科普版五年级下册Lesson 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve -ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:70046).zip

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Lesson9 Do you always have lunch at twelve? Read : Is he late? A joke! Teacher:Tom.why are you always late for school today? Tom:Every time I come to near the school. I can see a sign(标志) “school-Go Slow ” 科普版 LessonLesson 9 9 DoDo youyou alwaysalways havehave lunchlunch atat twelve?twelve? ReadRead :Is:Is hehe late?late?教学设计教学设计 教学背景:教学背景:20172017 年年我市举行都匀市中小学教师继续教育工程小学英语学科 同课异构活动。我有幸展示了科普版五年级下册 Lesson9Do you always have lunch at twelve?Read 学习板块。这一课时的主要场景是 Scott 的学 习生活时间安排。 教材分析:教材分析:本课是已在第 9 课的 Lets learn、Lets talk 中学习了 breakfast, have breakfast, lunch, have lunch, school, go to school, exercise, do morning exercises 等词和短语及 Do you alwaysusually?句 型结构及回答。有了上两节课时的词汇、句型与对话学习作为铺垫,教本课时 的阅读学习就相对来说较为容易些许。 教学目标设定:1.理解故事内容,能有感情地朗读故事。2.能听懂、会读、会 说一下词汇:late、exercise, kitchen,toilet,early。3.能 教教学学设设计计理理念念: 教学对象是五年级学生,此阶段学生有一定的单词 积累,而且富有一定的逻辑思维能力,随着学习内容和语言结构的增加, 学生在学习、理解、掌握知识方面需要合理的教学方法和手段,以激发 学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性和主动性。 Teaching content : Lesson 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve?( Read) Teaching aims : 1. Enable the students to master the new words: late,kitchen,toilet. 2.Enable the students to master the new phrases : get up ,do morning exercises 3. Help them to learn the main sentences: Its time for school .Dad always takes me to school .The clock in my room isnt working. Ability aims: 1.Enable them to use what theyve learned in class.Especially to open their mouth to speak ,to practice oral English and take part in different activities. 2.Develop their abilities of communication. Emotion aims:Cultivate the spirit of teamwork 4、Teaching difficulties and key points: 1.To master the new words and phrases. 2.To help them freely express their ideas. 3.To work in groups and solve problem. 4.To help them improve reading skills and ability 教学用具:(Teaching aids ):录音机、磁带、PPT、learning card。 Teaching steps : 1、Pre-reading: 1.Greeting :. 设计意图:课前的对话不仅能活跃课堂气氛,还能使学生尽快进入英语学习氛 围中。 2.Free talk T:what time is it? Ss:Its . T:Great,its time forto .(breakfast, do morning exercises, school,lunch) (设计意图:利用画钟面时间引导学生说,在复习旧知的同时为新知呈现做好铺 垫。同时在单词教学的环节中把他们转换成动词短语,达到层层递进。) 2.Sentences: 引导学生用英语表达自己的生活作息时间 Ss: I usually have breakfast at 7:00. I always do morning exercises at 7:20. . (设计意图: ) 贴出 Scott 头像,T:Tody Lets talk about Scotts daily life.把 Scott 的头像卡片填在每一个钟面图片旁引导学生用第三人称来说句子 Ss: He usually has breakfast at 7:00. He always does morning exercises at 7:10. . 设计意图:让学生在老师设计的教学过程中不断的开口说英语,同时在说的过 程中领悟出第三人称单数句子在表达时需要注意动词应有怎样的变化。 二、While-reading A.T:According to these sentences ,We see he has lots of good habits, yes? But today he gets up at 8:00.Its time for school. Is he late?(引出 课题、板书) B. First lets look at the PPT. Its eight, this time if youre Scott. What do you want to say?(让学生尝试表达情感) C. Listen to the tape .Then tick out the words and phrases you hear. D. Listen to the tape and choose the sentences you hear. 设计意图:拿出学习卡,让学生听录音勾出听到的词、短语和句子,既 能有效地帮助学生获得本课的重点内容,又能锻炼学生的听力。 E. Read by yourselves with the questions 1.Does he usually get up at 8:00? 2.When does he always do morning exercise? 3.Does his mum always breakfast at 7:30? 4.Is his mum in the kitchen? 5.When does his Dad always take him to school? 6.Is he late or early? What time is it now in picture 5? 7.Whats wrong with his clock? 设计意图:问题的提出帮助学生在阅读语篇的同时可借助问题的指引 对学习内容能有更一层的理解,为后面的学习活动做良好的铺垫。 F.Talk with your partner:How to answer the question? G.Solve the problem together and read. 设计意图:英语阅读的学习可以促成大量的语言输入和输出,可以帮助学生得 到乐趣,获取信息,养成良好的英语表达习惯。 3、Post-reading 1.Action:The dialogue of the last one picture 2.Funny joke: Show the traffic sign and lead in a joke”School-Go Slow”. 设计意图:语言交流的过程是语言输入和输出的过程。培养学生认真听的能力 是表达英语的前提,让学生带着任务去听。操练的形式多样化让每个学生都有 发言、开口的机会,扩大了操练范围。并且学生的注意力也得到了集中。在教 学中教师加以引导,学生就可以循序渐进地讲一些句子再加上直观教学和肢体语 言表达本课知识点,印象直观、深刻。真正把课堂的时间和空间让给学生,营 造了浓厚的英语氛围,激起了学生的兴趣,引导学生乐于用英语开口说话。 四、Homework: 1、listen to the tape and read the talk. 2 、Action the talk with your parents or partners. 设计意图:作业的布置应注重发展学生的听说能力和培养学生实际运用英语的 能力,应倡导实践、探究和合作的新型作业方式。让学生从作业中获得积极的 情感体验,形成有效的学习策略,获得有效的学习效果。 板书设计: LessonLesson 9 9 DoDo youyou alwaysalways havehave lunchlunch atat twelve?twelve? 钟面一(图片) 钟面二 (图片) have breakfast do morning exercises 钟面三(图片) 钟面四 (图片) go to chool have lunch
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