冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 24 Danny’s Surprise Cake-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:00dd0).zip

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( )1、Today, they are going to have a party. ( )2、They arent happy. ( )3、This is a surprise party. Lets judge: T F T What does Danny want to do? He wants to make a cake. 1、Is the cake good to eat? 2、Do you want to eat? 3、Is it a surprise cake? Why? Lets Guess and Say: 1、判断: ( )1. The cake is good to eat. ( )2. Everyone is happy to find a dollar. ( )3. I dont think Dannys cake is special. The first surprise is no sugar in the cake; The second surprise is that there is a dollar in every piece of cake. 2、Can you tell me what Dannys surprise is? Discuss: What things did Mr. Wood do ? 1、He brought some ice cream. 2、He sent a cake to LiMing. Discuss in pairs: 1、Why did Danny do in the story? 2、Why did Mr.Wood do in the story? 1、What does LiMing find in the box? What else? 2、What does LiMing do? 1、He finds a piece of very old,very dry cake. 2、He also finds a letter. 3、He finds a dollar in the old ,dry cake. 1、He says the cake is nice. I likes it. 2、He is happy. Listen to the tape: 1、注意句子的语音、语调。 2、感知、理解课文。 Retell the story Lesson 24 Dannys Surprise Cake special picture heavy surprise no sugar a dollar Thanks Danny! This cake is the best. 友情的珍贵 Homework: 如果你是李明,请给丹尼回一封电子邮件,写 出你的感受。 Lesson 24 Dannys Surprise Cake 教学设计教学设计 教材分析 本课是一节故事课,讲述了丹尼的班级在上学的最后一天准备举行聚会, 丹尼做了一个藏有惊喜的蛋糕,给同学们带来了惊喜;同时,伍德先生没忘记 给在中国的李明寄去一块惊喜蛋糕。让学生懂得珍惜同学间、朋友间的美好情 谊。 学情分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们已经具备了简单的英语说、写的输出能 力。但学生英语表达能力水平不一,复述故事对学生来讲是有挑战性的,因此 先通过看图预测,读文验证,让学生理解故事,并在此基础上让学生参照图片 及板书用自己的语言进行复述。 教学目标 1.知识与技能目标 能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 能回答关于这个故事的问题。 能用自己的语言复述故事。 2.情感态度目标 让学生懂得珍惜同学间、朋友间的美好情谊。 3.学习策略目标 让学生看图预测并读文验证;在图片及板书的帮助下复述故事。 教学重点、难点 在复述故事时,鼓励学生运用自己的语言进行简单的故事概括。 教具准备 多媒体课件 教学过程 Step 1: 1. Greetings Hello,Everyone! Today is a beautiful day! I have a surprise for you .Please you guess. 【设计意图:以师生间的日常问候开始,以带来的惊喜激发兴趣。 】 2. lead in : T: Before you leave our school,I have a surprise for you.Today is the last day of school. Dannys class is going to have a party. Danny will have a surprise for his classmates. Lets look. 【设计意图:学生观看幻灯图片,激发兴趣,对将要发生的事情有一个初步的 了解。 】 Lets judge: ( )1、Today, they are going to have a party. ( )2、They arent happy. ( )3、This is a surprise party. 【设计意图:以自己的亲身体验猜测故事的情节。 】 Step 2: Presentation 1. Talk about pictures 【采用朗读、默读、听的方式,快速勾画重点信息】 Picture 1: Q: What is Danny doing now? What does he want to do? SS: He is thinking. He wants to make a cake. Look at the picture and say: 1、Is the cake good to eat? 2、Do you want to eat? 3、Is it a surprise cake? Why? 4、Why does he walk slowly? 【以表演的形式展现】 SS: He makes a special picture on it. Because the cake is heavy. Picture 3: Q: What does Jenny bring?Do you like these cookies? What does every cookie look like? S1: Jenny brings some cookies. S2:Yes,Every cookie looks like a student in the class. Picture 4-6: 判断:( )1.The cake is good to eat. ( )2. Everyone is happy to find a dollar. ( )3.I dont think Dannys cake is special. Q:Who can tell me what Dannys surprise is? S1: Danny forgot the sugar! S2: Every piece of cake has a dollar in it. S3: The first surprise is no sugar in the cake. The second surprise is that there is a dollar in every piece of cake. 【教师引导学生说出答案。 】 SS: Yes. Picture 7: Discuss: What things does Mr.Wood do ? Why? S: He brings some ice cream. S: He wants to send a cake to LiMing. Discuss in pairs: 1、Why did Danny do in the story? 2、Why did Mr.Wood do in the story? What thing did LiMing do? 【设计意图:以小组合作方式讨论,激发人文的情怀,同时也为写一封回信做准 备。 】 Picture 8: Q: What does Li Ming find in the box? What else? S1: He finds a piece of very old, very dry cake! S2: He also finds a letter. S3: Li Ming finds a dollar in the old, dry cake. 【设计意图:以寻读的方式获取信息,并用简单的语言回答问题。 】 2.Discuss in pairs: What thing did LiMing do? 【设计意图:以小组合作方式讨论,激发人文的情怀,同时也为写一封回信做准 备。 】 3. Listen to the tape 【设计意图: 熟悉课文,听语音、语调及句子断句,进一步理解课文。 】 Step 3: Practice 1.Show the pictures . 【设计意图: 教师呈现幻灯图片,一起回顾故事,减低学习难度。 】 2. If you took part in the party, please tell us the story . 【设计意图: 查学生对故事的理解程度,鼓励学生用自己的语言描述故事。 】 Step 4: Homework 如果你是李明,请给大家回一封邮件,告诉他们你收到的惊喜。 【设计意图:充分发挥学生的创造性,并锻炼学生的写作能力。 】 板书设计: Lesson 24 Dannys Surprise Cake
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