学生都憧憬的假期计划,这样学生会有兴趣学习新知,所 以在教学中教师要加以正确的指导,从而提高他们的阅读能力和综 合运用能力。 教学目标: 1. 学生能 听说认读并书写以下词汇: lake, swim, ship. 能够运用句 型:I will_ 2. 使学生能够在图片的帮助下,理解课文内容。能够根据阅读所 获取的关键信息正确完成课文习题. 3、能够在阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的计划和打算,并 最终写出一个自己假期计划的语段。并在交流过程中体验学习的乐 趣,激发学生热爱大自然的情感。 教学重点: 1. 学生能 听说认读并书写以下词汇: lake, swim, ship. 能够运用 句型:I will_ 2. 使学生能够在图片的帮助下,理解课文内容。能够根据阅读所获 取的关键信息正确完成课文习题. 教学难点: 能够在阅读中获取有用的句型口头描述自己的计划和打算,并最终 写出一个自己假期计划的语段。 教学过程: Stepwarm up 1 T: This class ,We will have two teams . This is Team 1 and this is Team 2 . Lets have a race .Are you ready? S : Yes . T:OK!Come on ! (设计意图:以小组合作形式学习,调动其学习积极性,并激励其 他学生学习,形成学习上的比拼精神。另外,小组机制也可以培养 学生之间的团结、合作、互助的品质。 ) 2 Greeting T: Hello ,boys and girls . How are you ? S: Im fine . Thank you . Step II Pre- reading 1 T:Whats the weather like today ? S: I ts rainy/hot /warm T: What season is it now ? S: Its spring . T:We know there are four seasons in a year . What are they ? S: Summer, winter , spring ,autumn . T:出示几个季节的图片及单词和短语(cloudy, warm , hot ,cold ,cool) (fly a kite ,ride a bike , make a snowman , swim , ) 2 Which season do you like best ? S: I like 【设计意图】用图片引出话题,既提高学生学习兴趣,又引出与本 课有关的重点话题进行复习,自然而然地进入学习状态。 S: I like summer . T: Why ? S:Because I like summer holiday . 3 T:Where did you go last summer holiday ? S: I went to _. T: Who did you go with? S : My parents . T: What did you do there ? S:I _. T: How did you go there ?S: By _. (出示幻灯片,问学生,然后回答) 4 出示 pair work .(给学生对话以及一些动词过去式的短语,尽可能 多的给学生语言支架) 5 学生练习并展示对话. 6 T: I like summer holiday, too. Because I had a long time holiday. I like traveling. Last Summer holiday, I went to a lake.(出示幻灯 片) The lake is very beautiful.(领读 lake) Last summer holiday ,I also went to Qin Huangdao . (出示幻灯片)I swam in the sea . I ate seafood . It was delicious.(swam, swim) Step III while reading 1 T: I went to Qin Huangdao , you went to Dalian. Do you know my friend Jenny ? What did Jenny do last summer ? Read quickly , and answer the questions .(完成 tast I ) 2 T:Who can answer?(学生回答问题) She went to lake with her grandmother and grandfather She swam in the lake . She played on the beach . (把这几句话的词条贴在黑板上,齐读。) 3 T: We know what did Jenny do last summer holiday ,so what about this summer holiday ? Lets read silently and answer the questions . Task II : Students read silently , find and underline. (1)What will Jenny do this summer ? (2)What will Jenny watch on the sea ? 4 T: Who can answer the questions ? 学生回答问题。学生回答问题。 (黑板上贴磁条:黑板上贴磁条:This summer ,Jenny will go on a trip to the sea . Jenny will swim in the sea! Jenny will watch the ships and boats on the sea .) 5 Jenny will go on a trip this summer . What about you ?What will you this summer ? What did you do last summer ? can you write ?(学生把答案写下来学生把答案写下来) 6 T :Ok ,boys and girls , this time ,lets watch the cartoon .(学生看动画,整体感知课文的读音) (1)Where did Jenny go last summer holiday? T:Who can try ? S:(She went to a lake ) T:Now lets watch again, and answer “Where will Jenny go this summer ?” (She will go on a trip to the sea ) Step IV post reading 1 T:OK,This summer ,Jenny will go a trip to the sea . last summer , she went to lake .let s read together.(师生一起读师生一起读) Who can say ?(让学生来复述一下内容让学生来复述一下内容) 2 T:Boys and girls ,we know, there are many beautiful places in China. Look!(出示美丽的风景图片出示美丽的风景图片)(学生读地点学生读地点) T: I like traveling .so I made a summer holiday plan .(出示出示 短文及图片短文及图片) I will have a happy summer holiday . First , I will do my work and read books . Then , I will go to Beijing with my mother . I will go there by train. I will go to the Great Wall. I will eat delicious food . I will buy many gifts for my friends . Finally , I will help my mother do some housework . I will have a great summer holiday ! 3、T:The summer holiday Is coming ,Jenny will go on a trip to the sea .Iwill go to Beijing. How about you ?What will you do this summer holiday ? Can you make a plan ? (出示幻灯片,给学生语言支架,让学生练习说一说自己的暑假计出示幻灯片,给学生语言支架,让学生练习说一说自己的暑假计 划划) Act (学生展示自己的暑假计划学生展示自己的暑假计划) 4、T:Boys and girls ,you say very well. Can you write ?(出示三出示三 星级仿写,挖空,五星级仿写,句子星级仿写,挖空,五星级仿写,句子) 学生仿写学生仿写 this summer。(如果写如果写 last summer 就太多了就太多了) 5、Act . 设计意图:将阅读与写作相结合是小学英语写作教学中常用的手法设计意图:将阅读与写作相结合是小学英语写作教学中常用的手法 之一。学生在深入理解短文内容之后,趁热打铁,仿照短文中的句之一。学生在深入理解短文内容之后,趁热打铁,仿照短文中的句 子结构开始写作练习,使得平时较为棘手的写作变得简单,学生接子结构开始写作练习,使得平时较为棘手的写作变得简单,学生接 受起来比较快。受起来比较快。 6 (幻灯片出示)(幻灯片出示)Let us love nature and protect the environment. 7 、Lets sing (播放学生一起唱播放学生一起唱) Step V.课堂小结课堂小结 T:Boys and girls, What do you know in this class ? 学生总结。学生总结。 Step VI Homework T: Todays homework 1、Talk about your summer holiday plan with your friends /parents . 2 Write a summer holiday plan . I will _. First , I will _ . Then , I will _. I will _. I will _ . I will have a_ summer holiday !
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