教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:8068b).zip

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Module 2 Animals Ben likes animals very much. starfish lion kangaroo panda elephant giraffe whale Can you read ? tiger Welcome to Xiangjiang Zoo! It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean . It looks like a bear, but its not a bear. It is white and black. It likes eating bamboo. It is from China . It is a large cat. It is yellow. It lives in Africa. It loves eating meat. It is called “King of the animals”. It has a very long neck and four long legs. It is yellow and brown. It is from Africa. Its favourite food is leaves . It has a long nose , two big ears and two long teeth. It eats plants . It lives in Africa and Asia. It can help people . Guess the riddles. It has 4 legs. The front legs are short. The back legs are strong. So it is a good jumper. It is from Australia. It is the biggest animal in the world. It lives in the ocean . I can read. It looks like a bear, but its not a bear. It is white and black. It likes eating bamboo. It is from China . I can read. It is a large cat. It is yellow. It lives in Africa. It loves eating meat. It is called “King of the animals”. I can read. It has a very long neck and four long legs. It is yellow and brown. It is from Africa. Its favourite food is leaves . I can read. It has a long nose , two big ears and two long teeth. It eats plants . It lives in Africa and Asia. It can help people. It has 4 legs. The front legs are short. The back legs are strong. So it is a good jumper. It is from Australia. I can read. penguin Asia Europe North America South America AfricaOceania Antarctica I can do. 1. This is a . It looks like a . It lives in the . 2. This is a .It is called the” of the Animals”. 3. This is a .It is from .It eats .It is a lovely animal. 4. This is an .It is the animal on land. It lives in and .It eats . 5. This is a .It has a very long .It is from . 6. It likes eating . 7. 6. This cute animal lives in the . 8. It enjoys out of the water. starfish starocean lion King panda China bamboo elephantbiggest AsiaAfricaplants giraffe neckAfrica leaves ocean jumping Task4:I can describe. My Favourite Animal It is It looks like It has It eats. Its favourite food is Its from. It lives in It can Task5:Homework Design a poster about the favourite animal; write down the passage on it. 六年级下册六年级下册 Module 2 Animals 词汇课词汇课 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容分析 本节课是 Module2 的第一课时。学生在一、二、三、五年级时已学习过一部分的动物 单词,如 duck,fish,monkey,bird,chicken,mouse,pig,horse,sheep,cat,dog,cow,goat,rabbit.学生 学过描写动物的特征(外形、颜色、身体部位)及了解动物对人们的价值。在本学期 Module1 也接触过有关动物的寓言故事,如 the tortoise and the hare, the fox and the crown 等等。本模块继续是动物的话题,并在原有知识基础上增加动物单词,拓展动物的居 住地、来自的地区等新词汇,这样描述动物更加丰富了。描述动物需要用一般现在时,但这 个时态一直是个难点,会说出第三人称单词后面的动词要加 s/es,可是在运用口头表达时 却漏掉。因此老师要多加强口语表达的训练。 二、学情分析 经过小学五年多的英语学习,六年级的学生已具备一定的英语基础,同时也具备了一定 的自学能力。学生对于英语学习保持浓厚的兴趣,对动物这话题熟悉而且十分感兴趣。在平 时教学中发现学生的英语综合运用语言能力相当悬殊,分化严重,如阅读理解、口头表达时 句型错误或没有注意名词单复数的使用、单词发音等等。在小组合作学习过程中出现“搭车” 现象,因此在教学中必须要照顾不同层面学生的学习,让每位学生都有所收获,有所提升。 三、教学目标 (一) 语言知识 1、掌握四会单词:lion, tiger, elephant, kangaroo, giraffe, panda, frog, starfish, whale,Africa, Asia, ocean, be called, neck, leaves, leaf, bamboo 2、能运用以下句型描述动物: It is . It has . Its from./ It lives in . It eats./Its favourite food is . It can. It gives us. 3、能知道野生动物的栖息地,适当拓展几种野生动物。 (二)语言技能目标 1、能自学或小组合作方式学新单词的发音,懂得单词的音、形、义、用。 2、能运用句型描述动物。 (三)学习策略目标: 1、学生运用各种方法进行新词汇的学习(音:phonics 形:以旧带新 义:图片) 。 2、小组合作,共同解决任务。 3、通过思维导图,帮助学生描述动物。 (四)情感态度目标: 1、通过多种形式的学习,调动学生学习积极性,提高学习兴趣。 2、乐于模仿,敢于开口说英语,积极与人交流,主动合作。 四、教学重点和难点: 1、重点:能掌握新单词音、形、义、用 。 2、难点:运用句型和单词正确描述动物。 五、教学策略: 1、设情景,学习动物单词和地方单词。 2、运用图片、谜语等,帮助学生理解语言,激发学生运用语言进行表达的兴趣。 六、教学过程 【Preparation and Leading in】 1.Ask the pupils: What is your favourite animal? 2. Review some words of animals. (设计意图:直奔主题,回顾旧知。 ) 【Input】 1.Situation1: Ben likes animals very much. He went to Xiangjiang Zoo last weekend. Can you read these words of animals for him? 批量出示 8 个动物新单词,小组研读。 (设计意图:学习 Unit3,4 的动物单词。本模块的动物单词对学生来说相对较易掌握,个别 单词在之前的学习中已遇见,而且符合发音规则,这样的词汇六年级的学生能够自学。 ) 【Internalization】 Situation2:The animals in Xiangjiang Zoo are wonderful. Lets go to the zoo together. 1.Pupils guess the animals from the riddles. 2. 揭示谜底,并在谜语里结合图片学习新单词: ocean, bamboo, Africa, is called , neck , leaves (leaf), Asia 3. Pupils sum up how to talk about one kind of their favourite animals. (设计意图:通过谜语作为情景,学习新单词的音形义。总结句型,为下面描写动物做铺垫。 ) Situation3:Lets go to another place. We see a map on the wall. 4. The teacher introduce there are 7 continents in the world. 5. Write down the names of the animals in the right place in the map. (设计意图:让学生熟悉动物的栖息地,也让学生有书写的机会。并拓展了 dolphin, penguin, polar bear 给学生。 ) 6. Describe the animals when the students are watching the show of the animals. (设计意图:让学生带着任务去看动物表演,边看,边运用上述的句型口头描述出场的动物。 ) 7. Situation4: Its time to go back home now. One day trip in Xiangjiang Zoo is over. Miss Huang wants to share these animals with Ben in a card. Students finish the card. (设计意图:检测学生是否掌握本节课与相关动物的词汇。 ) 【Output】 1.Talk about the favourite animals in groups. 2. One pupil show in class and other pupils guess what animal it is. (设计意图:这个环节很好地体现了学生的听说读写综合运用能力。 ) 七、Homework : Design a poster about the favourite animal; write down the passage on it. (六)板书设计: Moudle2 Animals
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