清华版一年级下册UNIT 2IN THE MORNING-Lesson 12-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:90dfe).docx

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1、1 清华版小学英语一年级下册清华版小学英语一年级下册 LessonLesson 1212 . Warm-up 1. Greeting. Good morning, boys and girls. Lets turn around and say Hello to teachers! 2. Free talk. Whats your English name? Whats your Chinese name? How are you today? How old are you? Whats the weather like today? What day is it today? 3. Sin

2、g a song together: Good Morning . Presentation 1. T:You sing very well. Before our class, lets play a guessing game. Now listen to me and guess who am I ? I have a face. I have two arms, one is short, one is long. I can walk, run and stop. I can sing a song: Tik Tok, Tik Tok OK, now, guess who am I?

3、 S: Its a clock. T: Very good! Its a clock. So today, Monica has a clock. Lessee! Show the clock to the students. Teach the correct pronunciation to students. 2.Question: What time is it? S: Its six oclock. 2 T:Very good! Now think about at six oclock in the morning, what can you do ? S: I can get u

4、p. T:Yes, so I get up at six oclock. We can say: At six oclock, its time to get up. Follow me, its time to get up. S: Its time to get up. T: What else can you do? S:Wash my face!. (The teacher reviews the phrases students have learnt before. And use these sentences to let students learn the new sent

5、ences: Its time to) T: What time is it now? S: Its seven oclock. T: Its time to eat breakfast.( The teacher teach the new word breakfast.) 3.Lets play a game! (The teacher uses the picture of tiger to let students play Tiger Tiger, What time is it.) Tiger, tiger, what time is it? Its six oclock. Its

6、 time to get up. Tiger, tiger, what time is it? Its seven oclock. Its time to eat breakfast! . New lesson 1. Teach the new word to students.(Let students say the word by themselves.) 2. Teach the new text for students. 3 1) Watch a video T:The tiger is very hungry. There is another animal who is hun

7、gry too. Lets see who is he? (The teacher let students watch a video together and answer some questions. Whats this? What color is it?) T: The tiger is very hungry. He wants to eat breakfast. Lets see what does he eat? Can you find food here?( The teacher point to the food which has already stick in

8、 front of the classroom.) Whats this? S: Its a chicken. (The teacher puts the picture on the backboard and lead students to read.) 2) T: Whats your favorite food? S: My favorite food is 3.(Introduce two friends to students. The teacher uses two animal puppets to teach students.) T:Cow: Im cow. I am

9、sick. Lion: Im lion. I am strong. Cow: Look, here is a a book! (Try to pick up the book) The book is too heavy. I cant pick it up. Lion: Not I. I am strong. The book is not heavy. I can pick it up very easy because I am strong. T: Do you want to know why the lion is very strong? S: Yes! T: Because t

10、he lion eat breakfast every morning. (The teacher put the key word on the blackboard and teach students 4 the new word.) 4. Pair work: Let students play different roles to make up conversations according to the text. For example: I eat breakfast/get up every morning. Activity 1. Let the students rea

11、d the new text together and team by team. 2. Let students play different role to read the text. Consolidation 1. Lets see what we can eat for breakfast. T:Whats this? S: Its a cake. T: Great! Its a cake. So can we eat cake for breakfast? S: No! T: The cake is bad for our body. (The teacher put the c

12、ake on the blackboard and use chalk to write down no.) T: Whats this? S: Hamburger! T: Can we eat hamburger for breakfast? S: Yes! T: We can eat hamburger for breakfast. But this is not very healthy. Lets make a healthy breakfast, OK? S: OK! 2. Lets make a sandwich together. 5 Homework 1) Listen and

13、 read the conversations in lesson 12 for 10 minutes. 2) Make a sandwich for family. 教学设计教学设计 教学内容Lesson 12课时1 教学目标:教学目标: 1.understand the concept of breakfast to students. 2. introduce the related English words and phrases. 3. use what they have learned today to apply in the real 4. understand simpl

14、e English conversations in the context. 5. understand the main sentences and phrases of this context. 教学重点教学重点: 1.Words and expressions: Breakfast, every morning. Its time to 2.To know how to make a sandwich and know what should we eat for breakfast. 教学难点教学难点: 1.The correct pronunciation of the new

15、words and expressions. 2. Conduct students to think in others shoes and let them to keep a warm heart to love the animals. 教学过程教学过程: 6 StepStep 1 1 NewNew lessonlesson 1. Warm-up 1.1 Greeting. Good morning, boys and girls. Lets turn around and say Hello to teachers! 1.2 Free talk. Whats your English

16、 name? Whats your Chinese name? How are you today? Whats the weather like today? How old are you? What day is it today? 1.3 Sing a song together: Good morning. StepStep 2.2. PresentationPresentation 2.1 T: You sing very well. Before our class, lets play a guessing game. Now listen to me and guess wh

17、o am I ? I have a face. I have two arms, one is short, one is long. I can walk, run and stop. I can sing a song: Tik Tok, Tik Tok OK, now, guess who am I? S: Its a clock. T: Very good! Its a clock. So today, Monica has a clock. Les see! Show the clock to the students. Teach the correct pronunciation

18、 to students. 7 2.2 Question: What time is it? S: Its six oclock. T:Very good! Now think about at six oclock in the morning, what can you do ? S: I can get up. T: Yes, so I get up at six oclock. We can say: At six oclock, its time to get up. Follow me, its time to get up. S: Its time to get up. T: W

19、hat else can you do? S:Wash my face!. (The teacher reviews the phrases students have learnt before. And use these sentences to let students learn the new sentences: Its time to) T: What time is it now? S: Its seven oclock. T: Its time to eat breakfast.( The teacher teach the new word breakfast.) 2.3

20、 Lets play a game! (The teacher uses the picture of tiger to let students play Tiger Tiger, What time is it.) Tiger, tiger, what time is it? Its six oclock. Its time to get up. Tiger, tiger, what time is it? Its seven oclock. Its time to eat breakfast! StepStep 3 3 NewNew lessonlesson 3.1 Teach the

21、new word to students. 8 (Let students say the word by themselves.) 3.2 Teach the new text for students. 1) Watch a video T:The tiger is very hungry. There is another animal who is hungry too. Lets see who is he? (The teacher let students watch a video together and answer some questions. Whats this?

22、What color is it?) T: The tiger is very hungry. He wants to eat breakfast. Lets see what does he eat? Can you find food here?( The teacher point to the food which has already stick in front of the classroom.) Whats this? S: Its a chicken. (The teacher puts the picture on the backboard and lead stude

23、nts to read.) 2) T: Whats your favorite food? S: My favorite food is 3.3 (Introduce two friends to students. The teacher uses two animal puppets to teach students.) T:Cow: Im cow. I am sick. Lion: Im lion. I am strong. Cow: Look, here is a a book! (Try to pick up the book) The book is too heavy. I c

24、ant pick it up. Lion: Not I. I am strong. The book is not heavy. I can pick it up very easy because I am strong. T: Do you want to know why the lion is very strong? 9 S: Yes! T: Because the lion eat breakfast every morning. (The teacher put the key word on the blackboard and teach students the new w

25、ord.) 3.4. Pair work: Let students play different roles to make up conversations according to the text. For example: I eat breakfast/get up every morning. StepStep 4 4 ActivityActivity 4.1 Let the students read the new text together and team by team. 4.2Let students play different role to read the t

26、ext. StepStep 5 5 C Consolidationonsolidation 5.1 Lets see what we can eat for breakfast. T:Whats this? S: Its a cake. T: Great! Its a cake. So can we eat cake for breakfast? S: No! T: The cake is bad for our body. (The teacher put the cake on the blackboard and use chalk to write down no.) T: Whats

27、 this? S: Hamburger! T: Can we eat hamburger for breakfast? S: Yes! T: We can eat hamburger for breakfast. But this is not very healthy. 10 Lets make a healthy breakfast, OK? S: OK! 5.2 Lets make a sandwich together. StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework 1) Listen and read the conversations in lesson 12 for

28、 10 minutes. 2) Make a sandwich for family after class. 板书设计:Lesson 12 Its time to eat breakfast.get up I eat breakfast every morning.brush teeth comb hair 教学反思教学反思 一、没有顾及到每个孩子,面向全体,分层次顾及各阶段的学生 我在上课的过程中,特别是在学生回答问题时,没能照顾到 每一位学生,仅仅是叫了举手的学生来回答问题,这一点是需要 改正的。在正常的课堂教学活动中,教师应该充分照顾到每一位 学生,对于成绩好的学生可能可以提出一些比较

29、灵活的问题来扩 展思维,提高能力等对于成绩不太好的学生,特别是上课不爱举 手发言的孩子,我觉得在以后的教学过程中我应当多关注这些不 爱发言的孩子,给他们机会来回答老师提出的问题,多引导多鼓 励,告诉学生即使答错也没有关系,树立他们的自信心,我觉得 这样长期下来, 学生定会乐于回答问题, 成绩也一定会有所提高。 二、环节与环节之间的衔接过于生硬,不够流畅 各个环节之间的衔接很生硬,会使用一些很明显的转折词来 生硬地进入第二个环节,会出现比较可以的连接词,例如:next, now.这些连接词的出现皆因我自己在讲课的时候没有完全抛 开 PPT 的约束,没有从心理上把 PPT 等作为自己的课堂教具而是

30、 依赖于 PPT 的流程,这样会使得学生产生一种依赖心理,必须听 11 到相关的指令词才会出现相关的反应,课堂学生的积极性及热情 度会降低,学生会产生按部就班的的依赖思想,对于课堂的流畅 度等都会降低。 三、对于学生的引导不够,学生的发言与回答不够热烈 在对于学生回答问题的引导方面我做的仍然不够,没能给学 生更好的引导使得他们可以学到更多的知识。我在对学生进行提 问时有些过于直接以至于学生反映不太上来。 比如我在问学生 Do you want to know why the tiger is very strong?的时候,在 没有进行图片引导和展示的时候学生明显的反应不上来,回答问 题的人数

31、太少,在回答时也只是几种类似的相同答案,这证明我 对于学生的引导程度还是不够,只有很好的对学生进行引导,学 生才能学到更多的,课堂气氛才会更加活跃。在最后一个环节让 孩子们自己同桌两个人做活动的时候,环节设计有些单调,没有 对话,学生明显对于这个环节的不够清楚,我应该现在黑板上多 做几次师范,之后再让孩子去做活动,这样孩子们就会明白我 在做什么,自然也就不需要再去一个一个解释。 四、教师与学生之间的互动与交流仍有些少,肢体教学 TPR 明显 不足 老师在讲课的时候一定要注意与学生的互动,我的肢体语言 比较少就很难与学生融为一体从而激发学生的学习积极性。学生 在回答问题以后给学生及时的鼓励与反馈

32、,学生得到鼓励自然会 觉得得到一定满足,乐于回答问题,授课的效果会更好。比如在 跟学生说不对的时候可以加上 NO 的手势,回答对的学生可以与 其击掌,学生集体唱完歌以后让学生为自己鼓掌等,效果都会比 较好。 五、教师的指令有些过难,学生听不懂,不能做出反应 这一方面的问题在我第一次试课的时候很明显,学生在我提 出问题以后就没有反应。我在提问题时由于在大学里的受教育问 题,上课老师与学生之间的一直都属于问题和回答比较复杂的类 型,所以一时间在给学生教学时出现问题,问题提出有些难,学 生理解不了没有办法做出反应。就目前来说,我上课的情况明显 有改善,但是仍然会出现较长句子,例如:Do you wa

33、nt to know why the lion is very strong?学生能够听得懂每个单词,但是 对于整个句子的理解非常有问题。今后在教学方面需要注意,若 12 问题比较难的话,老师需要给学生一定程度的引导,给学生一定 的提示,学生自然就会说出老师想要的答案来。 六、教师对于资源的利用程度不够好,没有做好充分利用。 在讲这一课的时候,我准备了很多的教具,比如打印出来的 图片,比如上课时使用的教给学生做的三明治。在给学生做的 sandwich 这一部分处理很差,不够细腻,有点着急,留给学生自 己做的时间有点短,以至于后面时间多了出来,所以基本上局面 有点没控制住,只有小部分学生在听。今天请教了其他老师,提 议在个环节可以多叫几个学生起来说出你对手里三明治的感觉, 是否好吃,我们应该如何吃,进行一个升华。另外也很认真的咨 询了 Vivian 的意见, 她说完全可以利用表格来讲 every morning, 比手偶清晰很多,这点我觉得我都非常值得学习,以后上课要更 加稳重,多考虑做活动时候应当怎么组织起来会比较合适。


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