教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:90016).zip

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2 43 王文静王文静 (编)(编) 杜文彩杜文彩 (图)(图) Jane was fat and grey when she was born. Oh, what an ugly duckling! The neighbours didn t like Jane.Her brothers and sisters didn t like her, either. But Mommy Duck loved her very much. One day, Mommy Duck read a bedtime story to the little ducklings.and then, the ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan! 6 7 5 8 Jane closed her eyes. She had a dream that night. In the dream, she also became a beautiful swan. Yeah,Jane might be a swan, too. She is also. Jane, honey, you are the most beautiful duckling in my heart. Mommy Duck gave Jane good- night kiss. 10 1112 In the following days, villagers found Jane was different. Every morning, she got up early and combed her feathers carefully by the lake. In the market, she tried to act gracefully like a lady swan. 9 When some naughty ducks played jokes on her, Jane smiled back gently. Day after day, Jane grew up. She was big, fat, and grey. But she was always clean and neat. 12 15 5 14 5 No one called her ugly duckling any more. But Jane was still upset. Mon, I can not be a swan, can I? Mommy Duck, who was very old, hugged Jane. Dear, look at you. You are such a pretty lady swan. She acted so gracefully that many ducks tried to follow her. She was so tender to others that all the children loved to play with her.13 Sharp eyes. ugly comb gently feather joke neightbour a fat ducka happy ducka cool duck Lets act. Lets act. a tender duck a graceful duck Lets act. a neat duck Lets act. Jane Lets read and answer. 王文静王文静 (编)(编) 杜文彩杜文彩 (图)(图) title writer painter What is this picture book about? character( 角色)角色) Did other ducks like Jane? Why? Lets read P2-P7 and answer. ugly grey fat But her mother loved Jane very much. What does Jane look like now? Lets read (P12-P13) and answer . fat grey big neat clean graceful tender Jane is big , fat and grey. But she is clean , neat, graceful and tender. Dont judge person with appearances. (不要以貌取人。) grey, fat No one is perfect. Everyone has his strengths(优点) and weakness(缺点). Dont pay too much attention to(过多关注)过多关注) outlookings. Lets read P8-P11 and finish task 1 . How does Jane became clean , neat, graceful and tender? Jane to make herself clean and neat. Jane to make herself graceful. Jane to make herself tender. Lets read and write . got up early every morning and combed her feather by the lake tried to act gracefully like a lady swam in the market smiled back gently when other ducks played jokes on her Lets answer. Why? Mom, I can not be a swan, can I? Dear, look at you. You are such a pretty lady swan. Pay too much attention to(过多关注)过多关注) outlooking. If Jane didn t do anything , could she beacame so tender, graceful and neat ? If you want to be better , go for it. (如果你想变得更优秀,请马上采取行动(如果你想变得更优秀,请马上采取行动.) Lets divide the story into 3 parts . 根据故事内容和发展顺序,小组成员共同把故事根据故事内容和发展顺序,小组成员共同把故事 分为分为3部分部分. part 1 part 2 part 3 P P 2 2 - - P7P7 P P 8 8 - - P11P11 P P 1212 - - P15P15 Before How Then 并各用并各用一句话一句话来概括每一部分的内容来概括每一部分的内容 。 Lets read in groups and choose one part to role play. 要求:小组成员共同朗读故事,并选择其要求:小组成员共同朗读故事,并选择其 中一部分进行角色扮演中一部分进行角色扮演。 Lets retell . Today we read the book . The author of the book is . It is a story about . Before Jane was . In order to became a beautiful swam,Jane . Now Jane is . But she . The story tells us that . Say something about yourself, then think what can you do to make yourself better.(写一写,说一说) lady Audrey Hepburn was very graceful . We shouldn t fight with our friends, we should be tender with them. nice In our daily life, we should wear clean and neat clothes. tidy In our daily life , we should wear clean and neat clothes, and try to be a tender and graceful child. neat tendergraceful Lets read. You Are the Swan in My Heart 绘本阅读教学教学设计绘本阅读教学教学设计 一、课型:一、课型:绘本阅读课 二、使用对象二、使用对象:六年级 三、教学内容:三、教学内容:You Are the Swan in My Heart 四、教学内容分析:四、教学内容分析: 攀登英语阅读系列 是国内第一套为中国儿童青少年量身定做的英语阅读学习读物, 代表着中国英语儿童学习领域的最新研究成果。它紧扣义务教育英语课程标准(2010 年 版)所设定的儿童阅读能力发展目标,专门为促进我国 512 岁儿童英语阅读能力发展而 设计的英语分级阅读图画书。“学生阅读不仅是语言学习不可或缺的一部分,也是影响其全 面发展的重要因素”(王蔷)。 本学期孩子们学习的英语知识模块中涉及到了 Stories 这个话题,学生对故事类的绘本 比较熟悉,特别是与动物有关的绘本故事。因此,本次上课内容我选定的是攀登英语阅读 系列-分级阅读第五级中 You Are the Swan in My Heart。它讲述的是一只丑陋害羞的小 鸭通过自己的努力,不断地成长为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的鸭子。故事生动有趣,充满 想象,学生在猜测丑小鸭是怎么通过自己的努力成长为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的的鸭子 的过程中,既能拓展他们的思维空间,同时也能发展他们的语言表达和解决问题的能力。教 师在本次教学中,将通过悬念的设计激发学生的阅读兴趣,是学生体验阅读乐趣的同时也能 获得英语解决问题的能力,从而不断地获得学习成功感,激发学习积极性。 五、教学对象分析:五、教学对象分析: 本班的学生经过接近 4 多年的英语学习,对 sight words 有了一定的认识,同时系统 地学习了 phonic 自然拼读法,具有一定的拼读能力,对绘本故事里面的新单词能自主大胆 地进行拼读,对故事中出现的单词能大胆地朗读。同时本学期孩子们学习的英语知识模块中 涉及到了 Stories 这个模块,学生对故事类的绘本特别是动物有关的绘本故事比较熟悉,因 此能大胆地对故事情节进行猜测。 六、教学目标:六、教学目标: (1)语言能力目标 1.知识与技能目标 1)能利用 phonic 大胆朗读新单词。 2)能根据图片和文字理解故事的内容,流利朗读故事。 2.语用目标 1)能根据故事情节说出丑小鸭是怎么成为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的的鸭子。 2)能根据板书对故事进行简单的复述。 (2)学习能力目标 1. 能根据故事的封面猜测绘本故事的内容。 2. 能根据已经环游的图片猜测故事的发展。 3. 能说出最后 Jane 成为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的的鸭子后仍然不开心的原因。 (3)思维品质目标 1. 能根据故事内容并结合图片分析小鸭们对 Jane 情感态度的变化。 2. 能认识到每个人都不是完美的的,不能以貌取人。如果想要变得更加优秀,就要马上采 取行动。 (4)文化品格目标 能正面地评价自己,制定相应的计划,不断提升自己。 七、设计思路目标:七、设计思路目标: 本课的设计注重培养学生运用语言构建文本和解决问题的能力。首先,老师就让学生通 过表演的方式初步了解和感知 graceful, tender 和 neat 的中文意思,接着展示P5的图片让学 生了解到小鸭子们都不喜欢 Jane, 鼓励学生阅读绘本 P2-P7 的内容,找出小鸭子们不喜欢 Jane 的原因。紧跟着出示绘本 P12 的图片让学生观察 Jane 的变化,教师鼓励阅读 P12 到 P13 的内容,找出 Jane 的变化。之后学生会通过阅读 P8-P11 的内容和填写表格,了解 Jane 是怎么通过自己的努力成为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的鸭子。然后教师出示 P14 页的内容, 让学生说出 Jane 为什么不开心的原因,点明主题。为了更好地构建学生的语言文本,教师 会组织学生进行文本划分、角色扮演以及结合板书对故事的内容进行简单的复述。 八、教学准备:八、教学准备: PPT, 音频,任务设计纸条, 绘本。 9、教学过程:教学过程: 教学过程:教学过程: I. Warming up A. 课前热身:Sharp Eyes. 【设计意图:通过游戏帮助孩子巩固绘本故事书里面的部分单词,激发兴趣,为学生后面的 学习铺垫。】 B. Let s play and act 【设计意图:通过表演的游戏帮助孩子理解 graceful, tender, neat 的意思,激发兴趣,为 后面的学习铺垫。】 II. Input- Internalization C. First reading 1.引导学生根据封面图画猜测故事内容,并关注封面信息内容,老师提出以下问题: Who is the writer? Who is the painter? Who are the characters of this picture book? What is the picture book about? 【设计意图:关注封面信息并创设情境,引出故事。】 2.出示绘本 P5,观察并回答:Did other ducks like Jane? 学生阅读出绘本 P2-P7 的内容,并回答: Why other ducks didn t like Jane? 【设计意图:通过阅读故事 P2-P7,总结出 Jane 不讨人喜欢的原因,为后面 Jane 后面的 改变做铺垫。】 3.出示绘本 P12,请学生认真观察图片和阅读绘本 P12-P14 的内容,回答: What does Jane look like now? 4.教师对 Jane 以前的样子和现在的样子进行对比,并引出本故事主题之一:Dont judge person with appearances.(不要以貌取人。) 【设计意图:引出主题之一,为后面 Jane 成为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的的鸭子后仍然 不开心做铺垫。】 B. Second reading 1. 教师提出问题 How does Jane become a clean,neat ,graceful and tender duck? 学生阅 读绘本 P8-P11 的内容,并填写表格。 Jane to make herself clean and neat. Jane to make herself graceful. Jane to make herself tender. 【设计意图:通过阅读填表格的练习,让学生更好地总结出 Jane 是怎么通过自己的努力成 为一只优雅、友善、干净整洁的的鸭子。】 2.教师出示绘本 P15 页,让学生观察图片上的内容并回答:Does Jane feel happy? Why Jane does not happy? 【设计意图:再次点明主题 Dont judge person with appearances。】 3.教师引导学生回忆 Jane 为了成为一只美丽的白天鹅都做了什么事情,并引出本故事的另 外一个主题:If you want to be better , go for it. 【设计意图:引出主题 If you want to be better , go for it.】 III. Output 1. 教师引导学生阅读整个故事,小组合作,并根据故事内容和发展顺序,把故事分为 3 部 分。 并引导学生用一句话或者一个单词总结故事的每一部分的内容。 【设计意图:学生阅读整个故事,并对其故事进行划分,对故事有一个整体的理解,为后面 角色扮演进行铺垫。.】 2.小组成员阅读整个故事,并选择最喜欢的一部分进行角色扮演。 【设计意图:小组阅读整个整个故事和选择小组最喜欢的部分进行表演,加深对故事的理解, 增强其语言表达能力。】 4.Let s retell the whole story. 【设计意图:借助板书和 PPT 图片进行故事的复述,对故事内容进行总结,进一步加深故事 内容的理解,内化绘本书的内容。】 IV.HW Say somethings about yourself, then think what can you do to make yourself better(写一写, 说一说). V.Assessment YouYou AreAre thethe SwanSwan inin MyMy HeartHeart 绘本阅读研学案绘本阅读研学案 班级:班级: 姓名:姓名: 学号:学号: 研学目标:研学目标: 1. 我能根据绘本内容,正确提取信息。 2. 我能根据绘本内容和发展顺序,正确划分故事和总结故事内容。 3. 我能流利地阅读绘本故事并进行角色扮演。 4. 我能复述绘本故事内容。 Task before class 1. I can read these words and know their meanings: ugly neighbour comb feather naughty gently joke Task in class Task 1 :学生阅读绘本 P8-P11,并填写表格。 How does Jane become a clean, neat ,graceful and tender duck? Jane to make herself clean and neat. Jane to make herself graceful. Jane to make herself tender. Task 2: I can divide the story into 3 parts and summary them. Task 3: I can read the story and role play. Task 4: I can retell the story. HW: Say somethings about yourself, then think what can you do to make yourself better.(写一 写,说一说)
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