新人教版九年级Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7(Section B 2a-2e )PPT课件(市优课).ppt

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1、,Rush by zhuziqing,Swallows may have gone, but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again. Now, you the wise, tell me, why should our days leave us, never to return.,燕子去了,有再来的时候;杨柳枯了,有再青的时候;

2、桃花谢了,有再开的时候。但是,聪明的你告诉我,我们的日子为什么一去不复返呢?,Unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7,Section B Graduation ceremony,Read the passage and answer the questions,1. What kind of text is this? Is it a story, a speech or a notice?It is a speech.2. Who do you think wrote it?The headmaster of the school .3

3、. Who is it for?It is for the graduates of the school.,graduate 毕业生,graduation ceremony毕业典礼,headmaster校长,Read paragraph 1 and do the following exercise,Fill in the blanks,Full of energy , thirsty for knowledge, a little difficult to deal with(精力充沛, 求知若渴, 难以应付),Talented young adults, full of hope for

4、 the future, grow up so much有天赋的年轻人, 对未来满怀希望, 成长了许多,Read paragraph 2 and answer,Who should the students thank and why?They should thank the important people in their lives their parents, teachers and friends because these are the people who have helped and supported them.,Read paragraph 3 and fill i

5、n the blanks,the beginning of a new life,harder,difficult,Behind each door you open,to learn new things,to make your own choices,learn from your mistakes,never give up,You need to,wisely,responsible for,You will go _ ways and _ _ I hope,separate,set out on your new journey,visit our school,forget wh

6、ere you came from,Make a summary of each paragraph,Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:,start the speech and recall the past,who do you want to say thanks to,look forward to the future and wish them good luck,Write a graduation speech,(1) 开头称呼语 (2) 正文main body (3)结束语,Homework,Writing: 临近毕业,学校要举办一场

7、毕业生告别晚会.请你代表九年级四班在会上发言. 请结合内容提示,写一篇8090词的发言稿. 内容提示: 1. How are you feeling while giving the speech. 2. Who do you want to say thanks to. 3. Why do you want to say thank to them. 4. Your wishes for the future.,U盘、电脑坏了?教学资料不见了?以前的资料没保存?每一届重复劳动?找不到精品课件、试题、教案反思?各大文库价格昂贵?来【163文库】吧,你可以:上传分享资料赚取零用钱;创建教学空间,分类收藏存储资料;方便下届使用;百万教学资源供你下载;【平台地址:】,


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