教科版(广州)六下Module 5 Travel abroad-Unit 9 Where will you go-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:b0afa).zip

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LetsLets singsing A beautiful place ModuleModule5 5TravelTravelabroadabroad Period1 abroad (adv).在国外;到国外 Gototheothercountries. TheyTheywillwilltraveltravelabroad!abroad! TheyTheyneedneeda aandandsomesome. . Brainstorm Whatcountriesdoyouknow? countries Australia France theUSA theUK SouthAfricaJapan mouth South Africa 南非南非 Africa countrycapital ChinaBeijing countrycapital France Paris countrycapital JapanTokyo Letsplay If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? Listen and answer 1、Where do they want to go? 2、Why do they want to go there? 先听全 文后进 行连线 (点击 人物) ; 再把 全文分 成四部 分,每 听一部 分,暂 停进行 新单词 教学。 Japan/TokyoFrance/ParisAustralia/SydneySouthAfrica D A.ParisB.agreatplacetogoshoppingC.Jiamin D.SouthAfricaE.seetheSydneyOperaHouseandthe HarbourBridgeF.TokyoG.Janet Choosetherightanswer(把答案的字母编号写在相应的位置上)(把答案的字母编号写在相应的位置上) GE F B C A WhereWho IlovenatureandinSouthAfricaIcansee manybeautifulmountainsandforests. IwillgotoSouthAfrica. Icanchant. Thebeautifulnature The flowers are beautiful. So are the animals. The seas are beautiful. So are the trees. Beautiful, also is the sun. Beautiful, also is the nature. picture SydneyOpera House HarbourBridge Iwillchoose Australia. agreatplacetogoshopping Iwanttogoto. PeoplesaythatParisisthe foodcapitaloftheworld! Iwillgoto. Letslistenandread. I think I will go to South Africa. I love nature and in South Africa I can see many beautiful mountains and forests. 点击新单词 会有详细教 学。 If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? I will choose Australia. I d like to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. 点击新单词 会有详细教 学。 If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? I want to go to Japan. Tokyo is so modern and its a great place to go shopping, too. Id like to buy a robot there. 点击新单词 会有详细教 学。 If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? If I can travel abroad I will go to France, of course. I love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world. 点击新单词 会有详细教 学。 If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? I think I will go to South Africa. I love nature and in South Africa I can see many beautiful mountains and forests. I will choose Australia. I d like to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. I want to go to Japan. Tokyo is so modern and its a great place to go shopping, too. Id like to buy a robot there. Where will you go, Jiamin ? If I can travel abroad I will go to France, of course. I love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world. 单击可出现 单词。 If you can travel to any country in the world, where will you go ? I think I will go to South Africa. I love nature and in South Africa I can see many beautiful mountains and forests. I will choose Australia. I d like to see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. I want to go to Japan. Tokyo is so modern and its a great place to go shopping, too. Id like to buy a robot there. Where will you go, Jiamin ? If I can travel abroad I will go to France, of course. I love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world. 单击可出现 单词。 If they can travel abroad, Ben will go to _. Because he loves _and he can see many _and _ in _. Janet will _ Australia. She wants to see the _ and the_. Xiaoling wants to go to _. Because _ is a modern city and its a great place to _. She wants to buy a _ there. Jiamin will go to _. Because he loves food and _ is the food _of the world. South Africa nature mountains forests SouthAfrica choose SydneyOperaHouseSydneyHarbourBridge Japan Tokyo goshopping robot Franc e Pariscapital 单击出各单 词 Weshouldpayattention topersonalsafety, Weshouldbepolite . Butweshouldntleave litteranddraweverywhere. Homework 1.记忆并默写所学单词。记忆并默写所学单词。 2.听录音跟读课文对话,尝试小组听录音跟读课文对话,尝试小组 表演课文。表演课文。 choose v.选择(过去式选择(过去式chose) goose nose 广州版英语六年级(下)Module5 Travel abroad Unit 9 Where will you go?教学设计教学设计(Period 1) 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 Analysis of the Content 本模块主题是谈论出国旅游,话题贴近学生的生活,是比较容易令学生感兴 趣和接受的教学内容。本节课是 Unit 9 的第一课时,语言重点是用一般将来时描 述旅行计划和愿望。 二、二、 教学对象分析教学对象分析 Analysis of the Students 学生在五年级时学习了用一般将来时表达国内著名景点的旅游计划和交通方 式,本节课继续围绕旅游话题,辨识不同国家的名称、首都、国旗、典型建筑等 知识。六年级的学生有一定的英语学习经验,积累了一定的词汇量,有开口表达 的欲望。在教学中创设情境,引导学生积极思考,乐于开口表达。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 Objectives 1. 语言知识目标语言知识目标 Language knowledge 1) 掌握本课的四会单词:abroad, France, Paris, Japan, Tokyo, South Africa, capital, the Sydney Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, bridge, nature, choose(chose) 2) 掌握描述旅行计划的句型: Where will you go ? I will go to./ I will choose / I want to go to. 3) 对话的熟练朗读和理解。 2. 语言技能目标语言技能目标 Language skill 1)能在听力和阅读中准确提取关键信息。 2)能通过听说读写等方面的训练,提高学生的语言综合能力。 3. 情感态度目标情感态度目标 Affect 1)培养学生对英语课堂活动感兴趣,积极参与各种活动。 2)主动了解世界各地的美景和地标建筑,培养学生热爱大自然的情感。 3)渗透礼貌教育,养成良好的文明出行习惯。 4. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 Learning strategies 1)让学生扮演书中的四位主要人物,以小组合作的游戏竞赛作为评价手段,循 序渐进设计教学环节。 2)利用问题,表格等帮助学生理解课文。 5. 文化意识目标文化意识目标 Culture knowledge 1) 辨识不同国家的名称、首都、国旗、地标建筑,知道出国旅行需要护照。 2)旅途中注意安全,举止文明有礼。 四、四、 教学重难点教学重难点 Important and difficult points 1)掌握本课的四会单词,个别专有名词比较难读。 2)旅行计划和愿望的描述,课文的朗读与理解。 五、五、 教学准备教学准备 Teaching aids 自制课件, 图片,单词卡,投影仪 六、六、 教学特色教学特色 Teaching characteristics 四个小组的学生分别扮演本课四个小朋友的角色,为出国旅游攒钱作为竞 争评价的主线展开,凸显英语学科的趣味性和情境性,激发学生主动参与课堂。 通过 brainstorm 头脑风暴、连线、表格和思维导图等教学手段,用启发性的问 题挖掘学生用英语思维、观察的能力,关注学科育人价值,关注学生思维发展, 关注学科核心素养。 七、七、 教学过程教学过程 Teaching procedures Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching Steps and Learning Activity 教学教学 步骤和学习活动步骤和学习活动 Purpose 设计意图设计意图 Principle 设计原则设计原则 Warming up 1. Sing a song: A beautiful place 2.Introduce the topic and the assessment. 3.Freetalk 通过歌曲活跃课堂气氛,唤起 孩子对城市、著名建筑物的回 忆,激发学习兴趣,并引出话 题和小组合作的评价手段。以 本课中的四个小朋友为出国旅 游攒钱作为竞争主线展开。通 过交谈复习一般将来时。 趣味性原则 目的性原则 复现性原则 情境性原则 1. Brainstorm, Sharp Eyes to learn the new words. 头脑风暴复习国家名称、国旗, 学习新知:国名、首都。 2. Lets play.游戏巩固生词,做语言储备。 3. Listen and answer. 听力理解,整体呈现课文,通 过人物与地点连线检查学生对 课文大意的理解。 Presentation 4. Choose the answer according to the dialogue. 填写表格,通过回答 Who、Where、Why 训练学生 的思维,教会学生发现问题和 解决问题的能力。 趣味性原则 复现性原则 情境性原则 运用性原则 指导性原则 1. Learn the drills.学习新知,加深对句子的理解, 为接下来的连贯说话做铺垫。 Practice and consolidation 2. Lets chant.感受 nature 的美,提高学习兴 趣。 指导性原则 趣味性原则 运用性原则 目的性原则 指导性原则 3. Watch the video. 4. Read in different ways. 5. Try to recite the dialogue 看视频,感知课文,通过朗读, 加深对课文的理解。给出提示, 帮助学生背诵课文。 Development 1. Rewrite: Fill the blanks. 2.A survey of a Travel Agency 将对话改成语篇,帮助学生理 解、记忆课文内容。通过设置 旅行社调查精英出国团的任务, 创设情境让学生使用所学知识。 目的性原则 运用性原则 交际性原则 Sum up1. The polite thing to do when travelling abroad. 安全文明教育:旅途中注意安 全,举止文明有礼。关注英语 学科的育人价值。表扬获胜小 组。 运用性原则 情境性原则 Homework1. Remember the new words and write from memory. 2. Listen and read the dialogue twice. (选做)3. Talk with your parents about your travelling plan on summer holiday. 复习巩固所学内容,学以致用, 和父母谈论出国旅行计划和愿 望 复现性原则 运用性原则 交际性原则 八、八、 板书设计板书设计 Blackboard design Module 5 Travel abroad Unit 9 Where will you go? Where will you go? I will go to . I will choose . I want to go to . Scoreboar d new words travel abroad nature beautiful mountains Paris food capital Sydney Opera House Harbour Bridge Tokyo modern go shopping 广州版小学英语六年级下册广州版小学英语六年级下册 Module 5 Travel abroad Unit 9 Where will you go? 课堂练习课堂练习 班级:班级: 姓名:姓名: 一、根据课文选择正确答案填表,把字母编号写在相应的位置上。 WhoWhereWhy? BenLove nature and can see many beautiful mountains and forests Australia Xiaoling love food and people say that Paris is the food capital of the world A. Paris B. a great place to go shopping C. Jiamin D. South Africa E. see the Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge F. Tokyo G. Janet 二、根据课文内容填空。 二、听句子,将人物与相应的图片连线。 三、回忆第二题的听力录音及根据图片,小组合作填空。 1.Im Mr Jobs. If I can travel to any country in the world, Id like to . I the Great Wall. 2.Im Miss Shawn. If I could in the world, Id like to go to Japan. I want to visit the Fuji . 3.Im Mimei. If I could travel to any country in the world, go to France. Id like to there. 4.Im Deming. If I could travel to any country in the world , Id like to go to . Id like to there. 5.Im Anna. If I could travel to any country in the world, Id like to go to . I want to . 四、根据自己的喜好,写下自己的旅游愿望及理由。
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