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Travel abroad I often go travelling when I have free time. Last summer holiday I went to visit Thailand. I went there by plane. It is in Southeast Asia. Thailand people speak Dai language. The national flag is white, red and blue. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is very different from Guangzhou. In Thailand, we visited some temples and palaces. Such as the Grand Palace(大皇宫) and the Black and White Temple(黑白庙). And the natural beauty there is great too , for example the Pattaya Harbour(芭堤雅港) . And there are so many funny two-in-one ladies too. You will never feel bored in Pattaya .Thailand is famous for its delicious seafood. Its hard, sour and hot. Such as Tom Yum Goong. Its very yummy. In Thailand, we could eat different kinds of fruits. Of all fruits there, I like durians and mangosteens best. There are only two seasons in Thailand, the rainy season and the dry season .When we were there, it was the dry season. It was always sunny and hot. The best time to visit Thailand is at the end of March or the beginning of April, because it is the biggest festival in Thailand Water Festival. It is the beginning of their New Year. Before the festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. During the festival, people sing, dance and throw water on each other. They think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. How interesting it is! Do you like travelling in Thailand too? If I can go travelling abroad to any country in the world this summer holiday, I will go to France. I will fly there for a eight-day holiday. First I will prepare the tickets and the passport. Then I will make my plan well .France is in West Europe. The capital city of France is Paris. I will visit some famous scenic spots in Paris. For example, Triumphal Arch, it was finished in 1836, The Eiffel Tower, which is 320meters high, it is the landmark of Paris. The view on the top of the tower is fantastic! The Louvre and The Versailles, they are the art museums, there are so many exhibits in them. The Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vincis most famous painting, is in Louvre. France is also famous for perfume, fashion clothes, cosmetics, bread and wine. French people are very romantic and they are good at playing football too ,They won the FIFA World Cup(足球世界杯赛) in 1998 and 2002 . Its interesting to travel abroad. Walk more, learn more. New words : durian 榴莲 mangosteen 山竹 Tom Yum Goong 冬阴功汤 scenic spots 景点,风景区 exhibit 展品 perfume 香水 cosmetics 化妆品 romantic 浪漫的 Travel abroad By Ms Wang Travel abroad Free talk What is the name of the country ?Are the foods and fruits delicious ? What is the location ? What about the population? Whats the capital? What language do the people speak? What are the landmarks? What colour is the national flag? How about the natural beauty? What are the scenic spots? What is the biggest city? What about the other facts? Travel abroad I often go travelling when I have free time. Last summer holiday I went to visit Thailand . I went there by plane. It is in Southeast Asia .Thailand people speak Dai language . The national flag Is white , red and blue. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is very different from Guangzhou. In Thailand , we visited some temples and palaces . Such as the Grand Palace and the Black and White Temple . And the natural beauty there is great too , for example the Pattaya Harbour . And there are so many funny two-in- one ladies too. You will never feel bored in Pattaya .Thailand is famous for its delicious seafood. Its hard, sour and hot. Such as Tom Yum Goong. Its very yummy. In Thailand, we could eat different kinds of fruits . Of all fruits there, I like durians and mangosteens best . There are only two seasons in Thailand, the rainy season and the dry season .When we were there, it was the dry season . It was always sunny and hot. The best time to visit Thailand is at the end of March or the beginning of April, because it is the biggest festival in Thailand Water Festival. It is the beginning of their New Year. Before the festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. During the festival, people sing, dance and throw water on each other. They think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. How interesting it is! Do you like travelling in Thailand too? How do you know about this country? Travel abroad I often go travelling when I have free time. Last summer holiday I went to visit Thailand . I went there by plane. It is in Southeast Asia .Thailand people speak Dai language . The national flag Is white , red and blue. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is very different from Guangzhou. In Thailand , we visited some temples and palaces . Such as the Grand Palace and the Black and White Temple . And the natural beauty there is great too , for example the Pattaya Harbour . And there are so many funny two-in-one ladies too. You will never feel bored in Pattaya .Thailand is famous for its delicious seafood. Its hard, sour and hot. Such as Tom Yum Goong. Its very yummy. In Thailand, we could eat different kinds of fruits . Of all fruits there, I like durians and mangosteens best . There are only two seasons in Thailand, the rainy season and the dry season .When we were there, it was the dry season . It was always sunny and hot. The best time to visit Thailand is at the end of March or the beginning of April, because it is the biggest festival in Thailand Water Festival. It is the beginning of their New Year. Before the festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. During the festival, people sing, dance and throw water on each other. They think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. How interesting it is! Do you like travelling in Thailand too? Please read Page 57,and answer the questions. Which food tastes sour and hot in Thailand ? What fruit does Ms Wang like best? Please read Page 57,and answer the questions. Which food tastes sour and hot in Thailand ? What fruit does Ms Wang like best? Tom Yum Goong. Durian and mangosteen. Please read Page 810,and answer the questions. When is the best time to visit Thailand? How many seasons are there in Thailand? What do the people think of throwing water each other? Please read Page 810,and answer the questions. When is the best time to visit Thailand? How many seasons are there in Thailand? At the end of March or the beginning of April. There are two . What do the people think of throwing water each other? Clean away bad things and bring good luck. LetsLets share.share. What is the capital, language and location of France? What are the landmarks in this country ? Please read Page 1114,and answer the questions. What is the capital, language and location of France? What are the landmarks in this country ? Paris, French and its in West Europe. Triumphal Arch,the Eiffel Tower,Louvre and Versailles. What is in Louvre and Versailles? Exhibits . Please read Page 1516,and answer the question. Please read Page 1516,and answer the question. What about the other facts ? Perfume,fashion clothes, cosmetics,bread and wine. French are very romantic too . Share time LetsLets draw.draw. LetsLets write.write. If I can travel to any country in the world this summer holiday . I will Id like to LetsLets share.share. romantic exhibit LetsLets thinkthink. . What do you think of travelling abroad ? 1 Teaching Plan for Grade Six Module 5 Travel abroad 模块读写综合练习模块读写综合练习 一、 教学内容教学内容 Module 5 Travel abroad 模块读写综合练习 二、二、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本模块的话题是 Travel abroad, 在 Unit 9 中以谈论旅游计划的对话形式了解南非、澳大 利亚、日本和法国这四个国家的基本情况;而在 Unit10 中,则是通过李华回复来自加拿大 John 的来信邀请,讲述作者为游览加拿大这个国家而做充分准备的旅游攻略。本模块的写 作要求是能就 Travel abroad 展开话题进行写作练习,在本读写练习课时为模块第 9 课时,在 教学中,集中讨论旅游经历和计划。结合课文 Unit 10 Fun with language,进行了教材的重构, 以提供更多的其他世界各国的风土人情,风景名胜美食等阅读材料制作而成的绘本及思维导 图模式,使学生通过听、说、读、写一系列的英语活动,在思维导图的辅助下,能就自己的 旅游计划进行书面表达,更好地运用本单元所学的语言知识进行单元话题写作。 三、三、学生分析学生分析 六年级的学生通过两年时间的写作学习经验积累,学习能力较强,各方面知识都掌握 良好,有较丰富的语言储备 。就本单元的写作目标来看,学生能综合运用所学知识描述自 己的旅游经历与计划。因此在写作中,学生能通过老师在 capital, national flags, language, location, landmarks, other facts(foods, plants , animals ,scenic spots etc.)这几个方面的引导进行 构思并运用正确时态描述自己的旅游计划。但本单元写作中学生在进行书面表达时,容易出 现无从下手,无话可说等的情况。针对以上问题,在教学设计中,教师通过强化输入文本资 料及在思维导图的帮助下,帮助学生更好解决他们所面临的困难。 四、四、 教学目标教学目标 (一)(一) 语言知识目标语言知识目标 1. 三会掌握词汇、短语:durian , mangosteen , Tom Yum Goong ,exhibit , scenic spots 2 (landmarks), perfume, cosmetics, romantic 2. 掌握文本中的国家所提及的基本情况,包括国家名称,地理位置,典型建筑,国旗,风 土人情,美食等等内容。 3. 如何从不同角度描述自己的国外旅游计划。 ( (二二) ) 语言技能目标语言技能目标 如何从不同角度更详细地描述自己的国外旅游计划攻略。 (三)(三) 情感态度目标情感态度目标 通过课堂学习,学生感受中外文化的差异,珍惜学习机会并努力生活。 (四)学习策略目标(四)学习策略目标 1 利用思维导图辅助理解阅读及英语话题写作的学习策略。 2 培养学生积极运用所学知识于实际的活动与交流中的学习策略。 3 培养学生小组合作学习,共同完成学习任务的策略。 (五)文化意识目标(五)文化意识目标 了解不同国家的一些风俗习惯,风土人情,典型建筑,风景美食,知道并尊重当地的习俗礼 仪。 五、五、教学重、难点教学重、难点 1. 能理解比课文难度略高的有关本模块话题的文本。 2. 如何从不同角度更详细地描述自己的国外旅游计划。 六、六、 教学策略教学策略 1在课堂学习中,通过思维导图和分级阅读法归纳小结文章的关键信息,让学生学会观察 概括提取阅读资料的主要信息,从而梳理清文章的脉络,帮助学生理解文章。 2.学生在思维导图的辅助下,能从不同角度展开话题写作。 3 3紧密联系学生的生活实际,让学生从生活出发,语言学习与生活实际紧密联系,使语言 学习更贴近生活。 4. 通过大量的世界各大国的风土人情,风景美食等知识(自编的 6 个文本教材资料)的输 入与渗透,通过问题的引导,从点到面拓展学生观察、分析与归纳文本的思维能力,在绘本 阅读与写作教学中引导学生发展其概括思维、发散思维以及创造性思维。 七、七、 教学设计理念教学设计理念 课堂教学中时刻渗透并利用思维导图,分级阅读法中的图片环游法进行阅读理解,帮助 学生进行观察分析与归纳,培养学生的思维能力,提高英语阅读理解能力;同时通过思维导 图,为学生的单元话题写作提供范例,使学生更容易开展英语写作练习。 其次,课堂上创设真实有效的语言环境,在真实的语言环境中通过视频、图片等直观的 手段进行大量的语言信息输入,让学生在能四十分钟的课堂学习中更大程度地进行语言的输 入,以促进学生语言的输出。 再者,在课堂上,课题组老师注意培养学生利用思维导图提取文本主要信息,根据思维 导图的提示进行复述,指导学生在思维导图的辅助下更好地运用单元模块的语言知识进行话 题写作。在多次的课例研讨实践中,已经建立起初步的教学模式,学生经过近一年的课堂指 导和实践,已经掌握了一些思维导图的基本模式,看到主题能够有意识地想到相关的信息, 并能自己绘制思维导图,所写的短文字数增加了,表达更流畅了 最后,六年级的学生受年龄特点的影响,学习风格与中年段有一定的区别,因此教学中, 教师更多采用小组合作的形式开展新知识的学习,通过小组合作学习,尽量带动更多的学生 特别是英语学习中下生参与到课堂学习中来。 八、课题研训成果八、课题研训成果 我科组的两项课题分别于 2018 年 6 月和 2019 年 3 月开题,课题名称分别为海珠区教育 科学“十三五”规划课题利用思维导图提高小学高年段英语写作能力的实践研究以 及 PRT 项目子课题利用思维导图培养学生英语思维能力的课堂研究 ,开题后课题组老师 围绕课题进行了大量的调查和研究,两课题相互辉映,相辅相成。两个课题的研究中科组老 师们结合 PRT 项目组以玩中学(Learning by Playing ) ,读中学(Learning by Reading) ,思中 学(Learning by Thinking)的教学理念,与项目组的阅读教学、任务型教学和行动研究理念 方法相结合,为孩子们提供自然交流分享的平台,让孩子们在游戏、海量阅读、主题思考中 培养良好的英语学科核心素养。 4 九、九、 课前准备课前准备 PPT / Worksheet / 思维导图 / 学生国外旅游经历手抄报,Mind map 和文章 十、教学过程十、教学过程 ( (一一).). WarmingWarming upup 1. Watch the video about some countries. (【设计意图】:观看关于世界一些大国的特辑微课视频,导入主题 travel abroad,为学生 描述自己的旅游计划攻略提供更多的语言素材,为后文学习进行铺垫。) 2. Free talk: What do you want to know about these countries ? (【设计意图】:引导学生拓宽思维空间,说一说从本课时以及刚看到的视频想要获取哪些 信息和知识,并且表达自己的看法和见解,做到脑中有对学习内容的思考,心中有学习目标。 ) 如:What is the name of the country ? Where is it ? Whats its location ? What colour is the national flag ? What about the population ? Whats the capital of the country ? Whats the biggest city in this country ? What is its natural beauty ? What is it famous for ? Are the foods and fruits delicious in this country ? What are the landmarks in it ? 5 How about the plants and animals ? What about the languages ? What about the other facts of this country ? ( (二二).). Pre-taskPre-task 1. 老师分享自身去年的旅游经历。引导学生讨论如果要谈论一个国家,可以从哪些方面陈 述。How do you know about this country Thailand ? 板书 Mind map 第一层 capital, location, landmarks , flag , language , other facts 。 (【设计意图】:通过与老师的互动交谈,让学生学习如何通过思维导图获取和整理阅读材 料的重要信息,完成思维导图的第一层板书,为下一环节的小组合作阅读学习做好示范引导。 ) 2. 回答问题并学习新词 durian, mangosteen, Tom Yum Goong (【设计意图】: 教学过程中应用分级阅读法中的图片环游阅读法教学模式对配图文章自 制阅读绘本进行讲解,讲解内容是绘本的第 110 页。 ) PassagePassage Travel abroad I often go travelling when I have free time. Last summer holiday I went to visit Thailand . I went there by plane. It is in Southeast Asia . Thailand people speak Dai language. The national flag is white ,red and blue. Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, it is very different from Guangzhou. In Thailand , we visited some temples and palaces . Such as the Grand Palace(大皇宫) and the Black and White Temple(黑白庙). And the natural beauty there is great too , for example the Pattaya Harbour(芭堤雅港) . And there are so many funny two-in-one ladies too. You will never feel bored in Pattaya .Thailand is famous for its delicious seafood. Its hard, sour and hot. Such as Tom Yum Goong. Its very yummy. In Thailand, we could eat different kinds of fruits . Of all fruits there, I like durians and mangosteens best . There are only two seasons in Thailand, the rainy season and the dry season .When we were there, it was the dry season . It was always sunny and hot. The best time to visit Thailand is at the end of March or the beginning of April, because it is the biggest festival in Thailand Water Festival. It is the 6 beginning of their New Year. Before the festival, people clean their houses and cook nice food. During the festival, people sing, dance and throw water on each other. They think that water can clean away bad things and bring good luck. How interesting it is! Do you like travelling in Thailand too? New words : durian 榴莲 mangosteen 山竹 Tom Yum Goong 冬阴功汤 2. 分享手抄报、Mind maps 、旅游经历文章 (【设计意图】:引导学生树立心中目标:世界那么大,多多去看看,读万卷书,行万里路。 ) ( (三三).While-task).While-task 1.谈论老师今年的旅游计划,继续完善板书 Mind maps (【设计意图】:教学过程中继续应用分级阅读法中的图片环游阅读法教学模式,对配图文 章自制阅读绘本进行讲解,讲解内容为第 1016 页。 ) Passage: Travel abroad If I can go travelling abroad to any country in the world this summer holiday, I will go to France. I will fly there for a eight-day holiday. First I will prepare the tickets and the passport. Then I will make my plan well .France is in West Europe. The capital city of France is Paris. I will visit some famous scenic spots in Paris. For example, Triumphal Arch,it was finished in 1836,The Eiffel Tower ,which is 320meters high ,it is the landmark of Paris . The view on the top of the tower is fantastic! The Louvre and The Versailles, they are the art museums,there are so many exhibits in them . The Mona Lisa, Leonardo Da Vincis most famous painting, is in Louvre. France is also famous for perfume,fashion clothes ,cosmetics ,bread and wine. French people are very romantic and they are good at playing football too ,They won the FIFA World Cup(足球世界杯赛) in 1998 and 2002 . I think France is a great place to visit . Its interesting to travel abroad . Remember! Walk more , learn more . New words : scenic spots 景点,风景区 exhibit 展品 7 perfume 香水 cosmetics 化妆品 romantic 浪漫的 3. 四人小组分享其他朋友的旅游计划旅游攻略文章。 (【设计意图】: 小组进行阅读,绘本第 17 页,通过分小组合作阅读,提高阅读的效率。分 享别人的 Travel plan ,从中获取更多国外的资讯,拓宽视野,为下面写作任务的完成做好铺 垫。) 4. Discuss in class and share the passage . (【设计意图】:更多文本材料的输入,让学生对于如何拟写 travel plan 做到更加心中有数, 8 为下一步的课堂任务的完成做好充分准备。) (四)(四).Post-task.Post-task 1.Draw a mind map by themselves and share the mind map in groups . (【设计意图】:以思维导图形式完成 Fun with language 中的任务 travel abroad . 使学生能 从更多不同角度去描述自己的旅游计划攻略,并组内交流自己的想法。通过指导学生如何在 思维导图的辅助下从不同角度描述自己的旅游计划攻略,并通过在小组合作中互相交流,合 作思维碰撞,调动学生思考的积极性。) 2.Write a short passage about their travel plans with the help of the mind map. (【设计意图】:在思维导图的辅助下,完成单元话题写作。 ) 3.Share their writings 让学生介绍自己的国外旅游攻略. (【设计意图】:通过分享不同的习作,鼓励孩子们要努力学习,微笑生活,走出国门,增 长见识。) 4.思想情感教育:What do you think of travelling abroad ? We are Chinese ,we are in Asia , Asia is in the world . Remember : Walk more ! Learn more ! (【设计意图】:中国在亚洲,亚洲在世界。让学生懂得用发展的眼光去看待自己的学习生 活,多走出国门,看看瞧瞧,增长见识。) (五)(五).Homework.Homework 1. Search more details about travelling abroad. 2. Finish the passage. *板书设计板书设计 Module 5 Travel abroad 9
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