教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:52132).zip

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Period 1 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级下册 Module 2 Unit 4 We can save the animals 本课时目标: 1. 掌握“四会”单词: save, tiger, whale, danger, in danger, disappear, forever, forest, pollute, made, fur 2.学生能听说读以下短语:in danger, cut down the forest , pollute the oceans, buy made from 3.掌握运用下列句型: If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever. Many people buy things made from these animals, like medicine, fur coats and even food. If we work together we can still save the animals 4.能够制作爱护动物的公益海报。 Watch a vedio Earth Song We only have one earth! in danger.These and many other animals are Look, tigers are disappearing. disappear 消失 We need to save tigers! Pandas are in danger too. They are disappearing. We need to save pandas . Whales are . They are . We need to . whale in danger disappearing save whales Elephants are . They are . We need to . in danger disappearing save whales If you dont do something now, they may all disappear ! forever Why will these animals disappear forever? 1.One problem is that their homes are disappearing. forest sea/ocean grassland Animals homes What happens to their homes? People cut down the forests. People pollute the oceans. pollute 污染 People cut down the forests.People pollute the oceans. So these animals have no place to live in. 2. People kill these animals for their fur, their teeth, their meat. People kill foxes for fur. Many people buy fur coats made from foxes. made from fur People tigers fur. Many people cushion(椅垫) tigers.frommade killfor buy People sharps(鲨鱼) sharp fin(鱼翅). Many people buy sharp fin sharps. kill for madefrom If we dont save these animals, what will happen? Think and match Think and match If people still kill these animals, If people still cut down the forests, If we buy things made from these animals, If people still pollute our earth, these animals will disappear forever. we may lost our homes people may still kill these animals. these animals will no place to live in. If we work together, we can save these animals. If you love the earth and love the animals, what we can do for these animals? 1.Never buy things made from the animals in danger. 2.Plant trees. 3.Dont cut down the forests. 4.Dont pollute the oceans. 5.Love the animals. 6.Work together and save the animals in danger. 7. Make a poster to call people work together to save the animals in danger. 1. 熟读并家听本课新词。 2. 预习unit4 课文。 3.完成海报的制作。 六下六下 Unit 4 We can save the animals 教学设计教学设计 内 容U4 We can save the animals 课 时第一课时 教 学 目 标 1.词汇 :“掌握掌握“四会四会”单词:单词: save,save, tiger,tiger, whale,whale, danger,danger, inin danger,danger, disappear,disappear, forever,forever, forest,forest, pollute,pollute, made,made, furfur 2 2 . .学生能听说读以下短语:学生能听说读以下短语:inin danger,danger, cutcut downdown thethe forestforest , , pollutepollute thethe oceans,oceans, buybuy mademade fromfrom 3. 掌握运用下列句型:掌握运用下列句型: IfIf wewe dontdont dodo somethingsomething now,now, theythey maymay allall disappeardisappear forever.forever. ManyMany peoplepeople buybuy thingsthings mademade fromfrom thesethese animals,animals, likelike medicine,medicine, furfur coatscoats andand eveneven food.food. IfIf wewe workwork togethertogether wewe cancan stillstill savesave thethe animalsanimals 4、初步感知课文,培养爱护动物,保护动物的意识,养成保护环境 的好习惯。 重 点 本节课单词和句型的学习。 难 点 句型If 与 may 等形成的描述可能的行为后果的虚拟语气从句进行交际。 教 具录音机、单词卡、小黑板 教 学 过 程 (一)(一)presentationpresentation 1 .Free talk,引出课题。 (板书课题:“We can save the animals) (设计意图:创造和谐的语言环境) 2.观看 Video.“Earth Song”让学生谈谈感受。 (设计意图:初步激发学生爱护动物,保护森林, 保护地球的环保意识) 备注: 2.2. InputInput andand intake1intake1 (1)由上面的谈话引出 earth 这个新单词。 (2)展示 PPT 教学 danger、disappear、save。句 型: These and many other animals are in danger. These and many other animals are disappearing. We need to save these animals. (设计意图:通过 PPT 帮助孩子理解单词的意思, 反复操练句型并在情景中运用) (3)ppt 句子引出单词 forever 并以设问的形式引 出:Why are they disappearing?进入第二段的课 文重点句子的理解。分别对 forest,pollute,fur,made from,以及对应的 句子。 3.3. InputInput andand intake2intake2 (1)引入句型:IfIf wewe dontdont savesave thesethese animals,animals, whatwhat willwill happenhappen? 独立完成连线,交换改后,两人小组读。 If people still kill these animals, we may lost our homes If people still cut down the forests, people may still kill these animals. If we buy things made from these animals, these animals will no place to live in. If people still pollute our earth, these animals will disappear forever. If we work together, we can save these animals (2)由以上 If 的句型,引出相关的从句。先 提问学生让他们思考,尝试回答,展示完毕,小组 内读。 If you love the earth and love the animals, what we can do for these animals? 4、Output Make a poster to call people work together to save the animals in danger. 板 书 设 计 Unit 4 We can save the animals earth We only have one earth. danger Tigers are in danger. disappear Theyre disappearing save We need to save the animals. forest cut down the forest pollute pollute the ocean made make from fur fur If we .we can. If we dont .we may. 作 业 设 计 (1) 熟读并家听本课新词 (2)预习 unit4 课文。 (3)小组合作完成海报的制作。 Unit 4 课堂练习,请连线。 IfIf peoplepeople stillstill killkill thesethese animals,animals, wewe maymay lostlost ourour homeshomes IfIf peoplepeople stillstill cutcut downdown thethe forests,forests, peoplepeople maymay stillstill killkill thesethese animals.animals. IfIf wewe buybuy thingsthings mademade fromfrom thesethese animals,animals, thesethese animalsanimals willwill nono placeplace toto livelive in.in. IfIf peoplepeople stillstill pollutepollute ourour earth,earth, thesethese animalsanimals willwill disappeardisappear forever.forever. IfIf wewe workwork together,together, wewe cancan savesave thesethese animalsanimals Unit 4 课堂练习,请连线。 IfIf peoplepeople stillstill killkill thesethese animals,animals, wewe maymay lostlost ourour homeshomes IfIf peoplepeople stillstill cutcut downdown thethe forests,forests, peoplepeople maymay stillstill killkill thesethese animals.animals. IfIf wewe buybuy thingsthings mademade fromfrom thesethese animals,animals, thesethese animalsanimals willwill nono placeplace toto livelive in.in. IfIf peoplepeople stillstill pollutepollute ourour earth,earth, thesethese animalsanimals willwill disappeardisappear forever.forever. IfIf wewe workwork together,together, wewe cancan savesave thesethese animalsanimals Unit 4 课堂练习,请连线。 IfIf peoplepeople stillstill killkill thesethese animals,animals, wewe maymay lostlost ourour homeshomes IfIf peoplepeople stillstill cutcut downdown thethe forests,forests, peoplepeople maymay stillstill killkill thesethese animals.animals. IfIf wewe buybuy thingsthings mademade fromfrom thesethese animals,animals, thesethese animalsanimals willwill nono placeplace toto livelive in.in. IfIf peoplepeople stillstill pollutepollute ourour earth,earth, thesethese animalsanimals willwill disappeardisappear forever.forever. IfIf wewe workwork together,together, wewe cancan savesave thesethese animalsanimals
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