教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Language focus-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:304ca).doc

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教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Language focus-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:304ca).doc_第1页
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教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Language focus-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:304ca).doc_第2页
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1、教学过程 教学步骤师生活动设计意图 Warming up Activity1Letssingasong .活 跃 课 堂 气 氛,调动学生的 积极性。 介绍否定句的 特点。 Activity2Readcompetion Activity1 : Teachersaysandleadin . Activity2: Guessinggame . Activity3: Lookatthepicturesand review thewordsaboutanimals . Activity4 :JiminandJanetsdialogue. Activity5: Finishtheexercises .

2、A. Listenandchoose . B .Askandanswer . Activity6 : Workinpairs .Talkabout their favouriteanimals Activity7 : Sharpeyes . Activity8 : Watchandsay .Whathappened totheanimals ? Activity9 : Introducesomeotheranimalsin danger . 通过图片复习 动物的单词。 模仿课文对话 重构文本,复习 重点句型。通过 听力练习,口头 表达,笔头练习 测试 复习巩固本模 块的重点短语。 Practi

3、se and consolidati on Activity10 : Thinkandmatch .Revisethe sentences:If. , . may. Activity11 : Analysisthereasonsaboutthe animalsdisappearing Activity12 :Letsdiscuss . Activity13 :Summary : Animalsareour friends ,so weshouldprotectthem. Activity14 :LetshelpXiaoling. 复习句型:If. may . Activity15 :Makep

4、roposalsbythemselves . Activity16 :Showtimeandassessment . 让学生学会制 作倡议书。 Homework1.ReviewthewordsofUnit 3andUnit 4. 2.Writeapassageaboutyourfavourite animal . 3.SurftheInternettoknowmore solutionsofsavinganimalsindanger . Blackboard DesignRevionofModule2 Ithas . fur Itlookslike . Itcan. Itlookslike . Itlikeseating . What : The animals are indanger Why: 1 Their homes aredisappearing 2.Manypeople buy thingsmadefromanimals in danger, like medicines , fur coats andevenfoods 3 . Peoplehurttheanimals. How: Savetheirhomes . Neverbuythingsmadefromanimalsindanger Befriendswithanimals


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