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1、Unit 3 听力 (限时: 20 分钟满分: 20 分) 一、 听录音, 选出与所听句子相符的图片, 每个句子读一遍(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 1. ABC 2. ABC 3. ABC 4. ABC 5. ABC 二、听句子, 选择正确的应答语, 每个句子读一遍 (每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 6. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. 7. A. How are you? B. How do you do? C. Fine, thank you. 鲁教版五四制六年级上册英语第三单元测试卷(及答案) 8. A. He

2、 is Eric. B. It is a dog. C. It is red. 9. A. BLUE. B. This bag is blue. C. Blue. 10. A. Green. B. Blue. C. Yellow. 三、听对话, 选择正确答案, 每段对话读两遍(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) 听第一段对话, 回答第 11、12 小题。 11. What color is the bag? A. Red. B. Yellow. C. Purple. 12. What color is the cup? A. Red and yellow. B. Red and purple. C

3、. Yellow and purple. 听第二段对话, 回答第 1315 小题。 13. What color is yellow and red? A. Green. B. Orange. C. Purple. 14. What color is blue and red? A. Green. B. Orange. C. Purple. 15. _ and orange is black. A. Purple or green B. Purple or white C. Green or white 四、听录音, 补全短文, 短文读两遍(每小题 1 分, 共 5 分) Hi, Im Gin

4、a. I have many things. This is a key. Its _16. There is a kite on the wall. Its a red _17 black kite. A _18 jacket is on the bed. A puter is on the desk. Its _19. A white cup and a _20 pen are on the desk, too. Unit 3 测试 (限时: 60 分钟 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) 1. I have(有) a bag, and _ bag is blue. A. aB

5、. an C. theD. / 2. 下面各组画线的字母组合中发音相同的是: _。 A. green please goodB. color hard girl C. yellow brown howD. purple skirt first 3. 选出画线部分发音不同的一组: _。 A. shirt skirtB. ruler color C. puter UFOD. white what 4. _ is this dog? Its black. A. WhatB. What color C. whatD. what color 5. A zebra(斑马) is _. A. blue an

6、d yellowB. black and white C. red and greenD. brown and purple 6. The sky(天空) is _ and the cloud(云) is _. A. blue; greenB. white; black 满分: 100 分) C. blue; whiteD. black; green 7. This key is yellow. 的同义句是: _。 A. The key is green. C. This is a yellow key. B. This isnt a yellow key. D. This key isnt

7、yellow. 8. 当你不认识某物时, 你应该问别人: _ A. Whats this? C. How is this? 9. What is this? _ A. Its red ruler. C. It is the orange. 10. Blue _ red is purple. A. in C. or 二、完形填空(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) Tony:Tony: Good morning, Frank! Frank:Frank: _11, Tony! How_12you? Tony:Tony: _13, _14. And you? Frank:Frank: Im fine,

8、 too. Tony:Tony:Look! _15 this_16English? Frank:Frank: Oh, its_17orange. Tony:Tony: _18it, please. Frank:Frank: ORANGE. Tony:Tony: _19color is it? Frank:Frank: Its_20orange. 11. A. HelloB. Good morning 12. A. am 13. A. fine 14. A. thanks 15. A. Whats 16. A. on B. is B. Fine B. Thanks B. whats B. in

9、C. Good afternoonD. How are you C. are C. Yes C. thank C. What C. of D. be D. No D. Thank D. what D. is B. on D. and B. Its an orange. D. That is red ruler. B. What color is this? D. How color is this? 17. A. a 18. A. Color 19. A. What 20. A. a B. an B. color B. Whats B. an C. the C. Spell C. How C.

10、 the D. / D. spell D. Hows D. / 三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分, 共 20 分) A A Name: Alice Things(物品): A map and a ruler Favorite( 最 喜 欢 的 )colors: Purple and yellow Name: Cindy Things: A bike, a kite and a cup Favorite colors: Red and yellow Name: Frank Things: A pen, a key, a bike and a CD Favorite colors: Green and

11、 red Name: Eric Things: A ruler and a puter Favorite colors: Blue, green and white 21. _ and _ have rulers. A. Alice; Cindy C. Alice; Eric 22. Cindys favorite colors are _. A. purple and green C. green and red 23. Frank has(有) _. A. a pen, a key, a bike and a CD C. a pen, a key, a bike and a puter B

12、. a map, a key, a bike and a CD D. a pen, a key, a kite and a CD B. red and yellow D. blue and white B. Frank; Eric D. Frank; Cindy 24. There are(有) _kinds(种类) of things in the form(表格). A. 8B. 9C. 10D. 11 25. We cant see _ in the form. A. whiteB. purple B B Good morning, everyone! Im Grace. Im a gi

13、rl. Im 14 years old. Look! This is my quilt. Its a nice quilt. What color is it? Its yellow and red. And whats this in C. redD. brown English? Its a jacket. Its an orange jacket. Thats a ruler. The ruler is blue. 26. Grace is a_. A. girl C. teacher 27. Grace is _ years old. A. twelve C. fourteen 28.

14、 The quilt is_. A. yellow C. yellow and orange 29. The jacket is_. A. yellow C. orange 30. The ruler is_. A. blue C. orange 四、词汇运用(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) A)根据句意和汉语提示填空, 完成句子。 31. The pen is _(紫色的). 32. What _(颜色) is it? 33. My jacket is _(黑色的). 34. My pen is yellow _(和) blue. 35. Look at my dog. It is _(棕

15、色的). B)根据汉语完成句子。 36. 熊猫是黑白相间的。 The panda _ _ and _. 37. 黄色和绿色混合是什么颜色? What color is _ _ green? 38. 我喜欢这个红色的风筝。 I like the _ _. B. boy D. quilt B. thirteen D. fifteen B. red D. yellow and red B. red D. blue B. red D. yellow 39. 绿色的杯子是鲍勃的。 The _ _ is Bobs. 40. 穿白裙子的女孩是我姐姐。 The girl in _ _ skirt is my

16、sister. 五、根据短文内容和汉语提示填空(每小题 1 分, 共 10 分) Good morning! My _41(名字)is Li Ming. Im fine. _42( 怎样) are you? Im from _43( 中国). Now Im in Grade 7. Whats this _44 English? Its a _45. I can _46( 拼写)it. MAP, map. This is _47(我的)ruler. Its _48(绿色的). Now I can _49( 说) many English words. I like _50(英语) very mu

17、ch. 六、阅读表达(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分) Hello! Im Frank. Look! (A)这是一把尺子 It is red. (B)That is a black pen. And that is a key. Its yellow. Oh, that is a jacket. Its nice. Its black and white. 根据短文内容, 完成下列各题。 51. What color is the jacket? _ 52. How many colors are there in the text? _ 53. 将(A)处画线部分翻译成英语。 _ 54. 将

18、(B)处画线部分翻译成汉语。 _ 55. 从下列图片中选出文中所提到的物品: _。 ABC DEF 七、书面表达(30 分) 早晨汤姆(Tom)见到林涛(Lin Tao), 相互问候以后, 林涛指着一个橘子问汤 姆这个用英语怎么说, 它是什么颜色的, 如何拼写等。请就此情境用英语编一段 对话。不少于 8 句话。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Unit 3 听力 听力材料: 一、1. This is an orange bike. 2. The kite is red and green. 3. It is a brown puter. 4. What color is that pen?

19、 5. This is a good cake. It is white. 二、6. Good evening. 7. How are you? 8. Whats this? 9. How do you spell it? 10. What color is blue and yellow? 三、Text 1 M:M: Whats this? W:W:Its a bag. M:M: What color is it? W:W:Its yellow. M:M: And whats that? W:W:Its a red and purple cup. Text 2 M:M: What color

20、 is yellow and red? W:W:Its orange. M:M: What color is blue and red? W:W:Its purple. M:M: What color is green and orange? W:W:Its black. M:M: And what color is purple and orange? W:W:Its black, too. 四、Hi, Im Gina. I have many things. This is a key. Its yellow. There is a kite on the wall. Its a red

21、and black kite. A green jacket is on the bed. A puter is on the desk. Its blue. A white cup and a brown pen are on the desk, too. 听力答案: 一、15: ACACA 二、610: BAA 三、1115: BBBCA 四、16. yellow 17. and 18. green 19. blue 20. brown Unit 3 测试 一、1. C: 冠词 a/an 表泛指, the 表特指, bag 为可数名词, 且第二个分句中 bag 特指上文提到的, 所以选 C

22、。 2. D3. A 4. B: 由答语可知是问颜色, 句首单词首字母要大写, 所以选 B。 5. B: 常识法。 斑马是黑白相间的颜色, 所以应该选 B。 6. C: 天空是蓝色的, 云朵是白色的, 所以选 C。 7. C: 同义替换法。This key is yellow. 可以与 This is a yellow key. 互相替换。 8. A: 不认识某物时, 应问“Whats this?”。 9. B 10. D: 蓝色和红色混在一起是紫色, 所以应该用并列连词 and。 二、11. B: Good morning 的答语用 Good morning。 12. C: 主语是 you,

23、 系动词用 are。 13. B: 空缺处位于句首应大写首字母, 可排除A项; 回答How are you? 用Fine, 故选 B 项。 14. A: 空缺处前面是逗号, 不能大写首字母; thank 不能单独使用, 故选 A 项。 15. A: 空缺处位于句首应大写首字母 ; 询问“这个用英语怎么说 ?”应用句型 Whats this in English? 故选 A 项。 16. B: in 表示方式, in English 意为“用英语”。 17. B: orange 在句中是名词, 且是以元音音素开头的单词, 前面应用不定冠词 an。 18. C: 由答句可知此句意为“请拼写它。”,

24、 故选 C 项。 19. A: 询问颜色用句型 What colorbe物品? 故选 A 项。 20. D: 句意为“它是橘黄色的。”。orange 在句中是表示颜色的形容词, 前面不 用任何冠词。 三、 A21. C: 根据表格中Alice的物品a ruler和Eric的物品A ruler可知选C。 22. B: 根据表格中 Cindy 的颜色可知选 B。 23. A: 根据表格中 Frank 的物品可知选 A。 24. B: 把表格中出现的物品种类相加可知选 B。 25. D: 细节理解法。 根据表格中出现的颜色可知没有出现 brown(棕色)。 B26. A: 由“Im Grace. I

25、m a girl.”可知。 27. C: 由“Im 14 years old.”可知。 28. D: 由“Its yellow and red.”可知。 29. C: 由“Its an orange jacket.”可知。 30. A: 由“The ruler is blue.”可知。 四、A)31. purple32. color 33. black34. and35. brown B)36. is black; white37. yellow and 38. red kite39. green cup40. a white 五、41. name42. How43. China 44. in

26、45. map46. spell 47. my48. green49. say50. English 六、51. Its black and white.52. Four. 53. This is a ruler.54. 那是一支黑色的钢笔。 55. BDEF 七、范文: Tom: Good morning, Lin Tao! Lin Tao:Lin Tao: Good morning, Tom! Whats this in English? Tom:Tom: Its an orange. Lin Tao:Lin Tao:What color is it? Tom:Tom:Its orange. Lin Tao:Lin Tao: How do you spell it? Tom:Tom:ORANGE. Lin Tao:Lin Tao:Thank you. 点评: 本文按照 “一确定二分析三收尾 ”的写作方法, 询问物品名称, 拼写, 颜色等信息, 还包括见面问候等信息, 结构完整, 思路清晰。


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