教科版(广州)六下Module 3 Famous people-Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a05b4).zip

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People -(Revision) Guessing game : 3、 Character(性格);性格); 4、Age(年龄);年龄); Describeaperson: 5、Hobby(爱好);爱好); 1、Job(职业职业); 2、 Appearance(外貌);外貌); My mother is an English teacher, She is my hero. She has a round face, big eyes and long hair. She is tall and slim. I think she is very beautiful. She is very kind and hardworking. She gets up earliest in my family. After she gets up, my mother cooks breakfast for us. Then she goes to work on foot. She is forty-two years old. She likes reading and she is good at swimming. She works at school from eight to six. I hope I can be a person like her. 1、Job(职业职业); 2Appearance(外貌);外貌); 3、Character(性格);性格); 4、Age(年龄);年龄); 5、Hobby(爱好);爱好); My Mother Askquestionsaboutthegirlasmanyas possible,usingthestructures(结构结构)we learnedjustnow. Name:LiuShishi Job:Actress DateofBirth:1987-Mar-10 Birthplace:Beijing,China Height:165cm(1.65m) Appearance:bigeyes,smallmouth Character:kind,funny,hardworking Hobbies:shopping,reading,balletble , listeningtomusic,traveling ThebeautifulgirlsnameisLiu Shishi.Sheisafamousactressin China.ShewasbornonMarch 10th,1987inBeijing.Sheis1.65 meterstall.Sheiswearinga beautifuldress.Shelooksslim.She hastwobigeyesandasmallmouth. Sheiskind,funnyandhardworking. Shelikesreadingandshopping.She oftenshopswithhermother.Shealso likesballetandsheisverygoodatit. Sheactsverywellin“BuBuJing Xin”.Sheismyheroine.Ilikeher verymuch.Iwanttobeanactress likeherwhenIgrowup. Whoistheboy? Whatdoeshelooklike?Heis_and_. Whenwasheborn? Wherewasheborn? Whatwashegoodat before? Whatishegoodat now? Whatdidheliketodo? Whatdoesheliketo do? Listening Heis_ . Hewasbornin _. Hewasbornin_. Hewasgoodat_ _. Heisgoodat_. He likedto _the_ He likestolearn_. Michael theUSA 1996 playing playing compute r games basketball surfNet English tall strong 2、根据以下三幅图、根据以下三幅图,选择自己喜欢选择自己喜欢的一个人物来描写,可结的一个人物来描写,可结 合老师所提供的信息,也可根据自己的了解进行扩充。合老师所提供的信息,也可根据自己的了解进行扩充。 1、写一个你感兴趣的历史人物或你熟悉的或喜爱的人。、写一个你感兴趣的历史人物或你熟悉的或喜爱的人。 (例:(例:MyMother,MyFriend,MyDeskmate,MyHero等。等。 ) 1 1、句子、句子 开头开头单词的首字单词的首字 母要母要大写;大写; 2 2、注注意书写意书写 ; ; 3 3、注注意单词的意单词的 拼拼写;写; 4 4、注注意意固固定句式定句式 搭搭配;配; 5 5、注意语法要正确。注意语法要正确。 (like/love+v.ing,begoodat+v.ing 。 生生日日:1999/7/2:1999/7/2 出生出生 地地:广东茂名广东茂名 职职业业:学生学生 爱好爱好:画画画画、看看书、书、 打打羽毛球羽毛球。 乔治乔治华盛顿华盛顿 (George(George Washington)Washington) (17321732 17991799 ) 美国美国首任首任 总统总统对美对美 国独立国独立作出重大作出重大 贡贡 献献,被尊为美国国被尊为美国国 父父。 黄圣玲黄圣玲(HuangHuang ShenglingShengling ) 出生出生 地地:广东广东 广州广州 生生日日:2000/5/82000/5/8 个个人爱好人爱好:音乐、:音乐、 看看书、书、 跑跑 步步 20112011 学学年获得区六年级年获得区六年级英语英语 单词单词 拼拼读读比赛比赛第一第一 名名。 黎鸿亮黎鸿亮(LiLi HongliangHongliang) ) Homework: 1. 1.听听写本节课写本节课 归纳归纳的形容词,的形容词, 职业名职业名词。词。 2.2.用用不少于不少于6 6个句子个句子 来描述你来描述你的一位家的一位家 人人 或或朋友朋友。 3.3.选做选做:上:上 网网或在课或在课 外外书上读一书上读一 篇介绍人物篇介绍人物的英的英 语文语文 章章,抄抄在作在作 业业本。本。 Class is over. Goodbye, kids. Game time He/Sheisaan . He/Shewasaan . Appearance(外貌):外貌): tallshortheavythinslimbeautifulpretty handsomestrongweaklovelyfit Characters(性格):性格): nicekindpatientfunnyinterestinghelpful naughtyhardworkingfriendlyhonestclever braveeasy-going What adjective can we use to describe people? He/Sheislooks . He/Shewaslooked . He/Sheisyearsold. He/Shewasborninon He/Shelikesliked He/Sheiswasgoodat. Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! NowthereisaMemorialHallforhim inGuangzhou.Wecanvisitit. 1. HewasborninGuangdongin1866. HewasthefatherofmodernChina. HetriedtochangeChinaandfreethepeople. Whoishe? HeisDr.SunYetsen. Heistallandhandsome,withabrightsmile likethesunshine.HewasbornonJuly13th, 1983inshanghai. Hewasnaughtywhenhewasalittleboy. Heisarunner.Hebecameanationalheroin 2004whenhegotagoldmedalinthe110m hurdles(跨栏)(跨栏)intheOlympicGames.Who ishe? 2. HeisLiuXiang. HewasborninLiaoningin1965. HeisaChineseastronaut(宇航员)(宇航员). Hewenttospacein2003. Whenhecamebacktotheearth,allthe Chinesepeoplewereexcited.Whoishe? 3. /strnt/ HeisYangLiwei. HestudiedinFrancewhenhewasyoung. Hewasagreatrevolutionary.Hewasveryshort. HetriedhisbesttochangeChina. In1997theChinesepeoplelosthim. Whoishe? HelovedtheChinesepeople. In1979hemadeanimportantspeech. 4. HeisDengXiaoping. Heisastrongman. Heisagoodbasketballplayer. Heis2.36metrestall. Hewasbornin1980inshanghai. HeplayedbasketballintheUSAandwas anNBAstarbefore.Whoishe? HeisYaoMing. Shelovedreadingandwritingwhenshe wasveryyoung.Shelookspretty. 6. ShewasborninEngland. Sheisthemotherofthreechildren. SheisthewriteroftheHarry Potterbooks. Bothchildrenandadultsloveherstories. Whoisshe?SheisJ.K.Rowling . Hebegantolearnthepianowhenhe was3yearsold.Heisgoodatplayingthe piano.Whoishe? 7. Heisahandsomeman. HewasbornonJune14th,1982inShenyang. Heisapianist. Langlang Hewasgoodatpaintinghorses. Whoishe? 8. HeisaveryfamousChinesepainter. Hewasbornin1895anddiedin1953. HeisXuBeihong. Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! Congratulations !You are right ! SorrySorry! !YouYouarearewrong.wrong. PleasePleasetrytryagain!again! 1 综述:此教学设计是以针对 Describe People 来进行的复习设计,本人将此 复习课设计为 1 课时,以下是各个课时的教学设计,同时将选取第 1 课时进 行课堂实录。 总体思路:本课以复习 People 为主要内容,以 语言的输出-输 入-再输出 为主要设计原则,从描述老师为切入口,让学生有话说,在 学生有语言的输入基础上,从听力,阅读有关描述人物的文本材料,进一步对 描写人大量输入语言,让学生感知更多的语言,从中归纳出写人的各种要求, 从而进行对所学知识的梳理、巩固,最后延伸到写作。这种输出、输入、再输 出的过程,体现了对旧知识的唤醒,巩固,再到综合运用的设计思路,符合学 生从认知-巩固-运用的学习过程,对学生学习的能力有进一步的提高。 教学设计教学设计 广州市花都区狮岭镇冠华小学 张新凤教学年级:六年级课题名称:People( revision) 教材版本 :广州版课时:(period)1 课时 一、学生分析学生在四年级已经学了用英语简单描写人的外貌,性格,职业,年龄等 知识,并能谈论人的简单信息,能正确树立心中的英雄,偶像人物;学 生在六年级继续学习名人的故事。部分学生不会用所学知识综合谈论并 描写自己喜欢的人。 二、教材分析 小学阶段涉及 People 的相关知识比较广泛,内容较多; 四年级上册 M1 学习了 Clothes, M 2 学习了 People,M3 学习了 Occupations;六年级下 册 M3 学习了 Famous People. 本节课是一节综合复习课,以 People 为 话题,主要复习描写人物外貌和性格的形容词、职业名词及谈论人物的 爱好特长,巩固一般现在时、一般过去时相关的句式,并对人物的生平 作简单的描述。本节课的重难点: 1、教学重点: A描写外貌、性格的形容词;职业名词。B动词短语。 C一般现在时、一般过去时、比较级的句式。 D 熟练地运用所学词语和句型去描述人物。 2、教学难点: A正确使用第三人称单数的动词形式。 B正确运用一般现在时和一般过去时描述和谈论人物的相关信息。 三、教学目标 1、语言知识 A复习掌握描写外貌、性格的形容词(如:handsome, tall, strong, brave, 2 kind, honest 等) ,职业名词(如:writer, painter, scientist, teacher, doctor, worker 等)和表示爱好、特长的动词及短语(如:favourite, like, love, play basketball, go fishing, do some reading 等) 。 B复习巩固一般现在时、一般过去时的句式和用法。 C主要句型: What does look like? - He/She islooks . What did look like? - He/She was looked . What does do? - He/She is aan . What did do? - He/She was aan . When was born? - He/She was born inon , . Where was born? He/She was born in What does/did like to do? - He/She likesliked . What is/was good at? - He/She iswas good at . 2、语言技能 听-能听懂课堂用语,能听懂对话录音、故事内容。 说-能用英语正确运用一般现在时、一般过去时来描述人物的外貌、 个性、职业、爱好等。 读-能读相应的对话和故事。 写-能写出描写外貌、性格的形容词,职业名词等,并能用英语描写 人物。 3、情感态度 通过复习加强学生对英语的学习兴趣,并能客观正面地去评价、欣赏自 己与他人。 4、学习策略 以合作学习为主要学习方式,学生通过小组讨论、思考、交流和合作等 方式学习和使用语言,学生从中体验学习的快乐和成功的喜悦。 5、文化意识:通过本话题的学习,增强对中外历史文化的了解,拓展视 野,提高跨文化交际能力。 四、教学策略以谈论老师创设情景,激发学生说的欲望;自制课件、自制评分板、卡 纸、图片等多种直观的方法吸引学生的注意力及激发学习的。 五、教学过程 I. Leading-in Greetings and daily talk,谈论老师。 II. Teaching process 1. A guessing game. 个人读全班听、猜 3 一组读,其他三组猜 2.小结:how to talk about a person. (1)Game,并引出有关职业的句型。 要求各大组的学生在限定时间(1 分钟)内用“开火车”的形式比一 比哪个组能写出最多的职业名词。 句型:He/She is aan . He/She was aan .(同位读) (2)让学生对所列举的形容词快速归类,并引出外貌、性格的句型。 a. Appearance(外貌) b. Character(性格) 句型:He/She islooks . He/She was looked .(四人小组读) (3)复习引出出生信息的句型:He/She years old. He/She was born in on . (全班读) (4). 复习引出爱好、特长的句式:He/She likesliked . He/She iswas good at (全班读) 3出示一幅图(刘诗诗): (1)引导学生可以从哪些方面来谈论人物。 导入:When and where was born? - He/She was born in , . What does/did like to do? - He/She likesliked . What is/was good at? - He/She iswas good at . (2)引导学生用 3-4 句话概括介绍刘诗诗。 (3)呈现完整语篇,让学生整体感知如何描述一个人。 4播放一段听力材料,学生完成练习表格,检查完成情况后,全班读一 遍,以培养语感。 5.Writing 堂上限时(35 分钟)即兴小写作:Describe a person you like. (1). PPT 呈现 3 个人物及其简介,让学生选自己喜欢的一个人物来描写, 可结合老师所提供的信息,也可根据自己的了解进行扩充。 (2). 写一个你知道的历史人物或你熟悉的人。 (例:My Mother,My friend, My deskmate, My hero等。 ) (4)提醒学生写作需要注意的事项: 1、句子开头单词的首字母要大写;2、注意书写; 4 3、注意单词的拼写; 4、注意固定句式搭配; 5、注意语法要正确。 (5)检查写作情况:每组抽一份有代表性的作品来展示,并评一评。 III. Homework 1听写本节课归纳的形容词、职业名词。 2用不少于 6 个句子来描述你的一位家人或朋友。 3选做:上网或在课外书上读一篇介绍人物的英语文章,抄在作业本 上。 六、课后反思(录像 课例) 1. 英语课程强调从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、合 作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言 学习的过程成为学生形成积极感情态度、主动思维和大胆实践、形成自主学习的过 程,本节课正是基于这样的指导思想进行教学设计的。 第一环节我开门见山,直切主题。通过与学生的 free talk 引出 how to talk a person. 第二环节中通过让学生猜人物游戏和开火车游戏,活跃课堂气氛,同时起到了复习 旧知识的作用。学生回答出问题后教师将完整句子贴在黑板上,然后帮助学生复习 总结一般过现在时和一般过去时的问答,在此环节落实本课的知识目标。 为提高教学的实效性,我做到面向全体,力求做到人人参与。分组的教学组织形式 是扩大参与面的有效形式。此环节我设计了一个 guessing game 的比赛。通过比赛 的形式激发学生参与活动的积极性,同时锻炼学生的朗读与阅读水平,进一步落实 知识目标。这种活动形式又节省时间,尽可能做到了人人参与,活动效率也就大大 提高了。 在写作这一环节,我先让学生回顾写作要注意的问题,然后让学生相互分享与 批改彼此的作品,培养了学生的阅读能力,落实了本课的能力目标。 2. 部分学生对描述刘诗诗这个环节掌握不是很好,不太懂得运用刚才所复习关于 讨论一个人的职业,外貌性格,出生信息以及爱好特长的句型,这需要下节课继续 巩固这些句型,用短篇呈现,让学生有个直观感知,达到熟练运用这些句型来描述 一个人。 5 附件:1、He was a great revolutionary. He was very short. He studied in France when he was young. He tried his best to change China . He loved the Chinese people. In 1979 he made an important speech. In 1997 the Chinese people lost him. Who is he? 2、He is tall and handsome, with a bright smile like the sunshine. He was born on July 13th, 1983 in shanghai。He was naughty when he was a little boy. He is a runner. He became a national hero in 2004 when he got a gold medal in the 110m hurdles(跨栏) in the Olympic Games. Who is he ? 3、She was born in England . She is the mother of three children . She loved reading and writing when she was very young . She looks pretty. She is the writer of the Harry Potter books. Both children and adults love her stories . Who is she ? 4、He was born in Liaoning in 1965. He is a Chinese astronaut(宇航员). He went to space in 2003. When he came back to the earth , all the Chinese people were excited. Who is he ? 板书设计 People (Revision) He/She is .looks He/She waslooked . 外貌、特点外貌、特点 He/She was born inon . 出生信息出生信息 He/She likesliked . He/She is was good at . 爱好、特长爱好、特长 He/She was aan . 职业职业 He/She is aan . He/She is years old. .
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