教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:62427).zip

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Module 2 Animals There are many animals in Chimelong Safari Park. Can you guess what animals are in the park? It looks like a bear, but its not a bear. Its white and black. It lives in China. Its favourite food is bamboo. It usually eats bamboo for meals. Can you guess this animals name? panda giraffe This animal is very tall. It has a long neck and four long legs. It has yellow hair. Its from Africa. It eats leaves. What animal is it? Guess It is big. Its legs are big. Its ears are big. Its nose is long. It has two long tusks(teeth). People kill it for its tusks. You can see it in Asia or Africa. Guess It is long. It has no legs or feet. People do not like it. They think it is scary. Guess It has a strong body with four short legs. Its mouth is big and long. Its teeth are sharp. People are afraid of it. This is a monkey. Its a animal. It looks like a . Its in colour. It lives in the . It eats . It cute brown forest bananas man Make a riddle Make a riddle about your favourite animal and ask your friends to guess what animal it is. My Favourite Animal colour Its. It hashair. appearance Its. It has It looks like food It eats. Its favourite food is where Its from. It lives in ability It can Look, tigers are disappearing. in danger.These and many other animals are Why will these animals disappear forever? What happens to their homes? 1.One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People pollute the oceans. People cut down the forests.People pollute the oceans. So these animals have no place to live in. 2. People kill these animals for their fur, their teeth, their meat. People kill foxes for fur. Many people buy fur coats made from foxes. made from fur People tigers fur. Many people cushion(椅垫) tigers.frommade killfor buy People sharks(鲨鱼) shark fin(鱼翅). Many people buy shark fin sharks. killfor madefrom How can we save them? These animals are in danger. Lets discuss Love animals and love the earth. Stop polluting the oceans. Stop cutting down the forests. . 1.Never buy things made from the animals in danger. 2.Plant trees. 3.Dont cut down the forests. 4.Dont pollute the oceans. 5.Love the animals. 6.Work together and save the animals in danger. 7. We only have one earth! Step 1: Think of some problems animals face nowadays. Make a poster Animals People pollute the oceans People cut down Their homes Make a poster Step 2: Find pictures to show these problems and stick them on a big piece of paper. Step 3: Think about what we can do to help the animals. Make a poster We should/shouldnt stop killing the animals in danger. stop buying things made from animals in danger. pollute the earth Step 4: Write down your ideas on the same paper. Make a poster 1. Dont keep the animals in the zoo. 2. Dont pollute the river. 3. We should love animals. 4. We shouldnt buy the things made from the animals in danger. 5. Did you know? Make a poster to call people work together to save the animals in danger. Module2.Animals Unit 4 第三课时第三课时 一、模块教学目标:一、模块教学目标: 本模块是有关保护环境教育课。在第一单元里,以猜谜语的形式介绍动物的外形、 栖居地、习性。在第二单元里,号召要保护动物,保护地球。 二、学习目标:二、学习目标: 1. 能在听说读写的语言活动中理解和运用本模块单词和词组: 2. 能从外形、栖居地、习性等方面简单描述动物。 3. 能简单讲述濒危动物的情况并提出挽救濒危动物的倡议。 三、知识要点:三、知识要点: 1. 动物名称:frog, kangaroo, starfish, panda, elephant, lion, tiger, whale 2.造成动物濒危的原因。 3. 用祈使句表示倡议。如: Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and dont pollute. 4、教学重点和难点: 重点:本模块单词和句型的学习。 难点:描述动物的句型综合运用;make a riddle, make a poster. 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: 一、Warm up 1、Free talk. 2、Lets sing. 3、Play a guessing game. 二、Revision 1、Go over the words of animals. 2、Learn more animals. 3、Guess some riddles. 4、Play guessing games in group 4. 5、Report the riddles in class. 6、Sum up:How to make a riddle and show the mind-map. 复习句子: It has./ It can/ Its from It eats /It lives 归纳描述动物的词汇 Mind Map Animal colour place ability body red, yellow, green, grey, black, brown, blue, white, purple, pink, orange run,jump,fly, swim,catch fish,climb trees,build houses land,sea,ocean, water,sky,forest, grassland,hole food meat, grass, fruit, bamboo, leaves tall, short, big,small, long, strong, cute, heavy eyes,ears,mouth, nose, arm, hand, leg,feet, hair, neck, tail 该该环环节节主主要要是是通通过过思思维维导导图图引引导导学学生生回回顾顾一一 些些有有关关描描写写动动物物的的词词汇汇。建建议议在在学学生生回回答答后后 才才出出示示方方框框中中的的单单词词。 7、Watch the Video and show some pictures of animals in danger. 8、Lets discuss: What happened to the animals? Why are the animals in danger? How can we save the animals in danger? 9、Sum up : How to make a poster? 10、Show some posters in class and share with each other. 三、Did you know? Learn the twelve animal years in China. (学习十二生肖。) 1、Free talk. 2、Read the words together. 3、What animal year is this year? 4、What animal year was last year? 4、Homework 1、Remember the words of M2. 2、Describe your favourite animal or give some advice to save the animals in danger.
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