清华版一年级下册UNIT 4HEALTH FOOD-Lesson 28-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:e15e7).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 4 HEALTH FOOD_Lesson 28_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:e15e7)
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Lets sing! What can you see? watermelon 西瓜西瓜 pineapple 菠萝菠萝 coconut 椰子椰子 peach Do you want a peach? 想要想要 Yes, I want a peach. watermelon Do you want a watermelon? coconut pineapple Do you want a _ ? pineapple pineapplewatermelon coconutpeach pineapple watermelon coconutpeach Do you want a coconut or a peach? 或者或者 I want a peach. I want a coconut. Do you want a watermelon or a pineapple? I want a pineapple. I want a watermelon. WeWe shouldshould eateat moremore fruits!fruits! Teaching plan for Unit 4 Health food I. The analysis of teaching contents: The topic of this period is fruits, which is much related to students daily life, so it can arouse students interest to learn. In the previous periods, students have learned some fruit words. So its easier for them to involve in the learning today. II. The analysis of students: The students in Grade1 are very active and curious about new things. They are interested in games and activities. But their attention span is limited. They can only focus on one thing for about 15minutes. So the teacher need to use different ways to help them involve in English class. III. Teaching aims: 1. Students will be able to understand and say the words about fruits: watermelon, pineapple, coconut, peach. 2. Students will be able to understand and use the sentence: I want a watermelon/pineapple/coconut/peach to ask for fruits. 3. Students will learn to eat healthily. Teaching focus and difficult points: IV. Teaching focus: To listen and say the new words about fruits: watermelon/pineapple/coconut/peach. V. Teaching difficult points: How to pronounce watermelon and pineapple correctly. VI. Teaching methods: Situational approach, communicative approach, task-based approach VII. Teaching aids: Word cards, PPT VIII. Teaching procedure: ProceduresTeachers activitiesStudents activitiespurpose Step1: Warming-up Lead- in 1.Greet the students 2.Sing a song. T and Ss sing the letter song together. 3. Watch a video. Watch a video about fruits and say the fruits you see in the video. 1.Greet the teacher. 2. Sing the song. Say the fruits you see in the video. 师生用英 语打招呼, 拉近了彼 此之间的 距离。通 过齐唱字 母歌,观 看视频并 说出你所 看到的水 果。从而 调动孩子 学习英语 的热情, 同时激活 相关话题 已有旧知。 Step 2: Presentation 1.Set the scene: T: Today lets go to the fruit shop and have some fruits. Please look at the 1. Look at the screen and listen to the teacher. 通过创设 去水果店 的语境, 让孩子们 在真实的 情境中观 察、体验、 感知语言, 从而习得 语言。 part of the picture, can you guess what it is? S1: ball? S2: apple? T: Its a watermelon. Look at the picture, this is a watermelon. 2.Teacher plays the recording of the word watermelon and get students to repeat after it. T models how to pronounce watermelon correctly. 3. Teacher shows the picture of a watermelon and says: I want a 2.Look and guess the fruit. 3.Listen and repeat the new word. 4. Learn to say: I 第一时间 让孩子听 原音,培 养孩子正 确的语音 语调。 通过高低 声、接龙 等方式朗 读单词, 从而达到 及时操练 的目的。 通过与孩 子对话交 流的方式, 让孩子通 过使用语 言的方式, 从而学会 语言。 watermelon. Do you want a watermelon? S1: Yes, I want a watermelon. Then teacher goes to ask other students if they like the watermelon. 4.Students read the word watermelon one by one, in high/low voice and other ways. 5.Teach pineapple, coconut, peach in the same way. want a watermelon. 5. Practice the word in different ways. 以多种形 式操练所 学语言。 Step3: Practice Game: 1.Spin the wheel Teacher spins the wheel, when the wheel stops at the word watermelon, 1. Students play the game with teacher , then they play by themselves. 通过游戏 “幸运转 盘”以及 Whats missing game, 让学生操 练本节课 所学的核 心词汇和 句型,既 能吸引孩 T asks: Do you want a watermelon? The students say: Yes, I want a watermelon. Then students play the game with their own wheel. 2. Whats missing. Look at the screen and tries to find out which fruit is missing. 2. Try to find out whats missing on the screen. 子们的兴 趣,又能 够达到巩 固知识的 目的。 Step4: Production 1. Teacher plays a short video of the fruit shop in America and asks students: What fruit do they want in the video? 2. Teacher divides students into four groups, four students work together to draw the fruits they want and then show it in groups. 3. Several students show the fruits they want in class. 1. Watch the video and answer the teachers question. 2. Work in groups of four, draw the fruits they want and show them. 3. Show their fruits in class. 让孩子们 观看国外 水果店的 视频并回 答问题, 以此渗透 国外文化, 与中国文 化进行比 较。再让 孩子们画 自己想吃 的水果, 培养孩子 们的动手 能力、想 象力,并 通过小组 内互相展 示的方式, 培养孩子 的沟通合 作能力。 Step5: Homework 1. Listen and repeat the new words about fruits. 2.Ask their parents do they want a watermelon/pineapple/coconut/peach 根据学生 的能力差 异,分层 布置作业, 体现了因 材施教的 教学理念。 第三项网 . 3.Optional: Go to www.E to play a game: Cut the fruits. 络作业让 学有余力 的孩子们 有提升的 空间,并 且为孩子 们扩大了 语言学习 的资源。 IX. Blackboard design: Unit 4 Health food Lets learn I want a watermelon. pineapple. coconut. peach. X. Teaching reflection:
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