2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第1章:名词(2)名词的数.docx

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2021年小升初英语语法专项培优突破 第1章:名词(2)名词的数.docx_第1页
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1、2 2名词的数名词的数 可数名词在应用时有单数与复数的区别, 表示一个用单数, 两个以上用复数。 名词复数形式是在单数名词后加-s 或-es 构成的。另外,表示不可数名词的量, 用容器的量来表示,即单位+of +物质名词的形式,如 a cup of coffee(一杯咖啡)。 名词的数名词的数 单数 a bird(一只鸟) an egg(一个蛋) 复数 three birds(三只鸟) many eggs(许多蛋) 1.单数单数 英语中,如果我们要表示一本书、一只鸟、一棵树等概念时,要用名词的单 数形式,表示名词的单数,要在名词前加冠词 a 或 an。 This is a desk . 这是一

2、张书桌。 There is an orange on the table . 桌上有一个橘子。 an orange 一个橘子 an new orange () a new orange () 一个新橘子 a desk a old desk () an old desk () 一张旧课桌 a 和和 an 的使用区别的使用区别 a 加在以辅音开头的名词前,如 a book,a pen。 an 加在以元音开头的名词前,如 an egg,an apple。 注意注意 有时 a,an 后面紧接的不是单数名词,而是 a (an) +形容词+单数名词的形式。这 时判断用 a 还是 an 来表示“一个”的概念

3、时,要看形容词开头字母的发音,而不 是看名词。 2.复数复数 英语中,如果要表示两本书、三个学生、四把椅子这些两个或两个以上的概 念时,要用名词的复数形式,名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加上词尾-s 或-es 构成的。 These are books. 这些是书。 There are many tomatoes on the table. 桌上有一些西红柿。 2.名词复数的构成法名词复数的构成法 规则变化 单数复数 book(书)books dish(盘子)dishes city(城市)cities knife(小刀)knives 不规则变化 单数复数 man(男人)men foot(脚)fee

4、t child(小孩)children fish(鱼)fish 1.规则变化的复数形式规则变化的复数形式 a.一般情况下加-s girlgirls bookbooks penpens bagbags b.以 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的加-es busbuses boxboxes watchwatches tomatotomatoes brushbrushes 例外 radioradios pianopianos photophotos c.以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词把 y 变成 i 加-es citycities countrycountries 注意注意 以元音字母+y 结尾的名词单数

5、变复数时,y 不变,直接加 s。如:daydays d.以 f 或 fe 结尾的,去掉 f 或 fe,变 v 加 es leafleaves lifelives knifeknives 例外 roofroofs 2.不规则变化的复数形式不规则变化的复数形式 a.元音发生变化 manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth mousemice b.词尾发生变化 childchildren c.单数、复数形式相同 fishfish JapaneseJapanese deerdeer sheepsheep ChineseChinese 注意 这些词是可数名词,且单复数形式

6、相同,所以可以写为: This is a fish. These are fish. 另外,fish 作为鱼肉讲时是不可数的。 There is much fish on the plate. 3.复数词尾复数词尾 s 或或 es 的读音方法的读音方法 情况读法例词 在p t kf等清辅音后scups,hats,cakes,roofs 在s z tf f 3等音后iz glasses,faces,horses,brushes,peaches 其他情况下zbeds,days,cities,knives 注意 可数名词表示复数时,可以和 few,a few,many,a large number

7、of,a lot of,lots of,plenty of 连用。 3 物质名词量的表示方法物质名词量的表示方法 Will you have a cup of coffee? 你要不要喝一杯咖啡? 物质名词是不可数名词,表示物质名词的量,可以用以下两种方法: 1.用用 much,a little,a lot of 等表示多少等表示多少 There is much water in the glass. 杯子里有一些水。 I have a little money. 我有一些钱。 注意 表示不可数名词量的词语, 如 some, a lot of , much, a little ,little

8、,lots of ,plenty of 。 2.用容器表示用容器表示 a cup of tea 一杯茶 a glass of water 一杯水 a bottle of orange 一瓶橘汁 a piece of paper 一张纸 a slice of bread一片面包 如要表示两杯茶、四张纸这类概念时,在容器后加复数,如: two cups of tea 两杯茶 four pieces of paper 四张纸 three glasses of water 三杯水 名词的数名词的数 练习题练习题 1. The commander said that two_ would be sent

9、 to the Iraqi front the next day. A. womens doctorB. women doctors C. womens doctorsD. women doctor 【答案】B 【解析】复合名词的复数中含有构词成分 man / woman 时,将变为 men / women, 且所修饰的名词也要变成复数。 2. “Look! The police _ here to keep order! Go away quickly,” one of them shouted. A. is comingB. comesC. are comingD. has come 【答

10、案】C 【解析】特殊类群体名词 police / cattle 做主语时,谓语动词用复数;“警察”个体 用 policeman / policewoman;牛的个体用 a head of cattle。 3. She could not speak English, but made her wishes known by means of _. A. signs B. sighs C. movements D. words 【答案】A 【解析】signs 指“手势”,还可用 our expressions 和 gesture 等 body movements 来 表达思想。sigh 意为“叹

11、息”,words 与前半句矛盾。 4. In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesnt make any _. A. ideaB. meaningC. senseD. point 【答案】C 【解析】make sense 是习语,意为“有道理”、“意义清楚”。 5. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first _. A. in

12、tentionB. attemptC. purposeD. desire 【答案】B 【解析】比较:attempt=尝试,企图;intention=意图;purpose=目的;desire=欲望。 6. _ food is kept in his new cave, but at last Saddam was still arrested. A. Large quantities ofB. A great deal of C. A large number ofD. Quite a few 【答案】B 【解析】记住:a large / great / good quantity / amou

13、nt of +复数名词或不可数名词, 谓语动词用单数;large / great / good quantities / amounts of +复数名词或不可数名 词,谓语动词用复数。 7. Lets try operating the machine right now. Wait. Better read the _first. A. InstructionsB. explanations C. informationD. introduction 【答案】A 【解析】instructions 说明书(常用复数),explanation 解释、说明。 8.The rest of the

14、magazines_ within half an hour. A. is sold outB. was sold out C. were sold outD. are sold out 【答案】C 【解析】 Most of / Half of / Part of / part of +名作主语,谓语与 of 后面的名词保持一 致。本题中 magazines 是可数名词复数,故谓语动词用复数。 9. Youd have more _of catching the train if you took a bus to the station instead of walking. A. oppo

15、rtunityB. chanceC. timeD. energy 【答案】B 【解析】表示“机会”时,opportunity 和 chance 两者均可;但表示“可能性”时,只 能用 chance。 10.The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses_ much if people leave things_ they are. A. doesnt change; asB. arent changed; like C. dont change; likeD. dont change; as 【答案】A 【解析】The number of +

16、 名词复数,谓语常用单数;A. number of + 名词复数, 谓语常用复数。 11. I knew I shouldnt accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his _. A. offerB. suggestionC. requestD. plan 【答案】A 【解析】表示主动提供的东西,用 offer。 12._it is to gather with President Bush at such a special Thanksgiving Day in Iraq! A.

17、what a funB. what funC. how funD. what joy 【答案】B 【解析】抽象名词表泛指时一般不与冠词连用。 13. Oh., John_ you gave us! A. How a great surpriseB. how pleasant surprise C. what a pleasant surpriseD. what pleasant surprise 【答案】C 【解析】抽象名词有前置或后置修饰语时,前面用不定冠词,使之具体化; 如: A. happy life / a good education in that university / a w

18、ide knowledge of nature 14 He is_ as a leader but he hasnt_ in teaching. A. success; many experiencesB. a success; much experience C. great success; an experienceD. a great success; a lot of experiences 【答案】A 【解析】表具有某种特性、状态、特点、情感、情绪的人和事;如:She is a success in cause but a failure in marriage.(成功者、失败者) 15 Who did you spend last weekend with? _. A. PalmersB. The PalmersC. The PalmersD. The Palmers 【答案】C 【解析】表示 Palmer 一家人,指一家人时常用 the +姓氏的复数。


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