教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:33a46).zip

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Period 1 Unit 4 We can save the animals Aim 掌握词汇:掌握词汇: save, danger, disappear, forever, forest, pollute, made, fur, in danger, cut down the forest , pollute the oceans, buy made from 掌握运用下列句型:掌握运用下列句型: 1. If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever. 2. Many people buy things made from these animals, like medicine, fur coats and even food. 3. If we work together we can still save the animals 能理解并流利朗读课文;能理解并流利朗读课文; 能简单讲述濒危动物的情况并提出保护措施。能简单讲述濒危动物的情况并提出保护措施。 Watch a video Earth song Animals are our friends This is our home- Earth. ( ) 1.The animals are in danger now. ( ) 2.Many animals have no places to live in. ( ) 3.We cant do anything to save our earth. ( ) 4.These animals may disappear forever. (Lets listen) presentation T or F A-Audio Video Input T or F ( ) 1.The animals are in danger now. ( ) 2.Many animals have no places to live in. ( ) 3.We cant do anything to save our earth. ( ) 4.These animals may disappear forever. T F T T (Lets listen) 消失 Pandas live in China. They eat bamboo. They are in danger. They are disappearing. We need to save pandas. Whales live in the ocean. They are in danger too. They are disappearing. We need to whales. If we dont do something now, they may all disappear ! forever Why many animals may disappear forever (Lets read part 1&2 for details) Problem1Problem 2 So, like Why many animals may disappear forever Their homes are disappearing. People cut down the forests. People pollute the oceans. have no places to live in (Try to read for details) Problem 1 So, Why many animals may disappear forever Their homes are disappearing. Many people buy things made from these animals. People cut down the forests. People pollute the oceans. no places to live in (Try to read for details) medicines fur coats foods Problem 2 So, like The paper is made from _. The cheese is made from _. The wine is made from _. trees milk grapes be made from 由什么原材料制成 S-Situation Practice Why many animals may disappear forever Their homes are disappearing. Many people buy things made from these animals. People cut down the forests. People pollute the oceans. have no places to live in (Try to read for details) medicines fur coats foods Problem 2 Problem 1 So, like If you love the earth and love the animals, what can you do for these animals? (Read loudly and get the points) If you love the earth and love the animals, please do something about it. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and dont pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Lets read together (part 3) Stress-mark Lets think and say 1. If people still kill these animals, 2. If people still cut down the forests, 3. If we buy things made from these animals, 4. If people still pollute our earth,these animals will disappear forever. we may lost our homes people may still kill these animals. these animals will no place to live in. 5. If we work together, we can save these animals. S-Situation Practice We can do 1.Never buy things made from the animals in danger. 2.Plant trees. 3. Dont cut down the forests. 4. Dont pollute the oceans. 5. Work together and save the animals in danger. 6. Love the animals. 7. These and many other animals are _. If we dont do something now, they may all _. One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People _ the _ and _ the _, so these animals have no place to _. Also, many people _ things _ these animals, like medicines, _ and even foods. _ you love the earth and love the animals, _ do something about it. _ buy things_ animals in _. Plant _ and dont _. If we all work together we can still _ the animals. KKnowledge Review disappearing forever in danger cut downforestspolluteoceans live in buymade from fur coats Ifplease Nevermade from dangertrees pollute save Lets read and say We can save the animals! We only have one earth! 1.熟读课文; 2.完成海报的制作。 Unit 4 We can save the animals 【教学内容】 U4 We can save the animals (第一课时) 【学情分析】 本课以 we only have one earth. 【教学目标】 (一)语言知识目标: 1. 能听说读写本课的新词汇:save, earth, whale, danger, in danger, disappear, forever, forest, pollute, made from, fur 3. 掌握基本句型:If we, may (二)语言技能目标: 1. 能正确运用 If we, may 句型。 2. 能在老师的引导和帮助下掌握基本的阅读技巧,即如何在有效 时间内抓住重要信息,并能根据信息达到阅读的要求,并能够根据所给信 息进行口语交际和简单写作。 (三)情感态度目标: 通过对文本的理解,树立环境危机意识,学会关注环境保护环境。 (四)学习策略目标: 1通过短文阅读,提高阅读能力,更加积极地深入了解和学习英 语。 2. 通过小组合作学习,营造学生互帮互助的学习氛围,提高创造思 维的能力。 3. 能够结合实际生活对所学知识内容进行实践。 【文化意识目标】 通过学习相关动物与环境保护的知识,培养学生热爱大自然,关爱动 物,保护环境。 【教学重点与难点分析】 1. 能通过对文本的学习熟练掌握基本词汇和词组;了解保护动物和环 境的基本措施和方法。 2. 能通过对文本的快速阅读、精读、美读。掌握英语阅读的一些技巧 和策略,学会抓住主要的信息;通过精读,了解细节。 【教学辅助媒体】 多媒体课件 【教学步骤】 一、一、Pre-reading (Leading-in) 1 Lets watch a video: Earth song。 (设计意图:这是一首非常震撼人 心的视频,其主题也且非常契合今天学习的内容。通过视频让学生感受到 现在环境污染和动物被无情的买卖杀害,激发他们的保护意识) T: What did you see in the video? How do you feel? S: T: Animals are our friends. We only have one earth. Would you like to live in a world with no animals? S: No. T: So lets work together. We can save the animals. 2. 呈现本课课题和教学目标,让同学明确本堂课的学习目标: Unit 4 We can save the animals 二、While-reading 1.Listen to the whole text (Presentation) 听课文(Reading comprehension(step 1)) ,判断正误。 (引导学生 如何快速粗略阅读,判断基本信息。 ) ( ) 1.The animals are in danger now. ( ) 2.Many animals have no places to live in. ( ) 3.We cant do anything to save our earth. ( ) 4.These animals may disappear forever. 结合图片和文本学习:in danger ,disappear forever 2. Read separately (Practice & Consolidation) 逐层阅读,分篇短文呈现(Reading comprehension (step 2) (1)略读 (paragraph 1) 快速默读,浏览段落,找出关键信息点。 (2)精读(paragraph 2) A:分段阅读,逐层递进,找出重点信息;渗透阅读策略和小技巧。 针对具体问题分篇阅读,引导学生如何抓住重点信息、梳理信息,提高归 纳总结的能力,并学会做笔记,尝试独立完成图表。 B:结合文本,呈现、讲解并操练新句型:(kill for), buy made from , be made from C:小组合作学习,补充学生独立阅读时未能找出的具体信息。全 班一起矫正答案。 (3)美读(paragraph 3) 标出重读符号,引导学生有感情地朗读,进行倡议式美读训练。 (4)句型操练:If we , may 。根据所给的条件句,进行配对说 话练习。 (5)T: If we dont do something now, the animals may disappear forever!Lets work together! Now discuss in your groups :How can we save the animals?小组合作学习,讨论并提出保护濒危动物和环境的措施。 3. Reading in whole (Development) (1)自由读。鼓励学生流畅地自由朗读,培养学生大声朗读的习惯。 (2)根据课文内容,完成重要信息填空。复习词汇,复述课文内容, 加深对课文的理解和记忆。 三. Sum- up T: No trading, no killing! And we only have the earth. Lets work together! If we all work together we can still save the animals. 四Homework 1Read the text fluently. 2Copy the new words.
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