清华版一年级下册UNIT 1MY NUMBERS-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:000fa).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 1 MY NUMBERS_Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)__(编号:000fa)
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清华小学英语清华小学英语1B1B Unit 1 Lesson 7 Ten little Indian boys two 2 four 4 ten10 five5 nine 9eight 8 six 6 seven 7 one1 zero 0 three 3 1, 2 put on your shoes.1, 2 take off your shoes. 3, 4 open the door. 3, 4 close the door. 5,6 pick up sticks. 5, 6 use chopsticks. 7,8 lock the gate. 7, 8 open the gate. 9,10 pass me the pen. 9,10 use my pen. numbers How old is he? He is eleven. How old are you? twelve birds. How many birds can you see? I can see I can see How many dogs can you see? six dogs. I can see eight frogs. How many frogs can you see? I can see five rabbits. How many rabbits can you see? I can see ten monkeys. How many ? How many ? 9 1 4 3 11 12 6 10 4 8 5 How many can you see? I can see 2 I am sorry. I am late. A math game. 5 +2 = ? 4 +3 = ? 11 - 5 = ? 8 - 1 = ? + plus - minus 9 - 6 = ? Thank you, boys and girls. Welcome to the forest! Happy birthday! Thank you. Are you happy? Yes, I am. How many flowers can you see? I can see nine flowers. Lets sing and dance! Ok. 12 92 10 1 8 3 11 Welcome to the forest! Happy birthday! Thank you. Are you happy? Yes, I am. How many can you see? I can see . Lets sing and dance! Ok. 12 92 10 1 8 3 11 Homework: 1.Listen and follow two times. 2.Point and read P2. 3.Finish P4 on P7. Homework: 1.Listen and follow the tape two times on P14- 15. 2.Sing the song. 1-1 Unit1 lesson 7 【Introduction】This lesson is the seventh period in unit1.It mainly reviews numbers from 1 to 10 and how to count numbers, as well as how to tell others how many they can see. Have Ss know numbers is useful in our life. 【Design】Guide by Situational teaching method and Communicative language teaching method to have students understand and use right English in our life. Encourage and Stimulate students interest to love speaking English. 【About pupils】They are in Grade 1 and have learned English less than 1 year. They dont have enough vocabulary. They can only speak some simple words and sentences. 【Learning Target】 1. Students can count numbers from 1 to 10. 2. Students know some important emergency telephone number in our life. 3. Students can use these numbers to do some math problems. 4. Students can describe how many things they can see to improve their listening and speaking. 5. Students can sing the chant and review some words in unit1. 【Learning Focus】 1. Review the words in this unit: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten shoe door gate stick chopsticks pen plus minus 2. New words: eleven twelve Happy Birthday 3. Drills: How many can you see? I can see 【Learning Difficulties】 Changes of signal and plural forms: How many can you see? I can see 【Teaching Aids】 cards, PPT, box, pen, flowers, books, apples, bananas, shoes 【Learning Steps】 I. Warmer/Revision 1. Greet and sing a song: Ten Little Indian Boys. (通过歌曲复习 1-10 的数字,抓住学生注意力进入学习英语的状态。 ) 2. Have Ss look at pictures on the screen and say words: 1-2 shoe door gate stick chopsticks pen Then clap hands and say a chant with these words. (通过儿歌来复习本单元学过的单词,让孩子在轻松愉悦的节奏中很快融 入课堂) 3. Show 119 ,110, 120 and tell Ss numbers are important in our life. Have Ss put number cards on BB. (学生通过看一些公共电话号码了解数字在生活中很有用,让学生记住这 些常识性的紧急求救电话及父母的电话号码,在紧急情况下很有用,并通 过贴数字卡片来巩固数字单词的认读。 ) II. The presentation of the new material 1. Show a bear. Today is his birthday. A birthday cake for him. T: How old is he? Lets count candles. He is eleven. Show the new word: eleven. Ask Ss How old are you? Tell Ss its not polite to ask how old you are when you talk with a foreigner. (创设情境通过动画片“熊大”过生日数蜡烛来拓展学习数字单词 11,并 渗透文化差异:在国外问别人的年龄是不礼貌的行为,让学生在学习知识 的同时感受中西方文化的差异。 ) 2. T: The bear invites many friends from the forest. Who are they? Lead out twelve birds. Then show patterns on Bb: How many birds can you see? I can see twelve birds. (创设语言情境“熊大”邀请许多动物朋友参加生日聚会来让学生猜动物 及数动物的数量来学习句型 How many,同时拓展学习单词 12。 ) III. Drill 1. Play a Do Re game to read this new pattern. 2. Show other animals one by one. Have Ss count. Then ask and answer. How many dogs/frogs/rabbits/elephants/monkeys can you see? I can see (用许多小动物来参加生日的情境,让学生运用学过的动物单词来操练本 课的句型,学生通过看,听,说,猜等方式,将新授知识贯穿于会话中, 帮助学生理解进一步积累知识储备。 ) IV. Practice 1. Show a present box and tell Ss that friends prepare many presents for the bear. Have some students come to front and take them one 1-3 by one. S1: How many flowers/ can you see? S2: I can see 12/ Show all presents on the screen and have Ss practice in pairs. (通过猜和数朋友送来的礼物,进行师生对话,生生对话来帮助理解并能 运用句型造句,培养学生的自主学习和合作学习的能力,从而让学生达到 知识目标和能力目标。 ) 2. A math game for Ss. Have some students do these math problems. 2+3=? Two plus three is five. 9-8=? Nine minus eight is one. (承接主要的语言情境:一个朋友来晚了,路上需要帮助来请学生练习用 英语表达数学加减法,进一步体会学习英语数字的实用性。 ) 3. Two friends meet in the birthday party. They make a dialogue. Show the dialogue for Ss and they repeat. A: Welcome to the forest. B: Happy birthday. A: Thank you. Are you happy? B: Yes, I am. A: How many can you see? B: I can see A: Lets sing and dance. B: Ok. Give Ss some time to practice in pairs. (本节在学习语言的基础上扩展学生的思维,通过上面故事情节发展到一 定的情境,一段主人庆祝生日的对话来巩固和拓展本课的句型,使新旧 知识融合在一起,听对话来感受语言在语境中的真实运用,来训练孩子 的语言综合运用能力) V. Consolidation Have some groups show at front. They play roles and show us their new dialogues. (学生小组练习表演来呈现学习成果,让孩子体会今天学习的内容在生活 中的应用,发挥语言的语用功能来达到更高目标) VI. Homework 1. Listen and follow the tape two times on P14-15. 2. Sing the song. VII. Blackboard Design 1-4 Lesson 7 one How many birds can you see? six two I can see twelve birds. seven three eleven eight four nine five ten
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