教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:55f28).zip

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Period 1 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级下册 Module 2 Unit 3 What animal is it? 本课时目标: 1. 掌握“四会”单词: frog, hair, kangaroo, difficult, ocean, starfish, panda, bamboo, elephant, Africa, Asia, lion, neck ,leaf (leaves) 2.学生能听说读以下短语:live in, from Asia King of the Animals 3.掌握运用句型:Can you guess the animals name? It has./ It can/ Its from It eats /It lives 4.学生能够理解课文并能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 5.能理解词条并运用词条进行相应替换练习。 Sing a song There are many animals in Chimelong Safari Park. Can you guess what animals are in the park? It has two strong back legs and a long tail. It can jump very far. Its hair is brown or grey. Its from Australia. What animal is it? kangaroo hair It looks like a bear, but its not a bear. Its white and black. It lives in China. Its favourite food is bamboo. It usually eats bamboo for meals. Can you guess this animals name? panda bamboo This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. neck This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. It has yellow hair. Its from Africa. Africa This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. It has yellow hair. Its from Africa. It likes eating leaves. leafleaves giraffe This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. It has yellow hair. Its from Africa. It eats leaves. What animal is it? This animal looks like a star . It lives in the ocean. What animal is it? Can you guess this animals name? starfish ocean live in It is a large cat. It loves eating meat. Its yellow. Its called the “King of the Animals ”. It lives in Africa. What is it? A tiger or a lion? Thats difficult. A tiger or a lion? Tigers live in Asia. Lions live in Africa. I know. Its a lion. What animal is called the “King of the Animals” in Africa? One day, Janet, Ben, Jiamin and Xiaoling are playing a guessing game about animals. Please listen to their dialogue and answer the questions. Listen and choose “ T” or “ F” ( ) 1. A kangaroo has two strong front legs. ( ) 2. Kangaroos are from America. ( ) 3.The starfish looks like a star. ( ) 4.Tigers live in Africa. ( ) 5. The “King of the Animals” in Asia is the lion. T F F F F back Australia. Asia. Africa Lets read Jiamin: Lets play a game. Can you guess this animals name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. Janet: Hmm thats difficult. A frog? Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and its from Australia. Xiaoling : Thats easy. Its a kangaroo. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. What is it? Lets read Ben:Is it a starfish? Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet. Janet: Its a large cat. It loves eating meat. It is yellow and lives in Africa. Ben: A tiger? Janet: No. Tigers live in Asia, not Africa. It is also called the “ King of the Animals”. Jiamin: I know. A lion! Try to recite Jiamin: Lets play a game. Can you guess this animals name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. Janet: Hmm thats difficult. A frog? Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and its from Australia. Xiaoling : Thats easy. Its a kangaroo. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. What is it? Try to recite Ben:Is it a starfish? Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet. Janet: Its a large cat. It loves eating meat. It is yellow and lives in Africa. Ben: A tiger? Janet: No. Tigers live in Asia, not Africa. It is also called the “ King of the Animals”. Jiamin: I know. A lion! Try to recite Jiamin: Lets play a game. Can you guess this animals name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. Janet: Hmm thats difficult. A frog? Jiamin: No. It usually has brown or grey hair and its from Australia. Xiaoling : Thats easy. Its a kangaroo. My turn. This animal looks like a star and it lives in the ocean. What is it? Try to recite Ben:Is it a starfish? Xiaoling: Yes, it is. You try, Janet. Janet: Its a large cat. It loves eating meat. It is yellow and lives in Africa. Ben: A tiger? Janet: No. Tigers live in Asia, not Africa. It is also called the “ King of the Animals”. Jiamin: I know. A lion! Lets talk The panda is . It has . It can . It looks like . Its from . It lives in . It usually eats . black and white a fat body climb trees a bear China China bamboo Lets talk The is . It has . It can . It looks like . Its from . It lives in . It usually eats . Make a riddle Make a riddle about your favourite animal and ask your friends to guess what animal it is. My Favourite Animal colour Its. It hashair. appearance Its. It has It looks like food It eats. Its favourite food is where Its from. It lives in ability It can 1. 熟读并家听本课新词。 2. 熟读并背诵课文。 3.运用本课掌握的句型描述自己喜欢的一种动物。 课题 U3 what animal is it?1 新授课执教者 教 材 分 析 动物的话题以前已经接触,每种动物都有自己的特性,学生对于这类话题也比 较感兴趣,所以课堂会比较活跃。 目 标 表 达 (知识、技能和情感目标) 1、 “四会”掌握单词和词组 2、掌握句型:be from Look like. Love doing 3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文,准备一周内背完。 4、通过本节课的学习,复习所学过的动物单词。 5、动物是人类的朋友,爱护动物人人有责,和动物的和谐相处,也是文明的象 征。 学生已掌 握了什么 本课的动物单词学生已经学过。 学 情 分 析学生还未 掌握什么 1、动物以外的其他四会单词。 2、正确使用短语进行交流。 重 点 1、本课单词和课文的朗读 2、本课短语和句型:be from Look like. Love doing 难 点 1、正确使用短语进行交流。 2、What is it? It is 的读音。 方 法 手 段 Ppt, 教学过程 (主要教学流程、重难点处理过程与方法、教学亮点/精彩片段) 四个环节设计意图 和达成目标的表述 教学过程(教师教什么、怎么教?)学生学习过程(学生学什么、 怎么学?) 预习质疑 科代表领读 p 72 的动物单词,引起 学生的记忆。 学生课前读动物的单词,以 旧带新。 分层导学 1、 检查个别预背 诵课文的效果, 起到榜样作用。 2、利用多种形式 操练课文,达到熟 透课文的层次。 二、呈现 Presentation 1、. 放课文录音,留意停顿及连读课文录音,留意停顿及连读 并用符号标示出来。并用符号标示出来。 2 2、板书课文的新单词,并带读。、板书课文的新单词,并带读。 2 2、让学生模仿录音熟读课文,特别、让学生模仿录音熟读课文,特别 是划线及标示部分要多读。是划线及标示部分要多读。 3、把学生分成一对一的形式。 展示关键词。 1、 跟读课文和单词,纠正 自己的发音。 2、 自己试读课文,寻找朗 读难点,举手等候老师 和同学的帮助。 3、 和组长一起读,尽快熟 悉课文的读法。 4、 尝试使用黑板的关键词 进行课文复读。 练习交流 1.划出重点、难点, 学生尝试解释。如 果无法理解,老师 进行及时帮助。 归纳巩固:老师等候学生的质疑,并 板书黑板上。由学生逐一解答。如果 无法解答,由老师解答。 be from Look like. Love doing(like、enjoy 一样的用 法) 1、 学生提出自己在学习文 章中的疑问。 2、 认真听别个同学和老师 的讲解。 英语使用鼓励一写孩子使用关键词进行课文 的复述,为下节课做好准备。 部分学生复述课文,起到 作业的模板作用,中下生多 听,感受英语的魅力。 课后安排1、 背诵课文。 2、 抄写本课新单词,准备明天听写。
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