清华版一年级下册UNIT 1MY NUMBERS-Lesson 6-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:303da).zip

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教学设计教学设计 教学内容 Lesson 6 课时 2 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: (一)知识目标(一)知识目标: 1.掌握单词 3 个:plus, minus, zero 2.通过进一步学习掌握数字。 3.复习巩固所学的单词,通过不断的发现,加深理解、巩固记忆数字单词。 4.掌握 2 个简短对话。 (二)技能目标(二)技能目标: 1. 通过课文的学习,使学生能用英文表达出数字加减法,并作出回应。 2. 在学习单词的基础上培养学生的英语语言表达能力并鼓励,激发学生 用英文自主提问并回答。 (三)情感目标(三)情感目标: 1.通过合作学习,培养学生的合作意识。 2.通过对课文的学习,激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。 3.通过相关问题的提问,培养孩子乐于动脑,勤于思考的习惯。 4.通过课堂引导,让孩子们自主探索课堂上我们常见的数学问题,并如何 运用英语提问并解答。 二、教学重点二、教学重点: 1.掌握单词 3 个:plus, minus, zero 2.进一步学习掌握名词的复数形式。 3.掌握句子 2 个和简短对话一个。 -How much is one plus one?-One plus one is two. -How much is one minus one?-One minus one is zero. 4继续学习使用活动指令。 Listen, look and say. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Lets say it. 三、教学难点三、教学难点: 1.能够运用句型询问同学伙伴一些其他简单加减运算。 2.能在听懂英文算式的基础上做出正确回答。 3.学习用英文的表达方式进行数学运算。 四、教学方法四、教学方法: 1.直观演示法:教师在课堂上通过直观示范性教学,让学生通过观察获得认 知。 2. 讲授法: 教师通过简明、生动、形象的语言向学生传授知识,使学生积 极参与其中,并引导学生学会自己表达。 五、教具准备五、教具准备: 单词卡片、课件、奖励贴纸 六、教学过程六、教学过程: I. Warming up song: One potato, two potatoes& Seven steps numbers song Divided the students into 4 groups, which group is good can get one star. T: Who is good can get the golden bear. 设计意图:通过歌曲的热身引出课堂分组,进而提到平时的课堂奖励机制为下 一步导入新课打下基础。 . Presentation 、New word: plus/and T: There are some golden bears in my hand, guess how many do I have? Teacher says: There is one golden bear in my left hand(write 1 on the BB) There is one golden bear in my right hand(write 1 on the BB) How many golden bars do I have? Ss: You have two golden bears.(write 2 on the BB) Who can help me to do this math problem?1+1=2 New words: minus, zero T: I have 2 golden bears, he did good job I give them to(write2 on the BB)How many golden bears do I have?2-2=0 设计意图: 通过日常奖励用到的“金色小熊”引入“加” “减” “零 0”的概念 以及相关的英语表达方式,同时通过拓展“and”深入理解“加 plus”的意思, 使学生们的英语表达更加口语化。 2. (1)KeyKey PhrasesPhrases T asks who can ask? Learn the new phrases: How much isplus/minus.? 设计意图: 通过答语的学习加深孩子们的英语表达能力,同时利用“How many”引出正确的提问方式,对预习效果也是一种检测。 (2) Text Teacher teaches Ss to read, correct their pronunciation. 设计意图: 培养孩子听读能力,利用朗读跟读的机会磨语音磨听力,加深他们 对课文的印象,同时对课堂教授的内容来说也是一种巩固。 (3)CheckCheck Show Ss a piece of paper “listen and match”, do it and say the chant. 设计意图: 培养孩子听力的同时,训练他们对单词的认知度,利用这样的机 会复习前几课的重点短语,并加入韵律使孩子读起来朗朗上口增加学习英语的 兴趣。 3TextText Read the text. Groups ask and answer.(change) Boys and girls ask and answer.(change) 设计意图:用分角色提问回答的形式帮助同学们复习巩固本节课的教学内容, 使孩子们注意集中,同时让孩子们享受这种 PK 带来的乐趣。 III. PracticePractice andand productionproduction 、Check Sss understanding Teacher shows some math problems to students, then do examples first students do next. Students show it with their partners. 设计意图:通过分十法的图示引导学生在一眼能看出答案的情况下运用英 语表达加减法不同解答过程。在此过程中扩大词汇量,浸入大量语言,发展语 言学生能力。 、Good way to check their understanding Ss choose some numbers to make their own math problems. Others ask the others answer. 设计意图:通过学生自主选数字拼算式的活动,检测孩子的数学运算能力 同时,也巩固了全班同学英文提问与回答的表达方式。 IV. Extension Move only one stick Teacher shows some sticks then make each number(students say out each of them) Teacher asks: Is it right? Who can move only one stick to make it correct? Teacher arrangements the others, 4 in one group and try to do it by themselves. 设计意图:通过移一根小棍使等式成立的活动,检测学生对数学算式的理 解,鼓励学生多思考,勤动手,自己探索实践解决问题的能力,同时激发孩子 们在小学低年级阶段保持对数字以及数学学习的兴趣,培养自主学习的积极性。 V. Homework 1. Recite the text, remember the key words and phrases. 2. Ask and answer with your friends. 3.Do the math activities with your friends. 教学板书:教学板书: Lesson 6 plus/and is 1 + 1 = 2 How much is minus zero 2 - 2 = 0 Unit1 My Numbers Lesson6 Lesson6 How much isplus/minus?How much isplus/minus? How manyHow manyd do I have?o I have? You have.You have. 4+1=4+1=4+1=4+1=? 5 5 5 5 6-2=6-2=6-2=6-2=? 4 4 4 4 8-6=8-6=8-6=8-6=? 2 2 2 2 3+5=3+5=3+5=3+5=?8 8 8 8 Can you do it?Can you do it? 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 56 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 1010 How much isplus?How much isplus?How much isplus?How much isplus? 0 0 0 0 10101010 Can you do Can you do it?it? 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 How much isminus?How much isminus?How much isminus?How much isminus? 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 10101010 0 0 0 0 Ask and answer.Ask and answer. How many How many How many How many d d d do you have?o you have?o you have?o you have? 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 6 1. 2. MMove one stick.ove one stick. Where there is space, there is knowledge. 处处留心皆学问处处留心皆学问处处留心皆学问处处留心皆学问 HomeworkHomework Listen to the text.Listen to the text.Listen to the text.Listen to the text. Read Lesson6.Read Lesson6.Read Lesson6.Read Lesson6. Thank you!
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